Genomics OSFA 2019 Flashcards
Describe culturing of chorionic villi samples/amniotic fluid samples
Which steps do we take to protect from errors?
Villi enzymatically digested (mixing several villi reduces the risk of false positives/negatives due to CPM)
Blood stained amniotic fluids: Centrifugate through gradient to separate amniocytes and RBCs
2-3 cultures are set up in different incubators, so that if a culture is lost due to contamination/incubator fault, back-ups are available and culturing artefacts can be verified/ruled out from a second culture
Culture medium contains antibiotics
Change of pH can be a sign of infection (bacteria (pink->yellow), fungi (pink->red), not so much yeasts)
Cloudiness (generally bacterial)
Granular, shimmering appearance (=bacteria), particles, sometimes chains (=yeast), mycelia filaments (fungi) can be seen in x100 phase contrast
When single or multiple abnormal cells are found in CVS or AF cultures, more cells can be analysed. Guidelines describe basic, moderate and extensive workup with a number of cells from 1 or more separate cultures to exclude culturing artefacts.
QF-PCR trisomy result from a CVS shows only biallelic markers - what to do next and why?
Use back-up markers to try and get a tri-allelic result
A bi-allelic result may result from a mitotic event in the placenta and represent confined placental mosaicism which is not representative of the fetus
Confirm the ID with maternal sample (if not available: Confirm result by FISH)
QF-PCR on a CVS or amniotoc fluid shows 1 marker with skewed ratio between 2 peaks or a 3rd allele with lower peak height. What can be done and what may this signify?
Repeat marker at 53 and 58 degrees: Marker may resolve to normal ratio
Check if marker is flanked by normal markers
Run parental sample if available
A SNP under primer binding site may have reduced the primer efficiency producing a peak with lower height
If inconclusive ratio or three alleles persists this could be due to microsatellite instability or submicroscopic duplication
What to do if the QF-PCR result for a prenatal sample shows maternal cell contamination?
In cases without abnormal scan results: Do karyotyping on cultured cells
In cases with abnormal scan results: Do microarray on cultured cells
Culturing may result in amniocytes/chorionic vili digest to outgrow the leucocytes and thereby overcome the MCC
Contact the clinician to inform them of the delay to the result
A QF-PCR result on a CVS shows evidence of trisomy 21 in 3/5 markers (1 biallelic and 2 triallelic). What to do next?
What if it was an amniotic fluid?
CVS: Use the maternal sample for sample ID check to ensure there has been no sample mix-up in the laboratory
Amniotic fluid: Extract from a banked aliquot or a pour-off from the culture and repeat the test to confirm sample ID
Report as a preliminary result and activate long-term cultures for karyotyping to confirm the mode of trisomy (regular/Robertsonian or other translocation)
If translocation involved request parental samples to determine if inherited or de novo to determine recurrence risk
An XY QF-PCR result on a CVS shows evidence of monosomy X. What to do next?
What if it was an amniotic fluid?
Repeat the XY QF-PCR
CVS: Confirm the ID with maternal sample
Amniotic fluid: Extract from a banked aliquot or a pour-off from the culture and repeat the test to confirm sample ID
A XXY result was seen by QF-PCR on an amniotic fluid. The sample was referred due to choroid plexus cysts and duodenal atresia.
What do you do next?
Repeat the QF-PCR on new extraction to confirm the result and sample ID
Look at microarray result to see if this confirms the finding (if this was not an abscan, findings from QF-PCR that does not explain the referral reason could still be followed up by microarray).
Could do karyotyping if suspect mosaicism and would like an estimate of level.
Word the report very carefully to highlight that this is an incidental finding, which does not explain the scan findings
Explain the significance of Klinefelter disease
A CVS sample arrives with referral due to raised NT and raised risk from combined test (1 in 5). Gestation by scan is 13+0 weeks.
What would you do when triaging this sample?
Clarify with clinician if the raised NT is >3.5 mm to determine if this is an abnormal scan finding and needs microarray.
If NT <3.5 mm:
Do QF-PCR on CVS digest (if there is enough material for digest)
Bank a long-term culture
Extract DNA from maternal sample for MCC studies
If NT >3.5 mm:
All of the above and also initiate microarray analysis and XY QF-PCR
Explain QF-PCR
Quantitatively amplify regions of DNA that include tetranucleotide microsatellite markers, which are polymorphic in population. (Tetranucleotide markers are less prone to polymerase slippage than smaller repeats, therefore smaller stutter peaks). Not too many cycles, as want to capture exponential phase. Analysed using fluorescent capillary electrophoresis. Five markers on each chromosome 13, 18 and 21 are analysed. AMEL marker is not polymorphic, but always 103 bp on X and 109 bp on Y). Back-up kits with 4 extra markers are available if first kit only has uninformative markers or are all bi-allelic.
Ratio of 0.8-1.4 (1.5 further apart) is normal. Ratio of <0.65 or >1.8 is trisomic.
If only 1 allele is seen, this could be due to drop-out of other allele of patient is homozygous at this locus (uninformative).
Skewing of AMEL markers may indicate sex chromosome aneuploidy or contamination (e.g. MCC).
If 1 marker only gives a result that conflicts with other markers: Repeat single marker. Can lower annealing temperature (if polymorphism is present under primer binding site). Can do back-up markers if surrounding markers are uninformative. Tri-allelic result in 1 marker only may be true result from somatic instability (MSI) or submicroscopic duplication (SMD).
Run parental samples: Can see if SMD inherited.
Describe the antenatal screening programme (NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP))
First trimester combined screen (/NT screen): Maternal serum markers (free ß-human chorionic
gonadotrophin (hCG) and pregnancy-associated plasmaprotein-A (PAPP-A)), nuchal translucency and maternal age combined into risk. Offer CVS if high risk (>1:150).
If women book late they can have the Quadruple test: Maternal serum markers (alpha-fetoprotein (AFP),
free ß-human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), unconjugated estriol (uE3) and inhibin-A) and maternal age are combined into risk. Offer amniocentesis if high risk (>1:150).
Testing done by QF-PCR, which can detect trisomy 21, 18 and 13, triploidy and monosomy X. They are screened for because they are relatively common and can result in abnormal scan findings, confer a risk of spontaneous abortion or stillbirth and may lead to live born children with mental and physical problems. The test may detect other abnormalities (other sex chromosome abnormalities, mosaic forms or unbalanced translocations).
If QF-PCR is positive: Do karyotyping.
If QF-PCR is negative: Do microarray
What to put in report for a prenatal QF-PCR result showing a trisomy?
What if it was bi-allelic only also in back-up markers?
Provisional result Indicates trisomy Sample identity confirmed Fetal sex No evidence of other trisomies CPM can occur (if CVS, 2% of viable pregnancies) Confirmation by karyotype will follow List features of trisomy
If bi-allelic markers only word more carefully to indicate that could be CPM
When can a CVS be taken?
When can an amniotic fluid be taken?
When can maternal sample be taken for NIPT?
CVS: Usually between 11-13 weeks (must not be performed before 10 weeks)
AF: Usually after 15 weeks (must not be performed before 14 weeks)
NIPT: cffDNA can be detected from 7 weeks, but blood sample not taken until 10 weeks
In which circumstances can NIPT be offered?
