Genital abnormalities Flashcards
What are the uterus and vagina derived from in embryonic development?
The Müllerian duct and urogenital sinus - formed by fusion of right and left parts
What are the different types of genital abnormalities?
vaginal septae
imperforate hymen
absent/short vagina
What are the different types of congenital uterine abnormalities?
arcuate uterus - uterine cavity concave contour towards the fundus
Bicornate uterus
Unicornate uterus
Absent Uterus
What is the different causes of congenital ovarian abnormalities?
Turner’s syndrome - thin rudimentary ‘streak’ ovaries
Testicular feminisation syndrome - absent ovaries and primitive testes
What genital abnormalities present with primary amenorrhoea?
Absent uterus
Rudimentary Uterus
Imperforate hymen
How does imperforate hymen present?
Lower abdomen pain and swelling
How is the imperforate hymen treated?
Cruciate incision
If there is an undiagnosed duplicate cervix and/or uterus, how may it present?
When a woman becomes pregnant in the uterus without the IUD/IUS
How may a bicornate or unicornate uterus present?
Recurrent miscarriages (particularly in the second trimester) Difficulties in labour
How are bicornate and unicornate uterus diagnosed?
How may an absent or short vagina be corrected?
Plastic surgery
What may remnants of developmental tissue such as the Wolffian system lead to?
Cysts around the ovary, broad ligament and vagina.