Genetics Flashcards
What is mosaicism?
Mosaicism is an interesting scenario where the chromosomal abnormality actually happens after conception. The abnormality occurs in a portion of cells in the body and not in others. The person therefore has different genetic material in different cells in their body. Each case is unique and the effects are unpredictable.
What is predictive testing?
Predictive testing involves testing a person for a specific gene mutation that has implications for them in the future. Examples are the BRCA1 breast cancer gene or the gene for Huntington’s chorea.
What is microassay testing?
Microarray testing involves cutting up the genetic material from an individual using enzymes. Different genes will have different molecular weights. The chopped up genetic material is then applied to a plate that separates molecules of different weights into different locations. This can be used to see what genes the person expresses. For example, if you know that the gene for cystic fibrosis is a certain size, and when this gene is chopped out and applied to the plate it ends up in a specific location on the plate, you can test an individual to see whether they have a clump of molecules at that location. If they do, this suggests they are expressing that gene.
This has many applications, such as screening for chromosomal abnormalities and many common genetic conditions, looking for mutations in cancer cells and also for research aimed at matching genes with phenotypes.
What is specific gene testing?
Specific gene testing can be done by splitting the two strands of DNA and adding a “gene probe”. The gene probe is made of single stranded DNA that contains complementary genetic code for a specific gene you want to test for. When the strands of DNA are mixed with the gene probe and the gene probe matches the genetic material on the DNA, they will stick together. This suggests the specific gene that matches the gene probe is present. This is used to confirm whether a patient has a particular gene.
What are the dysmorphic features in trisomy 21?
Hypotonia (reduced muscle tone)
Brachycephaly (small head with a flat back)
Short neck
Short stature
Flattened face and nose
Prominent epicanthic folds
Upward sloping palpebral fissures
Single palmar crease
Give three complications of trisomy 21
Learning disability
Recurrent otitis media
Deafness. Eustachian tube abnormalities lead to glue ear and conductive hearing loss.
Visual problems such myopia, strabismus and cataracts
Hypothyroidism occurs in 10 – 20%
Cardiac defects affect 1 in 3, particularly ASD, VSD, patent ductus arteriosus and tetralogy of Fallot
Atlantoaxial instability
Leukaemia is more common in children with Down’s
Dementia is more common in adults with Down’s
What is the combined test?
The combined test is the first line, most accurate and test of choice where possible. This test is performed between 11 and 14 weeks gestation. It involves combining results from ultrasound and maternal blood tests.
Ultrasound measures nuchal translucency, which is the thickness of the back of the neck of the fetus. Down’s syndrome is one cause of a nuchal thickness over 6mm.
Maternal blood tests:
Beta‑human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta-HCG). A higher result indicates a greater risk.
Pregnancy‑associated plasma protein‑A (PAPPA). A lower result indicates a greater risk.
What is the triple test for trisomy 21?
The triple test is performed between 14 and 20 weeks gestation. It only involves maternal blood test results:
Beta-HCG. A higher result indicates greater risk.
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). A lower result indicates a greater risk.
Serum oestriol (female sex hormone). A lower result indicates a greater risk.
What is chorionic villus sampling?
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) involves an ultrasound guided biopsy of the placental tissue. This is used when testing is done earlier in pregnancy (before 15 weeks).
What is amniocentesis?
Amniocentesis involves ultrasound guided aspiration of some amniotic fluid using a needle and syringe. This is later in pregnancy once there is enough amniotic fluid to make it safer to take a sample.
What causes Klinefelter syndrome?
Klinefelter syndrome occurs when a male has an additional X chromosome, making them 47 XXY.
How does Klinefelter syndrome present?
Usually patients with Kleinfelter syndrome appear as normal males until puberty. At puberty can develop features suggestive of the condition:
Taller height
Wider hips
Weaker muscles
Small testicles
Reduced libido
Subtle learning difficulties (particularly affecting speech and language)
How do we treat Klinefelter syndrome?
There is no way to treat the underlying genetic cause of Klinefelter syndrome. Treatment aims to help with the features of the condition:
Testosterone injections improve many of the symptoms
Advanced IVF techniques have the potential to allow fertility
Breast reduction surgery for cosmetic purposes
Multidisciplinary team input:
Speech and language therapy to improve speech and language
Occupational therapy to assist in day to day tasks
Physiotherapy to strengthen muscles and joints
Educational support where required for dyslexia and other learning difficulties
What is Turner syndrome?
Turner syndrome occurs when a female has a single X chromosome, making them 45 XO. The O referrs to an empty space where the other X chromosome should be. Life expectancy is close to normal.
How does Turner syndrome present?
The three classic features to remember and look out for in exams are short stature, webbed neck and widely spaced nipples.