Genito-urinary Medicine and Contraception Flashcards
Define Bacterial Vaginosis? What bacteria cause it?
Overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the vagina due to a loss of commensal lactobacilli (recent antibiotics or excessive vaginal cleaning)
Lactobacilli produce lactic acid which maintains a low vaginal pH (below 4.5) and prevents other bacteria from overgrowing. When there are reduced numbers of lactobacilli in the vagina, the pH rises and allows anaerobic bacteria to grow:
- Gardnerella vaginalis (most common)
- Mycoplasma hominis
- Prevotella species
Presentation of Bacterial vaginosis
The standard presenting feature of bacterial vaginosis is a fishy-smelling watery grey or white vaginal discharge. Half of women with BV are asymptomatic.
Itching, irritation and pain are not typically associated with BV and suggest an alternative cause or co-occurring infection.
Microscopy of a high vaginal swab (speculum) shows clue cells. What is the diagnosis?
Bacterial vaginosis gives “clue cells” on microscopy. Clue cells are epithelial cells from the cervix that have bacteria stuck inside them, usually Gardnerella vaginalis.
Can also test for higher vaginal pH
Rx for BV
Metronidazole is the antibiotic of choice for treating bacterial vaginosis. Metronidazole specifically targets anaerobic bacteria. This is given orally, or by vaginal gel.
Asymptomatic BV does not usually require treatment.
Tom Tip: Avoid alcohol with metronidazole - Alcohol and metronidazole can cause a “disulfiram-like reaction”, with nausea and vomiting, flushing and sometimes severe symptoms of shock and angioedema.
Complications of BV and chlamydia in pregnancy are almost indentical, name them? (6)
Which complication is chlamydia specific?
- miscarriage
- preterm delivery
- chorioamnionitis
- low birth weight
- post-partum endometritis
- chlamydia specific - neonatal pneumonia.conjuctivitis
What causes vaginal thrush? (inc risk factors)
Vaginal infection with candida yeast (most commonly candida albicans). Cadndida may asymptomatically colonise the vagina but then progress to infection when the right environment occours:
- increased oestrogen (pregnancy)
- broadspectrum antibiotics (like BV)
- immunosupression/diabetes
A female presents with:
- Thick, white discharge that does not typically smell
- Vulval and vaginal itching, irritation or discomfort
How would you confirm the diagnosis?
Thrush - Vaginal Candidiasis
A charcoal swab with microscopy can confirm the diagnosis.
Managment of vaginal candiasis
Treatement is with antifungal medications. Inital management can be given in one of three ways
- intravaginal clotrimazole cream at night
- **clotrimazole pessary **
- a signle dose of oral fluconazole
Canesten Duo is a standard over-the-counter treatment worth knowing. It contains a single fluconazole tablet and clotrimazole cream to use externally for vulval symptoms.
Ix for chlamydia
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) are used to diagnose chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Rather than using microscopy these are checked directly for the DNA and RNA of the organism.
In women
- Vulvovaginal swab or Endocervical swab (speculum)
- First-catch urine sample is an alternative (urine held in bladder for at least one hour)
In Men:
- first catch urine sample
- Urethral swab is an alternative
- Rectal swab (after anal sex)
- Pharyngeal swab (after oral sex)
NOTE - NAAT is also used to screen for chlamydia in asymptomatic people at high risk of chlamydia infection. Everyone at GUM clinics, all women under 25, 2 secual partners in the last year….
A women presents with abnormal vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, dyspareunia, dysuria and post-coital bleeding. Diagnosis? How does the presentation differ from another key differential?
Answer - Chlamydia
Presentation of Chlamydia ans Gonorrhea in women is similar:
Abnormal vaginal discharge
Pelvic pain
Abnormal vaginal bleeding (intermenstrual or postcoital)
Painful sex (dyspareunia)
Painful urination (dysuria)
The way to distinguish - discharge from chlamydia is usually clear or milky, while discharge from gonorrhoea tends to be thicker and can be yellow, white, or green.
Also Chlamydia is more likely to cause abnormal bleeding - more likely to cause cervicitis
In men (these are the same for both chlamydia and gonorrhoea)
- urethral discharge
- dysuria
- epidydymo-orchitis
A large number of chlamydia cases are asymptomatic (50% in men and 75% in woman). Infection with gonorrhoea is more likely to be symptomatic than infection with chlamydia. Only 10% of men and 50% of women are asymptomatic.
Rx for chlamydia?
In pregnancy?
First-line for uncomplicated chlamydia infection is Doxycycline 100mg twice a day for 7 days.
- Doxycycline is contra-indicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding. Alternatives include Azithromycin and erythromycin - KEY
- a test of cure should be used in pregnancy
What is chlamydial conjuctivitis
Chlamydia can infect the conjunctiva of the eye. Conjunctival infection is usually as a result of sexual activity, when genital fluid comes in contact with the eye, for example, through hand-to-eye spread. It presents with chronic erythema, irritation and discharge lasting more than two weeks. Most cases are unilateral.
Chlamydial conjunctivitis occurs more frequently in young adults. It can also affect neonates with mothers infected with chlamydia.
