genetics Flashcards




A chromosome is a DNA sequence containing coding and non-coding regions, associated with proteins that are histone and non-histone proteins.
It is visible only duringthe metaphase. Before that, the
DNA is not packaged enough to be seen.
Each chromosome is constituted by a long DNA molecule associated with proteins. The total
length of DNA is 2 meters, but each chromosome is constituted by a segment of the 2 meters long DNA molecule.
Due to the phosphate groups, negative charges are present on the double strand of DNA. These negative charges should be neutralized to get the chromatin, because charges
with the same sign try to seperate.
Chromatin is formed by DNA, histones, non-histone proteins and also RNA, because DNA is not a static structure but a dynamic structure. Therefore transcription of some genes can be initiated, and in that case, it is possible to find RNA associated with DNA in the chromatin.

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Chromatin is formed by DNA, histones, non-histone proteins and also RNA, because DNA is not a static structure but a dynamic structure. Therefore transcription of some genes can be initiated, and in that case, it is possible to find RNA associated with DNA in the chromatin.

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What are non histone proteins that are associated with chromatin ?


Non histone proteins are regulatory proteins that are involved in transcription,replication, recombination and DNA repair.
To interact with DNA, these proteins should show some specific domains.
Let’s consider three different motivfs that are able to interact with DNA:
1. The helix-loop-helix motif:

When the double strand is wrapped around a hypothetical longitudinal axis, 2 grooves are formed, major and minor grooves, that give access to the information.
Because the backbone of the 2 strands is formed by phosphate and sugar, they are identical, but inside we have the only variable part of the molecule which is the sequence of
nitrogen bases.
So information in the molecule of DNA is represented by the nitrogen bases which are of 4: adenine, guanine, thymine and

The grooves are important because it’s only at the level of these grooves that proteins can interact with DNA inducing the opening of the double helix and giving access to the information contained in the sequence of the nitrogen bases.

So proteins that show this helix-loop-helix can interact with the grooves of the DNA.
This protein is organised showing 2 alpha helix as a secondary structure joined together by a short segment of amino acids.
One helix recognizes the major groove, the other binds DNA in a specific manner. In this case only
the major groove is involved in the recognition.

  1. Zinc fingers:
    Another motif can make zinc fingers, that can be considered as loops that are stabilized by a zinc atom that connects two cysteines and two histidines.
    Usually, in the protein, there are several zinc fingers that can interact with different major grooves.
  2. Leucine zipper:
    This motif is represented by 2 strings of leucine amino acids that
    can recognize the major grooves on DNA.

These 3 examples are motifs that should be present in proteins in order for them to interact with the grooves of DNA. These are non histone proteins.

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Why DNA packaging ?


Let’s take DNA from one cell and eliminate all the proteins that interact with DNA, so we obtain a naked linear DNA molecule, with a length of about 2 meters. To fit this lenght o DNA inside the nucleous, we have the process of DNA packaging. Histones play a crucial role in this process.

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What are histones ?

Histones are basic proteins containing a large amount of amino acids that show positive charges ( arginine and lysine). 
Due to these protein charges, histones are able to
neutralize the negative charges that are present on the double strand of DNA.
Histones are divided into two classes:
● class 1 - contain H1 histones.
● class 2 - contain H2A- H2B- H3- H4 histones.
➝ they differ by their arginine/lysine ratio

The packaging and de-packaging of DNA is due to modifications at histone levels.
Structure of the nucleosome: an histone octamer, DNA that is
wrapped around and the tail of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4. These tails can be modified and this modification can induce packaging or de-packaging.
To package nucleosomes, histone tails should be methylated. So the modification that induces the packaging is the methylation of
tails: this forms chromosomes.
To uncondensed/unpackaged DNA, these tails should be

Package: methylation
Unpackage: acetylated

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The packaging of DNA

  1. lowest level of chromosome packaging. It involves histone proteins.
    In 1974, Roger Kornberg proposed an entirely new structure for chromatin:
    -DNA and histones are organized into repeating subunits, called nucleosomes that contains a nucleosome core
    - nucleosome core: supercoiled DNA wrapped almost twice around a disk-shaped complex of 8 histone molecules.
    - histone core : 2 copies of the histones H2A,H2B, H3, and H4 assembled forming an octamer.
    Nucleosomes are joined by a naked DNA; DNA linker.
    The DNA linker is accessible for non histone proteins to be opened and eventually replicated and transcribed.
    The DNA that is wrapped around is not accessible to the non histone proteins.
    This structure is not static. On the contrary, it is highly dynamic : DNA is wrapped around and unwrapped immediately.
    For this reason all the DNA will be accessible in the time to be replicated or transcribed.
    Chromatin is a dynamic cell component in which histones, regulatory proteins and a variety of enzymes move in and out of the nucleoprotein complex to facilitate the complex tasks of DNA transcription, packaging, replication, recombination and repair.
    this level of packaging isnot enough.
  2. other histone involved,
    histone H1.: outside of the nucleosome. It’s a linker histone because it binds to a part of the linker DNA that connects one nucleosome core particle to the next. H1 molecules continuously dissociate and re-associate with chromatin. They bind near the sites where DNA enters and leaves the nucleosome.

It shows a H2N head and COOH tail.
Its tasks are to block the DNA on one nucleosome and to keep close the adjacent nucleosomes.
So we have an attraction between the tail of histone 1 of the first nucleosome and the head of histone 1 of the adjacent nucleosome.
Therefore, there is an attraction between H1 proteins, and this
attraction keeps the nucleosomes very close to one another.

  1. formation of solenoid. in the solenoid the DNA linker is not visible because all the nucleosomes are packaged very close to one another.
    Therefore information is not accessible.. But it’s still not enough.

4.This structure will now form loops on
a protein called scaffold. At this stage, we reach 300 nm width. This still not enough

  1. The structure finally forms superloops to
    reach the maximum packaging of DNA that
    is visible at metaphase. Each segment of
    DNA has a width of 700 nm.

Why are there 2 segments of DNA that are linked at the centromere level ?

➜ These chromosomes are only visible at metaphase which is one phase of mitosis and meiosis. Before these 2 processes, we observe DNA duplication. So before starting mitosis, each cell duplicates its DNA content.
After, during prophase, DNA is packaged, and reaches the maximum packaging at metaphase. we see
2 segments. They are called sister chromatids. They are identical because one is the copy of the other.

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2 types of chromatin
1. euchromatin
2. heterochromatin
The difference between these 2 is morphological (structural) but all the DNA is duplicated, but the difference between euchromatin and heterochromatin is at transcription level.

Euchromatin : not packaged and accessible for transcription. when a DNA should be transcribed it is present as euchromatin.

Heterochromatin: packaged and not accessible for
transcription so it’s always at transcription level that we find a difference between euchromatin and heterochromatin.

2 forms of heterochromatin:

  1. facultative: chromatine that can be transcribed during particular moments of the cell life. So there is a possibility to have the expression of this DNA.
  2. constitutive: chromatin that does not contain information (consists primarily of repeated sequence and contains relatively few genes) and is never transcribed. An example is the DNA at centromere level.
    centromere: sequence of DNA transcriptionally inactive, also called primary constriction. It is fundamental for meiosis and mitosis because at the primary constriction, during these 2 processes, is added a protein structure named kinetochore necessary for the binding of spindle fibers.

The localization of the primary constriction lets us
see a short arm p and a long arm q .
In human chromosomes, only 5 pairs of chromosomes contain a secondary constriction which is the site of rRNA synthesis.

In human cells, there are 46 chromosomes, that
come in pairs: 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes.
It is possible to identify these chromosomes looking at the position of the centromere and also looking at the possible different bandages that are formed after coloring chromosomes with different dyes.

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The territory model


Chromosomes occupies a specific area in the nucleus and this localization should be respected.
These chromosome territories change according to
the cell type, the development phase and in pathological situations because this have influence on gene expression.
DNA sequences that participate in a common biological response but reside on different chromosomes can come together within the nucleus where they can influence gene transcription. So DNA sequences move, into the nucleus, to reach the region where an intense transcriptional activity is present.

The genes involved in the same process co-localize in the
same area to influence transcription activity.
e.g if there are 2 different chromosomes containing
information for proteins that are needed, these chromosomes,
keep in touch, move, to be transcribed together forming
transcription factories.

eg of inter-chromosome interactions comes
from a study in which human cultured breast cells (normal and
malignant) were treated with estrogens. Before the treatment, genes that are a target for estrogens are located far from each other, one on chromosome 2, the other on chromosome
After the incubation of these cells with estrogens, chromosome territories have moved into close physical proximity to one another and the 2 loci are co-localized.
Inside the nucleus, genes involved in the same response tend to become co-localized in the same site called transcription factories where transcription machinery is concentrated.
They physically move inside the nucleus thanks to the nuclear skeleton/nuclear matrix which is a structure similar to the cytoskeleton.
In human cells, we find pairs of homologs.

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what are homologs


Homologs: are chromosomes that contain the same information, one is from paternal origin, the other of maternal origin. They contain genes codifying the same traits but they may contain alternative forms of the same gene that are different alleles which arelocated on corresponding loci of homologs.
e.g on the homolog that comes from dad, is present a gene that is responsible for the expression of the shape of the nose, on the
corresponded locus of the homolog that comes from mom, there is going to be the gene that is responsible for the expression of the shape of the nose. But the nose can show 2 alternative forms, so the dad chromosome can carry the information to get the potato shape and mom can carry the sequence that is responsible for the expression of another nose shape. Depending on the relation between these 2 different sequences, one being dominant, the other recessive, we will get the expression of the nose shape.
In female cells, there is always a pair of X chromosomes, one coming from the mother, the other from the father. In male cells, there is always one X chromosome coming from the mother and one Y chromosome coming from the father.

Homologs carry genes that codify for the same traits. But they can carry alternative forms of the same genes.

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Sister chromatids and genomic kit


Sister chromatids: are 2 chromosomes bound at
centromere level. They are identical (at early
meiosis and during mitosis) because one is the copy deriving from the DNA replication process.
Ploidy indicates the number of chromosome
sets available in a cell. Each set is indicated by
the letter “n”.
In human cells, there are 2 sets of chromosomes (pairs of homologs) so they are diploid,2n.
A cell with one set of chromosomes will be haploid “n”, in
the gametes, only one chromosome of each pair of homologs is
present (so it’s haploid) but after fertilization, the number 46 is restored (diploid).
A cell with more than 2 sets of chromosomes will be polyploid.
A zygote, in eukaryotes, is the fertilized egg cell, until the start of segmentation.

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The movement of chromosomes at meiosis.


We can consider one cell containing a pair of homologs called 1’ and 1’’ to underline the different origin of this pair of homologs.
Before meiosis DNA replicates.
If on homolog 1’ there is allele A then both sister chromatids have it, and allele a on both sister chromatids of
homolog 1’’.
After duplication, DNA can start the packaging process, and lead to visible chromosomes at the metaphase.
The meiosis spindle can take this pair of homologs at the metaphase plate (a virtual plate that actually does not exist) aligning the homolog 1’ on one side and the homolog 1’’ on the other.
These pairs of homologs are bound together and reach the
metaphase plate.
During anaphase of the first meiosis, we observe the segregation of these homologs that reach the opposite poles and will form 2 cells, one containing the homolog carrying allele A and the other containing the chromosome carrying allele a.
These 2 cells are already haploid because they contain one representative of the pair we are considering.
However, these chromosomes are constituted by 2 sister chromatids. Therefore, it is necessary that they undergo the second meiosis process which leads to the separation of
sister chromatids. So at the end, there are going to be 2 cells with chromosome carrying allele A and 2 cells carrying allele a.

During first meiosis, homologs separate and the product of the first meiosis is represented by cells that are already haploid.
After the second meiosis which is identical to mitosis, there
is separation of sister chromatids.
So at the end of meiosis, starting from 1 cell, we have
4 cells.
When we consider one trait, 50% of the cells will carry the dominant allele, and 50% will carry the recessive allele.

Now let’s consider 2 pairs: pair 1 and pair 2. We hypothesize that, on pair 1, we find a dominant allele on one chromosome, and recessive one on the homolog for gene A.
And on pair 2, dominant allele on one, recessive on the homolog, for gene B.
This situation is different from the precedent as we are now considering 2 different traits.
Before meiosis,DNA duplicates.
Sister chromatids have the same alleles.
Now meiosis can start.
Chromosomes are visible due to packaging, and they migrate thanks to the fibers of the meiotic spindle then reach the
metaphase plate. Here chromosomes can be organized in 2 ways:
1. The first meiosis yields 2 cells, one that will contain a chromosome that contains allele A and a chromosome with allele B, and another cell with chromosome of allele a and a chromosome with allele b. These cells are haploid because they
contain 1 copy of chromosome 1 and 1 copy of chromosome 2, formed by 2 sister chromatids. The concept of ploidy is not
quantitative but qualitative.
In terms of the amount of DNA, it is doubled but in terms of
information, it comes from 1 copy of homolog.

  1. after the second meiosis, from the first cell we will get 2 cells that contain information for the dominant trait of A and recessive trait of B. From the second cell, we will get 2 cells carrying the information for recessive A and dominant B.
    So 50% of cells from the first possible organization, from which we will get cells carrying both dominant and recessive alleles such that 25% of cells are AB genotype and 25% of cells are
    ab genotype.
    In the other 50% of organization of the homologs we will get 25% of cells that are Ab genotype and 25% of cells that will be aB genotype.
    Increasing the number of homologs, increases the number of hypothetical metaphase plates and also the number of gamete
Let’s consider the presence of diploid cells and consider just one trait. The subject we are studying is dominant homozygous for trait A, so it contains information to express the dominant trait. In this case, these subjects will form only 1 class of gametes. These cells will contain all one copy of A and are haploid.
If I have a subject that is recessive homozygous for trait A, also these ones will form just 1 class of gametes that will carry
one copy of allele a.

If the subject is heterozygous, therefore containing allele A and
a, we can get 2 classes of gametes, 50% will carry the dominant allele and 50% the recessive one, because to form haploid cells, the mother cell should undergo meiosis.

Let’s consider 2 genes, A and B, and a subject that is double dominant homozygous with genotype AABB in diploid cells.
In the haploid cells formed by this subject, we can get only one
class that carries the genotype AB.
If we have a subject with genotype aabb, we also get only 1 class of gamete with genotype ab.
If we have a subject with
genotype AAbb, we get 1 class of genotype Ab.
For a subject with genotype AaBB, we get 2 classes of
gametes, 50% carrying AB and 50% carrying aB.

From a double heterozygous, we can calculate the number of gamete classes by 2^n where n is the number of genes in heterozygous.

