Genital Flashcards
Mention STDs with systemic effects
Some STDs if left untreated cause….
PID & infertility in women
…..&……cause urethral discharge & PID
N.gonorrhea & C.trachomatis D-K
Vaginal discharge is caused by……..
Candida albicans & Gardnella vaginalis
Genital herpes is mostly caused by………
List complications of genital herpes
Recurrence, aseptic meningitis, neonatal infection if genital herpes affects pregnant women
The duagnostic specimen for genital herpes is……
Vesicular fluid, scraping of ulcer base
Treatment of genital herpes is…..
Treponema pallidum is inactivated by……
mild heat 60deg, cold, most disinfectants
Describe MOT of syphilis
Mainly by sexual contact but also direct contact but no through fomites. Also transplacentally. Rarely by blood transfusion
1-Evasion of immune response by treponema pallidum
2-Immunity to syphilis is incomplete
- Due to unique stucture of treponemal outer membrane
- Since specific Abs do not stop progression of disease
Mention Abs produced in response to syphilis
- Reagin (heterophil or non-specific) antibodies: a mixture of IgM & IgG against widely distributed antigens in normal tissues as cardiolipid, appear 2-3 wks after infection
- Specific antitreponemal Abs
Describe mainfestations of 1ry syphilis
Multiply at inoculation site & form local painless hard chancre on genitalia in 2-10 wks. Bilateral Regional lymphadenopathy. 1ry lesions disappear heal spontaneously within 3-6 wks. It is communicable.
Describe mainfestations of 2ry syphilis
- Most commonly affect skin & mucus membranes in the form of warty or macular lesions. Moist leisons on genitalia are called condyloma containing organism (highly infectious)
- Constitutional symptoms
- Pharyngitis, menintis, nephritis, hepatitis.
- Serology is highly +ve
- 1/3 heal without treatment, 1/3 have latent syphilis, 1/3 disease progress to tertiary
Describe mainfestations of 3ry syphilis
It is slowly progressive, destructive inflammatory disease that may affect any organ may occur after decades in untreated individuals. Tertiary syphilis is chct by appearance of chronic granulomas (gumma) in skin, skeleton, CNS, CVS). Few spirochaetes are found in lesions
Mention diagnostic specimen for direct methods in syphilis
List methods of examination
Freshly collected exudates from chancre in 1ry stage or condyloma in 2ry stage
Methods: Fontana-stained preparation, unstained preparation examined by dark field microscope, direct immunofluorescence
T.pallidum can be propagated by inoculation on……
Rabit testis
Mention uses of standart tests fir syphilis
- Screening as they are cheap & simple (in 1ry & 2ry)
- Monitor efficacy if therapy as their titer dec with specific ttt
Mention flocculation tests for syphilis diagnosis & explain each
A) Venereal disease research lab test: Ag added to patient heat inactivated serum, +ve cases are visualized microscpoically
B) Rapid plasma reagin test: Ag contains carbon to enable reaction to be visuallized by nakes eye. Doesn’t require heat inactivation
1. False +ve
2. False -ve
In non-specifuc tests for syphilis
- Non treponemal infectious diseases, collagen & vascular diseases
- Prozone phenomenon & tertiary syphilis
Specific Abs for syphilis apear…….& remain for…..
2-3 wks after infection
The test used as confirmation after screening is……., while…… replacing flocculation for screening purposed.
Fluorescent treponemal Ab test
…….is used for ttt of syphilis while……is used in penicillin-allergic, non-pregnant patient
Penicillin G
……..can follow ttt of 2ry syphilis
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction