Genital system 1 - DONE Flashcards
What distinct regions does a normal prostate contain?
- a central zone (CZ)
- a peripheral zone (PZ)
- transitional zone (TZ)
- a periurethral zone
Where does most of the carcinomas arise from? Palpation?
Most carcinomas arise from the peripheral glands of the organ and may be palpable during digital examination of the rectum.
Where does the nodular hyperplasia arise from in contrast to most carcinomas? Compare!
Nodular hyperplasia, in contrast, arises from more centrally situated glands and is more likely to produce urinary obstruction early in its course than is carcinoma.
What characterizes prostatic hyperplasia?
Prostatic hyperplasia is characterized by proliferation of both stromal an epithelial elements, with resultant enlargement of the gland and, in SOME cases, urinary obstruction
What is an extremely common abnormality of the prostate?
NH (non-Hodgkin lymphoma) is an extremely common abnormality of the prostate
How many get nodular hyperplasia of the prostate? Frequency?
It is present in a significant number of men over 45-50, and its frequency rises progressively with age, reaching 90% men by the eighth decade of life
Benign prostatic hyperplasia =
Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate
Etiology of Benign prostatic hyperplasia (Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate):
androgens play a central role in development of BPH
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
What is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)?
DHT is an androgen derived from testosterone through the action of 5α-reductase, and its metabolite, 3α androstanediol
What do Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) do?
DHT is a major hormonal stimuli for stromal and glandular proliferation in men with nodular hyperplasia.
How does Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) lead to hyperplasia?
DHT binds to nuclear androgen receptors and, in turn, stimulates synthesis of DNA, RNA, growth factors, and other cytoplasmic proteins, leading to hyperplasia.
What may increase the expression of DHT?
Experimental work has also identified age-related increases in estrogen levels that may increase the expression of DHT receptors on prostatic parenchymal cells, thereby functioning in the pathogenesis of nodular hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyperplasia Ma:
Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate Ma:
- nodular enlargement
- nodules vary in color and consistency
- This nodularity may be present throughout the prostate, but it is usually most pronounced in the inner (central and transitional) region.
- The nodules may have a solid appearance or may contain cystic spaces
Where is the nodularity in benign prostatic hyperplasia usually most pronounced??
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is usually most pronounced in the inner (central and transitional) region.
But present throughout the prostate.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia Mi:
Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate Mi:
- glandular proliferation and dilatation
- fibrous and muscular proliferation of the stroma.
- Glands are lined by two layers of epithelium (inner columnar and outer cuboidal or flattened) based on the basement membrane.
- Foci of squamous mataplasia. Small areas of infarction.
What is the precentage of men with prostatic hyperplasia that get clinical symptoms?
Clinical manifestations of prostatic hyperplasia occur in only about 10% of men with the disease.
What are the most common manifestations of nodular hyperplasia?
(Benign prostatic hyperplasia)
- difficulty in starting the stream of urine (hesitancy)
- intermittent interruption of the urinary stream while voiding
What is nodular hyperplasias most common manifestations?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Because nodular hyperplasia preferentially involves the inner portions of the prostate, its most common manifestations are those of lower urinary tract obstruction.
What can some men with Benign prostatic hyperplasia (Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate) develop?
Some men may develop complete urinary obstruction, with resultant painful distention of the bladder
What happens if the Benign prostatic hyperplasia (Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate) is neglected?
What are some symptoms of obstruction are frequently accompanied by?
Symptoms of obstruction are frequently accompanied by urinary urgency, frequency, and nocturia, all indicative of bladder irritation.
Which combination can increase the risk of UTI (urinary tract infection)
The combination of residual urine in the bladder and chronic obstruction increases the risk of urinary tract infections.
How common is Prostatic adenocarcinoma?
- the most common cancer in males
- the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in men older than 50 years of age (US)
Which gender usually get Prostatic adenocarcinoma?
It is predominantly a disease of older males, with a peak incidence between the ages of 65 and 75 years.
Latent cancers of the prostate are even more common than those that are clinically apparent, with an overall frequency of more than 50% in men older than 80 years of age.
Prostatic adenocarcinoma risk factors:
- age
- family history
- hormone levels
- environmental influences
PA =
Prostatic adenocarcinoma
Where are most of the Prostatic adenocarcinoma located?
Peripheral zone of the gland in a posterior location (70-80% of PA)
Irregular glands are small with a single layer of cuboidal cells with conspicuous nucleoli.
The neoplastic glands have „back to back” appearence with scanty stroma.
Invasion of the capsule with its lymphatic and vascular channels.
Invasion of perineural spaces.
What has a „back to back” appearence with scanty stroma?
Adenocarcinoma (PA)
neoplasia def (google):
the presence or formation of new, abnormal growth of tissue.