In the case of AaBb genotype, the genes that are present in heterozygous are A and B so 2^2 =4 different classes of gametes: AB, ab, Ab, and aB. We have these classes of gametes because these 2 traits are located on different pairs of homologs and they assort independently. This means that these 2 pairs of homologs can be organized at the metaphase plate in 2 different ways (cf. the example detailed

If we consider a subject that is heterozygous for 3 genes: A, B and D.
In this case 2^3 =8 different classes of gametes can be formed and 4 different metaphase plate organization.
To identify the different classes of gametes, we need to write all the possible organizations at the metaphase plate.

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Mendel and his experiment


Mendel has to be considered a competent scientist because he decided to use the experimental model and made a good choice in selecting pea plants for his experiments.

Pea plants were perfect because they enabled him to organize controlled breeding and also to self fertilize them to get two breeding populations.

Mendel decided to study the inheritance of one trait at a time, thanks to this choice he was able to postulate his laws.

He was also lucky and clever because he chooses only seven traits because in pea plants there are only seven pairs of homologous, and also the choice of the particular traits was singular. It is highly possible that he had also obtained results that didn’t fit with the previous one, but he transmitted only the good ones.

The science of genetics is very young, it started in 1953 with the discovery of the DNA by Watson and Crick, and in the last century, it continued with several results until the publication of the complete human genome sequence (April 14, 2003).


Why was the choice of the plea plant as an experimental model winning?

In pea plant flowers is possible to appreciate the presence of both the male and female reproductive structure:

Stamen = is the male reproductive structure
Anthers =  pollen producers, male gametes
Ovary = female reproductive structure
Stigma = a sticky organ that is on the top of pistils on which the pollen grains rest.

This kind of plant can be fertilized, eliminating the anthers from one and transferring the pollen from another flower to the stigma, but is also possible the self-fertilization in which the pollen of the same plant is used to fertilize the plant.

Mendel decided to study 7 different traits present in pea plants:

  1. flower color
  2. seed color
  3. seed texture
  4. pod color
  5. pod shape
  6. plant height
  7. flower position

It is important to take in mind that these seven traits show just two alternative forms, so we have only two possible alternative forms.

He started considering one trait at the time.


Mendel started studying tall and dwarf plants to understand how the trait was inherited.
- parental lines: tall and dwarf plants coming from several cycles of self-fertilization, doing so he was able to have a homogeneous population in which all the plants of a line showed the same characteristic.

He obtained what is called true-breeding plants that had a homozygote formed trait.

  1. he crossed the two true-breed populations with the different traits obtaining the first progeny F1, in which was present only the tall trait, while the dwarf trait was completely disappeared.
  2. he crossed two plants of F1 he obtained an F2 progeny in which was presented the trait dwarf in a ratio of 1 : 3 (1 dwarf, 3 tall).

From this, he was able to determine which trait was dominant (tall) and which one was recessive (dwarf).

The observations that he derived were that:

Phenotypically: In the first generation the recessive traits completely disappeared, then in the second generation the recessive trait reappeared always in the ratio of 1 out of 4 (1:3)

Genotypically: in the first filial generation he always got all heterogeneous traits, then in the second generation he obtained 1:2:1, 1 out of 4 dominant homozygote, 1 out of 4 recessive homozygote, and 2 out of 4 heterogeneous.

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Mendel first law


the dominance law:

all members of F1 produced by a cross of two true-breeding P generations, which differ in one character, show only one of the two characters, called dominant.
The alternate form which disappears is called recessive.

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Mendel second law


the second law self-fertilized F1 members produced two types of progeny, showing both characters. These progeny consistently appeared in a ratio of 3:1

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Test cross


A test cross is a way to determine the genotype of an organism that shows a dominant phenotype.
Because, as seen before, it is possible for the subject to have a homogeneous or heterogeneous genotype.

To apply test cross, it is necessary to cross the unknown subject with a recessive one, because the latter one necessarily has a homogeneous recessive genotype.

If in the progeny all the subjects present a dominant phenotype (a) our parental subject is necessarily homogeneous dominant.
Instead, if in the progeny there are different phenotypes (b) in the ratio 1 out of 2 recessive our parental subject has to have a heterogeneous genotype

why does this happen?

Because if an allele is completely dominant, one copy will produce enough product to allow the normal function development, this is called an haplosufficient gene, when this does not happen it is said to be haploinsufficient.

All the Mendelian traits show this relationship, but this is not true for all the characteristics in nature, in fact Mendelian traits are a strange case not the normality.

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Mendel third law


Mendel decided to analyze two traits at a time. He used the same strategy seen before, chose 2 traits and let them self-fertilize till a pure breed parental generation. Then he crossed these two true-breeding parental generations and obtained an F1 that showed both dominant traits.

However, the generation F2 obtained by F1 was able to produce 4 classes of gametes.

why 4 classes of gametes?

The parent is diploid and in its cells, there are 2 pairs of homologs, one pair carries the gene responsible for the expression of the color of the seed and the other gene carries the information for the type of surface of the seed.

The homologs are represented in the prophase of the first meiosis and all the chromosomes are formed by two sister chromatids that are identical because one is the perfect copy of the other.
During the first metaphase the pairs of the homologs are carried to the equatorial plate and they can be reorganized in the two-way displayed.

For each possible combination the probability is 25%.
This is why there are 4 classes of gametes.

During this experiment, Mendel observed that F2 progeny showed in the ratio of 9:3:3:1

This ratio is due to the presence of a double heterozygote genotype in both the parents of F2 progeny, this genotype forms 4 classes of gametes. Writing the possible combination in the square of Punnett it is possible to observe the appearance of 9 completely dominant phenotypes, 3 and 3 half dominant for one character and only one completely recessive out of 16.


9/16 G - W
3/16 gg - W
3/16 G - ww
1/16 gg - ww

This observation drove Mendel to postulate his third law,

the principle of independent segregation:

The alleles of different genes segregate, or assort, independently of each other.

This happens due to the peculiarity of Mendelian traits that are localized in different pairs of homologs. In fact, all the seven traits considered by Mendel were dislocated in seven different pairs of homologs. Even this has to be considered a peculiarity of these traits, not the normality.

Independent assortment is at the basis of variability.

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Inconplete dominance


An allele is considered to be dominant when it produces the same phenotypic effect (=observable feature, like eye color, hair color, etc.) both in heterozygosis (Aa) and in homozygosis (AA).

Meaning that the two genotypes Aa and AA must yield the same phenotype.
BUT, in some cases, the heterozygous (Aa) genotype yields a different phenotype (observable feature) from the homozygous (AA) genotype.
This difference between phenotypes is an example of incomplete, intermediate, or partial dominance.

For example, if we cross two snapdragon flowers, one possessing homozygous recessive genotype, rr, (which yields a white flower phenotype) and the other possessing homozygous dominant genotype, RR, (which yields a red flower phenotype) we would expect that ALL the organisms that arise from this cross have a red color because R is the dominant allele. But that isn’t the case. What happens is that 100% of the progeny will show pink flowers, because the two alleles R & r are in incomplete dominance. The dominant allele R is not fully expressed.

In incomplete dominance, a new, intermediate trait will be formed as a result of combining the red and white colors.
If we were to cross the plants belonging to F1 (pink flowers), we would obtain the phenotypic ratio that exactly matches the genotypic ratio: ¼ white aa, ½ pink Aa, ¼ red AA.

If we were to make a test-cross between a pink flower and white flower (rr), to further demonstrate that the pink flower is given by a heterozygous genotype (Rr), we would obtain ½ pink flowers and ½ white flowers, confirming that the genotype of the pink flowers is obtained by an incomplete dominance in heterozygosis (Rr).

Exercise (from lecture). Cross two plants that are double heterozygous & show the phenotypic ratio:
AaBb x AaBb
BUT allele A (dominant A) shows complete dominance on a (recessive a)
AND allele B (dominant B) shows incomplete/intermediate dominance on b (recessive b)
Important result: “in case of intermediate dominance, the phenotypic ratio is different than what mendel said, because the relationship between the alleles are different.

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Co-dominance refers to the contemporary expression of the two alleles. So, instead of obtaining an intermediate phenotype (as a result of incomplete dominance) both alleles will be present and will be expressed.

Two examples of Co-dominance are:
Leaves of clover
Blood type AB0

In this first example of the clover leaves, we have three different phenotypes:
One phenotype shows a white frame on each leaf (VhVh)
Another phenotype shows a white shade in the leaves (VfVf)
The third phenotype shows both the white frame and shades on the leaves (VhVf)
Two alleles are responsible for these phenotypes: Vh & Vf. The reason why we can obtain three different phenotypes is that they represent all the possible genotypic combinations possible.

The reason why this is an example of Co-dominance is that, whenever their genotype is expressed, their phenotype WILL be observed.
So, in heterozygosis, both the white frame and the white shade will appear.

The second example of codominance, which also ties in with the idea that a single gene can possess multiple alleles (that will be mentioned later) is the expression of blood types on human RBCs (red blood cells).

There are 3 alleles responsible for the expression of the blood group in an individual:
Ia: (codifies for the enzyme A-glycosyl transferase A)
Ib: (codifies for the enzyme B-glycosyl transferase B)
i: (doesn’t codify for any enzyme, no glycosyl transferase)

It is important to notice that both Ia and Ib are dominant on i, and also that Ia and Ib are co-dominant between each other, meaning that if they are both present, both glycosyl transferases A & B will be present.
there are 6 possible genotypes and 4 possible phenotypes.

So, if an individual is blood type A, they will present antigen A.
If an individual is blood type B, they will present antigen B.
If an individual is blood type 0, they will present NEITHER of the two antigens.
If an individual is blood type AB, they will present both antigen A & B.

The antigens mentioned are present on the RBC surface and they derive from a membrane glycolipid modification due to the action of the various glycosyltransferases (enzymes that establish natural glycosidic linkages).
To be more precise, these modifications entail the addition of sugars to these glycolipids.

A specific gene called gene H, found on glycolipids, regulates the expression of the enzyme fucosyltransferase, which is responsible for the attachment of fucose (a sugar) to a short chain of sugars (note: the professor pointed out that it is not necessary to know which sugars compose this short chain).

Upon addition of fucose, we can identify the antigen 0.

Then, depending on what alleles we possess in our genome, further modifications occur:

IF we possess the Ib allele, we will also find a B-glycosyltransferase and its job will be to add another sugar, called galactose, to the antigen 0. Yielding what is then defined as antigen B.

IF we possess the Ia allele, we will also find the A-glycosyltransferase and its job will be to add N-acetyl-galactosamine, to the antigen 0. Yielding what is then defined as antigen A.

IF we possess both Ib & Ia alleles, 50% of the antigens will possess galactose and 50% will possess N-acetyl-galactosamine because BOTH A-glycosyltransferase and B-glycosyltransferases are present! (hence: co-dominance)

IF we DO NOT possess either of Ib and/or Ia, no further modification will occur, and the antigen 0 will be maintained.
(The bonds are called glycosidic bonds)

(Blue molecule is not important to remember)

Type A1 (still Ia allele) and B have different glycosyltransferases, determined by only 4 amino acids, which represents the active site, and thereby determines the specificity to their substrates (being, as previously mentioned, N-acetyl-galactosamine and galactose respectively). 
Type 0 is inactive mainly due to the presence of deletions, and appearance of a premature STOP codon (stop codon will be covered in a future lecture).

The presence of fucose is absolutely fundamental, without it, the addition of N-acetyl-galactosamine and galactose are NOT possible.

the previously mentioned H gene that codes for the fucosyltransferase, allowing for fucose to be attached to the short sugar chain, a fundamental step leading to the presentation of any of the three antigens on the RBC surface.
The H gene has two alleles, H (completely dominant) and h (recessive).

Dominant H codes for the presence of the fucosyltransferase while recessive h doesn’t.
An individual with genotype hh (homozygous recessive) has a (rare) disorder called Bombay phenotype, where, because of the lack of fucosyltransferase, the individual doesn’t express ANY of the blood groups.

We should also take into account the Rh system.
The Rh system is given by antigens, integral proteins on the RBC surface.
We can find Rh-negative (Rh-) and Rh-positive (Rh+), which are determined by a series of alleles.
The Rh system has massive medical relevance because, if a mother who is Rh- is carrying a child that is Rh+ and, during delivery, the child’s erythrocytes come in contact with the mother’s circulation, they will induce the production of anti-Rh antibodies (that will stay in the body post delivery).

This is important because, in future pregnancies of Rh+ fetuses, it is possible that these antibodies reach the fetal RBCs and cause hemolysis (rupturing of RBCs).
To prevent this, right after the birth of a Rh+ child, a mother is treated with anti-Rh antibodies to destroy the newborn’s RBCs present in a mother’s circulation to avoid antibody production (activated by the immune system) and possible damage to future fetuses.

In the case that the mother has blood group A Rh- and the child has blood group B Rh+, it will NOT be necessary to treat the mother with anti-Rh antibodies because the mother, having blood group A, has anti-B antibodies that will hemolyse any B group RBCs (along with the Rh+ factor) that will enter the mother’s circulation.

Another relevant circumstance would be when we have a mother who has A Rh- blood group and the child has 0 Rh+ blood group. In this case, it is necessary to treat the mother with anti-Rh antibodies because the child has 0 group and its RBCs won’t be recognized and hemolysed by the mother’s anti-B antibodies (due to its genotype like mentioned earlier).

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Multiple alleles


It was first established by Mendel that genes don’t exist in more than two allelic states. With further research, it was discovered that this isn’t the case and that genes are capable of possessing three, four, or more alleles. So basically, a specific phenotypic trait is not only given by ONE specific allele, but it can be a combination of multiple alleles.

For example, in drosophila (fruit fly), the eye color is determined by several alleles. We have:
W+ type: red eyes
Wsat type: deep ruby in white satsuma eyes
W type: white eyes

Because there are multiple alleles, we are capable of getting multiple genotypic combinations.

The formula to calculate the number of genotypic combinations is: n(n+1)/2

Another example is the color of the coat of a rabbit is determined by a gene that has four alleles:
c (albino): recessive to all other alleles
ch (himalayan): partially dominant only to c
cch​​ (chinchilla): partially dominant to ch and dominant to c
c+ (wild-type): completely dominant to all the other alleles

Because the alleles are so numerous, we have many possible genotypic combinations and phenotypes, and, because C+ is dominant over all the other alleles, whenever C+ is present the phenotype will show wild-type. The figure on the right shows all the possible phenotypes and their genotypic combinations. Albino is recessive to all the other alleles.

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Pleiotropy is observed when an allele exerts effects on multiple traits.
For example in chickens, the trait that affects the feathers can be defective. This one defect causes a cascade of events that leads to alteration in several parts of the body, for example, as a final effect of this feather defect.
Another example would be sickle cell anemia (in humans) or albinism (affects three different phenotypes: lack of pigment in hair, eyes and skin).

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Mendelian trait


If a trait respects a series of requisites it can be deemed a “Mendelian trait”.

These requisites are:

  • One gene: one trait/character
  • Each trait assorts independently from the other
  • In every couple of alleles, one is completely dominant and the other is recessive

When we studied the crossing of double heterozygous (AaBb x AaBb) we know we obtain a phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1.

