Genitourinary Medicine Flashcards
What is Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome and how does it present?
PID complication where the liver capsule becomes inflamed leading to development of adhesions between the liver and the surrounding peritoneum. This causes right upper quadrant pain radiating to the shoulder alongside other symptoms of PID (vaginal discharge, fever)
Managing a woman who tests positive for the first time for HR HPV after her smear test.
Positive cytology - refer for colposcopy
Negative cytology (no dyskaryosis of cells in the transformation zone) - repeat smear and test for HR-HPV after 12 months, if negative return to routine screen if positive without positive cytology repeat at 24 months, if positive again refer for colposcopy (increased risk of dyskaryosis)
HIV progression
Classification based on CD4 count
Incubation period - asymptomatic This stage can last varying from a few months to several years.
Early Acute phase CD4+ around 500 - week to months: flu like symptoms - raised lymph nodes, rashes,
An HIV infected person will begin manifesting symptoms like rashes, weakening of the muscles, sore throat, fever, mouth sores, and swelling of the lymph nodes. The infected person may also have an unexplained weight loss of less than 10% of total body weight.
CD4 count 200-500: ongoing skin issues, lymhadenopathy, opportunistic infections
Once this stage starts, the immune system will begin to produce antibodies that will battle the virus. The patient will experience weight loss more than 10% of total weight, unexplained diarrhea, pulmonary tuberculosis, and severe systemic bacterial infections such as pneumonia, meningitis, bone and joint infections, and bacteremia.
Advanced CD4<200 - AIDS - serious infections/skin mallignancies occur occur (Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, Kaposi’s sarcoma),
How is HIV tested for?
1.EIA (4th gen combo assay):
Detects anti-HIV ab and detects P24 antigen, window period of 45 days (time taken for positive results following exposure)
- Confirmatory tests in lab positive - immunoblot, looks for other antigens
- RNA detection by PCR for ‘‘viral load’’ - MONITOR RESPONSE TO TREATMENT, <50 copies undetectable
There is a long list of AIDS-defining illnesses associated with end-stage HIV infection where the CD4 count has dropped to a level that allows for unusual opportunistic infections and malignancies to appear, what are some examples?
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP)
Cytomegalovirus infection
Candidiasis (oesophageal or bronchial)
What tests are part of the HIV follow up?
CD4 count - indication of how advanced disease is
HIV viral load - aim undetectable (<50 copies)
HIV resistance testing (?which rx can we use)
How is the patient/baseline monitoring - FBC, U&E, LFT, bone profile, physical assement, fundoscopy, urine dip)
Screen for relevant infection - STIs, BBIs, TB in high risk groups, OI is advanced/symptoms
What tests are part of the HIV follow up?
CD4 count - indication of how advanced disease is
HIV viral load - aim undetectable (<50 copies)
HIV resistance testing (?which rx can we use)
How is the patient/baseline monitoring - FBC, U&E, LFT, bone profile, physical assement, fundoscopy, urine dip)
Screen for relevant infection - STIs, BBIs, TB in high-risk groups, OI is advanced/symptoms
HIV anti-viral therapy
Tripple anti-retroviral therapy: 3 drugs - x2 NRTI plus 3rd agent
Long acting injectables
Some newer 2 drug regimes emerging
How often are stable HIV patients monitored for viral load and routine bloods?
6 monthly
Key questions to ask an HIV pt about medications?
Which regime?
How long taking it?
Any missed pills?
Previous treatments/failure/resistance
Other medications incuding OTC/vitamins (may react)
How to prevent HIV transmission?
Condom use
Screening and regular testing (3/12 if high risk)
Treatment as prevention - U=U
When can HIV post exposure prophylaxis be given following a high-risk exposure, what is given?
WIthin 72 hours
Truvada + Raltegravir for 28 days, available via A+E or sexual health services
Reccomended following receptive anal sex with known HIV partner or ?HIV partner
What is PrEP?
HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis
High risk patients eligble under NHS from sexual health centres, Truvada either given daily or ‘event based’
Reduces risk of acqusation of HIV
HIV vs AIDs?
HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
AIDS is usually referred to in the UK as Late-Stage HIV
What kind of virus is HIV and how does it cause pathology?
RNA retrovirus
The virus enters and destroys the CD4 T helper cells.
