Genetics Flashcards
What is a proband?
First person diagnosed in the pedigree
Describe X linked recessive
Always expressed in male carriers
Females must be homozygous to be effected
Never father to son transmission
Describe X linked dominant
Males with the disease transmit the trait only to females only
Females with the disease also transmit the trait to both males and females equally
What is UPD?
Both chromosomes are inherited from one parent
What is a Robertsonian translocation?
Long arm of two acrocentric chromosomes combined and the short arm is lost
What is Turner syndrome?
45, XO (monosomy X -female)
Short stature, ovarian hypofunction, do not undergo puberty, infertile, webbed neck, low hairline, CV defects but no cognitive defects
What is Klinefelter’s syndrome?
47, XXY
Varying degrees of cognitive social, behavioral and learning difficulties
Primary hypogonadism, small undescended testes, gynecomastia and tall stature
What is trisomy 21?
Down’s syndrome
Most common and associated with increased maternal age
Cognitive impairment, increased nuchal translucency, cardiac defects, duodenal atresia, ventriculomegaly, absent nasal bone and short limbs
What is trisomy 18?
Edwards syndrome (election age 18) Microencephaly, malformed and low set Ears, small mouth and jaw, clEft lip/palatE, rocker bottom FEET, overlapped fingErs
What is trisomy 13?
Patau (puberty 13)
Severe developmental abnormalities
Closely spaced/absent eyes, malformed ears, clenched hands and Polydatcyl, cleft lip/Palate
What is reduced/incomplete penetrance?
The frequency of a gene manifesting itself
Not all individuals with a mutant genotype will express the mutant phenotype
Ex. Retinoblastoma penetrance is 90% bc 90% of people with the defect express the phenotype
What is variable expressivity?
Describes the range of phenotypes that can vary in individuals with the same genotype
Ex. Two pts with neurofibromatosis or Marfan syndrome may have varying disease severity
What is locus heterogeneity?
Mutations at different loci can produce a similar phenotype
Only one mutant locus needed for phenotype manifestation
Ex. Osteogenesis imperfecta
What is osteogenesis imperfecta?
Brittle bone disease
Mutations in collagen genes on two loci in chromosomes 7 and 17
Either mutations exhibits similar phenotypes with varying severity
Ex of locus heterogeneity
What is the Hardy Weinberg equation?
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
p + q = 1
What is consanguinity?
Mating with people in your family
Increase chance of producing offspring with rare autosomal recessive disorders
What does polygenic mean?
Traits in which variations are thought to be caused by the combined effects of multiple genes
What is multifactorial inheritance?
When environmental factors cause variation in the trait
Tend to follow a bell shaped distribution in populations
Below the threshold = normal
Above the threshold = affected by the disease
What is fragile X syndrome?
X linked defect
Tri-nt repeat disorder (CGG)
eXtra large testes, jaw, ears
Intellectual disability