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Gene interaction & Epistasis


Epistasis: a trait that is controlled by two independent genes (not alleles!) and the lack of expression or the expression of one gene masks the expression of the other gene (covered more specifically in lecture on 10th of december).

Gene interaction: a trait is controlled by two independent genes and the interaction of two products causes a new phenotype to appear.

Baetson and Punnett obtained evidence that a trait can influence more than one gene through breeding experiments with chickens.
They crossed chickens with different comb traits. There are 4 phenotypes of chicken comb traits, as shown by the figure on the side.

By crossing a chicken with the Rose comb trait and another chicken with Single trait, they obtained in F1 only chickens with Rose comb traits. This experiment showed that the trait Rose was completely dominant on the trait Single. So gene R (for rose) is dominant on gene s (single).

Then, they crossed a chicken with Pea trait with another chicken with Single trait, and they obtained in F1 100% of chickens with Pea trait, again indicating that s (single) gene is recessive while the P (pea) gene is dominant.

Following this experiment, they hypothesized that 3 alleles are responsible for the expression of comb shape in chicken:
R (dominant Rose)
P (dominant Pea)
s (recessive Single).

To further investigate their hypothesis, Beatson and Punnett crossed a chicken showing the Rose trait with a chicken showing the Pea trait. From this, they obtained the appearance of the Walnut trait, which further confirmed the 3 allele hypothesis.
Their current hypothesis was that:
Genotype PP: phenotype will be Pea trait
Genotype RR: phenotype will be Rose trait
Genotype PR: phenotype will be Walnut trait
Genotype ss: phenotype will be Single trait.

Furthermore, they crossed two chickens showing Walnut trait BUT this crossing yielded a chicken with Single comb trait, it is fundamental to notice that this result didn’t match their previous hypothesis because, from what they believed, in order to have Walnut trait we required both PR alleles together, and that wouldn’t include the presence of a single “s” allele.

To explain this phenomenon , Bateson and Punnett hypothesized that the comb-type is determined by two independently assorting genes, R and P, and NOT two alleles!
This means that:
the expression of gene R codes for Rose
The expression of gene P codes for Pea
The expression of both genes R & P codes for a new phenotype: Walnut.

The reason why we’re capable of obtaining Single trait when we cross two walnuts is because to obtain single we need “rrpp” genotype, which is possible because Walnut means that the two genes are heterozygous (RrPp). Check the figure on the side.

So, the real genotype of the various phenotypes is: 
RRpp: Rose
rrPP: Pea
RrPp: Walnut
rrpp: single

At a molecular level, we understand that the Chicken comb shape is influenced by two genes R and P and the expression of the proteins they code:
When both genes R & P are NOT expressed, we observe the appearance of the Single phenotype.

If only R is expressed, the protein coded by the gene R (also known as protein R) allows for the expression of the Rose phenotype.

If only P is expressed, the protein coded by the gene P (also known as protein P) allows for the expression of the Pea phenotype.

When both genes ARE expressed, the interaction between the proteins coded by gene R and gene P (proteins R and P respectively), give birth to a new phenotype, Walnut.

It is important to not confuse this phenomenon with Incomplete dominance, as incomplete dominance is specific to pairs of alleles and NOT pairs of genes!

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Alleles are alternative forms of the same genes. One form is dominant (induces the expression of the dominant trait) and the other one is recessive (induces the expression of the recessive trait). We will study about the relationships we can find between two alleles

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It is different from gene interaction because when we consider gene interaction, the appearance of a new phenotype occurs.

Epistasis is defined as a phenomenon when a trait is controlled by two independent genes and the lack of expression of one gene masks the expression of the other gene.
The gene which can mask the other gene is called Epistatic gene. The other gene which is controlled by the epistatic gene is known as hypostatic gene.
(Winner is epistatic gene, looser is hypostatic gene)

We have three types of Epistasis:

Recessive Epistasis :lack of expression of one gene that masks the expression of another gene.

Dominant Epistasis: the expression of one gene masks the expression of another gene.
Double recessive Epistasis - an ??

Bateson and Punnett experiment: they crossed two plants showing purple and white flowers (True breeding) to obtain F1 hybrids, which all had purple flowers.

When these hybrids were intercrossed Bateson and Punnett obtained in the F2 a ratio of 9 purple: 7 white plants .

The classic phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1 is not respected in this case. The 9 boxes which are purple are purple because they have at least one expression of one C and one P(at least one dominant allele of each gene) i.e Both genes are expressed.

The 7 white boxes are white because the lack of expression of P masks the expression of C as well as lack of expression of C masks the expression of P so all these 7 white boxes have lack of expression of one gene or other or both and in all these cases we got white flowers. Thus, they explained the results by proposing that two independently assorting genes C and P, are involved in the anthocyanin synthesis and that each gene has a recessive allele that blocks pigment production.

Explanation at molecular level

CASE-1) When both C and P are expressed
We have precursor 1, the expression of C allows the conversion of precursor into intermediate form (the flower is still white) and the expression of P induces the appearance of the pigment anthocyanin and we got flower color purple.

CASE-2) When C is absent, but P is present
We have white color because the first reaction could not take place so the precursor could not change into the intermediate form and even P is expressed but then too anthocyanin pigment cannot be made since intermediate form is absent
CASE-3) When C is present, but P is absent
We have presence of intermediate substrate but since gene P is not expressed no formation of anthocyanin so again white color.

CASE-4) When both C and P are absent
When both are not expressed so it’s easy to understand it will be white color.

Single recessive epistasis
The lack of expression of one gene masks the expression of another gene .
The example we take here is the rodent coat color and two genes are involved in the expression of this coat color. The crossing over is explained as follows:

We expect 9(A-C-) mice showing Aghouti phenotype because 9 out of16 genotypes will have expression of both A and C genes.
We expect 3(A-cc) mice to express brown coat color and the other 3(aaC-) to have black coat color.
We expect 1(aacc) mouse to show albino.

But after this cross we got different ratios.

Because  A and C have an epistatic relationship. 9 is aguti and 1 is albino but in the:
CASE of (A-cc) since gene C is epistatic on A means that the lack of expression of C masks the expression of A so in this case gene A is present but its expression is masked therefore it is also albino.aaC  as expected to have black color.
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Dominant epistasis


Dominant epistasis
Expression of a gene masks the expressions of another non allelic gene in other words the product of one gene may inhibit the expression of another gene.

Definition: caused by dominant allele or one gene masking the action of either allele of the other gene
Ratio is 12:3:1 instead of 9:3:3:1

What’s the reason?
The first one is white, the other one is green. When the breeding plants are crossed we got F1 showing white flowers (double heterozygous) coming from the cross of two breeding plants so when we cross these two double heterozygotes plants we expect 9:3:3:1 ratio but we get another ratio which is 12:3:1 because gene B is epistatic on gene A.

Explanation for every case

Case-1)When B is expressed
We see 12 boxes in white. In all those boxes there is an expression of at least B so all the time B is expressed therefore summer squash is white (expression of B is responsible for white).

Case-2)When B is not expressed but A is expressed
We have expressions of yellow color.

Case-3)When both is not expressed
We have expressions of green color.

Duplicate dominant genes

If the dominant alleles of two genes produce the same phenotype and they don’t have cumulative effect, the ratio will be 15:1.
We consider the species Capsella bursa-pastoris and the trait “seed capsule shape”.
Two independent genes A1 and A2 express the triangular shape of the capsule that is dominant over the ovoid one.

  • if A1, A2 or both genes are expressed in the seed capsule the shape will be triangular.
  • if neither genes are expressed the seed capsule shape will be ovoid.

HINTS FOR FIGURING OUT GENE INTERACTION (looking at the F2 phenotypic ratio)

— If one gene is involved in the expression of one trait, from the cross of two monohybrids we get 3:1 ratio (with complete dominance) or 1:2:1 (with incomplete dominance)

— if two genes are involved in the expression of one trait, in case of gene interaction, the phenotypic ratio will be 9:3:3:1

— if the phenotypic ratio in F2 is 9:4:3 or 9:7 or 12:3:1 we are in presence of epistasis

Why are some mutations dominant and others recessive?

a+ is the dominant allele the result of which is the wild-type phenotype
a is the recessive amorphic loss-of-function allele whose result is a severe mutant phenotype
ah is the recessive hypomorphic loss-of-function allele whose result is a mild mutant phenotype
aD is the allele that contains the information of a protein which is dominant over the wild-type; it is considered a dominant gain-of-function mutation

In the third case a+aD the aD allele wins over the a+ allele.

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Genes that codify for different traits always assort independently?


No, linkage between genes was first discovered in experiments with sweet peas the experiment was carried out by Bateson and Punnet.
They studied 2 different traits in sweet pea plants, the
flower colour and the pollen grain size. They used the same strategies as Mendel which is using plants from several cycles of self-fertilization.

They started with Red flower with Long pollen grains and a White flower with Short pollen grains.
In F1 progeny the outcome was 100% Red flower and Long pollen grains, demonstrating that these traits were dominant. The heterozygous products of F1 progeny were crossed and the
expected ratio was 9:3:3:1 considering that these 2 traits show the same behaviour demonstrated by Mendel. But the outcome was different

The reason of the difference in the ratio is because the genes for flower colour and pollen grain size do not assort independently.
Bateson and Punnett might have come up with this explanation after a testcross instead of an intercross in the F1.
A testcross of F1 plants would directly reveal the types of gametes produced.
Back-cross is using the second parent in double recessive form. If there is a recessive phenotype then it can be known that the genotype is recessive homozygous.
Also, the recessive homozygous parent can only form 1 type of gamete. From looking at the progeny its possible to understand if the genes are independent or in linkage.
RrLl X rrll
(Dominant and heterozygous) ( Recessive and homozygous).
In case of independent genes, the ratio is 1:1:1:1

1.First possibility
Since the 4 classes are present with the same frequency it can be said that gene R and gene L are localized in different pair of homologs.

2.Second possibility
Parent 1 produced gametes RL and rl. The reason is that these 2 genes are very close to one another(linked) that the probability of crossing over is 0 so the progeny can inherit one chromosome carrying RL or rl. The genes are in coupling meaning both dominant alleles are in one chromosome and both recessive alleles are in homolog.

3.Third possibility
Parent 1 produced Rl and rL (linked) but this time they are in repulsion form meaning on one chromosome there is the dominant allele for one gene and the recessive for the second and on the homolog recessive for the one and dominant for the second.

4.Forth possibility
The first 2 classes (the majority) are parental classes but the last two are formed due to crossing over and they can be called recombinant classes.

*** The back cross is carried out. Among 1000 progeny 920 show the parental combination and
the remaining 80 are recombinant. The frequency of the recombinant progeny by the F1
generation is 80/1000=0.08. We can use this frequency (usually called recombination frequency)
to measure the intensity of linkage between genes. Genes that are tightly linked barely
recombine, whereas loosely linked once can recombine often.

*** When the frequencies are equal like 50% to 50% or 25% each there is no recombinant or
parental classes. If this is the case either the genes are in different chromosomes, or they are in
the same chromosome but the distance between them are more then 50cM (centimorgan).

***Back-cross results, in this case parental combinations are: RL and rl so these genes are in
coupling. Both dominant alleles are on the same chromosome. Gametes Rl and rL come from
crossing over events, and they are less frequent.

Genes that are on the same chromosome travel together; However, linked genes can berecombined by crossing over.

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Crossing over


It takes place in Meiosis I prophase I.
Firstly in S phase the DNA is duplicated so each chromosome has 2 sister chromatids linked from centromere.

*The distance between two points on the genetic map of a chromosome is the average number of
crossovers between them.

Morgan’s Experiment
Morgan studied Drosophila Melanogaster (fruit fly). He studied Body colour and Wing size.
In parent 1 he chooses long wings (dominant) and black body (recessive) in parent 2 short wings (recessive) and grey body (dominant).
In F1 progeny all of them were carrying both dominant
traits Long wings and Grey body double heterozygote. Considering the parental combination from parent 1 it has inherited Lb from parent 2 lB.
Genotype of P1: LLbb
Genotype of P2: llBB
Genotype of F1: LlBb

In the second part of the experiment F1 male (LlBb) was crossed with a female (llbb) with shortwings and black body (both recessive traits). The outcome was long wings black body (Llbb) and short wings grey body(llBb). The male produced 2 type of gametes LB and lb.
It created a question, why there isn’t 4 classes of gametes later it has been discovered that only in drosophila
spermatogenesis no cross over events takes place .

Second Experiment
Morgan used F1 female long wings/grey body LlBb (VvBb)with male llbb(vvbb) and 4 classes of gamete were present Vb,vB,VB,vb. Vb (Vvbb) and vB(vvBb) are parental combination.
VB(VvBb) and (vvbb) are recombinant.

With this experiment Morgan identified parental and recombinant combinations also he was able to calculate the distance between these 2 genes.
In 1936 Bell and Haldane discovered the first case of linkage in humans. The genes responsible for haemophilia and colour blindness are both located on X chromosome.

Increasing the crossing over probability
*The greater the distance between the genes the higher the probability of crossing over

***Unequal Crossover occurs due to high homology meaning that they have very similar sequences. This unequal crossover event can be the basis of triplet expansion in DNA that can
give rises to diseases

*Hot Spot Regions: DNA sequences of high susceptibility to mutation due to;
-Some inherent instability
-Tendency toward unequal cross over.
-Chemical predisposition to single nucleotide substitutions (gene mutation).
-Region where mutations are observed with greater frequency.
The distance on the genetic map do not correspond exactly to physical distance along the chromosome.

How to calculate the distance among genes on a chromosome?

Firstly, crossing two plants AABB x aabb
F1 will be heterozygote for both characters AaBb
A back-cross is carried out AaBb x aabb

Then from the outcome the distance can be calculated;
50+50(recombinants)/1000(the number of total outcomes)x100=10cM
The distance from A to B is 10cM.
To evaluate the distance between A and C crossing is carried out:
AACC x aacc
F1 progeny will be AaCc
Back-cross AaCc x aacc

Distance from A to C is: 40+40/1000x100=8cM

To evaluate the distance between B and C crossing is carried out:
BBCC x bbcc
F1 progeny will be BbCc
Back-cross BbCc x bbcc

So, the distance from A to B is 10cM from A and C is 8cM from B to C is 2cM.

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Inheritance of X-linked traits


In the beginning of the 19th century, biologists didn’t know anything about genes and where they were located.
They suspected that genes were situated on chromosomes, but they didn’t have any clear proof. Researchers needed to find a gene that could be unambiguously located on a chromosome. This goal required that the gene was defined by a mutant allele and the chromosome was morphologically distinguishable.

Morgan was particularly lucky because he found the gene that codes for the color of drosophila, located on the X-chromosome.

