Genitourinary System Flashcards
What are the main parts of the kidneys?
Cortex, Major Calyx, Minor Calyx, Medulla, Ureter, Renal Vein, Renal Artery
What are the functions of the kidneys?
- Excretion of metabolic products, e.g., urea, uric acid, creatinine.
- Excretion of foreign substances, e.g., drugs.
- Homeostasis of body fluids, electrolytes & acid-base balance.
- Regulates blood pressure
- Secretes hormones, e.g., erythropoietin, renin.
Describe pathway of blood flow in the kidneys
Renal artery -> Segmental artery -> Interlobar Artery -> Afferent arteriole -> Glomerular capillaries -> Efferent arteriole -> Peritubular capillaries -> Interlobular vein -> Arcuate vein -> Interlobar vein -> Renal vein
What are the functions of the peritubular capillaries?
- Provide oxygen and nutrients to nephron
- Help in reabsorption of diff substances across nephrons and take them away into circulation
- Help in the secretion of different substances into the tubular fluid.
Describe anatomy of bladder and urethra
Detrusor muscle: Contracts to build pressure in the urinary bladder to support urination.
Trigone: Stretching of this triangular region to its limit signals the brain about the need for urination.
Internal sphincter: Involuntary control to prevent urination.
External sphincter: Voluntary control to prevent urination.
Bulbourethral gland: Produces thick lubricant which is added to watery semen to promote sperm survival.
Describe the structure and features of the nephron
Glomerulus contained within Bowman’s capsule which leads onto proximal convoluted tubule. The epithelial cells in this area are rich in in mitochondria as lots of reabsorptive action. The thin descending loop of Henle and thin ascending section are both low in conc of mitochondria. Thick ascending is rich in mitochondria and so is the distal convoluted tubule. Principal cells in collecting duct are have a low conc of mitochondria but intercalated cells are rich in mitochondria.
Describe the types of nephrons
Two types: superficial nephron and juxtamedullary nephrons. Superficial nephrons are ten times more abundant. These have their Bowman’s capsule in the outer cortex and their loop of Henle extends only up to the outer medulla, with only the thin section of the loop descending into the medulla. Juxtamedullary nephrons have their Bowman’s capsule close to the border of the outer medulla and their loop of Henle is much longer, extending deep into the inner medulla. The location of the Bowman’s capsule and convoluted tubules in the cortex gives it a granular appearance while the collecting ducts and loop of Henle in the medulla gives it a striated appearance.
What are the constituents and functions of the juxtaglomerular apparatus?
Constituents: Macula densa found in the distal convoluted tubules, Extraglomerular mesangial cells and Juxtaglomerular cells found on the afferent arteriole. A function of the Macula Densa is GFR regulation through tubulo-glomerular feedback mechanism. Juxtglomerular cells are responsible for renin secretion for regulating blood pressure.
What are the 4 renal processes and where do they occur?
Glomerular filtration occurs solely in the glomerulus. Reabsorption and secretion takes place over the entire length of the nephron. Excretion occurs from the collecting duct where filtrate forms urine. Different substances undergo a different combination of these processes in different amounts.
What kind of process is glomerular filtration and whar is the filtration barrier?
It is a passive process as fluid is ‘driven’ through the semipermeable glomerular capillaries into the Bowman’s capsule space by the hydrostatic pressure of the heart. The filtration barrier is size and charge dependent as it is highly permeable to fluids and small solutes but impermeable to cells and proteins.
Describe the filtration barrier in the glomerulus
The capillary endothelium is fenestrated and each fenestrae is 70nm in diametes, allowing water, ions and small proteins to pass. It is lined with the glomerular basement membrane which is lined by negatively charged proteins and most plasma proteins are negatively charged so prevents movement from the bloodstream. The Bowman’s space is lined by podocytes which have interlocking projections forming a slit diaphragm. It is thin & porous so only water & small solutes can pass.
What pressures drive glomerular filtration?
As the blood flows in the capillaries, there is hydrostatic pressure exerted by the fluid in the blood which pushes fluid and solutes out while the solutes in the bloodstream and plasma proteins exert an oncotic pressure pulling fluid into the bloodstream from the surrounding tissue. The same is true for the fluid and solutes of the interstitial fluid. Oncotic pressure is what leads to osmosis – bigger proteins will create greater oncotic pressure.
How is the net ultrafiltration pressure calculated and what variables are taken into account?
HPgc = Hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries HPbw = Hydrostatic pressure in bowman’s capsule πgc = Oncotic pressure of plasma proteins in glomerular capillaries
Puf = HPgc – HPbw – πgc
How does ultrafiltration occur in terms of participating pressures?