An initial seroconversion flu-like illness occurs within a few weeks of infection. The infection is then asymptomatic until it progresses and the patient becomes immunocompromised and develops AIDS-defining illnesses and opportunistic infections potentially years later.
How is HIV transmitted?
Unprotected anal, vaginal or oral sexual activity.
Mother to child at any stage of pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding. This is referred to as vertical transmission.
Mucous membrane, blood or open wound exposure to infected blood or bodily fluids such as through sharing needles, needle-stick injuries or blood splashed in an eye.
What is a normal CD4 count?
500-1200 cells/mm3 is the normal range
Under what CD4 count is considered end stage HIV / AIDS and puts the patient at high risk of opportunistic infections?
200 cells/mm3
How to BHIVA recommend HIV is treated?
a starting regime of 2 NRTIs (e.g. tenofovir and emtricitabine) plus a third agent
Highly Active Anti-Retrovirus Therapy (HAART) Medication Classes used to treat HIV?
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs) x2
+ 1 of
Protease Inhibitors (PIs)
Integrase Inhibitors (IIs)
Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)
Entry Inhibitors (EIs).CCR5 inhibitors
What drug can be given to patients prophylactically with a CD4 count below 200/mm3?
Prophylactic co-trimoxazole (Septrin) is given to patients with CD4 < 200/mm3 to protect against pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP).
What risk factors should be monitored in patients with HIV due to their risk of developing complications with a particular body system?
Patients with HIV have close monitoring of cardiovascular risk factors and blood lipids and appropriate treatment (such as statins) to reduce their risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
How to prevent HIV transmission?
Condom use
Screening and regular testing (3/12 if high risk)
Treatment as prevention - U=U
Where the affected partner has an undetectable viral load unprotected sex and pregnancy may be considered. It is also possible to conceive safely through techniques like sperm washing and IVF.
Caesarean section should be used unless the mother has an undetectable viral load. Vaginal birth may be considered where the viral load is undetectable. Newborns to HIV positive mothers should receive ART for 4 weeks after birth to reduce the risk of vertical transmission.
Breastfeeding is only considered where the viral load is undetectable however there may still be a risk of contracting HIV through breastfeeding.
Concerns re HIV and pregnancy/birth?
Where the affected partner has an undetectable viral load unprotected sex and pregnancy may be considered.
It is also possible to conceive safely through techniques like sperm washing and IVF.
Caesarean section should be used unless the mother has an undetectable viral load.
Vaginal birth may be considered where the viral load is undetectable.
Newborns to HIV positive mothers should receive ART for 4 weeks after birth to reduce the risk of vertical transmission.
Breastfeeding is only considered where the viral load is undetectable however there may still be a risk of contracting HIV through breastfeeding.
How to manage a patient presenting after a high risk HIV exposure?
Offer PEP for 28 days if appropriate
HIV tests should be done initially but also a minimum of 3 months after exposure to confirm a negative status.
Individuals should abstain from unprotected activity for a minimum of 3 months until confirmed negative.
Why should women with HIV have yearly cervical smears?
HIV predisposes to developing cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical cancer so female patients need close monitoring to ensure early detection of these complications.
What should patients with Hepatitis B be advised?
Inform GP/dentist
Do not donate blood/organs/sement
Do not share needles
Cover wounds
Clean blood spills throughly
Barrier protection for SI
What blood born virus has the highest risk of transmission following a needle stick injury?
Hep B (1/3)
vs. 1/30 Hep C, 1/300 HIV
Immediate actions following a needlestick injury to prevent blood born infection transmission?
Wash and encourage to bleed
Inform senior
RIsk assessment with OH - may neeed HIV PEP, may need HBV booster +/- HBIG - within 48 HOURS
Window period for admission of HBIG following Hep B exposure?
48 hours
What should be done following Hep B exposure?
Hep B Booster if required
If inadequate immunity and exposure to person who is HBsAg positive, consider HBIG
What dermatological conditions may occur when HIV starts to show symptoms?
According to WHO research, a range of dermatological conditions usually appears during this stage such as herpes zoster flares, papular pruritic eruptions, seborrheic dermatitis, and fungal nail infections.
What is HIV seroconversion?