Thus, he worked on Drosophila melanogaster, a fruit fly that is a very useful animal for research because it is not expensive and has a short reproduction cycle. Furthermore, in Drosophila cells, only 4 pairs of homologs are present: 3 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex-chromosome, such that females are XX, and males are XY. Also, it is possible to understand the sex of drosophila morphologically i.e just by looking at the shape of the abdomen: in females, the abdomen is light and pointed while in males, it is dark and round.

Through careful experiments, Morgan was able to show that the eye color mutation was inherited along with the X chromosome, suggesting that the gene for eye color was physically located on that chromosome. Later, one of his students, Calvin B. Bridges, obtained definitive proofs for this chromosome theory of heredity. He also discovered the meiotic event of non-disjunction.

Here is a picture showing the inheritance of the X-chromosome. The blue dot spots the X chromosome of the male carrying a mutation. Crossing a male and female yields females with exclusively the male X-chromosome. This is because males inherit only the Y-chromosome from the father and the X-chromosome from the mother.

Then the F1 progeny are crossed between each other. The blue dotted chromosome is inherited in the F2 progeny by both sexes, and if this dot represents a recessive mutation, in males, 50% express this mutation and 50% are free of any mutation, while in females, 50% carry the mutation but don’t necessarily express the disease, and 50% don’t have any mutation. This is called criss-cross inheritance: the mutated gene is transmitted from the father to the daughter, and then the character is inherited to the second generation through the carrier of the first generation.

Morgan experiments

Morgan had in his lab many boxes containing drosophila, and they all presented red eyes, which is the wild-type eye color, but one day, he found one male drosophila showing white eyes. In order to understand the phenomenon, he organized crossings. He first crossed a red-eyed female to the white-eyed male. He obtained 100% of progeny with red eyes, regardless of gender. This result confirmed that red eyes were dominant over white eyes.

Then, in F2 progeny, he obtained a phenotypic ratio of 3:1. A quarter of progeny that showed white eyes were exclusively males. This pattern suggested that the inheritance of eye color was linked to the sex chromosomes.

Then, he carried out a reciprocal cross: he crossed white-eyed females with wild-type males. Mendel also carried out this kind of reciprocal cross, and always obtained the same results because the traits he studied were located on autosomes.
In the F1 progeny, Morgan obtained 50% red-eyed females, and 50% white-eyed males. Intercrossing the F1 progeny yielded a ratio of 1-1-1-1: half the progeny of each sex had white eyes, and the other half had red eyes. Thus, Morgan’s hypothesis that the gene for eye color was linked to the X-chromosome was confirmed.

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Events of meiotic nondisjunction


One of Morgan’s students, C.B. Bridges, provided evidence of the chromosome theory by showing that exceptions to the rules of inheritance could also be explained by chromosome behavior.

Bridges performed one of Morgan’s experiments on a larger scale.
He crossed a white-eyed female with a red-eyed male and examined many F1 progenies.
His experiments in F1, besides the expected progeny, white eyed-males and red-eyed females, also showed white-eyed females and red-eyed males. He explained the appearance of these unexpected phenotypes considering nondisjunction events at meiosis.
If this event occurs, the female will produce gametes, 50% carrying 2 X-chromosomes and 50% empty.
When these eggs are fertilized, we obtain:
XXX female that usually dies
XO-chromosome male
XXY white-eyed female
YO-chromosome that dies

Bridges continued experiments by crossing the exceptional XO red-eyed male with the exceptional XXY white-eyed female to determine how they might have arisen.
This crossing gave no progeny: it was clear that the males were sterile.
Later, he decided to use and repeat the cross carried out by Morgan on a larger scale again. He crossed exceptional females with normal red-eyed males.
Besides the expected white-eyed males and red-eyed females progeny, he obtained white-eyed females and red-eyed males.

He inferred that XXY flies were female and XO flies were male and confirmed the chromosome constitutions of these exceptional flies by direct cytological observation.
Because the XO animals were male, Bridges concluded that in Drosophila, the Y-chromosome has nothing to do with the determination of the sexual phenotype.

However, because the XO males were always sterile, he realized that this chromosome must be important for male sexual function.
This proves the nondisjunction events at meiosis and these kinds of events are at the basis of the alteration of chromosome number in humans too. In fact, it gives rise to trisomy (more on this later).

Reminder on meiosis (important for the written test):
During the first meiotic division, homologous chromosomes separate, and during the second meiotic division, sister-chromatids separate. So at the end of meiosis, there are balanced gametes containing 1 set of chromosomes constituted by one DNA molecule (=monochromatidic).

The nondisjunction during the first meiosis gives rise to 100% unbalanced gametes: 50% shows the double amount of the studied chromosome and 50% doesn’t contain the studied chromosome.

If the nondisjunction event occurs during the second meiosis, then it gives rise to 50% of normal gametes and 50% of unbalanced gametes.

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Turner Syndrome


An example of the fertilization of unbalanced gametes in humans is the Turner Syndrome. The karyotype of the person affected with this disease shows only one X-chromosome.
The different characteristics of these patients are :
-short stature
-short neck
-low developed breast
-usually infertile because ovaries are not completely developed
-But one copy of X-chromosome in mammals is enough to ensure the development.


Klinefelter Syndrome


Another syndrome caused by the abnormal number of sex chromosomes is the Klinefelter syndrome where there are 47 chromosomes in total due to sex chromosomes being XXY. The characteristics that are expressed by people affected by this syndrome are:
-above average height
-underdeveloped testes and very low fertility
-in some cases gynecomastia (abnormal enlargement of one or both breasts in males)
- mental retardation
Increasing the number of X-chromosomes increases the severity of the symptoms, also how the IQ decreases always in parallel with increased X-chromosomes.

XXYY genotype: male but underdeveloped genitalia, IQ from 60 to 80, shows anxiety, and aggressive and delinquent behavior
XXXY genotype: (male) increased clinical and behavioral phenotypes and decreased IQ
XXXXY genotype: (male) worsened clinical and behavioral phenotypes and IQ

At least one copy of the X chromosome is necessary to allow embryo survival. The presence of additional copies of sex chromosomes interferes with the physiological process of both physical and mental development.

Volumetric studies demonstrated significantly reduced brain volumes in subjects with XXX and XXY, but not in XYY subjects. This indicates that the presence of an extra X-chromosome has an effect on brain development. However, this does not affect women who are XX because one of the X-chromosomes is silenced. The research on the presence of an extra Y-chromosome couldn’t be associated with significant volumetric brain differences relative to normal male controls because the Y-chromosome is very small and contains very little information, the most important being the gene responsible for the differentiation of the male sex.


Sed determination


At fertilization, the zygote will contain the information coming from the mother and the father.
If the sperm contains an X-chr, the zygote will be XX female, and if it contains Y-chr the zygote will be XY male.

In presence of the Y-chr and in particular if on this Y-chr is present the gene Sry, this gene is transcribed, the mRNA is translated, and the product is represented by TDF (testis determining factor).

It’s a protein that induces the differentiation of undifferentiated gonads (from embryonic gonad to testis).
The testes produce testosterone, a hormone that initiates the development of male sexual characteristics. In the absence of Y-chr, no TDF is produced.
The lack of TDF allows the cortex of the embryonic gonads to develop into ovaries.
So in the absence of testosterone, the embryo develops female sexual characteristics.
Recently, it has been found that other proteins, such as Spo1 protein, are necessary for ovary development.

The undifferentiated gonad is the genital ridge.
The primordial germ cells (PGC) come from the yolk sac.
The PGCs travel to reach the genital ridge.
At a certain moment during development, they will start the development of female or male senses depending on the expression or not of Sry gene.
If in the germ cell, the Y-chr is present, and correctly contains the Sry gene, TDF is produced and gonads are differentiated into testes, which contains different cell types such as Sertoli cells which secrete Anti-Mullerian hormone, and Leydig cells which secrete testosterone.

On the contrary, if no Sry gene is expressed, the embryo develops as female (differentiation into ovaries). In the ovaries, there are follicle cells that support egg development, and theca cells which produce progesterone, the progesterone is converted to estrogen by the follicle cells


Sex Chromosomes


Even though the X and Y-chr are very different, they pair during the first prophase of meiosis.
The pairing is possible because there are some regions that are homologous.

The normal male is XY and on the short arm of the Y-chr is present the Sry gene.
But that gene can also be inserted on the X-chr.
In this case, the person will have a female genotype (XX) but a male phenotype.
On the contrary, if the Y-chr lacks the segment that contains the Sry gene, the person will have a male genotype (XY) and female phenotype. So only that Sry region makes the difference, otherwise the Y-chr is useless (very few traits are defined by genes located on Y-chr).

We can consider 3 different steps in sex determination. For male sex determination, TDF plays an important role.
It is a transcription factor constituted by 223 amino acids.
It is codified by the Sry gene mapped on the short arm of the Y-chr.
There are many other genes that are expressed to induce male differentiation, but only 1 family will be mentioned: sox genes. Sox stands for Sry-related HMG box.
Among this family, 2 forms will be mentioned:
-sox 9 (mapped on X-chr) is necessary for testis development because it activates the synthesis of anti-mullerian hormone (MIS)

-sox 3 antagonizes Sry, as a consequence, if it is active, it blocks -
sox9, determining the development of the undifferentiated gonad as ovary.

When Sry is active, TDF is produced and it inhibits sox3. Sox9 is thus activated and testes develop with Sertoli cells that produce the anti-mullerian hormone, which degrades structure.
On the contrary, when Sry is inactive (not present), sox3 is active and sox9 is inactive which leads to the development of ovaries. The difference lies in the Sry product (TDF).
Remember that many other genes are involved and there are many control levels. This is just a simplified version.

So genetic, gonadal, and phenotypic sex usually are coincident. For example, for males, the genetic sex is XY and it is determined at fertilization. Gonadal sex is determined when Sry is expressed. And phenotypic sex is expressed during puberty.

The first step is defined at fertilization depending on the set of chromosomes present.
The sex is established but the embryo is sexually neutral because gonads remain undifferentiated until about 7 weeks after fertilization.
After 7 weeks (more or less), gonadal differentiation takes place.
The expression of the sex phenotype (secondary sexual traits) is evident at puberty.
Testosterone induces the expression of male secondary sexual traits. The lack of testosterone induces the development of female secondary sexual traits.

In a normal male with the wild-type Tfm gene, Sry is transcribed, the messenger is translated, TDF is produced, testis is developed, and at puberty, the testes will produce testosterone.
But testosterone needs the expression of specific receptors to function.
So for a normal development of the male secondary sex traits, males need the expression of the Tfm gene located on the X-chr. This gene contains the information for a protein that is a testosterone receptor.
The testosterone will bind to its receptor and this complex will be able to modulate the expression of proteins responsible for the differentiation and expression of these male secondary sexual traits.

If there is a mutation on the Tfm gene responsible for the production of testosterone receptors, testosterone is produced normally but no testosterone receptors are produced. So the complex cannot be formed leading to no signal, therefore, female secondary sexual characteristics are developed.

The lack of androgen receptors causes “Morris syndrome”. The affected people are genetically males XY but phenotypically females. Testes are retained in the abdomen. This syndrome is clarified during puberty when menses don’t appear and in the echography, the doctor discovers testes retained in the abdomen. These people are sterile.
She developed these secondary female traits because testosterone was produced but not its receptors due to the mutation in the gene responsible for this protein.


Mechanism of action of steroid hormones


Steroid hormones are small nonpolar molecules. They diffuse across the plasma membrane and bind to their receptors, which are present in the cytoplasm.
Steroid hormone receptors function as ligand-regulated transcription factors.
Hormone binding results in a conformational change that causes the hormone-receptor complex to move into the nucleus and binds to elements present in the promoters or enhancers of hormone-responsive genes.
This interaction gives rise to the modulation of gene transcription.

The receptor is composed of the ligand-binding domain and the DNA binding domain.
When the receptor is not occupied by the ligand, there is an inhibitory protein that masks the DNA binding domain, because the receptor without the ligand should be blocked, otherwise there will be a response even in the absence of the ligand.

Physiologically, the signal is needed to activate the receptor, then the complex can give a response.
When the ligand has bound to the receptor, the inhibitory protein is released, and the DNA binding domain is exposed.
So the complex is able to bind specific sequences on DNA.
In particular, androgen receptors can bind androgen-responsive elements on DNA, indicated as ARE.
If we consider estrogen receptors, this sequence is then called ERE, and for glucocorticoid receptors, it’s GRE sequences.

So for each signal, after the binding with their specific receptor, the complex is able to modulate the transcription and translation of proteins that are produced in response to the arrival of the signal. So testosterone reaches the target tissues and induces a response.

In a normal male, testosterone is produced by Leydig cells, and it travels via the general circulation, to reach different tissues because there are several male sex traits. In the target cells, it binds to its receptor and induces the synthesis of a particular protein responsible for the expression of one sex trait.
For example, in this picture, the square target cells induce the production of square proteins, and so on for the other shapes.
So each time, the same ligand/signal is involved, but regarding the tissue it acts on, it will produce different proteins.
The same complex testosterone/receptor is able to modulate the expression of different proteins in different tissues.

What happens if no receptors are present in the target tissues? This is because of the mutation on the gene responsible for the androgen receptor protein.

Testosterone, always via the general circulation, reaches the target tissues, but the receptor is not present so the tissues cannot give any answer.
For this reason, no male sex traits are expressed.


Brain sexual dimorphism


Here is a picture of a rat brain.
There is a part showing sexual dimorphism in the pre-optic area (POA): in males (left) it is larger than in females (right).

In males, the level of sexual activity is associated with the size of this area which, in turn, depends on the prenatal exposure to androgens which are converted into estrogen during a defined time window.

It is necessary that androgens reach the brain and are converted by aromatases into estrogens.
This should occur in a particular time window, otherwise, the rat doesn’t show male behavior (does not couple with the female).


the dose compensation phenomenon


In mammals, one copy of each X-linked gene is inactivated in females.
But the inactivation is not complete: 15% of the inactivated chromosomes remain active.
For this reason, the additional X-chromosomes are responsible for mental retardation. In mammals, dosage compensation occurs through the inactivation of the X-chr in each female cell.
Thus, each mammalian somatic cell, whether male or female, has only one functioning X-chr. This phenomenon is called X-chr inactivation.
The chromatin of the inactive X-chr is converted into heterochromatin-chromatin that remains packaged throughout most of the cell cycle and replicates later than most of the other chromatin (the euchromatin) of the nucleus (discovery of Mary Lyon). She proposed the following hypothesis:
Very early in the development of female mammals, both X-chr are active. As development proceeds, one X-chr is inactivated in each cell.
This inactivation is random. In some cells, the paternally derived X-chr is inactivated; in other cells, the maternally derived X-chr is shut down.
This process is irreversible. Once a particular X-chr has been inactivated in a cell, the same X-chr is inactivated in all of that cell’s progeny.
Because X inactivation happens relatively early in development, an entire region of cells derived from a single cell may all have the same X-chr inactivated. Thus, all tissues in female mammals are a mosaic of two cell types.

