Genetics Flashcards
What is the relevance of genetics to modern science and society?
• E.g. engineered bacterial genes to plants to improve their photosynthetic ability
• E.g. found link between obesity and dementia using gene association
• Green revolution used genetic techniques to develop new high-yielding strains of crops
• Green revolution is responsible for most of the crops we have now
• Disadvantage: high yield crops are exhausting land of nutrients so lots of fertiliser and weed killer needed
• Biotechnology industry uses molecular genetic methods to produce substances of economic value
How related are we to all organisms in terms of genes and gene function?
• Many aspects of human biology are conserved in other species
• Example: the eye
• Eye structure is not conserved between species
• Example of convergent evolution
• Humans have one lens
• Insect eyes have 700 lenses in a compound eye
• Mice have allele for small eye or normal eye
• Heterozygous mouse has small eye
• ‘Eyeless’ flies have a much smaller eye or no eye
• Humans can have normal eyes or eyes with no pupil
• Mutant phenotypes of mice, fruit flies and humans have mutations to Pax6/eyeless gene
• If cells express eyeless gene they will develop as eye even if they aren’t in the eye, forming ectopic eye
• Human Pax6 gene can be expressed in drosophila
• Eyeless gene is a drosophila analogue of Pax6
• Pax6 gene causes ectopic eye in tadpoles, does the same when expressing eyeless gene
• Genes are much more highly conserved between species than you would expect
• “Master” genes involved in fundamental biological and biochemical processes are conserved between species
• The PAX-6/ eyeless gene tells us that there is an evolutionary connection between all the myriad eye forms in nature
• The study of genes in one species is likely to tell us about the biochemistry and biology of all species
• E.g. information flow in e.coli
The experimental basis to Mendel’s observations
• He used pure breeding lines: all individuals the same generation after generation
• All genes in homozygous state
• He used single pairs of clearly distinguishable alternatives
• He collected numerical data
• His rigorous collection of significant amounts of data allowed him to propose 2 rules to predict types of progeny and proportions of each type, knowing certain information about the parents
• He used two types of crosses, cross-pollination and selfing
• He transferred pollen with brush onto stigma
• Removed anthers so flowers can’t self fertilise
• Or in selfing he brushed pollen from plant directly onto stigmata
• Sealed a bag around the plants so they can’t be fertilised by insects
What do we mean by Mendelian monohybrid ratios?
• Law of segregation-during formation of germ cells, 2 versions segregate so only one appears in the germ cells
• Monohybrid cross is one gene
• Mendelssohn results show that fertilisation is random
• Dihybrid ratios:
• Looks at 2 traits
• All 4 possible combinations of alleles were displayed in the peas
• Frequency was not the same
• Traits present in parents only show the dominant one in F1
• 9/16 in F2 show same phenotype as F1
• 3/16 showed one of the dominant characteristics but not the other
• 3/16 showed the other
• 1/16 showed double recessive
What is the chromosomal basis to Mendel’s observations?
• In meiosis I homologous chromosomes are pulled apart
• In meiosis II sister chromatids are pulled apart
• Gives haploid gametes
• In haploid cells the daughter cells can fuse to form diploid then immediately undergo mitosis
• Independent segregation of homologous chromosomes
• Independent assortment of chromosomes
• The trait that is shown in a heterozygote is called the dominant trait
• The trait that is hidden in a heterozygote is recessive
• In the case of Mendels peas, they showed complete dominance – the heterozygote has the same phenotype as the homozygous dominant
• This is not always the case
• E.g. snapdragons show codominance, red and white form pink intermediates
• Codominace doesnt invalidate Mendels findings
• Mendels work allows proportions of progeny to be predicted from a particular genetic cross
How crossing over generates new combinations of alleles
• Chromosomes break and rejoin at exactly homologous positions between homologous chromosomes in meiosis I
• Gives recombinant chromosome with new combinations of alleles
• Every time you make a recombinant chromosome you also make the reciprocal
What is pedigree analysis?
• Human genetics doesn’t exist as we don’t perform crosses on humans
• Instead we infer inheritance from analysing existing matings in pedigrees
• Uses standard symbols and terminology
How do dominant and recessive traits appear in pedigrees?
• In dominant pedigrees individuals In every generation display the phenotype
• Affected individuals can have normal offspring
• In recessive pedigrees an affected individual can be born of two parents that don’t show the phenotype
• Usually only see affected individual once in the pedigree
• Matings between first cousins greatly increases rate at which recessive phenotype appears
What do we mean by the terms mutant and wild type?
• Mutant has nothing to do with ‘normal’ or not, only to do with frequency
• Often, one allele is much more frequent than others
• This allel is called the wild type and all other alleles are mutant
• In some cases such as Ia, Ib and Io alleles that determine ABO blood groups, several alleles are all frequent
• Here none is picked as the wild type and gene is said to be polymorphic
How is X linked inheritance different to autosomal inheritance?
• In many species, one pair of chromosomes do not look alike – heteromorphic
• In one sex you find the heteromorphic pair
• In the other sex you find two copies of one member of the pair
• Presence of these chromosomes correlated with sex, so called sex chromosomes
• The other chromosomes which are identical in both sexes are called the autonomies
• Genes on X chromosomes behave differently to genes on autosomes
• Males only have 1 X chromosome so will always display recessive phenotype
What is the effect of lethal alleles on inheritance?