HIV seroconversion is symptomatic in 60-80% of patients and typically presents as a glandular fever type illness. Increased symptomatic severity is associated with poorer long term prognosis. It typically occurs 3-12 weeks after infection
sore throat
malaise, myalgia, arthralgia
maculopapular rash
mouth ulcers
rarely meningoencephalitis
What is the likely to be?
Labial ulcerations on both sides (more likely primary episode)
Likely to be raised tender lymph nodes in groin
What is the likely to be?
HSV on cervix
What is the likely to be?
HSV anal
HSV flare course?
Red sore areas appear
Blisters form
Blisters breakdown and form open ulcers
Ulcers scab over and heal on their own
5-10 days
Suspected herpes investigations?
Herpes simplex PCR swab of blister/wet lesion (dried lesions unlikely to pick up virus)
Additionally, full STU screen:
syphilis serology, HIV ab test, chlamydia and gonorrhea testing
How long after exposure can syphilis serology be tested for?
12 weeks
How to manage an HSV flare/initial presentation?
Rest, analgesia, saline washing (saltwater bathing), Vaseline
Antiviral - must be systemic (Acyclovir 400mg TDS 5 days)
Offer 5% lidocaine oitnment
Initial presentation usually most severe episode, do not wait for test results to treat
Avoid sexual contact while symptomatic, advise to disclose to partners
Potential complications of HSV?
Urinary retention (may need suprapubic catheter)
Adhesions (advise saline wash)
Emotional distress
What should patients with HSV be counselled?
Recurrence rate 1/3 per month HSV2, >1/10 HSV1
Asymptomatic shedding can occur
Around half of patients seroconvert virus without symptoms
Condoms reduce but do not eliminate transmission
Primary episode in 3rd trimester or pregnancy is a high risk to the newborn if born vaginally (if known HSV flare, Ab passed through placenta protected by passive immunity for 6 months)
What is this likely to be?
Shingles, (HZV) - dermatomal lesions, not corssing lesions
Are herpes ulcers painful or painless?
Are syphilis ulcers painful or painless?
Common differentials for genital ulcers?
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Aphthous ulceration
Varicella, CMV, staph/strep, LGV, chancroid, donovanosis, Fungal
Bechets disease
Crohn’s disease
Malignancy (non healing)
FDE, topical reaction, IVDU, foscarnet
HIV pathophysiology
HIV RNA retroviruses attatch to CD4 surface receptor/fuse with cell membrane
Uncoatin: viral contents empty
HIV enzyme reverse transcriptase copies viral genetic material to DNA
Blueprint for replication or viral RNA and repeat process
Dormant infected cells reactivated against any new infection - further replicate virus
Diagnosis of syphillis?
From lesions: Dark field microscopy, Treponema pallidum PCR
In blood (12 week window period( EIA), TPPA, RPR, VDRL
Full STI screen including HIV
What organism causes syphilis? (seen here on dark ground microscopy)
Treponema pallidum
This bacteria is a spirochete, a type of spiral-shaped bacteria. The bacteria gets in through skin or mucous membranes, replicates and then disseminates throughout the body. It is mainly a sexually transmitted infection. The incubation period between the initial infection and symptoms is 21 days on average.
Secondary syphillis potential manifestations
Rash, pink to brown macules. involves palms/soles in 50% of cases, may also be on back, arms
Condylomata Lata (healed up warts lie lesions)
Anterior or posterior uveitis
Symptomatic early neurosyphilis,with cranial nerve deficits and/or aseptic meningitis presentation
Tinea mimicker (Genito-inguinal rash)
Acute hepatitis neohrotic syndrome (Less common)
Potential indicator conditions for HIV that may prompt testing?
Mallignant lymphoma
Anal cancer/dysplasisa
Cervical dysplasia
Herpes zoster
Hep B or C
Unexplained lymphadenopathy
Mononucelosis like illness
Unexplained leukocytopenia/thrombyctopenia lasting over 4 weeks
What type of virus is Hep C?
RNA flavivirus virus
How is Hep C transmitted?
Blood and bodily fluids
Vertical - 5% risk, breastfeeding and mode of delivery do not influence
Sexual - low risk - higher if coinfection with HIV or MSM
Hepatitis C: clinical features?