If we observe the nucleus of the female, we observe at the periphery a spot called the Barr body.
It represents the condensed X-chr which is inactivated (only 85% is inactivated). This means that it cannot be transcribed. The second X-chr is not condensed and transcriptionally active. This barr body is only found in females.

How does the inactivation of one X-chromosome occur?

On the X-chr there is a region that is transcribed, and the molecule that is transcribed is XIST RNA.
This RNA is responsible for the inactivation of the same chromosome where it has been transcribed, and after that, we have methylation and de-acetylation of histones that attract other chromosomal proteins. 85% of this X-chromosome is then silenced (so 85% of the genes are not expressed).
In this way, the information present on this chromosome cannot be used. But this Barr body is duplicated in the S phase of the cell cycle. So the inactivation concerns exclusively the transcription.

Inactivation is a random process that occurs on day 16 after fertilization.
The zygote contains one X from the mother and one X from the father.
At day 16, 50% of the cells present at this moment will inactivate the blue (father) chromosome and 50% will inactivate the red (mother) chromosome.
So in the end, there are 50% of cells expressing the paternal X and 50% the maternal X. If the cell pointed by the green arrow inactivates the maternal X-chr, all the cells coming from this cell will inactivate the maternal X-chr. So the cells form a mosaic, with some having the paternal X-chr activated and others the maternal one.

The cat zygote contains a pair of homologs.
On one chromosome there is the allele responsible for light fur and on the homolog, the allele responsible for dark fur. At day 16, one of the two X-chr is randomly inactivated.
At birth, there will be a mix of cells that express the allele for light fur and others that express the dark fur. This genetic mosaicism produces patches of light and dark fur that are characteristic of tortoiseshell cats.

Now let’s consider a person with one of the alleles mutated.
If the girl is lucky enough, at day 16, 100% of cells silence the chromosome that carries the mutated allele.
All the cells will express the normal one. If she’s unlucky, 100% of cells silence the chromosome with the normal allele. So she will express all the symptoms of the disease.

Let’s see this phenomenon with the example of hemophilia: let’s consider a girl who carries on X-chr the normal allele E and on the other, the recessive allele e responsible for hemophilia. We expect that this person doesn’t express symptoms of hemophilia (like coagulation problems). Because we expect 50% of inactivation of the normal chr and 50% the mutated chr. However, we can also expect, even though it’s not frequent, that the person expresses some mild symptoms compared to a male that possesses the mutated allele.

The progeny of the female with XEXe and male XeY will be 50% male and 50% female. In males, 50% will be healthy (XEY) and 50% will have the disease (XeY). In females, 50% will be carriers but phenotypically normal (XEXe ) and 50% affected (XeXe).


Sex determination in D.melanogaster


In Drosophila melanogaster, the presence of the Y-chr is useless in this case, this means that unlike in humans, the Y-chr plays no role in sex determination. However it is important for fertility. Instead, the sex of the fly is determined by the ratio of X-chr to autosomes.

Normal diploid flies have a pair of sex chr, either XX or XY, and three pairs of autosomes, usually denoted AA; each A represents one haploid set of autosomes. In the figure, on the left, there are 2 sets of autosomes AA and 1 chromosome X.
The ratio between 1 and 2 is 0.5. All the time this ratio is 0.5 or less, we have males. On the right, there are 2 X-chr and 2 sets of autosomes, so the ratio 2:2 is 1.
All the time this ratio is 1 or more, we have females. Flies with an X:A ratio between 0.5 and 1 develop characteristics of both sexes, thus Bridges called them intersexes.

The Sxl gene is involved in these phenomena. Due to the different gene content and gene expression between the two sexes, the females are able to switch on this gene while in males, this cannot happen.

In the case of a female, the 6 genes are switched on and start a cascade of events that induce the differentiation in female. On the contrary, in males, this does not take place because the Sxl gene is not activated, and this induces the differentiation in male.


Environmental sex determination


In some turtles, the temperature is responsible for sex determination:
at temperature <28°, only males
at temperature >32°, only females

Another example is Bonellia viridis, a sea worm, which is influenced by CO2. Indeed, the CO2 concentration is responsible for its sex determination.
Lower concentrations in sea water cause the differentiation of larvae in females.
It is also an example of morphological dimorphism because the female is bigger than the male.
It has 10 cm in length with a long trunk while the male is only 1-3 mm in length.
The localization also has an effect: if the larva develops inside the female body, a male will be born, while if the larva develops on a rock, a female will be born. This depends on the CO2 concentration.
In the female body, CO2 concentrations are higher than in seawater.




We have two categories of genes linked to the sex.

  1. Influenced by sex ( e.g baldness)
  2. restricted by sex e.g (precocious puberty)

Pattern baldness in humans is a well-known example; in this example, the relevant biological factor is gender.
Baldness happens because of the genes people inherit from both their parents.
Studies show that 80% of baldness is genetic.
The letter b plus indicates the dominant allele, and the small b the recessive allele responsible for baldness.
The woman is dominant on a homozygote double b+ and the man is homozygous double b.
From this marriage it is expected to generate a progeny 100% heterozygote, and for the knowledge it is expected a normal number of children.

So what actually happens?

The lady produce gametes carrying the b plus and the man sperm carrying a small b.
In the progeny, all the progeny are heterozygous but males are bald, and females are non-bald. The phenotype is different.
So there is a different behavior of b+ in men and women.

When there are 2 heterozygotes, both can form different classes of gametes carrying b plus and small b.
1\4 of the progeny is expected to be recessive homozygote and dominant homozygote and 1\2 is expected to be heterozygous, this concerned the genotype.

If we give a look for the possible phenotype:

The dominant homozygous will be non-bald.
Both the recessive homozygote will be bald
The heterozygote ladies will be non bald but the men will be bald.

So it is confirmed a different behavior of B+ in women as compared to males.
It has been seen this trait can be inherited by both mother and father so it is not x linked in the trait.
The progeny - two boys bald, and other normal. If we consider a hypothesis which is not true, if this gene is linked to the X chromosome, only the girl will inherit the X chromosome from the father.

For this reason the appearance of boys affected by baldness reveals that this trait is due to a gene that is located on an autosome.

Some autosomal genes are expressed differently in males and females. The term sex influenced inheritance means that an alleles is dominant in one sex but recessive in the other. Pattern baldness is an example of a sex influenced trait in humans.
This means that an allel is dominant in one sex, and recessive in the other so the B plus is dominant in ladies and recessive in man.
The higher concentration of testosterone that we can find in men as compared to ladies that contain testosterone but in different amounts is the reason for baldness.

So testosterone or better DHT is responsible.

What happens on the scalp is that testosterone is converted to di-hydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase.
DHT causes hair follicles to shrink and become sparser.

It is not one gene that is involved in this and other groups have found other variations on chromosome 20.

Than there are genes whose expression is restricted by sex this means that these genes are expressed only in one sex.

An example is the PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY:

Familial male limited precocious puberty is condition that causes early sexual development in males. Females are not affected.
Boys with this disorder begin exhibiting the signs of puberty in early childhood (between 2 and 5).

The gene responsible is autosomal dominant. It is expressed in the heterozygous men exclusively, while women, who are phenotypically normal, are carriers and transmit the gene to their male offspring.

Signs of male puberty include a deepening voice, acne, increasing body hair, underarm odor, growth of the penis and testes and spontaneous erections.
All this normally happens to men around 12-14 years old.
Changes in behavior, such as increased aggression and early interest in sex, may also occur. Without treatment, affected boys grow quickly at first, but they stop growing earlier than usual.
As a result they tend to be shorter in adulthood compared with other members of their family.




Huntington’s disease is an example of age influence on the genes.
Huntington’s disease is an inherited disease that causes the degeneration of nerve cells in the brain. It has a broad impact on a person’s functional abilities and usually results in movement thinking (cognitive) and psychiatric disorders.
This Huntington chorea usually happens around the 35-50 years of age. And the degeneration occurs by apoptosis. Now we know there are also forms that occur very early around twenty years old.
This is an autosomal dominant inheritance which means that the gene is located on the pair of autosomes and is dominant because one copy of the mutated allele is enough to express the pathology.
The dominant mutation means that the protein that is made by this allele will win over the protein produced by the normal allele.
The progeny always has 50% probability to inherit the mutated allele and there will be 50% of progeny affected and 50% of progeny unaffected.
Also among the progeny affected, 50% boys and 50% girls because the gene is located on an autosome.

Mutations in the HTT gene cause Huntington disease.
The HTT gene provides instructions for making a protein called Huntingtin.
Although the function of this protein is unknown, it appears to play an important role in nerve cells, neurons in the brain.
The HTT mutation that causes Huntington disease involves a DNA segment known as a CAG trinucleotide repeat.
The segment is made up of a series of three DNA building blocks (cytosine, adenine and guanine) that appear multiple times in a row. Normally the CAG segment is repeated 10-35 times within the gene.
More than 40 triplets mean that we have the appearance of the disease.
The ill brain is reduced in size and it is clear that it is an abnormal brain.
Because when the disease is expressed the brain starts to die, and the nerve cells die by apoptosis.
And there is no possibility to replace the neurons cells, because neurons are cells that are blocked in a particular phase of the cell cycle, they cannot be back from this situation.
The mutation happens to a gene localized on the short arm of chromosome 4. This gene codifies a protein called huntingtin. When in this protein are sequenced additional codons (more than 40, until 100-200), CAG, codifying the amino acid glutamine, a different protein is translated showing a long tail of glutamines.
In the normal situation the protein produced by the gene is located around the nucleus in the plasma site. Instead the mutated protein penetrates into the nucleus, and accumulates causing the death of the cell. This different localization is due to the expansion of the triplet cage.

Another disease that is due to the triplet expansion is the X-fragile syndrome. It is an x linked recessive. In this case we have an expansion of the triplets CGG and this expansion occurs in the promoter region.
On the contrary in Huntington, the cag expansion occurred in the coding region.
For this reason we got a protein that is larger as compared to the normal one, and it shows a different localization. It’s fragile because the mutation is able to induce modifications of the x chromosome that show here a site particularly narrowing toward the end of the x chromosome indicated by the white arrow here.

The increasing number of triplets is unstable and passed from generation to generation so it is possible to see an increase from one to the next. Normally we have from 6-40 repetitions.
From 41-200 we have an unstable DNA sequence.
At 200 triplets there is the actual mutation. But until 199, the situation is a pre-mutation and people carrying that number of repetitions don’t show any sign of the disease, only show a premutation so it means that in the progeny of this subject the disease will appear.
The normal situation is that the DNA has a promoter region that is the DNA sequence that is recognized by RNA polymerases.
And then you have the gene (FMR1) of the coding sequence for the protein FMRP.
If we have a lot more repetitions the subject is the carrier of the mutation.
In the carrier affected by the mutation the methylation of a CPG island, of the cytosines and of the sequence enables the recognition of the promoter by the RNA polymerase. So the protein FMRP is not produced.
(karyotype showing on the chromosome X the fragile site)
This means that the genes that are regulated by these proteins are all blocked.
If the protein is correctly made, the protein is able to switch on the transcription of the genes; it is possible to consider FMRP as a molecular switch that can induce a response switching on other genes.
It is also an RNA binding protein and is involved in the development of the synapses in the brain - regulating the plasticity of synapses.
The number of synapses is very important to the brain; the more synapsis are present the better the brain. For example during sleep, old synapses are broken and new synapses are made.
So, plasticity is very important for brain functionality and one of the proteins involved in this is the protein FMRP.
Men carrying the mutation are affected because there is one X so the expression is 100%.
Concerning women, they can express the disease and the probability is 50%. It is impossible to say in advance how much will be the appearance of the signs, because it depends on the silencing of the X chromosome during the development.
The mother carrier means that one X chromosome is normal and the other carries the mutation.
The father is normal.
In the progeny it is possible to have:
Normal son that inherits the normal X chromosome by the mother and y from father.
Daughter that is the carrier because they inherited the normal X chromosome from the father and the mutation from the mother.
Daughter that is normal
And the appearance of affected daughters depends on the activation of one X chromosome. So, it is easier to find boys affected than girls.
X fragile is present here, if a male or a female carrier as one normally acts in another showing this situation and the man is affected always because it has just one X chromosome.
It Is possible to identify the X fragile just with a genetic test during the fetal life, but there is no specific treatment for this disease and only deep psychological support can try to help people affected to overcome some problems but not all problems are possible to eliminate.
- impair psychomotor development,
-different degrees of mental retardation associated with behavioral abnormalities such as restlessness, psycho-motor instability and inability to fix the attention.
Also concerning the behavior there is a very large variability from social to autistic behavior.


Gene expression and external environment conditions


The expression of some genes can be influenced by the external environment.

Good example is the Himalayan rabbit.
The rabbit term shows a particular phenotype, he is white but the nose, ear and tail and legs are black.
Normally, if we keep this rabbit out by around 30 degrees, it will be completely white including the extremities.
If we put the rabbit out at around 25 degrees, it will be white except for the extremities.Because the extremities are cooled earlier than the whole body.
In mammals the temperature is more or less constant so only the extremities become black due to the lower temperature.

If we cool part of the body here shown, this part will become black.
This means that the gene responsible for the pigmentation is sensitive to the temperature.


Disruptions and teratogens


Some abnormalities can be caused by exogenous agents, Bragg’s radiation viruses and these agents are called teratogens from the Greek “monster formers”.

There are drugs and also viruses that are able to induce abnormalities.
But these kinds of abnormalities are not inherited by the progeny because they do not depend on a genetic mutation.
In 1961, two researchers independently found proof about a drug “thalidomide” that was used as a sedative during pregnancy, that caused an enormous number of congenital anomalies called “phocomelia” because the long bones of the limbs are deficient or absent.
This is an example of the developmental anomalies by this drug.
It has been found that the problem concerning this drug was concentrated in a period between 34 and 50 days after the last month so 2036 days post conception.
After this day 38 no abnormalities were seen.
And the same story can be the virus of one common disease which was responsible for a disease that caused the birth of abnormal babies.


Extra-nuclear DNA (chloroplasts, mitochondria)


Mitochondria as well as chloroplasts contain DNA, an extra nuclear fraction of DNA.
Mitochondria are organelles that are present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotes and the number is very variable depending on the energy requirement by the cell.
The mitochondria are the site of ATP synthesis.
In some cells mitochondria have particular localizations, for example in sperm cells the mitochondria are concentrated in the neck of this special cell that is the major male gamete. They are concentrated there to produce energy that allows the tail movement, the flagella momentum.

