Genetics Flashcards
mRNA synthesis
in nucleus
How is mRNA different from DNA?
single stranded
ribose backbone, not deoxyribose
Us instead of Ts
protein synthesis
in ribosome
on mRNA
3 base pairs: code for amino acid
protein factory
make protein out of codon from mRNA and anticodon on tRNA
either in cytoplasm or rER
How many nucleotides? amino acids? codons?
4 possible nucleotides, each w/ 3 base pairs: 4^3=64 possible codons to code for 20 amino acids
allows for redundancy in translate table
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
base pair subsitution
at most only 1 amino acid is changed
very common
allow for no 2 people to look the same
Frame shift mutation w/ one base pair inserted or deleted
the rest of the strand will be messed up
protein won’t work
results will be devastating, t/f uncommon
Single gene disorders
X-linked: recessive or dominant
Dominant single gene disorder
2 copies of each gene (1 from each parent)
If one bad gene, half of the protein will be bad
If the half bad protein causes a problem, its a dominant disorder
Recessive single gene disorder
need 100% problem to cause disease
both genes must be defective
If only 1 gene is bad, it will be overcome by the good proteins
X-linked single gene disorder
Recessive: all of the Xs need to be defective (from both parents)
More of a problem for males
genetic material from 1 chromosome mistakenly put on another chromosome
genetic material deleted from a chromosome
abnormal # of chromosomes (aneuploidy)
leads to trisomy or monosomy
incorrect separation of chromosome in Meiosis I or Meiosis II
can occur on any chromosome, but only 21, 18, 13 or X are survivable
usually Trisomy
normal: 44 chromosomes + XX or XY
Down syndrome
Down: trisomy 21
maternal age increases chance of trisomy
intellectual disability, facial abnormalities, cardiac problems
Turner syndrome
(45:X) 44 chromosomes + X only monosomy that survives to term and is consistent with life infertile females cardio problems
Klinefelter syndrome
infertile males (some are fertile)
slight decrease in IQ
chromosome sets that don’t = 2
partial mole: triploid: 2X from dad & 1X from mom
usually 69:XXX or 69:XXY
ocassionally go to term but don’t live long
location in the genome
one member of a pair of genes (1 allele from mom, 1 from dad)