Genetics I: Overview, Cytogenetics I (trans 1) Flashcards
Study of normal and abnormal chromosomes
Chromosomal or Cytogenetic Disorders
Mendelian Disorders
Multigenic Disorders
GENETIC DISORDERS - Chromosomal or Cytogenetic Disorders
o Abnormality in number and/or structure of the chromosomes
o Results from genome mutations or chromosomal mutations
o Occur much more frequently (1 in 200 newborn infants)
o Normal karyotype: (2n) 46 XX or 46XY
GENETIC DISORDERS - Mendelian Disorders
o Disorders related to mutation in single genes
o Follow one of three patterns of inheritance: autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked
o A single-gene mutation may lead to many phenotypic effects (pleiotropy), and conversely, mutations at several genetic loci may produce the same trait (genetic heterogeneity)
o Includes many uncommon conditions, such as storage diseases and inborn errors of metabolism
o Most are hereditary and familial
GENETIC DISORDERS - Multigenic Disorders
o Implies that both genetic and environmental influences condition the expression of a phenotypic characteristic or disease
o a.k.a. Polygenic Inheritance or Multifactorial Disorders
e. g. Several normal phenotypic characteristics governed by multigenic inheritance: hair color, eye color, skin color, height, intelligence show a continuous variation across all population groups
e. g. DM, hypertension, heart disease
Characterized by:
1. Dosage Effect = more # deleterious gene, more severe expression of the disease
If you have both diabetic parents, chances of having DM is higher
If only one parent has DM, manifestations are less severe
2. Range of severity
3. Family clustering w/o mendelian transmission
Not autosomal recessive, not X-linked recessive, but the family will have the same disorder (in case of DM, food intake & exercise are factors that contribute to the severity of condition)
GENETIC DISORDERS - Single Gene Disorder with Non-classical Inheritance Patterns
o Involves single genes but do not follow simple mendelian rules of inheritance
Trinucleotide repeats - triplet repeat mutations (e.g. Fragile X syndrome, Huntington disease and myotonic dystrophy) - Newly discovered disorders so far are associated with neurodegenerative changes
Mitochondial Inheritance - mutations in mitochondrial genes (e.g. Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy)
Associated with maternal inheritance
Genomic Imprinting - caused by alterations of imprinted regions (e.g. Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndrome)
Gonadal Mosaicism
Karyotype – standard spread of chromosomes from a cell arrested at metaphase of mitosis
o Uses WBC cell nucleus from blood samples that are stimulated to undergo mitotic activity
REAGENT: Colcemid – depolymerizes microtubules (Mitotic Spindle inhibitor) to arrest cells in metaphase
Arranged by pairs, biggest to smallest, and according to the location of the centromeres
Best way to determine number and structure of the chromosomes
REAGENT: Colcemid – depolymerizes microtubules (Mitotic Spindle inhibitor) to arrest cells in metaphase
Arranged by pairs, biggest to smallest, and according to the location of the centromeres
Best way to determine number and structure of the chromosomes
Changes some chromosome structures into black and white, allows identification of translocation
o Analysis of chromosomes by G-banding is the classic approach to identification of changes at the chromosome level
o if karyotype are not banded, translocation of one portion into the other portion cannot be seen
REAGENT: Giemsa stain
Written by order of left to right
2. ARM - Short arm : p (“petite”) Long arm : q
3. REGION : start at centromere, labeled using numerals
Uses DNA probe + Fluorescent dye
Advantage of not having to wait for mitosis, can be done on Interphase nuclei
DNA probe binds to a complementary sequence targeted for identification
APPLICATION: Rapid diagnosis using any cell (e.g. pre-natal samples, lymphocytes, or archival tissue sections) for trisomy or monosomy.
REAGENT: Fluorescent dye
Genetic material bleb protruding from the nucleus
PRINCIPLE: Lyon’s Hypothesis: Only 1 X chromosome is active, second X is inactive and undergoes pyknosis to become the Barr body
o Inactivation of the second X occurs at random on the 16th day of embryonic life. This inactivation will then persist in all cells down the cell line.
Identification of Barr body is the simplest of the four methods, limited to identifying sex chromosomes only
o Peripheral smear - identify if patient is Male (no Barr body) or Female (1 Barr body).
o Buccal Smear (squamous cells): Used in cytogenetic applications, to check for mutations
It is a condensed chromatin at the periphery of the nuclear border
APPLICATION: Klinefelter’s syndrome – 47,XXY (male) or 47,XXX (female) = 1 BB on male patient, 2 BB on female patient with Klinefelter’s
Barr bodies. Presence of hyperchromatic blebs (see arrows) outside of the nuclei on the female (XX) patient. Note their absence in the normal male
- Gene mutations
- Chromosome Mutations
TYPES OF MUTATIONS - Genome Mutations
o “buo-buong chromosome nawawala.” (Whole chromosomes are lost)
o Only single nucleic acid mutations or several nucleic acids are involved, not affecting the structure of your chromosomes.
o Causes an abnormality in the chromosomal number
Two types:
- Non-disjunction
- Anaphase Lag
TYPES OF MUTATIONS - Genome Mutations
main cause of genome mutation
Occurs in gamete formation (meiosis). Either sperm or ova may undergo non-disjunction.
Failure of the chromosome to separate in anaphase.
Non disjunction can also occur during mitosis (after fertilization). The end effect will be production of abnormal chromosome in one of the chromosomes.
If the non-disjunction occurred in mitosis, the product is a mosaic.
A mosaic is an individual wherein the chromosome numbers are different from one part of the body to another (e.g. the chromosome number of a cell from the left hand is different the chromosome number of a cell from the right hand) indicating that there is not just a single cell line.
TYPES OF MUTATIONS - Genome Mutations
Non-disjunction in the meiosis during gametogenesis. The chromosome (encircled in red) fails to separate, producing one cell with a double set (trisomy) and another with an absent chromosome (monosomy).
TYPES OF MUTATIONS - Genome Mutations
Meiotic non-disjunction occurring in the mother (in Meiosis I). In this case, the father’s normal sperm combines with the mother’s gamete containing an extra set of chromosomes, resulting in trisomy. If the father’s sperm had combined with the ovum lacking a chromosome, this would result to a monosomy.
TYPES OF MUTATIONS - Genome Mutations
Meiotic non-disjunction occurring in the mother (in Meiosis II). In this case, meiotic nondisjunction occurs in Meiosis II
TYPES OF MUTATIONS - Genome Mutations
Mitotic non-disjunction in a fetus. A few cells would be monosomic whereas some would be trisomic. Happens during embryogenesis.
TYPES OF MUTATIONS - Genome Mutations
**Anaphase Lag
A chromosome lags behind before the nuclear membrane is formed.
Such that during the occurrence of cell membrane/nuclear membrane, that lagging chromosome is lost on the next cycle.
Sperm/ova produces monosomic individuals
One homologous chromosome in meiosis or one chromatid in mitosis lags behind and is left out of the cell nucleus
Anaphase lag in a cell, resulting in one normal cell and one monosomic cell. Note the lengths of the middle centromeres. In the cell at the left it is shorter while in the right it is longer
TYPES OF MUTATIONS - Chromosome Mutations
o Loss of genetic material
o Causes an abnormality in the structure
o Severity of manifestation depends on the volume of genetic material lost