Genetics 3 Flashcards
What do optogenetics use to excite neurons by light?
Optogenetics: Light to control gene activity?
Optogenetics uses microbial opsins (light sensitive molecules) to excite or inhibit neurons by light
- Each opsin responds to light of particular wavelengths
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is used to introduce microbial opsins (required genetic material)
- Cell-specific promotor sequence can restrict opsin expression to particular cell type
What responds to blue and yellow light respectively? What happens?
Blue Light
Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) pump
- Allows positive ions into the cell
- Depolarization
- Neural excitation
Yellow light
Halorhodopsin (NpHR) pump
- Allows negative ions into the cell
- Hyperpolarization
- Neuronal inhibition
How is light delivered in optogenetics? What is the key question?
- Light stimulating a particular rhodopsin is delivered through an implanted optic fibre
- What behaviours are evoked or suppressed when particular cells are excited or inhibited?
What happened to rats with stimulated chR2 in mouse amygdala cells?
ChR2 - excitatory
Induced a predatory response
What does an optogenetic system with CRISPR-Gas9 system allow?
- Light-controlled protein transcription
- Light-controlled genome editing
From genes, to brain, to behaviour: What 2 aspects were discusssed?
- ) Animal Models
- ) Imaging Genetics
What is bioinformatics and what is the advantage?
Genetic associations with behaviour can only hint at the biological pathways involved, unfortunately
- Bioinformatics
- ‘Translate’ a human genetic mutation to target a homologous (similar) gene in a model organism
- Use model organisms for direct measurement at multiple levels
- Structure
- Function
- Behaviour
Which gene ecode serotonin? And where is the SNP of interest located?
HTR1A is the human gene encoding the serotonin-1A receptor
- The SNP rs6295 is in the promotor region of HTR1A, affecting protein transcription instead of structur
Connect genes to behaviour
SNP rs6295 in the promotor region of HTR1A is associated with trait anxiety
- Individuals with 1/2 copies of the G allele showed lower trait anxiety than individuals homozygous for C allele
- GG/GC < CC
- Individuals with 1/2 copies of the G allele showed lower trait anxiety than individuals homozygous for C allele
Connect genes to anatomy. (Includes how it does it)
- HTR1A SNP (rs6295) associated with serotonin-binding potential
- Additional copies of the G allele were associated with increased binding potential
- G allele impairs transcriptional repression of the promoter
- Thereby, increasing expression of the 5-HT1A receptor
How is binding potential measured?
Positron emission tomography (PET)
- Detects radiation from an injected tracer with a high affinity for 5-HT1A receptors
- Measures binding potential, infer presence of serotonin-1A receptors
- Higher density of receptors leads to higher binding potential
What kind of receptor is serotonin-1A?
- Autoreceptor
- Located at the presynaptic membrane, where it binds neurotransmitters released by the neuron
- Regulates NT release
Connect anatomy to brain function.
- Reduced capacity for regulation of 5-HT release is associated with increased amygdala reactivity
- Amygdala reactivity = Measured by comparing BOLD activation in the amygdala between two tasks
- Matching angry or fearful faces vs. matching geometric shapes
Connect function to behaviour.
- Increased amygdala reactivity is associated
with increased trait anxiety- Amygdala reactivity was measured by comparing amygdala BOLD activation when viewing fearful vs. neutral faces
Connect genes to function.
- HTR1A SNP (rs6295) is associated with amygdala reactivity
- Additional copies of the G allele were associated with decreased reactivity
Connect anatomy to behaviour.
Increased serotonin-binding potential throughout the brain is associated with lower anxiety
Describne Genes > Brain > Behaviour.
Genes: rs6295 G allele (-) (+)
Brain Structure: 5-HT binding (low)(high)
Brain Function: Amygdala Reactivity (high)(low)
Behaviour: Trait Anxiety (high)(low)
By comparing measurements across multiple levels, we can…?
We can reveal the likely biological pathway linking a genetic variant to a behavioural phenotype
Genes > Brain > Behaviour, explain the full process in terms of presence?
- Presence of G allele of rs6295 impairs repression of HTR1A transcription
- Increased receptor density
- indexed by binding potential
- Decreased amygdala reactivity
- Predisposes to low anxiety
Genes > Brain > Behaviour, explain the full process in terms of absence?
- Absence of the G allele of rs6295 promotes repression of HTR1A transcription
Decreased receptor density,
- indexed by binding potential
- Increased amygdala reactivity
- Predisposes to high anxiety