Mitochondria structure:

The invaginations are called cristae and are formed by the inner plasma membrane.
The mitochondria show two membranes: an outer membrane and an inner one.
Inside the inner membrane, we have the matrices.
Concerning the outer mitochondrial membrane, it is similar to the plasma membrane. This means that it is constituted by lipids and protein and the ratio is about 40-50% lipid and the rest are proteins.
On the contrary, the inner membrane contains less lipids and the concentration of proteins is high, because, in the inner membrane, there are the reactions that allow the synthesis of ATP. So, on the cristae of the inner membrane, there are the protein complexes that allow the production of ATP.
The inner membrane shows the presence of a particular phospholipid: the cardiolipins. It is a lipid that is present only in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
Concerning the permeability, the outer membrane is more permeable as compared to the inner membrane that shows a certain impermeability to many solutes.
The mitochondria has two gates and two doors, one located on the outer membrane and another on the inner membrane. In the outer membrane, the door is called gate TOM (outer membrane transport) and TIM in the inner membrane.

Those two gates are necessary because the mitochondrial DNA is very short and it contains in humans the information for only 13 proteins.
All the other proteins necessary to the functionality of the mitochondria come from the cytoplasm.
So, the information to build these proteins is contained in the nucleus.
The free ribosome translate the messenger coming from the nucleus and the protein that is destined to go to the mitochondria present some signals that enable it to recognize first of all TOM and second TIM depending on the localization; if it is a protein that should work in the matrix of the mitochondria this protein will show both signals, if it is a protein that should stop in the space between the two membranes, it will show only the TOM signals.
The replication of mitochondria is independent of the cell cycle.
The cell cycles include the S phase and during this phase the duplication of DNA occurs.
After the cell cycle, the cell is duplicated.
The mitochondria are independent and they can duplicate all the time and only the size of the mitochondria can induce the duplication of the organelle.
It has been demonstrated that the mitochondria are most prone to duplication when associated with the membrane of the reticulum (So perhaps there is a signal that comes from the reticulum or into the mitochondria. It’s very new information.).
And it has also been found that there are two proteins associated with its duplication:
-DRP1 (binds to the mitochondrial membrane and partially constrict it)
- DPR2 (binds and constricts the mitochondrial membrane further to enable the final step of lipid fusion and organelle division).
The duplication is just a separation of mitochondrial DNA in two parts thanks to the presence of the actin filaments in the middle (MID ZONE DIVISION).

PERIPHERAL DIVISION occurs when the tip of the organelle has developed a decrease in membrane potential and an increase in ROS, with a noticeable lack of these alterations in addition, this smaller product of a peripheral division often lacks replicating DNA - which is a sign of an unhealthy mitochondria.
These findings suggest that this type of division occurs when the mitochondria are damaged, and is a precursor to mitophagy. This division needs contact with lysosomes.

Lysosomes play a role in the autophagy processes.

Mitochondria are surrounded by the lysosomes that degrade the mitochondria when too old to work at best.

The mitochondrial DNA is circular and doesn’t have structural proteins (histones/intrones). In plants, it is very large.
Each mitochondria can contain several copies of DNA from 2 to 12 copies.
One cell can contain several mitochondria so the number of mitochondrial DNA in a cell can be very large.
This is important to remember for inheritance of traits expressed by mitochondrial DNA.
In the human mitochondrial DNA is about 17 kb length.
There are two sequences that are transcribed in ribosomal RNA (large, small).
The size of these RNA is quite similar to the size that is found in prokaryotes 16 and 18 Svedberg.
Mitochondria show the poly a tail that is a modification that is seen also in the modification of the precursor of messenger in the nucleus.
Concerning the translation, there isn’t a cap.
(Cap is a nucleotide that protects the five prime ends of the messenger).
So there isn’t the system for the anchorage of the messenger to the ribosome and the terminal codon are not the three stop codons but U or UA are enough to stop the translation.
As well as seen in prokaryotes, the first amino acid is a formyl methionine (fMet). But there are some differences concerning the genetic code, because in mitochondria, the codon UGA, that usually is a stop codon, translates to a tryptophan (-Trp), so in amino acid. So the genetic code is universal, but it is possible to find some exceptions. UGA translation is one of them.




Some of the traits shown by the mitochondria suggest the hypothesis of the symbiotic theory.
The characteristics that suggest this hypothesis are the size of the ribosome RNA, the kind of multiplication, the characteristic of the inner membrane, the presence of the cardiolipin, the circle DNA form and so many other traits that are in common with prokaryotes and with bacteria.
So the hypothesis says that a prokaryotic entered millions and billions of years ago, into one cell. It enters inside the host’s cell and is encapsulated by the plasma membrane of the cell. And it will stay as host in the cell specializing in ATP synthesis.



How can mitochondrial mutations affect the DNA and be responsible for diseases that can affect all the body?


example: There is a lady that has some mitochondria, showing mutations.
The total of mitochondria mutated is three and there are six total mitochondria.
So less than 50%, more or less.
This lady will produce eggs and in the eggs there will be different situations concerning mitochondria.
In the case of only two mutated mitochondria, only 20% of the mitochondria carry the mutation. So after fertilization the child will have no disease.
If the percentage of the mutated mitochondria is around 50% it is possible to observe mild symptoms of disease.
If the percentage of mutated mitochondria is 80% severe symptoms of the disease can appear.
Because at the cell division, mitochondria distribute randomly. The presence of mutated mitochondria starts to be a problem when there are more than 60% mutated mitochondria present in the cell.
The mother doesn’t show any symptoms or mild with around 50% of mutated mitochondria. So the presence of a mutation on mitochondrial DNA is not directly linked to the appearance of the disease in the progeny.
Because the appearance of the disease depends on the percentage of mutated mitochondria that are present in the egg.

The inheritance of mitochondria diseases is an example of uniparental inheritance, because only the mother gave mitochondria to the progeny. Because in fertilization when the sperm reaches the egg cell, the mitochondria of the sperm are so tired that they are useless and these mitochondria will be targeted to be destroyed, because they are no more able to produce ATP.
So in the case of a father affected by a disease, due to a mutation of mitochondrial DNA, the progeny will not be affected at all.

Parkinson, muscular dystrophy, epilepsy and autism are examples that show the importance of mitochondrial dysfunction.
Mitochondria are fundamental for ATP production. So, if they don’t work at best, the tissue will suffer.
The mother has an abnormal mitochondrial DNA gene. She has no symptoms at all. Minimal, mild and severe diseases are depending on the concentration of the amount of mutated mitochondria inherited from the mother. Even the child that doesn’t show any symptom is carrying mutated mitochondria that will be inherited to the following progeny.
Uniparental is the inheritance that conserves mitochondrial DNA.
There is also the maternal effect.




It has been studied on the lymnaea stagnalis; the trait that has been studied is the shell coil (right or left).
The researchers crossed one female showing the right coil, dominant, and a male showing the left coil, recessive.
It was expected that all the progeny would have been heterozygous and that all the progeny showed the dominant trait, the right coil.
For this point of the cross, the result was in agreement with the hypothesis.
The progeny f1 was 100% percent right coil.
This snails is also able to self-fertilize,
If the f1 progeny self-fertilized, researchers expected a ratio of 3:1 because it was heterozygote.
25% dominant homozygote
50% heterozygote
25% recessive homozygote left coiled

But among the progeny, 100% of them showed the dominant trait. All the nails showed the right coil shell. Even the part of the progeny that was known to be recessive homozygote because there were 25% of this kind of genotype.
So, the Mendelian ratio 3:1 was not respected.
When the F2 progeny self-fertilized: the dominant homozygote and the heterozygotes gave only the right shell coil. But part of the progeny showed the recessive trait of the left coil.
So the recessive trait reappeared in the F3 progeny and not in F2 as Mendel expected.

At this point the researchers carried out a reciprocal cross because also Mendel did the same. Mendel after the reciprocal cross always got the same result.

In this case we change the sex of parents.

In the beginning there was a cross between female capital DD, and male, dd.
After the first experiment they crossed between a female, dd, and a male, DD.
If it was the case of a Mendelian trait, they would have got a 100% right coil, but it wasn’t the case.

The result was 100% heterozygote, but showing the recessive trait, left coil, as the female had the left coil.
If the female self-fertilized would have appeared the character of the right coil.

So, these snails with the left coil, heterozygote, give rise to 100% of right coil snails even though it is known that part of the progeny is recessive homozygote.

The explanation is that shell coiling is a premature trait that is expressed very early during development.
In the first moment after fertilization the sperm nuclei and egg nuclei are shocked in some way and they are not ready to fuse.

The nucleus of the sperm has the DNA packaged around another product that is protamine and this is substituted by histone proteins provided by the egg cell. But also the egg nucleus is shocked and needs to finish the meiosis 2. So, the first moments of development use the trait present in the cytoplasm of the egg.The cytoplasm of the egg contains numerous information for premature traits. And the shell coiling is a trait that is expressed in this first moment of development. For this reason, the trait called “shell coiling” is due to the genotype of the mother.

So, the mother that has a genotype DD will produce eggs that will contain the information to produce the phenotype right coil (dominant trait).
If the mother has genotype dd, in the egg we will find the information for a left coil shell.

So the maternal effect is the inheritance that depends on the mother genotype.




This process takes place in testis(male reproductive structure) which is divided into two:

  1. Interstitial compartment
  2. Germinal compartment: spermatogenesis occurs. Undifferentiated Germ cells at peripheral region move towards the center to differentiate into sperms.
      process of spermatogenesis: 1-starts with the mitosis in spermatogonia and the number of mitotic divisions depends on species because every specie has a different control system. 
  3. spermatogonia undergoes a process called exocytosis that is the process of growth and differentiation. At this stage, we have primary spermatocytes (2n) which undergo first meiotic division giving rise to haploid secondary spermatocytes (1n). First meiosis is a reduction process in which homologs separate and at the end we have one chromosome representative of each homolog. But still we have chromosomes in the form of sister chromatid joined at centromere.
  4. There comes second meiotic division converting secondary spermatocytes to spermatids (1n) and also separates sister chromatids. Second meiotic division is like mitosis and at the end we have monochromated chromosomes (single chromatid in each cell). (The concept of haploidy is not linked to the amount of DNA but to the quality of DNA.)
  5. Now spermatids undergo a process known as spermiogenesis that gives modifications to it. In end we observe round shape spermatids into sperms having proper morphology i.e head and tail.

During mitosis of spermatogonia, at a certain moment depending on species there is the appearance of two types of spermatogonia:

  1. dark: contains nucleus in which chromatin is highly condensed and this spermatogonia is stored as stem cells.
  2. pale: committed to continue the spermatogenesis process.

Spermatogenesis is a continuous process that starts at puberty and remains till death.

  • Before puberty: only have mitotic division in spermatogonia
  • puberty: meiosis starts and spermatozoa are produced.

differentiation and development of gonads:


Genetic sex is estabilished at the time of fertilization and gonads are undifferentiated until the certain moment of development.

Gonadal sex of male is estabilished if Y chromosome contains the gene SRY which codifies the transcription factor TDF and causes differentiation of undifferentiated gonads to testes.

In case,if the Y chromosome is absent and of course lack of SRY, we have differentiation of gonads into ovary.Not only SRY gene is required for differentiation of gonads but also we need a lot of other genes like Spo1 is required for differentiation of gonads into ovary.

Primordial germ cells come from the wall of the yolk sac and from there they move to the genital ridges.
During the movement towards genital ridges PGC multiply and when they reach genital ridge which is not yet differentiated, they associate with epithelial cells that are present at genital ridges.


Sertoli cells


Rat seminiferous tubule section: Consider we have rat seminiferous tubule showing both germinal and interstitial compartment and number of cells like spermatogonia, primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocyte and differentiated sperms in germinal compartment.
In the interstitial compartment there are also a lot of cells but we are considering only leydig cells and sertoli cells that take part in spermatogenesis.

Sertoli cells form a blood-testis barrier which gives tight control of the microenvironment of tubules.Germinal compartment is further divided into basal and adluminal region and blood-testis barrier is between adlumin and basal.

Basal compartment contains spermatogonia and primary spermatocyte while adluminal contains secondary spermatocyte and spermatids.

Blood testis barrier is a physical barrier between blood vessels and seminiferous tubules. The name blood-testis barrier is misleading in that it is not a blood-organ barrier in a strict sense but is formed by sertoli cells and this barrier isolates the further developed stages of germ cells from the blood.
A more correct term could be the

The barrier is not static in fact it needs to be open to allow the passage of materials. Spermatogonia and preleptotene (1st phase of prophase1) spermatocytes are present in the basal compartment separated from pachytene spermatocytes by BTB.

  1. barrier is opened by cytokines produced by germ cells or sertoli cells.
  2. Once the proteins which hold tight junctions are separated , the barrier is opened
  3. preleptotene spermatocytes move to the adluminal compartment continuing the spermatogenesis.

Barrier can be regenerated by testosterone secreted by leydig cells.
So,two signals are produced: cytokines for opening of junction and testosterone for the closing of junction.
**Sertoli cells are large size and columnar shape with oval nucleus located at the basal side
**Occludens junction separates two compartments; basal very thin located outside and adluminal located inside.

Function of sertoli cells:
–structural and food supply to germ cells
–BTB to protect gametes from immune system
–synthesis and secretion ABP-androgen binding protein
–synthesis and secretion of the anti mullerian hormone for sex male differentiation
–synthesis and secretion of inhibin to block the release of FSH from the pituitary
–synthesis of aromatase enzyme responsible for conversion of testosterone into estradiol

Also during the spermatogenesis, all cells remained joined with each other till the end of spermatogenesis through cytoplasmic bridges which insure the growth of all cells. Everything needed for growth can pass through these bridges and each cell grows at the same time till the end.



Spermiogenesis is a process in which a round shape spermatid is converted into sperm with head and tail. 
The steps are:
   –Chromatin condensation
   –acrosome formation
   –tail formation   
   –cytoplasm elimination

1.Vesicles from golgi apparatus fuse with nucleus forming a structure acrosome which contains lytic enzymes responsible for fusion of sperm with ovum.
These enzymes are synthesized on ribosomes attached to the surface of ER and in order to be concentrated inside acrosome they send special signal in the form of mannose-6-phosphate.
Generally proteins formed by free ribosomes are transported to nucleus such as polymerases but lytic enzymes and protein in plasma membrane are formed on ribosomes of ER.
Lytic enzymes are actually found in lysosomes and acrosome is also a large lysosome.

How can a cell recognize which protein is under translation? Consider lytic enzymes under translation, the first part of amino acid chain represents a signal and if this signal is recognized by two factors:
1.SRP (ribonucleoprotein constituted by small endoplasmic RNA of 7S)
2. NAC(protein complex) translation will be immediately blocked.
A protein in its translation should not be released into cytoplasm because it may be attracted towards other signal. The translation will only start when the ribosome reaches the ER where SRP receptors are present.
When SRP recognizes its receptor, the block is removed, translation is restarted, channel is opened and protein is moved to the lumen of ER
.From ER protein is transported to golgi apparatus or out of cell.