In which circumstances can CVS/AF be offered?
NIPT: Following high risk screening for T21, 13, 18
If abnormalities seen on ultrasound scan then CVS or AF may be better as may need microarray
CVS/AF: NIPT high risk Screening high risk (NIPT declined) Previous pregnancy aneuploidy Known familial translocation (e.g. Robertsonian)
What causes Fragile X syndrome?
> 99% of cases: expansion of CGG repeat in 5’-UTR of the FMR1 gene on Xq27.3 leading to abnormal hypermethylation of the promoter region and absence of expression of the RNA-binding protein, FRMP.
The expansion causes a fragile site, which can be seen in approximately 2-40% of blood cells.
Normal: up to 45 repeats
Intermediate: 46 - 58 repeats
Premutation: 59 - approximately 200 repeats, unmethylated
Full mutation: Greater than approximately 200 repeats, methylated
Expansion from a premutation to a full mutation is
invariably on transmission through female meiosis; paternal transmissions can be unstable but
never result in a full mutation.
A small minority of Fragile X cases are due to point mutations or deletions in the coding sequence; these do not exhibit fragile site expression or hypermethylation.
What are the clinical features of fragile X syndrome and other FMR1-related disorders?
Fragile X syndrome: Moderate to severe intellectual and social impairment together with syndromic features
including large ears and head, long face and macroorchidism
Females with full expansion: 50% experience symptoms with varying severity (possibly due to varying X-inactivation in affected tissue)
Affects 1 in 4000-9000 males and 1 in 7000-15000 females
Premutation alleles cause two quite different
disease phenotypes at lower penetrance: primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) in females and
Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS)
POI: Amenorrhea in women before the age of 40 for four or more months in association with FSH levels in the menopausal range. Approximately 20% of premutation carriers develop POI compared to 1% in the general
FXTAS is a late-onset neurodegenerative disorder found predominantly in male carriers of FMR1 premutations. Females can also be affected, but less severely. Accumulation of expanded CGG repeat mRNA contributes to intranuclear inclusions. Penetrance is age-related.
Premutation/full mutation mosaicism is not uncommon. This presents a dilemma when a premutation is detected in a patient referred for Fragile X
syndrome: is the premutation itself the cause of symptoms, is it a coincidental finding or could
the patient be mosaic for a premutation and a full mutation.
What is the testing strategy for a patient referred for fragile X syndrome/FMR1-related disease?
Array-CGH is more likely to detect an abnormality of clinical significance, but may lead to increase in reporting time and incidental findings.
Referrals for POI/POF may be tested by conventional karyotype to rule out sex chromosome abnormalities.
UKGTN criteria: Moderate to severe intellectual disability, and does not have profound psychomotor handicap
Prenatal testing: Available if confirmed family history and referred through CG. Offered to all women with an allele of 55 CGG repeats or greater. Test sex first (ffDNA/QF-PCR). Test for MCC, do Amplidex (very sensitive to MCC) and linkage concurrently)
Methylation not always present in DNA from chorionic villi
For female fetuses, there is an additional risk of Turner Syndrome: the incidence of mosaic Turner syndrome is
reported to be up to 5% in female fetuses of mothers carrying the full mutation
Diagnostic testing: Test with flanking PCR. If uninformative female, no result or expansion seen, then do Amplidex or TP-PCR. Expansions can be somatically unstable and smaller peaks representing an expansion can be seen using Amplidex.
How to report:
Premutation allele found in male unaffected relative of Fragile X patient?
Premutation allele found in female relative of Fragile X patient?
Premutation allele found in symptomatic male/female?
Normal result for diagnostic case?
Carrier screening of those relatives at risk
Recommend referral to CG
Premutation allele found in male:
Has risk of developing FXTAS (males >=50 years: 39%, >=80 years: 75%)
Daughters will be obligate carriers with a risk of having children with Fragile X syndrome
Premutation allele found in female:
Premutations are likely to show instability and further expansion in future generations, with a risk of expansion to a full mutation
Prenatal diagnosis can be offered
Has increased risk of developing Fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI)
Premutation allele found in symptomatic:
Does not support diagnosis of FRX
But it cannot be excluded that large mutations may lead to cognitive impairment/autism
Small possibility of mosaicism for a full mutation in other tissues
Normal result in diagnostic case: FXS unlikely, but cannot rule out rare point mutation or deletion or undetected mosaicism
Which types of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia are there?
Precursor B-cell neoplasms (B-ALL), most common, primarily seen in early childhood. FAB categories L1, L2 and L3 (old). WHO categories (2016): Precursor B Lymphoblastic Leukemia/Lymphoma not otherwise specified (NOS) and with recurrent genetic abnormalities:
t(9;22)(q34;q11.2)[BCR-ABL1] - only one that is more common in adults than children (25% of adult ALL, 2-4% of childhood ALL)
t(v;11q23)[MLL rearranged] - KMT2A (MLL) rearranged is most common in infants - may occur in utero
intrachromosomal amplification of chromosome 21 (iAMP21)
Precursor T-cell neoplasms (T-ALL)
What are the clinical features of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia?
Bone marrow failure, resulting in anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia (low count of red blood cells, neutrophils and platelets (myeloid lineage))
Leukocytosis or leukopenia (raised or low count of lymphocytes)
Bone pain or arthralgia (joint pain)
Splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy (abnormal size of lymph nodes)
Cure rate is 80% in children, 40% in adults.
What are the prognosis of the recurrent genetic findings in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia?
t(12;21) ETV6-RUNX1
Normal karyotype
t(1;19) PBX1-TCF3
Poor: Hypodiploidy t(9;22) BCR-ABL1 Most rearrangements involving 11q23 (KMT2A/MLL) t(4;11) AFF1-KMT2A t(17;19) HLF-TCF3 t(8;14) IGH@-MYC iAMP21 >4 abnormalities (complex karyotype)
Describe a possible testing strategy for acute B-lymphoblastic leukaemia presentation case?
Do direct cultures, as ALL cells apoptose easily, do urgently
FISH for common rearrangements with poor prognosis: KMT2A rearrangements (t(4;11) has very poor prognosis) - (break-apart probe) - especially for <1 year old t(9;22) BCR-ABL1 (fusion probe) - especially for adults
FISH for common rearrangements with favourable prognosis:
t(12;21) ETV6-RUNX1 (fusion probe) - can also detect iAMP21 and hyperdiploidy
G band analysis: If normal analyse 20 cells (95% confidence interval from Hook’s table), if abnormal analyse 10 cells
Normal karyotypes may reflect cytogenetically cryptic abnormalities or failed proliferation of blast cells in vitro. SNP array can be used to refine genetic risk category (detect cryptic abnormalities not seen on G-band)
Describe a possible testing strategy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia post-treatment case?
Monthly monitoring
G-band or FISH if there is no molecular marker
RQ-PCR can be done for:
t(12;21) ETV6-RUNX1
t(9;22) BCR-ABL1 (determine breakpoints first with RT-PCR)
What are the clinical features of HNPCC/Lynch syndrome?
Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer, autosomal dominant
Familial colon or endometrial cancer (rarely also other malignancies)
Mutations in MSH2 and MLH1 account for over 90% of cases
Approximately 80% lifetime risk of colon cancer (average 61 years) – women: 20-60% lifetime risk of endometrial cancer (average 46-62 years)
Mismatch repair deficiency syndrome (MMR-D): Caused by biallelic mutations in MMR genes (additional findings: early onset haematological malignancy, café-au-lait spots)
What is the testing strategy for HNPCC/Lynch syndrome?
Immunohistochemistry (ICH) and/or microsatellite instability (MSI) are cheap and quick ways of pre-screening patients to select only cases with loss of MMR protein function for genetic testing. MSI is more sensitive but less specific than IHC.
ICH: staining for MMR proteins: 2nd hit in tumour DNA resulting in loss of protein can be seen -loss of MLH1 may appear as loss of both MLH1 and PMS2; loss of MSH2 may appear as loss of both MSH2 and MSH6 - missense mutations leading to normal expression of protein, but loss of function may result in false negative IHC
Loss of MLH1 may be due to (inherited) MLH1 mutation (=Lynch) or (sporadic) methylation of the MLH1 promoter (not Lynch) - therefore fo methylation analysis
Loss of MSH2 may be due to EPCAM deletions (predictive testing to at-risk relatives can be offered)
MSI: Detects loss of the function of the MMR proteins - contraction and/or expansion of repeat motifs occur in tumour DNA where a 2nd hit has occurred - seen as hedgehog peaks appearing as 2 hedgehogs - Low instability (1/5 markers) has been linked with high risk of endometrial cancer and MSH6 mutations – IHC analysis can be offered
MSI also occur in 10-15% of sporadic colon cancers.
Do germline testing if 2/5 markers unstable.
Loss of MLH1 or MSH2 activity can be further investigated for presence of p.Val600Glu in BRAF and/or MLH1 hypermethylation studies, which, if positive, indicate the tumour is likely sporadic
If not likely sporadic the patient is then tested for a germline mutation by sequencing of the MMR genes
What causes HNPCC/Lynch syndrome?
Almost all cases: Inheritance of a heterozygous germline mutation in MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 or PMS2,
followed by secondary somatic loss of the remaining copy (therefore autosomal dominant inherited predisposition)
Rare biallelic mutations have been reported in each of the 4 MMR genes that leads to a
more severe phenotype (constitutional MMR eficiency; CMMR-D).
Null mutations that abolish protein translation (frameshift, nonsense and splicing mutations), and missense mutations in the ATP-binding, DNA-binding and dimerization domains of MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2 have been described.
What is the pLI score and how can it be used?
the probability that a given gene falls into the Haploinsufficient category
Genes with high pLI scores (pLI ≥ 0.9) are extremely LoF intolerant, whereby genes with low pLI scores (pLI ≤ 0.1) are LoF tolerant.
Name some genetic causes of developmental delay/intellectual disability.
o Common viable trisomies: Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome
Mosaic trisomy 8 or mosaic trisomy 9
Sex chromosome abnormalities
Emanuel syndrome (+der(22)t(11;22)(q23;q11) from 3:1 tertiary segregation of balanced t(11;22) from either parent)
Pallister Killian syndrome (very rare, mosaic tetrasomy 12p, (+i(12p)))
Cat-eye syndrome (Extra isodicentric 22 – inv dup(22)(q11.2) – very small (smaller than 21), frequently bisatellited)
+i(15)(q11) proximal region of 15q, two centromeres, bi-satellited, idic(15) = inv dup(15)
Micro-deletion and -duplication syndromes (Wolf-Hirschhorn (4p), cri-du-chat (5p), Williams (7), Miller-Dieker (17p), Smith-Magenis (17p)
Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome
Fragile X syndrome
Rett syndrome
What is the testing strategy for referrals for developmental delay/intellectual disability?
• ?trisomy or sex chromosome aneuploidy: Test by QF-PCR first (for trisomy and/or XY) – then do array-CGH if QF-PCR negative (for urgent babies set up QF-PCR, array and bank culture)
If ?mosaicism: Do chromosome analysis as can detect mosaicism >10% if 30 cells examined
Extremely urgent: 24 hour FISH protocol
Parental follow-up may be required to further characterise a CNV or determine recurrence risk - can be chromosome analysis, FISH or array PvP
Extra tests required of Prader-Willi/Angelman, Fragile X or Rett syndrome
Describe synchronised cell culturing, harvesting and G-banding
Incubate in medium containing mitogen to stimulate lymphocyte division
Cell cycle: G1 (growth), S (DNA replication), G2 (growth) and mitosis: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis
Thymidine added: Arrests cells in S phase, because inhibits conversion of cytosine. Gathers pool of cells in S phase.
Deoxycytidine added: releases block - cells then enter mitosis at same time
Colcemid: Depolymerises microtubules, preventing cells from progressing from metaphase. Chromosome condensation continues until harvesting
Hypotonic solution creates osmotic gradient and cells swell up (red blood cells burst)
Fixative denatures proteins and stop metabolic processes
Slides are made and aged in oven
Trypsin partially digests proteins in less condensed regions (actively transcribed genes)
Giemsa/Leishman stain is used to dye remaining proteins
What are the minimum requirements for postnatal chromosome analysis?
Clear every pair of homologues at least twice
All ?sex chromosome abnormalities: examine 30 cells (excludes 10% of mosaicism (Hook’s table))
All ?mosaicism: examine 60 cells (excludes 5% of mosaicism (Hook’s table))
For most postnatal referral reasons a minimum banding score of 6 is needed
Banding score 6: At least 3 criteria must be seen: 5q31.2 distinct, 8p21.2 visible, 2 dark bands on 11pter, 22q13.2 distinct
What are the possible gametes from a cross over in an inverted region at meiosis in:
a) Paracentric inversions?
b) Pericentric inversions?
1 normal chromosome - viable
1 inversion chromosome – viable (all genes present)
1 acentric chromosome (lost in mitosis) – non-viable
1 dicentric chromosome (may break due to 2 active centromeres pulling different directions) – non-viable
1 normal chromosome - viable
1 inversion chromosome – viable (all genes present)
1 chromosome with deletion of p-terminal part and duplication of q-terminal part
1 chromosome with deletion of q-terminal part and duplication of p-terminal part
Which has the highest risk of affected viable offspring:
An insertion carrier
A carrier of a balanced reciprocal translocation
Unbalanced translocation gametes: Have both loss and gain, therefore lower risk of viable unbalance.
E.g. 46,XX,ins(8;10)(q21;q21q22) Possible gametes: 8 + 10 - normal der(8) + der(10) - balanced 8 + der(10) - extra part of 8 der(8) + 10 - missing part of 8
Describe microarray technical process
Patient and reference samples are labelled with fluorescent dyes in different colours by random prime labelling and mixed together
Combined patient and reference sample is hybridised to slides with attached probes that cover selected areas across the whole genome
Competitive hybridisation ensures approximately equal amounts of patient and control sample to hybridise to each probe – unless a gain or loss of chromosome material is present in the patient, in which case the ratio will be skewed
The slide is scanned - the localisation of the probes on the slide can be mapped to probe location in the genome
Oxford Gene Technology (OGT) CytoSure constitutional arrays have 60,000 probes per slide with high probe density across genes important in developmental delay
What are the QC metrics for microarray analysis?