• Mendelian predicts 3;1 ratio dominant to recessive
• If one phenotype is lethal, it will be a 2:1 ratio
• Not a departure from Mendel, the third phenotype is accounted for in the deaths
How can the environment influence Mendelian genetics?
• E.g. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare recessive allele
• Homozygtotes have severe mental retardation
• Codes for phenylalanine hydroxylase
• Affected individuals can’t convert Phe to Tyr
• Phe can easily pass in and out of cells so accumulates in cerebrospinal fluid
• Intereferes with neurotransmitters
• Can diagnose lack of enzyme at birth with an antibody test
• Changing diet of PKU individuals at birth to low protein allows them to be virtually normal (wild type)
• Example where change in environments can affect the way a genotype presents as a phenotype
How changes in Mendelian di-hybrid ratios can be explained by gene interaction
• Genotypes can mask phenotypes
• E.g. Labrador’s
• Called recessive epistasis – the recessive ee genotype masks all genotypes of the B gene
How alleles of genes on the same chromosome tend to be inherited together
• Linkage
• When genes are on the same chromosome there is a tendency for alleles of those genes to be inherited together
• Parental combinations outnumber recombinant types
• Strength of linkage depends what genes you look at and how far apart they are on the chromosome
How have genetic maps helped in whole genome sequencing?
• Recombination or genetic exchange allows for the construction of genetic maps
• Genes are placed in the map as a result of linkage to other genes whose position is already known
• Can measure strength of linkage by frequency of recombinant progeny
• The map distance is the unit of recombination, 1% of recombination frequency or 1cM
How can linkage be observed in human pedigrees?
• Both haemophilia and colour blindness are X linked disorders, therefore the genes are linked
• In rare pedigrees, with both conditions segregating, you see evidence of the linkage
• Because the progeny numbers are small, can’t calculate recombination frequency directly
• If we do see recombination, the frequency would be artificially high if calculated from that pedigree
• Instead we use probability theory
• What are the odds of observing a particular pedigree given linkage at a particular distance
• Take info from a large number of pedigrees
• Chance of seeing this pedigree if genes are at x distance
• Allows you to take the log of the odds and add them together to give a score to tell the genetic distance
• Farther apart genes are, the closer their recombination frequency is to 50% (Mendelian)
What is dna sequence variation for linkage analysis
• Since there are so few genetic markers in humans, we use dna sequence variation to detect molecular alleles
• Forms the basis of the genetic map of the human genome
• This was a necessary pre-requisite to whole genome sequencing since the genetic markers acted as landmarks for the sequencing
• Through hybridisation and sequencing we can identify homologous sequences
• Southern blot technique is used to identify sequences homologous to probe
• Probe binds to marker
• Some people will have RE site on chromosome and some people won’t
• We wont see same RE fragment pattern between 2 people as site is changed as we have different DNA sequences
• Gives measurement of recombination
• Can southern blot all individuals
• Probe is a marker
• Can measure distance between gene and marker
How did positional cloning alow the identification of the Cystic Fibrosis gene?
• DNA based markers have allowed for the identification of disease genes such as the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)
• Finding several closely linked markers eventually allowed the gene to be identified by positional cloning
• Analysis is repeated with more markers
• Measure strength of linkage of markers with CF to find the smallest distance
• Closely linked DNA markers can be used in prenatal diagnosis
• KM19 marker is close to CF so very tightly linked, can be used to find CF gene
Linkage analysis for finding CF gene
• Linkage analysis was carried out on families with cystic fibrosis and an association was found between the inheritance of molecular markers from chromosome 7 and CF
• Linkage studies with additional markers indicated that the CF locus is close to the marker KM19
• Use pedigrees to show linkage between markers and CF
• Hybridise probes for markers to chromosome to find physical position
• Get close to CF gene
• Take probe for closest marker and hybridise to genomic DNA libraries
• Restriction map clones and work out order in which they overlap
• Make probes for ends and hybridise to library (chromosome walking)
• If you use larger clones then make end probes its chromosome jumping
• Clones from the region were isolated by chromosome walking and jumping
• Analysis of DNA sequences within clones revealed 4 candidate genes
• Look for pieces of DNA that correspond to mRNA using northern blotting to find genes
• Additional studies eliminated three of the candidate genes
• Look at sequences of genes and where they are expresssed until you find best candidate
• DNA sequencing of normal and KS individuals revealed the presence of a 3bp deletion in the gene of the CF patient
• SNPs are the most common type of genetic variation among people
• They are single nucleotide polymorphisms and can be used as DNA markers
• Can be used in gene association studies
• Don’t require pedigree analysis
• Instead, just compare SNPs of case studies against controls
• Looks for SNP alleles that associate with the trait of interest
• This defines a region of the genome that may contain a candidate gene
Linkage disequilibrium:
• 2 alleles on same chromosome tend to be inherited together
• Recombination is the engine of evolutionary change allowing for new combinations of alleles in offspring
• But its slow
• Groups of alleles of closely linked genes remain stuck together
• Call the phenomenon where pairs of alleles are more common linkage disequilibrium
• Groups of alleles tightly linked are locked in a haplotype
• If we genotype position with know what will be around there
What is the future for identifying genes involved in disease or other phenotypes?
• The approach to identifying genes which predispose individuals to getting cancer has changed significantly
• As the cost of whole genome sequencing plummets, this will take over from other approaches