  1. During chromatin packaging, histones are substituted by protammines which gives more packaging than histones due to its high basic character.
    The substitution takes place in round spermatids where transition protein occupy transiently the histone position and at the end protamines are present allowing chromatin remodeling and head sperm cell shape modification.
    This packaging gives a hydrodynamic shape to the head of sperm(due to which sperms can easily swim) and DNA, more condensed, is protected from damage.
Percentage of  Substitution of protamines in different animals:
Men=> 80%                      
Frog=> 0%
Sparus aurata=> 0%
Rainbow trout=> 100%

In haploid male germ cell chromatoid bodies are sites of RNA processing.

  1. Two Centrioles will move towards the nucleus and from the distal one tale starts growing. Mitochondria get concentrated on the first part of the growing tail i.e neck and cell gradually loses its cytoplasm.
    In humans 74 days are needed to form spermatozoa from spermatogonia.

4.Tail formation: Tail is formed by many proteins but mainly from two proteins:
1.tubulin: Tubulin forms dimers alpha and beta which join together to form protofilament. Protofilament forms sheats and then cylinders of microtubules.
Microtubules are manufactured in cells by adding alpha and beta tubulin to an end of the hollow cylinder which has polarity at its ends. Top end is the fast growing or plus end while opposite end is the minus end. Each turn of spiral requires 13 dimers and each microtubule is made up of 13 or 11 protofilament.

2- dynein. The transverse section of the tail shows 9 microtubule doublets with dynein arms in peripheral region and 2 microtubule of 13 protofilaments at the center .One portion of doublet is a full circle comprising 13 protofilaments and the second portion of doublet contains only 11(occasionally 10) protofilaments.

The dynein arms contain ATPases which provide energy for flagella movement (beating motion) by hydrolyzing ATP.

The dynein feet move the microtubules so that one microtubule pair slides along an adjacent pair. Flexible linking proteins between microtubule pairs prevent microtubules from sliding very far. Instead motor action causes microtubules to bend resulting in a beating motion.

The lack of one protein dynein affects several parts of the body. People suffering from kartagener syndrome dont produce dynein and their sperms have no mobility at all.
Also there are problems associated with the first airway because cilia as well have no mobility.
Moreover, they have heart on the right side instead of left side.


Motion of sperm cells:


Consider we have two microtubules joined with each other by a single dynein arm at position1.
As dynein has ATPase activity which means they have ability to hydrolyse ATP.
So, when ATP arrives dynein is detached from position1 and ATP is hydrolyzed.
Since phosphate group modifies protein, dynein forms attachment with microtubule again but at the angle of 45 degree and at position 2(middle of microtubule).
When phosphate group is released, dynein moves to its original conformation and this allows the sliding of microtubule in one direction
.But to get beating movement, movement of microtubule is in one direction and immediately in other direction i.e back and forth.

Recently scientists hypothesized that dyneins on one side of the tail are active and inactive on the other side.

In the middle dyneins are neutral. Active dynein on one side moves towards the terminal minus, causing microtubules sliding and becomes inactive.
Inactive dynein passively moves in opposite direction and becomes active.
It is not clear how this switching,that allows regular activity on both sides alternance , takes place.

In the sperm tail there is also histone H1 protein which stabilizes microtubules and prevents its disassembly.
Some genes express haploid expression in spermatids as for example in mouse protamines and glyctosyl-transferase (responsible for sperm-zona pellucida binding).


Spermatogenesis regulation and Testosterone


Hormones of hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland and testis regulate male reproduction by negative feedback system.

Hypothalamus contains nerves which produce small polypeptide such as GnRH(gonadotropin releasing hormone)
1.GnRH moves to anterior pituitary where it acts on target cells
.GnRH, due to its chemical nature can’t pass through
plasma membrane and only affects cells which have receptors for it.
GnRH causes synthesis and secretion of glycoprotein hormones, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) & LH (luteinizing hormone).

  1. These two hormones through blood circulation reach testis (target tissues). Sertoli cells have FSH receptors and under its influence sertoli cells secretes ABP (androgen binding protein) which induces spermatogenesis.
  2. FSH does not cause secretion of only ABP but also secretes aromatase & anti mullerian hormone.
  3. LH finds its receptors on interstitial cells,leydig, and causes the secretion of testosterone that maintains secondary sex characters in male.

Testosterone itself acts as negative feedback and inhibits the secretion of GnRH in hypothalamus and secretion of LH and FSH in anterior pituitary. Sertoli cells produce inhibin which inhibits only the secretion of FSH in the pituitary.

There is intense cross task between sertoli of germ compartments and leydig cells of interstitial compartment.

  1. LH coming via blood reaches leydig cells and starts secretion of testosterone.
  2. Part of testosterone reaches sertoli cells where it is converted into estradiol by a specific enzyme called aromatase and estradiol is released into blood to reach its destination. Part of testosterone binds ABP to regulate spermatogenesis and part of it will reach target tissues via general regulation to induce expression of secondary sex traits.

FSH acts on sertoli cells inducing inhibin,ABP,STP and aromatase production.

* * In the brain, there is the protic area that shows different shapes in males and females, enlisting rodents, due to conversion of ABP into estradiol by aromatases during the  development in males. If this conversion does not happen, male is unable to mate with female.   * *Testosterone is nonpolar in nature and can't move in blood. So, it needs to bind with beta globulin. Once reached the target, it is converted into dihydrotestosterone.
Testosterone in male causes:
      –increased fluffed
      –water retention and water mass increase
      –larynx hypertrophy
      –muscle mass increase
      –increased thickness of skin and secretion of sebaceous gland
      –effects on bones
      – increase in erythrocyte number

Testosterone signaling pathway:

Classical signaling pathway: testosterone diffuses through plasma membrane and binds the AR(androgen receptor) that then undergoes alteration in conformation allowing it to be released from heat shock proteins(HSP70, HSP90) in the cytoplasm.
AR then moves to the nucleus where it binds to the specific DNA sequence called androgen responsible elements (ARE).

AR binds to an ARE allows the recruitment of co-regulators (co activators and co repressor proteins) that modify expression of gene and eventually cell function.

Link between skeletal and reproductive system:
Testosterone, other than correction of spermatogenesis, is also responsible for healthy bones which produce osteocalcin.

Osteocalcin does energy metabolism and also activates a receptor which further induces testes.
Both systems are affected by a number of factors like environment, genes and metabolism.




Oogenesis takes place in the ovaries and presents numerous differences compared to Spermatogenesis, that takes place in the testis.
A notable difference is that in spermatogenesis, the spermatogonium (the first cell we find) undergoes multiple rounds of mitosis to eventually become a primary spermatocyte.

While, in oogenesis, the primary oocyte directly undergoes Meiosis I. This first meiotic division yields two products: a first polar body and a secondary oocyte.

The first polar body is very small and it contains only the nucleus, centrioles and a thin layer of cytoplasm.

The secondary oocyte will then undergo a second meiotic division (Meiosis II) and will then yield an egg and second polar body.
So, the whole process of oogenesis will only yield 1 egg, compared to the 4 mature spermatocytes that are formed in spermatogenesis.

In the ovary we can find follicles at different stages of development.
Follicles are structures that contain one oocyte, in which it undergoes maturation.

In a single ovary, we can find multiple follicles that are at completely different stages of their development, ranging from “Primordial” which is the earliest stage, to broken follicles that previously released the oocyte they were carrying because their development is complete and ovulation occurred.
The ovaries are connected with the fallopian tubes, which basically connect the ovary to the uterus.

Polar bodies
Polar bodies exist because the oocyte needs to get rid of extra genetic material that is not needed, because the final egg needs to be haploid. The first polar body contains a set of chromosomes, each of which consists of two sister chromatids. In case the polar body undergoes a second division, the second polar bodies do not contain cytoplasm, it is only found in a very thin layer, because all the cytoplasm is contained in the mature egg.

This unequal division of content between the oocyte and the polar body observed during meiosis is caused by the “Mos” gene. It makes sure the Secondary Oocyte obtains the entirety of the cytoplasm.
In mammals, polar bodies do not carry any other specific functions.

Meiotic events
During embryonic development, both oogonia and spermatogonia divide by mitosis, and, from oogonia, primary oocytes appear.
An extremely important difference is that primary oocytes also start their first meiotic division (Meiosis I) but it gets blocked at Diplotene I (Prophase I), so it remains inactive.

This inactivity perseveres until females reach puberty, and every month, a primary oocyte will finish its meiotic divisions in order to undergo maturation and for ovulation to occur.

Before birth: So, during embryonic development, in both male and females, oogonia and spermatogonia mitosis occurs.

ONLY in females, the primary oocytes start their first meiotic division (Meiosis I) but, as we said, it gets interrupted, while in males, it just happens during puberty and NOT during embryonic development.

During puberty: the primary oocytes, that were stuck in Meiosis I, complete it, becoming secondary oocytes, and then start their secondary meiotic division, during their maturation.
But, they are blocked again, at Metaphase II.
The secondary meiotic division will only resume and be completed if fertilization occurs.
Fertilization refers to the moment the sperm comes in contact with the egg.
Whenever this occurs, the PKC pathway is activated, which induces the activation of a protease that degrades the MPF factor’s inhibitor, allowing for sister chromatids to be separated and metaphase to resume

Oogenesis: quick recap
In females, meiosis starts before birth. During development we observe: a notable increase in oogonia through mitosis, the appearance of primary oocytes and the beginning of Meiosis I, which gets interrupted at Diplotene (Prophase I).
At birth, in the ovary, females show a specific number of oogonia blocked at Prophase I.
The ovaries remain inactive until puberty and then, due to the production of gonadotropins, ovaries activate and, every month, one primary oocyte will resume Meiosis I, reach Metaphase II and then stop again, until fertilization is reached.
So, oogenesis starts during embryo life, it stops at birth and starts again at puberty until the end of fertile age.
In case fertilization doesn’t occur, the oocyte is secreted with the uterine mucosa with menses (bleeding). It is possible to have more than one primary oocyte mature simultaneously, which would result in twins.

Oogenesis: step by step
1.The starting point of oogenesis is a diploid (2n) “female germ cell”. This female germ cell replicates through mitosis and we obtain the diploid (2n)“oogonium”.

  1. The oogonium then also undergoes mitosis, yielding the diploid (2n) “primary oocyte”.
  2. The primary oocyte contains two pairs of homologous chromosomes and it will divide by meiotic division (remember that the primary oocyte starts meiosis during embryonic development and it stops at Prophase I until puberty!) yielding a haploid (n) “secondary oocyte” and the “first polar body”.
  3. The secondary oocyte has a pair of long and a short chromosome, constituted by two sister chromatids that are linked at the centromere. It then undergoes a second meiotic division in order to separate the sister chromatids. Remember that the secondary oocyte is blocked at Metaphase II, and will resume and eventually complete the secondary meiotic division during fertilization.
  4. Following fertilization, the secondary meiotic division occurs and it yields a virtual haploid (n) “ootid” stage (which becomes a mature egg) and a “second polar body” that will contain a representative of each homologous chromosome. The ootid stage is defined as “virtual” because it is an intermediate step.
  5. it is relevant to remember that when the spermatocyte reaches the egg membrane, in an extremely short amount of time the secondary oocyte finishes its second meiotic division, and reaches the mature egg stage (again, ootidium stage is virtual, it is only useful to understand the events).



Oogenesis is connected with follicle modifications and it is both centrally and locally regulated.
During embryo development, we have primordial follicles that contain oogonia.
Primordial follicles are defined as oogonia that are surrounded by flattened granulosa cells.
Before birth, it is possible to observe an enormous increase in the number of oogonia, up to 7 million, but an apoptosis process will decrease this number dramatically.
Meiosis then starts, and it is stopped at prophase I (specifically at Diplotene), until puberty.
These events happen so, at birth, we find a number of primary follicles containing oocytes blocked at prophase I.
Eventually, only 400 of these follicles will mature.

Meiosis regulation
The first meiotic arrest is due to the presence of follicle cells. These follicle cells (or granulosa cells) are connected via junctions between each other and to the oocyte.
Meiosis can resume whenever these junctions are closed. The closure of these junctions is due to the increase of LH (called luteinizing hormone, a gonadotropin, produced by the anterior pituitary) levels, that cause the phosphorylation of a protein called Cx43 (Connexin43) that is responsible for the junctions between granulosa cells.

LH increase causes both early and a late response:

  1. The early response consists of the phosphorylation of Cx43, which causes the degradation of the gap junctions between granulosa cells.
  2. The late response causes an inhibition of the translation of Cx43 and eventually a Cx43 mRNA down regulation, which results in the elimination of the gap junctions altogether.

As a recap, the continuation of Meiosis is inhibited by the gap junctions found between granulosa cells and the oocyte.
An increase in LH levels leads to an early response and a late response.
The early response causes the phosphorylation of Cx43, a protein responsible for the gap junction between granulosa cells. This phosphorylation causes the degradation of these gap junctions, allowing for Meiosis to resume.

The late response causes both the translation of Cx43 and the mRNA synthesis for Cx43 to be inhibited, leading to the elimination of the gap junctions.

Because the gap junctions have been blocked, cAMP (cyclic AMP) levels decrease, making meiosis capable of resuming. cAMP acts as a messenger for the oocyte to resume meiosis.

It is important to keep in mind that:
Oogenesis is NOT a continuous process, while spermatogenesis is.
The two meiotic arrests occur at Diplotene (Prophase I) of Meiosis I and at Metaphase of Meiosis II.

As previously mentioned, at birth, we have a specific number of primary follicles containing oocytes that are blocked at Prophase I.

But only a small number of those will develop at puberty, facing several development stages:

  1. follicle development
  2. selection of dominant follicle
  3. ovulation
  4. luteinization
  5. Follicle development

Primary follicles contain the oocytes that are blocked at prophase 1 and every month, one follicle can start growing inside the oocyte and restarts meiosis 1 till it reaches metaphase 2 stage. Growing means that the cell at this moment (pre-ovulatory stage) is mono-layered, will become multi-layered and we will have a secondary follicle.

This means that we’ll have the appearance of the zona pellucida that protects the oocyte around its plasma membrane, granulosa cells increase in number to form many layers and become cuboidal and express FSH receptors, and then we’ll have recruitment and differentiation of inner and outer theca cells from the stroma cells that express LH receptors and produce steroid hormones (this passages occur during the transition from primary to secondary follicle).

The follicular antrum will appear too.
It is the portion of the ovarian follicle filled with follicular fluid (liquor folliculi).
At this point the cell has grown its cytoplasm (has increased its size) because it accumulated specific RNAs (that has been carefully preserved by chaperon proteins from the degrading action of RNAse) competent to restart the meiosis and the formation of the primary oocyte will start.

As a result of that, we will also notice a peak of the LH hormone (hypothalamic gonadotropin) that allows the primary oocyte to complete meiosis 1, start meiosis 2 and stop at metaphase.
Meiosis 2 will be completed only in case of fertilization

Concerning why we have the growth of one primary follicle, it’s not very clear how the first part of the pathway works and if it is gonadotropin-independent or if only a basal concentration of gonadotropin is enough to induce the growth.