DLR spread: calculates the probe-to-probe log ratio noise of an array, and is an important QC metric – the value should be <0.3
Red signal to noise ratio and green signal to noise ratio: is calculated by dividing the signal intensity by the background noise (from negative control spots) - an excellent value for signal to noise would be above 100, between 100 and 30 is good but below 30 is poor
Black holes can form in the middle of the slide if a bubble has been present
DNA can be run on a gel to check for fragmentation
What can you use to interpret microarray results?
Categories: Pathogenic, Likely pathogenic, Uncertain significance, Likely benign, Benign
Size (deletions >200kb or duplications > 1Mb are likely pathogenic, if de novo)
Gene content in relation to phenotype
Overlap with recurrent deletions/duplications
Inherited/de novo
Database for Genetic Variants (DGV) - unaffected controls
DECIPHER: Patients with developmental delay, has phenotypical data
DDG2P: Curated list of genes from the DDD study
Gene content (investigate closer using OMIM and GeneReviews)
HI score: Predictive score for how well haploinsufficiency is tolerated - lower values (e.g. 0-10%) indicate a gene is more likely to exhibit haploinsufficiency, higher values (e.g. 90-100%) indicate a gene is more likely to NOT exhibit haploinsufficiency
What are the counselling issues when performing microarray?
CNVs of variable expressivity/incomplete penetrance makes counselling complex, as the expected phenotype for the proband and other family members cannot be predicted (e.g. DiGeorge/22q11 deletion: A mildly affected parent may not have been identified)
CNV of uncertain significance: The patient must be informed that these are a common finding, and that the implication is unknown. Parental samples may aid interpretation.
Incidental findings: E.g. predisposition to cancer may be discovered.
What are the clinical features of Prader-Willi syndrome?
Mild intellectual disability
Hypotonia in infancy
Short stature
Hypogonadism (small penis, undescended testes, delayed puberty)
Hyperphagia and obesity in later childhood
Facial features: Almond-shaped eyes, narrowing of forehead at temples, narrow nose bridge, thin upper lip and downturned mouth
Which disease does the following abnormalities lead to?:
1) Maternal 15q11q13 imprinting centre defect on the maternal allele?
2) Paternal 15q11q13 imprinting centre defect on the paternal allele?
3) Maternal 15q11q13 imprinting centre defect on the paternal allele?
4) Paternal 15q11q13 imprinting centre defect on the maternal allele?
1) Angelman syndrome
2) Prader-Willi syndrome
3) Silent - if passed on by father will lead to PWS
4) Silent - if passed on by mother will lead to AS
What are the clinical features of Angelman syndrome?
Microcephaly Severe intellectual disability Lack of speech Hyperactivity Happy demeanour, inappropriate laughter Gait ataxia (abnormal, uncoordinated movements; unsteady, staggering walk) Seizures
How can UPD occur?
Nondisjunction in meiosis or mitosis causing disomic and nullisomic cells
After fertilisation, trisomic rescue can result in loss of the chromosome from the normal gamete leading to UPD
Fertilisation of a nullisomic gamete can result in monosomy rescue (duplication of the normal chromosome)
Heterodisomy: Results of meiosis I nondisjunction as homologous chromosomes did not separate
Isodisomy: Result of meiosis II or mitotic nondisjunction, as sister chromatids did not separate - or monosomy rescue
How could PWS/AS be inherited?
One parent could have a balanced translocation involving 15q11q13
E.g. carrier of Robertsonian translocation involving chromosome 15 - these are at increased risk of monosomy or trisomy 15, and therefore monosomic or trisomic rescue, which can lead to PWS or AS in the offspring.
What do we need to know in order to use de novo criteria in variant interpretation?
We need to know if there is a good phenotype/genotype match
E.g. classical clinical presentation of Cornelia de Lange (dev. del. and ID with facial gestalt, hirsutism, upper-limb reduction defects, growth retardation and microcephaly): PS2 or PM6 can be used.
Dev. del. only: PS2 or PM6 canNOT be used.
We also need to know if parental relationships have been confirmed (through trio testing or markers) - note that non-paternity could be identified
If confirmed for both parents: PS2 can be used (if phenotype highly specific for gene)
If only 1 or no parental relationships confirmed: PM6 can be used (if genotype/phenotype match)
PS2 can be downgraded to PS2_Moderate if phenotype consistent with gene, but not highly specific (maybe specific to subset of genes, e.g. early infantile epileptic encephalopathy)
It can be downgraded to PS2_Supporting if not highly specific and high genetic heterogeneity (e.g. non-syndromic intellectual disability)
Points system can be used per de novo occurrence - e.g. highly specific phenotype for gene, confirmed parents (2 points), 2 other unrelated patients assumed de novo: 1 point for each = 4 points => use as very strong
Phenotype highly specific for gene: 2 points
Phenotype consistent with gene but not highly specific: 1 point
Phenotype consistent with gene but not highly specific and high genetic heterogeneity: 0.5 points
Phenotype not consistent with gene: 0 points
Divide points by 2 if only assumed de novo
Supporting: 0.5
Moderate: 1
Strong: 2
Very strong: 4
What do we need to know in order to use the phenotype highly specific for a disease criterion in variant interpretation?
In order to use PP4 it is essential that (a) all the known genes associated with the disorder have been analysed and (b) variants in these known genes explain the majority of cases with that clinical diagnosis.
PP4 might be used as a strong piece of evidence if drug enzyme or muscle biopsy analysis that is specifically characteristic of a specific genetic cause of a disorder and would in the absence of genetic confirmation be considered a diagnostic finding
(Evidence from enzymatic assays performed on patient tissue are at gene level and not variant level. Therefore PS3 should not be used, but it could support phenotype specificity, therefore support PP4 at strong level).
How may a patient’s biochemical test results be used for variant interpretation?
Evidence from enzymatic assays performed on patient tissue are at gene level and not variant level. Therefore PS3 should not be used, but it could support phenotype specificity, therefore support PP4 at strong level.
What should be considered when using the null variant criterion in variant interpretation?
There is potential overlap in usage of
PVS1_Moderate and PM4 (protein length changing variant). To prevent double-counting of this evidence type, PM4 should not be applied for any variant in which PVS1, at any strength level, is also applied.
Nonsense and frameshift variants: NMD is not predicted to occur if the premature termination codon occurs in the 3’ most exon or within the 3’-most 50 nucleotides of the penultimate exon. When NMD does not occur, determine if the truncated/altered region is critical to protein function (experimental evidence, e.g. pathogenic variants downstream or assessing tolerance of the exon to LoF variants or length of missing region). Removing >10% of the protein product is more likely to have a loss of function effect (PVS1_Strong).
Canonical ±1,2 splice variants: PP3 (in silico splicing prediction) criterion should not be used to avoid double counting the same predictive evidence. Assess effect of variant by searching for cryptic splice sites, that may reconstitute in-frame splicing. Determine if predicted outcome is in-frame or out-of-frame (is skipped exon number divisible by 3).
LoF should be a disease mechanism for PVS1 to apply. It should only be applied if LoF variants make up at least 10% of the reported pathogenic variants in the gene and a minimum of 3 LoF variants have been classified as pathogenic without using the PVS1 rule. LoF may not have been described if it is lethal.
