GENETICS Flashcards
Detects fetal Down Syndrome and other autosomal trisomies
Aneuploidy screening
Clinically useful if the fetus is at risk for an X-linked disorder
Fetal sex determination
May also be beneficial if the fetus is at risk for congenital adrenal hyperplasia because maternal corticosteroid therapy may be avoided if the fetus is male
Fetal sex determination
Fetal cells are present in maternal blood at a _______ concentration
very low
released from apopotic placental triphoblast—rather than actual fetal cells—and can be reliably detected in maternal blood after 7 weeks’ gestation
Cell free fetal DNA
If a specific disease causing gene has not been identified, then _________ may be used to estimate the likelihood that an individual or fetus has inherited the abnormal trait
linkage analysis
Uses the principles of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and nucleic acid hybridization to screen DNA
Chromosomal Microarray Analysis
For prenatal diagnosis for stillbirth evaluation
Chromosomal Microarray analysis
allows identification of one or several DNA fragments of interest
Southern blotting
Enables the rapid synthesis of large amounts of a specific DNA sequence or gene
For any tissue containing dividing cells or cells that can be stimulated to divide
Cytogenic analysis
Provides a rapid method for determining numerical changes of selected chromosomes and confirming the presence or absence of a specific gene or DNA sequence
Flourescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
A recessive trait is expressed only when both copies of the gene function in the same way
Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
When considering inheritance, it is the ________ that is dominant or recessive, not the genotype function in the same way
A __________ is caused by a mutation or alteration in a single locus or gene in one or both members of a gene pair
monogenic disorder
Mechanism may be either mitotic nondisjunction or parental correction of a meiotic error
Confined placental mosaicism