Fluid within the capillaries exerts a hydrostatic pressure by pushing fluid and solutes out of the bloodstream into the Bowman’s space, driven by pressure from the heart. However, the fluid in the Bowman’s space also exerts a hydrostatic pressure pushing fluid out of the space back into the bloodstream and this is supported by the oncotic pressure of the solutes within the bloodstream which also pull fluids back in. The oncotic pressure of solutes in the Bowman’s space is highly negligible as the filtered solutes are very small and hence oncotic pressure is also minimal.
What is the glomerular filtration rate?
It is the amount of fluid filtered from the glomeruli into the Bowman’s capsule per unit time (mL/min) and sum of filtration rate of all functioning nephrons.
How is glomerular filtration rate calculated?
GFR = Puf x Kf
Where Kf is an ultrafiltration coefficient (membrane permeability and surface area available for filtration).
What is a healthy GFR and what affects this?
For healthy male & female adults, the GFR can be between 90-140 mL/min & 80-125 mL/min respectively.
Any changes in filtration forces or Kf will result in GFR imbalances. A fall in GFR is the cardinal feature of renal disease, with a build up of excretory products in the plasma.
How is GFR regulated?
There are two mechanisms: The Myogenic mechanism and Tubulo-glomerular feedback mechanism.
Describe the myogenic mechanism of GFR regulation
As arterial pressure increases, the afferent arteriole stretches, activating stretch receptors in the arteriole endothelium. This leads to a resultant smooth muscle contraction, decreasing the size of the vessel lumen and therefore limiting bloodflow into the glomerular capillaries as resistance is increased. Hence, GFR remains constant.
What is the tubulo-glomerular feedback mechanism?
An increase in the GFR leads to increased NaCl in the loop of Henle and this change is detected by the Macula Densa cells of the distal convoluted tubule. It therefore increases the amount of ATP and adenosine discharged by to the afferent arteriole and this causes arteriole constriction. The increase in resistance to flow then controls arterial pressure in glomerular capillaries and stabilises GFR.
What is renal clearance?
Renal clearance is the number of litres of plasma that are completely cleared of the substance per unit time. Renal clearance is only concerned with the excretory role played by the kidneys, i.e. rate of removal of a substance X from the blood and excretion through urine.
What is the renal clearance equation?
𝐶=(𝑈 𝑥 𝑉)/𝑃
U = Concentration of substance in urine; V = Rate of urine production; P = Concentration of substance in plasma. Measured in mL/min.
How can GFR be practically determined?
If a molecule is freely filtered and neither reabsorbed nor secreted in the nephron then the amount filtered equals amount excreted. Thus GFR can be measured by measuring renal clearance of this molecule. There are two such molecules: Inulin and Creatinine. However, inulin does not naturally occur in the body.
What is the ideal molecule to measure GFR?
Ideal molecule is inulin which is a plant polysaccharide. It is freely filtered and neither reabsorbed nor secreted. Isn’t toxic and is measurable in urine and plasma. However not found in mammals so needs to be transfused.
What is commonly used to measure GFR?
Creatinine is commonly used which is a waste product from creatine in muscle metabolism. Amount of creatinine released is fairly constant. If renal function is stable, creatinine amount in urine is stable. Low creatinine clearance or high plasma creatine may indicate renal failure.
Why is creatinine not the ideal molecule?
It is freely filtered and not reabsorbed but a small amount is secreted into the nephron therefore its not a perfect molecule. However, the process for estimating creatinine in blood and urine can account for that to allow for GFR calculations.
How is renal plasma flow determined?
If the total amount of a molecule entering the kidney equals amount excreted, then the renal clearance of this molecule equals the renal plasma flow (RPF).
What molecule is used to determine renal plasma flow?
PAH (Para aminohippurate) is used as all the PAH is removed from the plasma passing through the kidney through filtration and secretion.
What is filtration fraction, how is it calculated and what is a healthy range?
The ratio of the amount of plasma which is filtered, and which arrives via the afferent arteriole is defined by the Filtration fraction (FF). Its value ranges from 0.15-0.20 normally. Calculated as GFR/RPF.
What are passive transport methods found in the renal tubules?
Diffusion, Osmosis and Electrical gradient difference. This is where charged ions can go to the side of the membrane which is oppositely charged.
What are 2 methods of primary active transport?
These are methods which use ATP directly to move molecules across the membrane. The Na+-K+-ATPase pump uses one ATP molecules to move 3 Na+ outside the cell and 2 K+ into the cell. The second method is endocytosis such as rebasorption of small molecules in the PCT.
What is secondary active/coupled transport?
This is where movement of one solute along its electrochemical gradient provides energy for the other solute to move against it. There are 2 methods of movement for this: Symport and Antiport. Symport is where the movement of one molecule down its concentration gradient allows for another to be moved along with it in the same direction. Antiport is where the two molecules are moved in opposite directions.
What are transport pathways in renal tubules?