Low (<10%) haploinsufficiency (HI) score or high (>0.9) probability of LoF intolerance (pLI) suggests significantly lower than expected rate of LoF.
Which tools can be used to support the criterion for missense variants in genes with low rate of benign missense variation?
Missense z-score on gnomAD: If Z>3 then there is a general missense intolerance in the gene - check DECIPHER for constraint in specific region, where variant is located. In DECIPHER open triangles are VUS/benign and golden filled triangles are pathogenic/likely pathogenic. Red/orange/golden bar across top signifies regions with missense intolerance (low values). Grey is not significant. Green less intolerant.
Make sure missense variation is a mechanism of disease, e.g. look in HGMD to see if missense variants are commonly associated with the disease.
Which mechanisms may lead to an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern?
Gain of function
Dominant negative
Variant interpretation: What is PVS1?
null variant (nonsense, frameshift, canonical ±1 or 2 splice sites, initiation codon, single or multi-exon deletion) in a gene where LOF is a known mechanism of disease
Don’t use PM4 at the same time for protein length change
If splice site: Assess if exon skipping or cryptic splice site leads to in-frame or out-of frame (NMD => strong)
Splice site/frameshift/deletion: If no NMD: Use as moderate if removes <10% of protein, strong (not very strong) if >10%
LoF must be mechanism of disease: Look at HI score or pLI score - look at DECIPHER for region of gene
Variant interpretation: What is PS1?
Same amino acid change as a previously established pathogenic variant regardless of nucleotide change.
Same aa, different base. (If different aa then use PM5)
Variant interpretation: What is PS2?
De novo (both maternity and paternity confirmed) in a patient with the disease and no family history.
Only use if parental relationships confirmed AND genotype is consistent with phenotype.
Mosaicism in either a patient or their parent is evidence of a de novo event. Every exome typically contains between 1-2 de novo non-synonymous variants.
Point system:
Phenotype highly specific for gene: 2 points
Phenotype consistent with gene but not highly specific: 1 point
Phenotype consistent with gene but not highly specific and high genetic heterogeneity: 0.5 points
Phenotype not consistent with gene: 0 points
Divide points by 2 if only assumed de novo
Supporting: 0.5
Moderate: 1
Strong: 2
Very strong: 4
Variant interpretation: What is PS3?
Well-established in vitro or in vivo functional studies supportive of a damaging effect on the gene or gene product.
Biochemical testing of the patient provides support a gene level - not variant level - therefore use PP4 for that.
PS3 can be used if mRNA studies demonstrates the presence of an abnormal transcript(s) predicted to result in loss of protein expression (for splice variants) - do not use PP3 as well in that case.
Variant interpretation: What is PS4?
The prevalence of the variant in affected individuals is significantly increased compared with the prevalence in controls
PS4 can be used at moderate level if the variant has been previously identified in two or more unrelated affected individuals, or at supporting level if previously identified in one unrelated affected individual, AND has not been reported in gnomAD,
Both PS4 and PM2 (absent from controls) can be used at the same time
Variant interpretation: What is PM1?
Located in a mutational hot spot and/or critical and well-established functional domain (e.g. active site of an enzyme) without benign variation.
Functional domain plots can be found on gnomAD and DECIPHER
Variant interpretation: What is PM2?
Absent from controls (or at extremely low frequency if recessive) in Exome Aggregation Consortium.
Variant interpretation: What is PM3?
For recessive disorders, detected in trans with a pathogenic variant
(E.g. in a previous case) - can be upgraded to strong if multiple cases
If the second variant is instead in cis, consider using BP2
In the context of dominant disorders, the detection of a variant in trans with a pathogenic variant can also be considered supporting evidence for a benign impact (BP2)
Variant interpretation: What is PM4?
Protein length changes as a result of in-frame deletions/insertions in a non-repeat region or stop-loss variants.
In-frame deletions or insertions; in-frame deletion of exon.
If only one aa deletion: Use as supporting
Should not be used if PVS1 is used at any level
Variant interpretation: What is PM5?
Missense change at amino acid residue where a different missense change determined to be pathogenic has been seen before
The previously identified missense variant can be classified as pathogenic or likely pathogenic but if the variant is classified as likely pathogenic and there is only one case reported then we recommend use at supporting level.
Variant interpretation: What is PP1?
Co-segregation with disease in multiple affected family members in a gene definitively known to cause the disease.
Consider the number of meioses, not the number of informative individuals.
Incomplete penetrance, age of onset and phenocopy rates can be incorporated within the calculation.
For dominant disorders: robability that the observed variant-affected status data occurs by chance is N = (1/2)m
Recessive disorders: 2 affected siblings (proband plus sibling) share the same variants N = 1/4. 3 affected siblings (proband plus two siblings) share the same variants N = 1/16
Variant interpretation: What is PP2?
Missense variant in a gene that has a low rate of benign missense variation and in which missense variants are a common mechanism of disease.
Missense constraint score from gnomAD: Z scores ≥3.09 considered significant
It is important to consider constraint for the region encompassing the variant, not just across the entire gene. DECIPHER database shows regional constraint.
Variant interpretation: What is PP3?
Multiple lines of computational evidence support a deleterious effect on the gene or gene product (conservation, evolutionary, splicing impact, etc.).
Canonical splice acceptor (-1 and -2) and donor (+1 and +2) regions
Variants affecting the last base of an exon or +5: PP3 may be used at a supporting level for variants where MaxEntScan predicts >15% reduction compared to reference allele AND SpliceSiteFinder-Like predicts >5% reduction.
PP3 may also be applied where splice prediction algorithms indicate the introduction of a cryptic splice
Consider using PP3 of if 2/3 tools predict deleterious effect, and using BP4 if 2/3 tools predict benign effect and there is no conservation or 3/3 tools predict benign effect
Do not use in combination with PVS1 or PM4
Variant interpretation: What is PP4?
Patient’s phenotype or family history is highly specific for a disease with a single genetic aetiology.
If the phenotype is highly specific/characteristic
of a single genetic aetiology, it may considered appropriate to use this evidence criterion at a moderate or strong level after MDT.
Non-specific phenotypes (e.g. intellectual disability, seizure disorder without a specific EEG pattern and subtle abnormalities of the corpus callosum) should never be used in isolation as evidence for PP4
Variant interpretation: What is BS1?
Allele frequency is greater than expected for disorder.
Variant interpretation: What is BP1?
Missense variant in a gene for which primarily truncating variants are known to cause disease.
Can also be used for loss of function variants in a gene where the disease is caused by gain of function variants or dominant negative loss of function variants
Variant interpretation: What is BA1?
Allele frequency is >5% in Exome Sequencing Project, 1000 Genomes Project, or Exome Aggregation Consortium
Variant interpretation: What is BS2?
Observed in a healthy adult individual for a recessive (homozygous), dominant (heterozygous), or X-linked (hemizygous) disorder, with full penetrance expected at an early age
Variant interpretation: What is BS3?
Well-established in vitro or in vivo functional studies show no damaging effect on protein function or splicing
Variant interpretation: What is BS4?
Well-established in vitro or in vivo functional studies show no damaging effect on protein function or splicing
Phenocopies can mimic lack of segregation
Variant interpretation: What is BP2?