Most asymptomatic or mild
Acute icteric hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis picture
a transient rise in serum aminotransferases / jaundice
What is the window period for Hep C (how long after exposure detectable)
6 months
What is the incubation period for Hep C
6-9 weeks
Complications of hepatitis C?
Progression to chronic infection (3/4)
Cirrhosis (30% within 14-30 years if not treated)
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Complications of chronic hepatitis C?
rheumatological problems: arthralgia, arthritis
eye problems: Sjogren’s syndrome
cirrhosis (5-20% of those with chronic disease)
hepatocellular cancer
cryoglobulinaemia: typically type II (mixed monoclonal and polyclonal)
porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT): it is increasingly recognised that PCT may develop in patients with hepatitis C, especially if there are other factors such as alcohol abuse
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Hepatitis C testing
Anti HCV (total) used for intial screening - marks current of past infection, becomes positive 4-10 weeks after exposure
HCV RNA is the investigation of choice to diagnose acute infection to differentiate between current and past infection (if present infection current and pt infectious)
Hep C genotype used to guide treatment
Hep C antibodies
Patients will eventually develop anti-HCV antibodies it
Patients who spontaneously clear the virus will continue to have anti-HCV antibodies - need HCV RNA to differentiate
Ab provide incomplete protection - reinfection possible
treatment depends on the viral genotype - this should be tested prior to treatment
95% clearance rate with treatment,
the aim of treatment is sustained virological response (SVR), defined as undetectable serum HCV RNA six months after the end of therapy
currently a combination of protease inhibitors (e.g. daclatasvir + sofosbuvir or sofosbuvir + simeprevir) with or without ribavirin are used
Complications of Hep C treatment?
ribavirin - side-effects: haemolytic anaemia, cough. Women should not become pregnant within 6 months of stopping ribavirin as it is teratogenic
interferon alpha (no longer recommended) - side-effects: flu-like symptoms, depression, fatigue, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
Who is high risk for Hep C?
At risk groups include intravenous drug users and patients who received a blood transfusion prior to 1991 (e.g. haemophiliacs).
Hep C prevention
No vaccine or immunoglobin, no PEP
No intervention reduces vertical tranmission
Eary identification and risk moddifcation best way to prevent
What should you advise a patient who has been diagnosed with Hep C?
Curable - high clearence with treatment
Vaccinate against Hep B and check for other hepatitis infections
Discussion of routes of tranmission and risk reduction
Detailed explanation of condition and long term implications
When acute - notifiable disease
Screening for STIS
Do not donate blood, semen or organs
How to manage hep C?
Evaluate if pt stable
Assess liver function and inflammation - ALT, clotting, platelets,albumin
Reff to hepatology
Direct acting antivirals
Barriers to sexual history taking
Misunderstanding language - medical jargon, slang, language barrier
Fear of judgement of stigmatization
Lack of privacy
Time pressure
Difficulty understanding the patients concerns and expectations
Potential GUM patient concerns
Need for a cure
Who will find out
Feeling abnormal
GUM clinic PC - pts with female anatomy
Vaginal discharge
Genital lumps/ulcers
Deep and superficial dyspareunia
Dysuria and urinary frequency
Abdominal pain
STI contact/sexual assults/TOP.sexual dysfunction
Rectal symptoms
Asymptomatic screens
GUM clinic PC - pts with male anatomy
Uretheral discharge
Dysuria and urinary frequency
Genital lumps/ulcers
Testicular pain-swelling
Rectal symtpoms
Sexual dysfunction and assults
Asymptomatic screens
Sexual history taking at GUM clinic
Past history of STI
Last episode of sex
Anatomy of partner(s)
Sexual contact - regular or infrequent, casual or relationship
Duration of sexual relationship
Sex ?cnodoms
Type: particularly MSM- insertive/receptive, active/passive, top/bottom, oral, vaginal, anal
Partner symptoms/STI history
Partner details for contact tracing
Blood borne virus risk factors
Hep B, Hep C, HIV
IVDU/partnr IVDU
Partners with known infection
Partners from another country with high prevalance
People with multiple partners
BBI high prevalence areas?