The paracellular pathway allows movement of molecules across the tight junction of cells. The transcellular pathway allows for absorption of molecules along apical membrane of cell and across the cell into the bloodstream through the basolateral membrane. Ions excluding sodium, water and urea are transported paracellularly. Water is also transported transcellularly through aquaporins and sodium is rebasorbed only transcellularly.
How does transcellular sodium reabsorption work?
Step 1: Sodium is actively transported out of the epithelial cell from the basolateral membrane through the N+-K+-ATPase transporter, creating a low concentration of sodium within the epithelial cell.
Step 2: Sodium then diffuses from the lumen through the apical membrane into the epithelial cell down its concentration gradient.
What is reabsorbed in the early proximal convoluted tubule?
67% Na+, 67% Cl-, 80% HCO3-, 100% Glucose, 67% Water, 100% amino acids, 50% urea is reabsorbed. Drugs, ammonia, bile salts, prostaglandins, vitamins (folate & ascorbate) are secreted.
How does sodium and bicarbonate reabsorption work?
Na+-K+-ATPase channel actively transports sodium out creating a downhill concentration gradient. Carbon dioxide freely diffuses in from the tubular fluid into the epithelial cell where it reacts with water to form H+ ions and HCO3- ions. The H+ ions are transported out of the cell through an antiporter in the apical membrane which moves sodium into the cell down its concentration gradient, providing energy for H+ transport into the tubular fluid. A sodium bicarbonate symporter in the basolateral membrane moves both sodium ions and bicarbonate ions into the bloodstream. Angiotensin II regulates Na+ reabsorption by increasing Na+ - H+ antiporters.
How is glucose reabsorbed?
The Na+-K+-ATPase pump creates a low conc of sodium in the epithelial cell. A sodium glucose symporter SGLT2 in the apical membrane moves glucose into the cell using energy from sodium’s movement down its concentration gradient. The GLUT2 transporter then allows the glucose through the basolateral membrane into the bloodstream.
Describe what is reabsorbed in the different parts of the loop of Henle
In the thin descending limb, water undergoes passive reabsorption and so by the time the tubular fluid reaches the bottom of the loop of Henle it is hyperosmolar as no ionic reabsorption occurs in the thin descending limb. In the thin ascending limb, water is not reabsorbed but passive reabsorption of ions occurs. In the thick ascending limb, active transport of ions occurs and hence at the top of the loop of Henle, the fluid is hypo-osmolar.
Describe ionic absorption in the thick ascending limb
Through the paracellular pathway, Na+, Ca2+, K+ and Mg2+ are absorbed. The Na+-K+-ATPase pump found in basolateral membrane and decreases sodium conc inside epithelial cell. Na+K+2Cl- move into cell through symporter in apical membrane down sodium’s concentration gradient. K+ and Cl- transporters in basolateral surface so they diffuse down their concentration gradient.
Describe sodium and chloride reabsorption in the early distal convoluted tubule
Water is not reabsorbed here. Na+-K+-ATPase pump creates a conc grad while Na+, Cl- symporter in the apical membrane moves these ions in. Chloride channels in the basolateral membrane allow chloride ions into the bloodstream directly while a potassium, chloride symporter in the basolateral membrane transports the ions into the bloodstream.
Describe active calcium reabsorption in the early distal convoluted tubule
The Na+-K+-ATPase pump works. Sodium-calcium antiporters in the basolateral membrane move sodium into the epithelial cell while moving calcium into the bloodstream. Calcium ATPase pumps also move calcium into the bloodstream. Therefore, a low concentration of calcium exists in the cell allowing calcium to passively move into cell from tubular fluid through ion channels in apical membrane.
Describe purpose and action of the principal cell
Responsible for sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion. Na+-K+-ATPase pump creates a conc grad for sodium which diffuses into cell from tubular fluid through ion channels in apical membrane. Water is also reabsorbed through aquaporins found in both basolateral and apical membranes. Potassium ion channels exist in both basolateral and apical membrane allowing for concentration to be maintained and hyperkalemia prevented.
What hormones act on the principal cell and what is their effect?
Aldosterone regulates Na+ reabsorption by increasing apical Na+ channels & basolateral Na+ - K+ - ATPase pumps.
Anti-Diuretic Hormone regulates water reabsorption by increasing apical aquaporins.
Describe purpose and action of the intercalated cell
There are two types of intercalated cells: alpha and beta. Alpha is responsible for HCO3- reabsorption & H+ secretion. Beta is responsible for HCO3- secretion & H+ reabsorption.
[Alpha throws out acid while beta throws out bicarbonate]
Both have a chloride ion channel in the basolateral membrane. However, while an alpha cell has a H+ ATPase pump in the apical membrane, a beta cell has this in the basolateral membrane. Similarly a beta cell has a HCO3-/Cl- antiporter in the apical membrane while an alpha cell has this in the basolateral membrane.