Observed in trans with a pathogenic variant for a fully penetrant dominant gene/disorder or observed in cis with a pathogenic variant in any inheritance pattern
In certain well-developed autosomal dominant disease models, the detection of a pathogenic variant in trans may even be considered stand-alone evidence. This has been validated for use in assessing CFTR variants.
Variant interpretation: What is BP3?
In-frame deletions/insertions in a repetitive region without a known function
Variant interpretation: What is BP4?
Multiple lines of computational evidence suggest no impact on gene or gene product (conservation, evolutionary, splicing impact, etc.
Consider using BP4 of if 2/3 tools predict benign effect and there is no conservation or 3/3 tools predict benign effect
Do not use if already using BS3
Use in combination with BP7 for synonymous variants affecting weakly conserved nucleotides which do not impact on splicing
Variant interpretation: What is BP5?
Variant found in a case with an alternate molecular basis for disease
Variant interpretation: What is BP7?
synonymous (silent) variant for which splicing prediction algorithms predict no impact to the splice consensus sequence nor the creation of a new splice site AND the nucleotide is not highly conserved
Use in combination with BP4 for synonymous variants affecting weakly conserved nucleotides which do not impact on splicing
Describe MS-PCR method for PWS/AS testing
Differential methylation pattern of SNRPN exon 1 (maternal: methylated CpG islands, paternal: not methylated)
Sodium bisulphite converts unmethylated (but not methylated) cytosine to uracil – acts as thymidine in base-pairing
Maternal primers (binds to unconverted DNA) gives a 313bp product
Paternal primers (binds to converted DNA) gives 221bp product
Normal result: Both 221bp paternal product and 313bp maternal product present – does not exclude UBE3A mutations
221bp paternal product only: Confirmative of AS
313bp maternal product only: Confirmative of PWS
Cannot determine if a missing PCR product is due to: Deletion, UPD15 or imprinting defect
Controls: Negative, normal untreated (no band produced), normal, PWS+ and AS+
Describe MS-MLPA method for PWS/AS testing
DNA is denatured and hybridised overnight with probes - some probes contain a Hha1 recognition site specific to the differentially methylated regions of MAGEL2, SNRPN and UBE3A
The reaction is split in half
One tube is processed as a standard MLPA reaction
Other tube is treated with a methylation sensitive restriction enzyme (HhaI)
If the sample is unmethylated (paternal allele), the sample is digested
The result gives a dosage ratio and a methylation ratio
Controls: Negative; 3 normal controls for normalisation; PWS UPD or IC defect +ve; AS del +ve; 2 digestion control probes to rule out false +ves/-ves from incomplete digestion (should be absent if digestion complete); control probes outside 15q11q13; X and Y fragments
What are the possible explanations for the following MS-MLPA results for PWS/AS testing?
a) Dosage 1, Methylation 0
b) Dosage 1, Methylation 1
c) Dosage 1.5, Methylation 1
d) Dosage 0.5, Methylation 1
e) Dosage 1, Methylation 2
f) Dosage 0.5, Methylation 0
g) Dosage 1.5, Methylation 2
a) Paternal UPD or paternal imprinting centre defect (AS)
b) Normal or UBE3A mutation (AS)
c) Duplicated paternal copy
d) Deletion of paternal copy (PWS)
e) Maternal UPD or maternal imprinting centre defect (PWS)
f) Deletion of maternal copy (AS)
g) Duplicated maternal copy
What are the clinical features of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease? Onset?
Chronic motor and sensory polyneuropathy
Slow progressive weakness in distal limb muscles
Bilateral foot drop resulting in steppage gait, ankle sprains
Atrophy, “stork leg”
Pes cavus due to intrinsic foot muscle weakness (high-arched feet)
Other findings: Hearing loss and hip dysplasia
Nerve conduction velocity (NCV):
Demyelinating CMT = CMT1: Reduced NCV (< 38 m/s)
Axonal CMT = CMT2: Normal or slightly reduced NCV (>38 m/s)
Onset: First or second decade normally - some mid-adulthood
What is the genetic cause of CMT?
> 90 genes implicated
33% of CMT mutations are de novo
In more than 90% of individuals with a CMT1 phenotype a pathogenic variant is found in one of three genes (PMP22, MPZ, GJB1)
CMT1A: PMP22 duplication at 17p12 (70-80% of CMT1)
What is the testing strategy for CMT1?
Diagnostic testing:
MLPA (from any referrer)
Detects PMP22 duplication - will also detect PMP22 deletion (HNPP)
Can offer sequencing on gene panel if negative
Sanger sequencing of PMP22, MPZ and GJB1 (detects >90% of CMT1)
What is the clinical features of HNPP?
Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies
Recurrent sensory and motor pressure neuropathies in single nerve (carpal tunnel syndrome or peroneal palsy with foot drop (palsy = paralysis)
Muscle weakness
What is the genetic cause of HNPP?
85% of cases: Deletion of PMP22
What are the clinical features of Huntington disease? Onset?
Movement: Clumsiness; Chorea (brief semi-directed, irregular movements, not repetitive, occur on their own without conscious effort, therefore hyperkinetic disorder); Later: Bradykinesia (slow movement)
Psychiatric: Mood changes, aggression, apathy, depression; Mental inflexibility, failure to plan, impulsiveness
Dementia: Short term memory (leave tap on, forget to lock door); Higher functions: mental arithmetic; Struggle to perform tasks at work
Late stages: Slurred speech, difficulty swallowing
Mean age of onset: 35-44; Juvenile <20 years; Mild >50 years
What causes Huntington disease?
CAG trinucleotide expansion in exon 1 of HTT gene at 4p16.3
Interspersed CAA repeats
Translated into polyglutamine tract
What are the repeat size categories for Huntington disease?
Normal: -26
Intermediate: 27-35
Reduced penetrance: 36-39
Affected: 40+
What are the clinical features of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? Onset?
Progressive muscular weakness (mainly proximal)
Early milestones delayed (sitting, standing independently)
Waddling gait, difficulty climbing
Developmental delay and learning difficulties (30-50%)
Muscular pseudohypertrophy (distal (calf) muscles enlarge to compensate)
DMD-associated dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)) after 18 years
Loss of ambulation before 13 years (wheelchair dependency)
Mean age of death at 25 years (main causes: cardiomyopathy and respiratory insufficiency)
Lordosis (curvature of spine) when standing
Gowers’ sign (“walking” hands up the legs to stand up)
Cough machines to help clear lungs
Breathing machines to help breathe when sleeping
Serum creatine kinase (CK) levels usually several thousand (>10x normal) due to muscle damage
Onset before age 5
BMD: Maybe late learning to walk Muscle weakness around 11 years Muscle cramps Lose ability to walk at 40-50 years No learning difficulties Survive to middle age and beyond (mean age of death mid-40s, main cause: cardiomyopathy) Serum creatine kinase (CK) levels >5x normal
Carrier females:
5-10% of carriers have cramps or mild muscle weakness
Usually not noticed until in 30s
Carriers of BMD less affected than DMD carriers
20% of carriers have evidence of dilated cardiomyopathy – should have 5 yearly echo/ECG
Serum creatine kinase (CK) levels 2-10x normal in 50% of cases
What causes DMD?