HIV - Africa
Hep B - West africa
Hep C - middle east and china
Male genitalia examination
INspect and palpated inguinal region
Inspect pubic area scrotum
Inspect penis (fully retract soreskin)
Palpate scrotal contents
- Perianal
- Anal-rectal examinations with protoscope
-If symptomatic
Symptomatic male investigations - GUM
Urethral smear - GC/NSU, GC cuktyre
First pass urine - GC/CT dual Naats test
Bloods HIV/syphillis +/- Hep B/C
MSM- consider rectal and pharngeal swabs and cultures
Other swabs - MC&S/Candida/Herpes
Other tests - urine dip
Female genitalia examination (GUM)
Lithotomy position (allows for good visualisation)
Inspect and palpate inguninal region
Inspect and palpate inguinal region
Inspect pubic area, labia majra, minora and periana alreas
Speculum examination
Bimanual examination (if indicated) - abdominal pain of deep dsypareunia
If necessary: oral cavity, skin, eyes, joints
Consider anorectal examination in left lateral position
GUM - symptomatic female tests
HIGH VAGINAL LOOP SWAB for microscopy and pH testing - TV, BV, candida
Vulvovagina swab ‘‘dual NAAT’’ - chlamydia and gonorrhoea, may need throat and rectal
Bloods - HIV/Syph +/- Hep B/C
History and examination dependent - cgonorrhoea cultures- endocervical, HSV PCR, urinalysis, pregnancy test (pt request, ?PID)
GUM - asymptomatic male tests
First pass urine - NAAT of chlamydia and gonorrhea
Bloods: HIV
MSM: Hep C/B, consider throat swab
GUM - testing symptomatic females
Self taken vulvo-vaginal NAAT (CT G)
Serology - STS, HIV
Urinalysis/ pregnancy test as app
How can partners at risk (of STI) be identified?
Look-back periods (6 m chlamydiya and gonhorrea, HIV last test (note pregnant women in UK would have been tested), syphilis last test)
Refer to sexual history
Condom use-safer sex advice
Memory prompts may help recall
Document details to track progress
PN in primary care
Advise pts with an STI that partner/s will need testing/treating
Offer choices of partner notification e.g. pt to inform their contacts
Consider local refferal pathways for management of pt with STI to include PN arrangements
A symptomatic male with gonorrhea should contact partners from how long ago?
2 weeks prior to onset of urerthral discharge
(6 m if asymptomatic)
A symptomatic male with gonorrhea should contact partners from how long ago?
2 weeks prior to onset of urethral discharge
(6 m if asymptomatic)
Securing co-operation with STI partner notification
Non-judgemental and supportive approach
Emphasize pt choice/control
Patient risk of re-infection
Partner at risk from untreated infection
Risk of transmission to others
STI PN methods
Patient referral
Provider referral
What are contact slips/cards (context GUM)?
Can provide anonymity and confidentiality for the patient index
Enable sexual contacts to seek medical advice or treatment
Inform the contact’s clinic of individual pt diagnosis, and date of diagnosis
Enable cross-referencing and evaluation of partner notification
What details should you ask about when a patient presents complaining of vaginal discharge?
Other symptoms: itch, soreness, intermenstrual/post-coital bleeding, dyspareunia, genital rash lesions
Sexual hx
Investigating vaginal discharge?
Examination - speculum (retained FB), vaginal pH
High vaginal swab - wet mount, culture, gram stain: Canida and trichomonas vaginalis
Vulvovaginal swab: NAAT for N. gonorrhea and C. trachomatis
Endocervical swab: gonorrhea culture
HSV PCR from cervix if suspected, culture for other organisms if relevant (ie. pregnancy)
What can a high-end vaginal swab test for?
candida albicans
trichomonas vaginalis
What can a vuvlovaginal swab test for?
N. gonorrhea and C.trachomatis
What can an endocervical swab test for?
Usually used to culture n. gonorrhea
Candidiasis risk factors?
Immunosupression (HIV steroids, chemotherapy)
High oestrogen levels (pregnancy, luteal phase, COCPs)
Recent antibiotics
Mucosal breakdown (sexual contact, dermatitis)
Reccurent candidiasis? associated with atopy
50% associated with additional dematoses
pH in candida infection?
Normal (<4.5)
Diagnosis of candidiasis?
Microbiological confirmation not required
Confirmatory tests if unsure may include:
Vaginal wall +/- vaginal swab - gram stained slide +/- culture in transport media
Most common organisms causing candidiasis?
Candida albicans (90%)
Candida glabrata (5%)