Genetics Flashcards
What are some of the characteristics of trisomy 21? What is the primary cause?
- mental retardation
- epicanthic folds
- simian
- congenital heart defects
- umbilical hernia
- leukaemia
- dementia
- maternal non-disjunction 21%
- other causes: paternal non-disjunction, translocation, mosaicism
What is the other name for trisomy 18 and what are some of the key characteristics?
Edwards Syndrome
What is the other name for trisomy 13 and what are some of the key characteristics?
Patau Syndrome
What is the characteristic haplotype of Turner’s syndrome and some of the phenotypic features?
Growth retardation
Neck webbing
Cubitus valgus (increased carrying angle of the arms)
Shield-like chest with widely spaced nipples
High-arched palate
Lymphoedema of the hands and feet
Congenital malformations eg. horseshoe kidney, bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of the aorta
Primary hypogonadism
Normal mental status
What sort of genetic mutations underly the pathophysiology of Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes?
Genomic imprinting
- Maternal imprinting = silencing of the maternal allele - Angelman
- Paternal imprinting = inactivating paternal allele - Prader-Willi
What is the characteristic haplotype of Klinefelter’s syndrome and some of the phenotypic features?
- extra X chromosomes, usually from non-disjunction
o elongated body
o Eunuchoid body habitus
o Reduced facial, body and pubic hair
o Gynaecomastia
o Hypogonadism – small testes, lower testersterone levels
o Mental retardation (mild)
o Increased risk of breast Ca compared to males; ↑risk of germ cell tumours and autoimmune diseases
What is the inheritance pattern of familial adenomatous polyposis? What gene is responsible?
autosomal dominant; APC gene on chromosome 5q21
What is the patten of inheritance of familial hypercholesterolaemia? What is the gene affected and the pathophysiology?
Autosomal dominant
mutation in low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene on chromosome 19. loss of feedback inhibition of HMG Co-A reductase and increased levels of circulating cholesterol