Majority of mutations: Deletions (65-85%) or duplications (50-10%) of one or more exons of the dystrophin gene at Xp21
Frameshift model correct in 90% of cases:
Frameshift/nonsense mutations cause DMD
In-frame mutations cause BMD
Gonadal and somatic mosaicism:
Germline mosaicism in 9% of mothers with an affected son and no previous family history
High new mutation rate (female obligate carrier if has affected son and another affected relative, but if only 1 affected family member, then unknown if new mutation)
What is the testing strategy for DMD?
Diagnostic: MLPA
If only 1 probe deleted: Do sequencing
Can offer sequencing if normal
Carrier testing: Do whichever MLPA has the deletion/duplication or sequencing if point mutation
Prenatal testing: Available to female carriers and non-carriers with affected son (gonadal mosaicism)
Do QF-PCR (trisomies), MCC, Fetal sexing (ffDNA). If fetus is male do NIPD or invasive
Can do linkage if the familial mutation is not known
What are the clinical feature of spinal muscular atrophy? Onset?
Degeneration of anterior horn cells of spinal cord
Progressive symmetric muscle weakness and atrophy, proximal more severely than distal
Poor weight gain, growth failure, may need gastronomy tube
Restrictive lung disease
Scoliosis, may require surgery
Joint contractures
Sleep difficulties
Normal to elevated CK levels (indicating muscle damage)
There are 4-5 categories of SMA: from prenatal onset to onset in adulthood. Life span varies from <6 months to normal
What is the genetic cause of SMA?
Deletion or gene conversion of SMN1: 95-98%
Inverted repeat on 5q13.2 => Distal SMN1 and centromeric pseudogene SMN2
SMN1 and SMN2 differ by 5 bp at 3’ end
Synonymous C>T conversion in exon 7 in SMN2 leads to 90% exon 7 skipping
What are the clinical features of myotonic dystrophy? Onset?
Muscle weakness (affects skeletal and smooth muscle), especially of distal leg, hand, neck and face
Myotonia (sustained muscle contraction, difficulty releasing grip)
Frontal balding
The disease can be mild (20-70 years, e.g. only cataracts and mild myotonia, normal life span), classical adult onset (10-30 years, muscle weakness, reduced life span) or congenital (hypotonia, respiratory insufficiency, tented lip, early death, usually maternally inherited)
Severity depends on repeat size
What is the genetic cause of DM? Repeat size categories?
Type 1:
CTG trinucleotide repeat in 3’ untranslated region of exon 15, region of DMPK (19q13.32)
Encoding myotonin-protein kinase
Repeat sizes: Normal: 5-34 Premutation: 35-49 Mild/carrier: 50-100 Classical/adult: 100-700 Congenital: 700-4000
What are the risks for a carrier of a balanced Robertsonian translocation?
- Infertility (male)
- Offspring with trisomy: (if chromosome 13 or 21 involved) - risk 10% if female carrier, 1% if male carrier - if isochromosome: risk is 100%
- Offspring with UPD: Trisomy or monosomy rescue could lead to UPD: 0.5-1% risk - if 14 or 15 involved this could lead to UPD 14mat (Temple syndrome) or UPD 15mat (Prader-Willi syndrome) - and UPD 14pat or UPD 15pat (Angelman syndrome)
What does standard analysis in constitutional cytogenetics work consist of?
- Minimum 2 cells analysed and cleared - if mosaic: minimum 1 cell from each cell line
- Minimum quality:
CVS/AF: 3 (2 if confirming aneuploidy, 4-5 if looking for small structural rearrangements)
Blood: 6
Microdeletion syndromes: 7
What is the minimum banding score for prenatal samples?
Minimum score 4 for most things, but for fetal structural abnormalities seen on USS
In which circumstances would prenatal testing be offered?
Abnormal USS
Carrier of structural rearrangement
High risk from combined or quadruple test
Previously affected child
What are the general turn-around times?
3 dayss: Urgent, rapid tests (QF-PCR, HO FISH/RT-PCR, other prenatal)
7 days: NIPT
14 days: Urgent/prenatal microarray; urgent HO karyotyping; presymptomatic/urgent PCR-tests
21 days: Urgent panels; NIPD; HO karyotyping;
42 days (6 weeks): Routine microarray; Routine panels <10 genes; routine STR testing; Routine karyotyping
84 days (12 weeks): Large gene panels
Describe oligonucleotide ligation assay (OLA) for CF testing
Regions of interest are amplified by PCR (number varies with kit)
Each amplicon is probed with 3 probes:
Common probe with fluorescent dye
Mutant probe and wildtype probe compete for binding
Bound (mutant/wildtype) probe is ligated to bound common probe
Normal and wildtype probes have varying length of non-nucleotide tails, which modifies mobility in gel
Can determine zygosity of mutation
Describe CFEU2 kit testing for CF testing
Tests for 50 common mutations - identifies approximately 90% of alleles with CFTR mutations
Multiplex PCR – fluorescently labelled products separated by capillary electrophoresis
Tube A: All mutation-specific primers (labelled blue) + WT deltaF508 (labelled green)
Tube B: All other wildtype-specific primers (labelled green)
Zygosity can be determined from tube B if mutation found in tube A
Both tubes: Hypervariable short tandem repeat (STR) markers labelled in red
If absent: failed result (positive control)
If different in tube A and B: Sample mix-up (identity check control)
Length of intron 8 poly-T tract from primers (labelled yellow) in tube A can be revealed if needed and length of poly-TG tract can be inferred from length of product
Describe ARMS testing for CF testing
Multiplex PCR with forward primers specific for mutant allele and common reverse primer
PCR product is only formed if mutation is present – bands are visualised on gel
Cannot determine zygosity if mutation present
Wildtype allele primers can be included, control for successful PCR must be included
ARMS29 kit: Performed in 4 tubes with 2 control bands in each, WT deltaF508 in tube B – identifies approximately 90% of alleles with CFTR mutations
ARMS kit for poly T can also be used if needed
When should reflex testing for the intron 8 polyT tract in the CFTR gene be carried out?
- All males with obstructive azoospermia (could be 5T homozygote)
- Patients with bronchiectasis or pancreatitis where 1 mutation has been found
- R117H mutation detected (can modify severity)
What can be detected on 1st trimester scan and what is the significance?
- Raised nuchal translucency (indicator of genetic testing if >3.5 mm) - can indicate trisomy 13, 18 or 21 or 45,X.
- Cystic hygroma - can indicate 45,X or Noonan syndrome
- Echogenic bowel - can indicate trisomy 21 or CF - important to know local CF positive echogenic bowel cases for calculation of residual risk
- Choroid plexus cysts - can indicate +18 or +21
- Atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) (+21)
- Ventricular septal defect (VSD) (+13,+18,+21)
- Diaphragmatic hernia (+18,+21, i12p)
What can be detected on 2nd trimester scan and what is the significance?
- Cardiac abnormalities (21, 18, 13 and 45,X)
- Features of Patau (+13): Holoprosencephaly (forebrain fails to develop into two hemispheres), Bilateral cleft lip, Polydactyly (extra digits), Talipes/club foot
- Features of Down syndrome (+21): Duodenal atresia (absence or closure of first section of small intestine) – is seen as two tubes appearing on ultrasound scan (“double bubble”)
- Features of Edwards (+18): Unilateral cleft lip, Micrognathia, Fisted hand/clenched fist, Talipes/club foot
Testing strategy for PWS/AS referrals?
