geo 135 Flashcards
The doctrine that many different cultures can and should coexist peacefully and equitably in the same place.
A group with a common origin and cultural tradition and cultural heart/homeland that exists within a host cultural.
A group of people who share a legan attachment and/or personal allegiance to a particular country.
An artificial classification based on minor biological/genetic differences.
Acculturation VS Assimilation
Acculturation - A group change enough to function within a host society.
Assimilation- A complete blending with the host society (united state and canada.)
Tossed Salad/Stew/Melting Pot
TS - Bunch of different cultures being put together. Do not merge into a single homogeneous culture.
S- The idea each culture is still its own, however taking adaptations from other cultures around them. More alike than the tossed salad.
Melting Pot- Different cultures come together and blend as one homogeneous culture.
Does racism still exist in the US?
Characteristics of the Region (Latin America)
Ethnicity and Diversity - Mixed ethnicities
Language - Spanish, portuguese, dutch, english. CREOLE: Mixture of native and new languages.
Religion -Christian, indigenous.
Population Distribution - inland, primate city- overwhelming impact.
The pattern of one country asserting power in establishing a reliance abroad to increase economic power and wealth back home.
expansion of a countries territory over another, often an unequal relationship centered on domination,
The process of improving the conditions of people usually economically, through diffusion of knowledge, technology and finance.
LDC vs MDC vs Global South
LDC - are a group of countries that have been classified by the UN as “least developed” in terms of their low gross national income (GNI), their weak human assets and their high degree of economic vulnerability
MDC -have post-industrial economies, meaning the service sector provides more wealth than the industrial sector.
GS - refers to the countries of the rest of the world, most of which are located in the Southern Hemisphere. It includes both countries with medium human development (88 countries with an HDI less than .8 and greater than .5) and low human development (32 countries with an HDI of less than .5).
Study of impacts of colonialism.
the use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies.
increase linkage between cultures breaking down traditional barriers and making traditional borders less meaningless.
A group of people who share a common cultural background and history
A legalized territory with an effective independent system of government.
Nation- State
. Political unit in which the people (the nation) are unified under a similar heritage or culture and are under a unified common government (the state).
Doctrine of First Effective Settlement
1st culture to effectively dominate an area will have the longest lasting effects on it.
A thin vertical plane with no width that separates two territories.
Stages of boundary creation
4 Processes
- description (or definition)
- delimitation (official mapping)
- Demarcation (physical implementation)
- administration (maintenance)
Three Morphological Types of boundaries
- Mathematical/geometric boundaries - straight or curved lines
- physiographic (natural) boundaries - lakes and oceans, exx. the ohio river
- Ethnographic/Anthropogenic boundaries - drawn with respect to cultural things. or language.
Three Evolutionary Boundaries
- Antecedent - drawn before they settle
- Subsequent - after cultures plant themselves in place, after wars
- superimposed - outside power stating the boundaries they want to see. ex africa
- Relic - Ancient boundaries, does not function anymore still see if though. Ex. Great wall of china.
Centripetal Forces VS Centrifugal Froces
Centripetal - An attribute, or an object or influence that unifies people, nation, or state.
Centrifugal - Attributes, objects or influence that ten to disrupt a state, or tear people apart.
Raison d’etre
“reason for being”
an idea or ideology, common purpose that binds people together.
Symbol. Ex. flag, effel tower, etc.
Roma People
- Live in a first world country in third world conditions.
- Live 15 years less than Europeans
- Have segregated schools
- Most are not registered as citizen
- Don’t have a land the call their own so they are spread across many states. Losing their identity.
- Some women joined European console and got in parliament.
Post-colonialism in Europe
“More than any other region, Europe has shaped the human geography of the modern world.” Example, Denmark, london bombings 2005, swiss mosques, paris attacks january 7th 2015.
Supernational Organizations
Unification of several states/nations into a group that carries out government function and economic roles that group of states/nation…..United Nations. NATO.
Sea level rise in the Pacific
- half the population is crammed onto one island
- dont have a lot of drinking water
- land and resources are scarce.
- people are losing their homes and being forced to leave because of the sea level rising.
Russia and its many names
- Russia, Russia and the near abroad, Post Soviet Region, Russia and its Neighbor, USSR, Sphere of Influence.
Union Soviet Socialist Republics.
Empire Influence
- Iron Curtain
- Enemy
- Warsaw Pact, counter of NATO
- Spheres of Influence, satellite states
- Eastern Bloc/Communist Bloc
Named after geographic feature peninsula
- Fragmentation of region into smaller, other hostile political units (the process)
A region where boundaries have been redrawn many times (pattern)
Ethnic Conflict
1 Understanding the conflict
2 desire for autonomy
3 supremacy
4 fear of oppression
Ethnic Cleansing
The process where a more powerful ethnicity removes a less powerful ethnicity in order to create an ethnically homogenous region.
Yugoslavia VS Switzerland
Yugoslavia - Joseph Tito, leader, all hell broke lose after death. - many empires - 5 nationalities - 4 languages - 3 religions - 2 alphabets Switzerland - 4 nationalities - 3 religions - Neutral stance in war - no empire -most peaceful country in the world
Yugoslavia and Switzerland diffencerce.
Neutrality, money, ecology. Also because of the empire and physical geography has had an influence too.
Roles of boundaries in states/nations
States - distinguish authority economic resources and identity
Nations - protection and separates values.
Functions of ethnic groups
- still exist
- keepers of traditions
- political power base
- business success
- friendship/marriage