Gonococcal conjunctivitis is a crucial differential diagnosis and should be tested. In neonatas, gonococaal conjuntivitis (contracted during birth) is a medical emergency associated with sepsis and blindness.
What is lyphogranuloma venereum?
What is the Rx?
Usually occours in MSM, lymphogranuloma venereum is a condition affecting the lyphoid tissues around the site of a chlamydia infection.
It occours in three stages:
1. A painless ulcer in the rectum, vagina or penis
2. Inguinal/femoral lymphadenitis (painful inflammation of lymph nodes)
3. Proctitis - anal pain, change in bowel habit
Rx is with Docycycline (just like uncomplicated chlamydia) but for 21 days (uncomplicated is 7 days).
Me - key differential will be syphillis because similar to the painless chancre. However, syphillis then leads to a rash and painLESS lyphadenopathy.
Ix for Gonorrhoea
Like chlamydia, NAAT testing is used to test for gonorrhoea:
- vulvovaginal swab in women
- first catch urine in men
- rectal and pharyngeal swabs
ALSO a charcoal swab for microscopy, culture and antibiotic sensaitivities.
NAAT test do not provide any information about the specific bacteria and their antibiotic sensitivities and resistance. This is why a standard charcoal swab for microscopy, culture and sensitivities is so essential, to guide the choice of antibiotics to use in treatment.
Rx for Gonorrhoea
- A single dose of intramuscular ceftriaxone 1g if the sensitivities are NOT known
- A single dose of oral ciprofloxacin 500mg if the sensitivities ARE known
Unlike chlamydia, because of high antibitoic resistance, a test of cure is performed.
Key - Ceftriaxone is also safe in pregnancy, cipro isnt though!!
What is pelvic inflammatory disease?
Causes - 6?
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is inflammation and infection of the organs of the pelvis, caused by infection spreading up through the cervix. It is a significant cause of tubular infertility and chronic pelvic pain. It includes endometritis, salpingitis, oophoritis, parametritis.
Most cases are caused by STI accending:
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae tends to produce more severe PID
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Mycoplasma genitalium
Less commonly caused by non-STIs:
- Gardnerella vaginalis (associated with bacterial vaginosis)
- Haemophilus influenzae (acceding through the cervix)
- Escherichia coli (an enteric bacteria commonly associated with urinary tract infections)
Microscopy on a high vaginal swab shows pus cells, what is the diagnosis
What are the other Ix for this condition?
Ix for PID
- NAAT swabs
- high vaginal charcoal swab
- HIV and syohilis blood test
- pregnancy test- exclude ectopic in young women with pelvic pain
- inflammatory markers- usually raised.
KEY - PID management
Complex and started empirically to avoid complications.
- IM ceftriazone (to cover gonorrhoea)
- Doxycycline twice daily for 14 days (to cover chlamydia and mycoplasma genitalium)
- metranidazole (to cover anaerobes such a gardnerella vaginalis (BV))
Ceftriazone and Doxyclycine will also cover over bacteria such as E.coli and H.influenza
NOTE - This is a great card because it has BV, Chlamdyia and Gonorrhoea management as they are indivudally.
Complications of PID
- sepsis
- absess
- infertility
- chornic pelvic pain
- ectopic pregnancy
- Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome - PID causing inflammation and infeciton of the liver capsule leading to peritoneal adhesions.
What are the two main strains of herpes simplex virus?
HSV-1 is most associated with cold sores. It is often contracted initially in childhood (before five years), remains dormant in the trigeminal nerve ganglion and reactivates as cold sores, particularly in times of stress. Genital herpes caused by HSV-1 is usually contracted through oro-genital sex, where the virus spreads from a person with an oral infection to the person that develops a genital infection.
HSV-2 typically causes genital herpes and is mostly a sexually transmitted infection. The virus becomes latent in the sacral nerve ganglion.
A patient presents with a painful blistering lesion in the genital area and flu-like symptoms. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Genital Herpes
A viral PCR swab from the legion can confirm the diagnosis.
Me- The key here is the blisters, pain and the flu-like symptoms. Syphillis isnt usually vesicular and isn’t usually painful.
Signs and symptoms include:
Ulcers or blistering lesions affecting the genital area
Neuropathic type pain (tingling, burning or shooting)
Flu-like symptoms (e.g. fatigue and headaches)
Dysuria (painful urination)
Inguinal lymphadenopathy
Symptoms can last three weeks in a primary infection. Recurrent episodes are usually milder and resolve more quickly.
Compare Syphillis and Herpes presentation
Syphilis: A patient may present with painless ulcers, rashes, or swollen lymph nodes, depending on the stage of infection. Local (often painless, but not always) lyphadenompathy
Herpes: The patient often presents with painful vesicles (genital sores), itching, burning, or flu-like symptoms and dysuria/
Management of genital herpes
Aciclovir is used to treat genital herpes.
Symptomatic measures - paractamol, topical lidocaine, avoiding intercourse
There is a no cure, often recurrent outbreaks will resolve without treatment and are less severe than the initial. Some people never have recurrent outbreaks.