1) Microarray
2) If microarray normal - MS-PCR/MS-MLPA to see if maternal/paternal methylation present
3) If microarray deletion in 15q11-q13 region - MS-PCR/MS-MLPA to see if maternal or paternal allele missing - request parental samples to see if balanced rearrangement in a parent to assess recurrence risk (but most often sporadic)
4) If abnormal MS-PCR - repeat and request parental samples for UPD studies - if UPD then unlikely recurrence - IC defect: Normally sporadic, but deletions can be inherited (silent if mat allele with pat del)
Testing strategy for DMD referrals?
1) Diagnostic:
MLPA (2 kits) to detect deletions and duplications in dystrophin gene (70% of patients)
Sequencing available on request to detect point mutations
If a single exon deletion or duplication is found confirm by multiplex PCR or sequencing
Frameshift model is correct in 90% of cases (frameshift/nonsense mutations cause DMD, in-frame mutations cause BMD - use frame checker)
2) Carrier testing:
Look for familial mutation by appropriate method (MLPA/sequencing) or if no mutations has been identified do linkage
3) Prenatal testing:
Available to female carriers and females with affected sons (risk of mosaicism)
First do fetal sexing (invasive/non-invasive) - if male do invasive test (MLPA/sequencing) or NIPD
What to remember when reporting a DMD MLPA result?
1) Negative MLPA result:
Diagnostic: MLPA result does not exclude a diagnosis of DMD as deletions and duplications only occur in approximately 70% of patients
Sample can be sent away for point mutation analysis on request
Carrier testing:
Reduces the risk of being carrier - Bayes calculations can be included - (de novo risk is high in DMD)
Does not exclude germline mosaicism (9% in mothers with an affected son and no previous family history)
prenatal testing available in future due to relatively high risk of germline mosaicism
2) Positive MLPA result:
Deletion/duplication predicted to be in-frame/out-of-frame
Confirms diagnosis of BMD or DMD
Referral to clinical genetics recommended for counselling and carrier testing of female relatives
Prenatal testing available in future
Which prior and conditional probabilities should be used for Bayes calculations in SMA?
Population carrier frequency: 1/50 (for Northern Europe)
Proportion of chromosomes with 2 copies of SMN1 on same allele: 4/100 (for Northern Europe)
De novo point mutations occur in 2/100 of individuals with SMA
What are the clinical features of BRCA1/2 pathogenic mutations?
Breast/ovarian/prostate cancer, autosomal dominant
Early onset breast cancer (<50 years)
Personal or family history - BRCA1 and BRCA2 carrier probability calculation (e.g. BOADICEA or Manchester scoring system)
Overrepresentation of bilateral/multifocal breast cancer, simultaneous breast and ovarian cancer and male breast cancer compared to sporadic cases
Personal history of breast cancer and Ashkenazi Jewish or Polish ethnicity (due to founder mutations)
Triple-negative breast cancer (15%): negative for oestrogen receptors (ER-), progesterone receptors (PR-), and HER2 (HER2-) – does not respond to hormonal therapy, but may respond better to chemotherapy
CA125 blood levels (ovarian cancer)
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels (prostate cancer)
Repeat size categories for myotonic dystrophy?
What is the repeat, and where in the gene is it located?
Normal: 5-34, stable, no phenotype
Premutation: 35-49, may be unstable, no phenotype
Mild/carrier: 50-100, unstable, no or mild phenotype
Adult: 100-700, unstable, classical adult onset
Congenital: 700-4000, unstable, Congenital or juvenile onset
CTG in 3’UTR of DMPK
Repeat size categories for Huntington disease?
What is the repeat, and where in the gene is it located?
Normal: 6-26 stable, no phenotype
Intermediate: 27-35, may be unstable, no phenotype
Incomplete penetrance: 36-39, unstable
Full mutation: 40+, unstable, affected
CAG in exon 1 of HTT gene - translated into polyGln tract
Repeat size categories for fragile X syndrome?
What is the repeat, and where in the gene is it located?
Normal: - 45, stable, no phenotype
Intermediate: 46-58, unstable, no phenotype
Premutation: 59-200, unmethylated, unstable, risk of FXTAS (mostly makes) and females: FXPOI, offspring with FRX
Full: 200, methylated, unstable, FRX in males and 50% of females, males only have premutation in sperm
CGG in 5’UTR of FMR1 gene
What are the characteristics of of a t(8;21) in AML?
t(8;21) RUNX1-RUNX1T1 fusion (RQ-PCR), usually younger patients, >70% show additional abnormalities (-X, - Y, del9q), good prognosis, 20-25% show KIT mutations
What are the characteristics of of a inv(16) in AML?
inv(16) incl. centromer, CBFB-MYH11 fusion (RQ-PCR), consider FISH (subtle), additional abnormalities include +22, usually only with inv(16), good prognosis, 30% have KIT mutations
What are the characteristics of of a t(15;17) in AML?
t(15;17), PML-RARA fusion (RQ-PCR), APML, risk of blood clotting, very urgent, good prognosis due to ATRA, additional abnormalities in 40%, +8,
What are the characteristics of of a t(9;11) in AML?
t(9;11), MLLT3-KMT2A, break-apart FISH probe, many fusion partners for KMT2A, intermediate prognosis in adult and paediatric (in adult depends on KMT2A partner)
What are the characteristics of of a inv(3) in AML?
inv(3), RPN1-EVI1break-apart FISH probe, EVI1 breakage involved in many 3q abnormalities, poor prognosis for any EVI1 rearrangement
What are the characteristics of of a t(12;21) in AML?
t(12;21) ETV6-RUNX1, RUNX1 FISH probe detects t(12;21), iAMP21 and hyperdiploidy,
Presentation of ?ALL - what do you do?
Direct culture (ALL cells apoptose)
BRC-ABL1 (poor prognosis)
KMT2A (chromosome 11 - esp. t(4;11) poor prognosis)
ETV6-RUNX1 (t(12;21), good prognosis - also detects iAMP (poor prognosis) and hyperdiploidy (good prognosis))
Presentation of ?AML - what do you do?
G-banding - consider FISH if unsure of inv(16) (+22 or immunology type (M2/M4) may indicate inv(16))
If ?APML then direct FISH for PML-RARA (t(15;17))
RNA for gene fusion monitoring (base-line), (RUNX1-RUNX1T1, CBFB-MYH11, PML-RARA)
RNA for FLT3 and NPM1 mutations
DNA for myeloid panel and AID13 studies depending on FLT3-itd ratio (>0.25)
DNA: If CBF (RUNX1-RUNX1T1 and CBFB-MYH11) then test for KIT mutations.
What are the clinical features of HNPCC?
Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer, autosomal dominant
Familial colon or endometrial cancer (rarely also other malignancies)
Mutations in MSH2 and MLH1 account for over 90% of cases
Approximately 80% lifetime risk of colon cancer (average 61 years) – women: 20-60% lifetime risk of endometrial cancer (average 46-62 years)
Mismatch repair deficiency syndrome (MMR-D): Caused by biallelic mutations in MMR genes (additional findings: early onset haematological malignancy, café-au-lait spots)