Genome Structure Flashcards
What is the DNA?
What is it composed of?
- DNA is a deoxyribonucleic acid
- It is a macromolecule consisting of a linear strand of nucleotides
- The single linear strands bind to it’s complementary strands forming a double stranded DNA
What is the Nucleotide made up of?
- A sugar molecule
- Nitrogenous base
- Phosphate group
Describe the single stranded DNA
- The Nucleotides attach to eachother from the Carbon 3 of one molecule to the Carbon 5 of another molecule
- 5’ and 3’ carbons are indicated
- The sequence is 5’ -> 3’ by convention
Describe the DNA in three dimensions
- Has 2 anti parallel strands of DNA
- The bases are stacked
- Has two grooves = Major/minor
How big is the human genome?
The human genome is about 3 x 10^9 base pairs - 3Gbp
How many genes does the human genome contain?
Contains about 20 000 genes
Describe the trend in genes in regards to the human genome
- The simpler the organism, the fewer genes they have. For e.g. flies have 10 000, yeast have 4000, bacteria 1000
- However the genome size is not always strongly related to the complexity of the organism
What is the problem with DNA in the body?
- The body has about 2 meters of DNA in a nucleated cell with about 37.2 trillion cells in the body.
- That’s about 7.44 x 10^13 meters of DNA
- The average cell is 50 ùm in diameter so how does the DNA fit
How is this problem resolved?
- Solved through a type of protein called Histone proteins
- They’re basic positively charged proteins that bind DNA
- Eight histones 2x(H2A+H2B+H3+H4) form the nucleosome
- Histone 1 binds to the linker DNA
Describe the Chromosome structure
- The metacentric has a short arm and long arm
- The Submetacentric has a centromere (At centre), Telomeres at the bottom ends and chromatids at the top ends
- The acrocentric has Satellites on the centromeres
Describe the primary DNA sequence
- The primary DNA sequence encodes all the gene products necessary for a human
- Also includes a large number of regulatory signals
- Much of the DNA sequence does not have an assigned function as yet
Describe the Exome
- The exome is made up of gene sequences
- Some definitions use all the coding sequences ( -37 Mbp about 1.2% of genome)
- Some definitions use all of the gene sequences (~60Mbp – 2% of genome)
What is a gene?
- The gene is all of the DNA that’s transcribed into RNA including the Cis linked regions
- Cis linked regions ensure quantitatively appropriate tissue specific expression of the final protein
- It is not just the bits that encode the final protein, Regulation of the gene is very important
Describe the gene structure (View diagram on slide)
Has a 2 gene region at the start of the gene followed by the inter gene region followed by another gene region. (These genes can often be very different in size)
Describe the interagency region
Intervened regions contain sequences which have no known functions such as repetitive DNA, endogenous retroviruses, pseudo genes. They can contain many regulatory elements.
Gene Structure. Describe the composition of the gene itself.
Genes often cluster in families
- Allows for co-ordinated gene regulation
- May just reflect evolutionary history
Describe the introns present in genes
- Vary in number (from 0 - 311)
- Vary in size (30bp - 1Mbp)
- Some introns contain other genes
What is the role of introns in a gene?
Introns can increase transcription levels by affecting the rate of transcription, nuclear export, and transcript stability.
Describe the promoter region
- Promoters recruit DNA polymerase to a DNA template
- RNA polymerase binds asymmetrically and can only move in the 5’ to 3’ direction
- Regulation occurs via transcription factors
Describe the Other Regulatory Regions - Enhancers
Enhancers up-regulate gene expression
- They’re short sequences that can be in the gene or many kilo bases distant.
- They’re targets for transcription factors (Activators)
Describe the Other Regulatory Regions - Silencers
Silencers down-regulate gene expression.
- They’re position independent
- They’re also targets for transcription factors (repressors)
Describe the Other Regulatory Regions - Insulators
Insulators are short sequences that act to prevent enhancers/silencers influencing other genes
Describe Transcription - Messenger RNA synthesis
- Catalysed by RNA polymerase II
- Transcribes in the 5’ to 3’ direction
- Transcribes everything after the transcription start site
- mRNA is post transcriptionally modified
What is the function of RNA polymerase II?
Recognises promoters efficiently with the assistance of many other transcription factors
Outline the steps of Transcription
1 - RNA polymerase recruited (closed complex)
2 - DNA helix locally unwound (open complex)
3 - RNA synthesis begins
4 - Elongation occurs
5 - Termination occurs
6 - RNA polymerase dissociates
What are the 3 types of Post Transcriptional Modifications?
Where does the Post-transcriptional modifications occur?
- Capping - at the 3’ end
- Splicing - Introns removed
- Polyadenylation - at the 3’ end
Describe the 5’ Cap
After 25-30 nts are synthesised, a methylated cap is added to the 5’ end by 3 enzyme activities:
- RNA 5’ - triphosphatase
- Guanylyltransferase
- N7G-methyltransferase
The first 2 activities is carried out by a bifunctional capping enzyme. RNA Pol II is also required
Describe the 3’ poly A tail
1 - CPSF (Cleavage and Polyadenylation Stimulating Factor) recognises the PAS (Polyadenylation signal) and acts on cleavage site
2 - CSTF (Cleavage Stimulating Factor) recognises GU-rich Downstream Elements (DSE)
3 - PAP (Poly-A polymerase) is recruited and adds multiple A bases after cleavage site
4 - PAB is Poly-A Binding Protein. Other proteins appear to be required for this process – CFIm (Cleavage Factor Im), CFIIm and Simpleki
What is the point of Splicing?
Splicing makes genes more “modular,” allowing new combinations of exons to be created during evolution.
What is alternative splicing?
Where Exons are skipped or added so many variations of a protein can be produced from the same gene
Describe the 3D genome structure
- Most of the time, DNA is not organised into chromosomes
- In somatic cells, The nuclear DNA is arranged non randomly
- Organisation has been identified using Hi-C (detects genomic DNA sequences in close proximity) and high-throughput microscopy
- Involves CTCF protein and Cohesin protein complex, as well as transcription machinery
How are the Compartments of the genome organised?
The genome can be separated into 2 compartments
- Compartment A: Transcriptionally active with active Histone modifications
- Compartment B:Transcriptionally repressed with repressive Histone modifications
These are interspersed throughout the 2D sequence but the same compartment types are brought close together in the 3D genome
- Individual compartments are made up of several non interacting sub compartments (TADs)
- They’re usually separated by transcriptional repress or CTFC protein