We don’t actually know how and why a certain number of primary follicles start to grow, but when we have the rapid increase of FSH and LH, one of these follicles is chosen to continue the process while the others are degraded.

Selection of dominant follicle
Just a certain number of follicles will start to grow and reach a certain stage, which is stage 5th.
The number depends on the woman’s age reaching its maximum around the age of 30 years, then it starts to decrease.

But only one will be selected as the dominant follicle, based on which follicle is with the higher number of receptors of gonadotropin.
The other will just degrade.
Consider that the selection happens thanks to the pick of LH and FSH.
Immediately the winner follicle starts to express elevated aromatase level to produce estrogens, meanwhile theca cells produce androgens that will be converted into estrogens in Granulosa Cells.




Ovulation is the moment when the secondary oocyte with cumulus oophorus cells is expelled by the follicle and by the ovary and it is catched by the Fallopian tubes, thanks to the previous peak of LH hormone.

After ovulation the follicle structure in the ovary is transformed in Corpus Luteum, that will be the source of progesterone during the first part of the pregnancy (then it will be the placenta).

The ovulation needs 3 substances:

  1. Plasminogen Activator
  2. Collagenase
  3. Prostaglandins

The first two are able to open the way to the oocyte breaking follicle wall.
The third induces smooth muscle contraction to move the oocyte toward the Fallopian Tubes.

Ovulation is a gonadotropin-dependent process:
estrogens are responsible for the increase of the thickness of the uterine mucosa, while progesterone is responsible for the maintenance of this hyper-vascolarized mucosa, that in case of fertilization will be the part of the uterus in charge of the blastocyst implant.

Recap: after menses (what is commonly known as period) the follicular phase occurs. Under estrogens control, the endometrium (lining epithelium, glands, connective tissue) proliferates.
After the ovulation, the luteal phase occurs.
Under the control of progesterone, the glands reach the maximum of secretory activity and the maximum thickness of the uterine mucosa.
Around day 24 of the cycle, in case of loss of embryo implantation (which means no fertilization), there is a phase of involution, which is dominated by the drop of progesterone before the next menstrual phase, vessels stenosis, apoptosis of layer limiting the decidua and lack of blood circulating in the decidua.
In particular, at day 28 the menstrual phase starts with the elimination of the functional part of the decidua and bleeding (vessel stenosis causes moderate bleeding).
If the fertilization occurs instead, the embryo starts implantation in the endometrium around the 20th day of the cycle.

Maternal Effect
The phenotype (the genotype expression) for a certain trait (e.g.: snail shell) it’s driven by the mother. That is because the genome, immediately after the fertilization, is not active but in the cytoplasm of the female gamete the RNA activate the expression of the zygote's genome. 

Conformational Changes:
estradiol receptor, which is a protein made up of different domains that usually bonds to Estradiol.

If the same domain bonds to a molecule, called “antagonist” the conformation of this molecule changes (H12 conformation in the picture).
But what is an antagonist or an agonist molecule?

Antagonist: a molecule that is able to be recognised by the same receptor, but after the bonding is not able to induce any response.
It is used to block a pathway (negative feedback)

Agonist: a molecule that can play the same task of the native ligand and has more or less the same conformation and function.
It is used to open a pathway (positive feedback)

Positive and negative feedback are the concept at the base of the functioning of plenty of medications and at the base of the good regulation of hormones in our body.


Asexual Reproduction


It is a kind of reproduction that does not involve the fusion of gametes coming from male and female; so asexual reproduction means that an individual or part of it can produce an offspring that has the identical genetic makeup of the parent and we can identify this kind of progeny as a clone.
A clone is a progeny that has the identical genetic content of the parent.
This kind of reproduction is similar to mitosis but it is important to know that it is not mitosis.
-the organism does not need to invest time and energy looking for a partner and it does not need to travel to propagate
-less chance of harmful genetic mutation
-less chance of anything going wrong as it is a simpler process
-maintains desirable traits
-a very fast type of reproduction
-lack of genetic variation. This can impact species improvement, evolution, and adaptation to the environment


It occurs in bacteria and some protists (unicellular eukaryotes). These cells duplicate their DNA and extend until cleaved in two parts.
Concerning the genetic content, we can compare this kind of reproduction with mitosis but, for example, here we don’t have the spindle formation so it is a kind of mitosis only for what concerns the genetic content.

It takes place in plants and some animals and, in particular, we will see what happens in the planaria (flatworm).
If you cut planaria in three parts (fragments) each part is able to reproduce a whole worm.
Indeed, many groups of scientists are studying what happens in the cells that are located on the edges of the fragments because these cells should be able to differentiate and to understand which part they should reproduce.

It is true that in bacteria, since we have asexual reproduction, genetic variation is poor but it exists and it is due to some mechanisms that are called parasexual processes: conjugation, transformation, and transduction.
These three processes are different from each other but in all three cases, we observe the transfer of DNA from one cell to another.
Not all bacteria can perform these three processes because the possibility of performing them depend on the proteins present in the bacterium.
Transformation, for instance, means that the cell (called recipient) is able to catch free DNA molecules that are released from another cell (called donor).
In conjugation two cells are in contact by a cytoplasmic bridge and DNA moves from one cell (the donor) to the recipient through the bridge.

Transduction can occur when a bacterium is infected by a bacteriophage (virus) that introduces DNA in the host cell and it also integrates this DNA with the host DNA giving rise to the lysogenic cycle in the bacterium (the phage does not kill the bacterium but its DNA is integrated with the host one and they replicate together at every cell division).

On the contrary, during the lytic cycle, the DNA immediately uses the metabolic machinery of the host; the host DNA is degraded and phage DNA is transcribed and translated; new phages are made and at the end, we observe the lysis of the host and a number of new phages released in the environment.

It is, therefore, important to remember that bacteriophages can start these two types of cycle: lytic or lysogenic.

Some phages are able to insert DNA in the host but this condition could last for a long time if the phage DNA is not transcribed because the promoters are hidden by proteins. In this case, it is as if for the bacteria the phage DNA is not even present; there is no effect of this insertion.

However, changes in the culture medium, for example, pH, saline concentration, etc. can induce the excision of the phage DNA and when it is alone it is able to be transcribed and translated and new particles are formed. Since in this kind of cycle the DNA can have an additional part that comes from another infection or another bacteria we can have the transduction mechanism.

In transformation free DNA is taken up by recipient cells. Transformation in eukaryotic cells is mainly considered in a cancer-like state.

The process of transformation has a history. Griffith was able to demonstrate that a transformation factor exists but he did not identify that this factor was DNA. Avery, later, identified DNA as the transforming factor.
For example ecoli cannot undergo transformation in natural conditions.
In the lab we can give the cells the ability to transform by treating them.

In conjugation two bacteria are connected by a bridge and in the bridge we have DNA from the donor cell moving to the recipient cell which integrates it into its own DNA.

The exchange of dna goes under the name of a parasexual event.

In parthenogenesis, we see the development of the female gamete without fertilization, and in order to restore the diploid state, the egg reabsorbs the nucleus of the polarr body.
This kind of reproduction occurs in many plants and animals and it can be induced in labs particularly in some fish and amphibians.
The main example of parthenogenesis is in bees.
The queen, during nuptial flight, receives sperms and saves them in a sperm theca.
The egg cells can be fertilized or not and, from these, we get worker sterile females, queens (this depends on the food supply), or haploid males.
Natural parthenogenesis can occur accidentally in species that would normally reproduce sexually.
It can be facultative as in honeybees and where it is randomly chosen or it can be cyclic (alternation between sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis).




Fertilization only occurs in a liquid environment for the dilution of gametes. For this reason, species that use external fertilization like frogs have many problems to solve:
3.amount of gametes to be produced
Gametes should all be produced and released at the same time, in high amounts, and in proximity.
Fertilization is the process through which the gametes fuse to give rise to a new person with genetic potential deriving from both parents.

Stages of external fertilization

  1. attraction between gametes
  2. contact between gametes
  3. control entry of sperm
  4. activation of egg metabolism to start development

In the sperm head we have the acrosome and under it the nucleus, chromatin is packaged and, in humans, 80 %of histones are replaced by protamines.
Then we have centrioles and from the distal centriole, we have the tail formation.
In the neck, there are mitochondria to support the tail movement.

Eggs of species that use external fertilization are different from those that use the internal one.
Sea urchin is a very useful species for fertilization studies.

Around the egg cell, we have a large jelly layer and we can see the tails of sperms that try to reach the oocyte to fertilize it.
The mammalian egg has a different organization while the main difference between the sea urchin and mouse eggs is the jelly coat.
However, it is important to remember that the oocytes of many species are blocked at metaphase two (they only go on if fertilized).

It has been demonstrated that different species of sea urchin are able to attract sperms belonging to the same species. In particular, by using Arbacia punctulata, some researchers were able to identify a small peptide constituted by only fourteen amino acids and they called it RESACT.
Their experiment consisted of forming a drop containing sperm from Arbacia punctulata, then they deposed a drop of a liquid containing RESACT, and twenty, forty, and ninety seconds after the injection they noticed that sperms were attracted by the RESACT drop. It was a good result.

Other researchers used another species of sea urchin: Strongylocentus purpuratus (the professor does not ask us to know the names for the exams) and they identified in this species another factor (peptide) that they called SPERACT which is able to attract sperm only from Strongylocentus purpuratus.
Thus, they could state that there are mechanisms of attraction that are species-specific.

How does the sperm reach the egg (target)?
The sea urchin egg is protected by the jelly coat, thus, the so-called “acrosome reaction” is needed. Acrosome reaction means that the acrosome releases its content and its content is represented by lytic enzymes that are able to help the sperm to pass through the jelly coat.

The spots named bindin are in the inner part of the acrosome membrane and are proteins associated with it (they will be better explained later in this sbobina).
In the acrosome reaction, we have the fusion of the acrosome membrane and sperm plasma membrane and this allows the release of the lytic enzymes in the environment.
At the same time, the acrosome membrane moves, and its inner part is exposed. This movement is helped by actin microfilaments.
The intact acrosome contains bindin.
In the acrosome reaction, there is the opening up of the acrosome membrane and the release of lytic enzymes. The actin microfilaments help the movement for the exposure of the inner part of the acrosome membrane.
Acrosome reaction in sea urchin starts when there is contact with the jelly coat.
At this point, we have the modification of calcium, sodium and hydrogen ions concentrations, and of pH and this induces the exposure of bindin.
The contact with the jelly coat, the release of lytic enzymes, and the exposure of ligandin (synonym for bindin) are able to increase sperm motility.
Lytic enzymes open the way to the sperm.
The density of the jelly is very high so in order to pass the coat, the tail needs to move very efficiently.

Why is the exposure of bindin/ligandin important?
It is important because when the sperm will reach the vitelline membrane surrounding the oocyte, it will find a receptor on this membrane, thus, the correct exposure of these proteins leads to a correct binding to the vitelline membrane.
Many sperms reach the oocyte and try to fertilize it. Sperms arrive perpendicularly to the egg.

What happens when the sperm reaches the egg membrane?
First, there is contact between the sperm and the egg; then we have an influx of sodium and the G protein stimulation.
Concerning the modification of sodium concentration, it causes an alteration of membrane potential from which we get the fast block to polyspermy.

At the same time, the G protein activation leads to the activation of phospholipase C, IP3 production, leakage of calcium, and slow block of polyspermy.

PkC (protein kinase C) activation induces synthesis of proteins, DNA duplication, etc.
This happens because after fertilisation and fusion of the nuclei, the zygote starts to develop by segmentation.
Segmentation is not a normal type of mitosis because the volume of the zygote during the process remains the same.
The segmentation process ends when the ratio between nucleus and cytoplasm reaches the number that is typical of the species we are considering.
Sperm binding leads to the fast block to polyspermy.
Polyspermy should be avoided because it is lethal for the development of the zygote.
We have different processes that block this possibility: fast or slow block to polyspermy and even more.

What is important to remind is that, after the binding, the activation of phospholipase C pathway induces the formation of IP3 and diacylglycerol and the activation of PKC.
PKC together with IP3 is responsible of the stimulation of protein synthesis and the events of the segmentation process.

There are different hypotheses concerning phospholipase C.
1st hypothesis: the phospholipase C is already present in the egg and it is only activated by the sperm arrival.

2nd hypothesis: sperm is the carrier of phospholipase C.
Both hypotheses are accepted at the moment.

The environment is a problem in this kind of fertilization, so species that have this fertilization need to produce a huge amount of gametes at the same time and in proximity to have a chance of progeny survival from attacks of predators.
The egg of sea urchin is protected by a vitelline membrane and a jelly coat and when sperm comes into contact with the jelly coat they are somehow activated because after this contact we have the acrosome reaction and also an increase of tail motility so the sperm moves more rapidly through the coat.


Inositol pathways


Thanks to the binding between sperm and receptor on the egg cell surface, the activation of G protein, the activation of phospholipase C carried by sperm or already present in the egg cytoplasm, the phospholipase C is able to cut inositol biphosphate in two parts:
1.diacylglycerol (a molecule that shows non-polar nature that will stay in the plasma membrane and is responsible for the activation of PKC together with calcium)
Calcium comes from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum because inositol triphosphate, that has polar nature, can swim in the cytoplasm, reach calcium channels and open them so we have an increase of calcium in the cytoplasm. This calcium, together with diacylglycerol, activates protein kinase c.
Calcium is also responsible, together with IP3 of the slow block of polyspermy.




It has been demonstrated that sperms, when depleted, are not able to fertilize an egg.
This is because the sperm needs to be capacitated in order to fertilize and the event of capacitation occurs in the first female genital tract.

This reaction sees the activation of the adenyl cyclase (we have already seen it in the PKA pathway) and this enzyme is able to induce the formation of cyclic AMP which is a second messenger.
Therefore, in the capacitation event, we see an increase of cyclic AMP.

We can also observe an increase of phosphorylation that activates some proteins exposed by the sperm; indeed, sperm is only able to recognize the egg after capacitation so something should be changed at the surface of the sperm.

The third event that takes place in order for the sperm to be able to fertilized is the modification of cholesterol concentration of the sperm plasma membrane.

The decrease of cholesterol is due to the albumin that is present in the female genital tract.

Adenyl cyclase is activated by the modification of bicarbonate and calcium concentrations and albumin is responsible for the decrease of cholesterol in the plasma membrane of the sperm.

Zona pellucida is formed by several types of glycoproteins ZP1, ZP2, ZP3, and also ZP4.

We have to imagine them organized like a net around the oocyte where ZP2 and ZP3 are cross-linked by ZP1 and they are responsible for sperm binding.

What happens when sperm and zona pellucida are in contact?
There are several points of fusion between acrosome and sperm membrane.

The phases are:
1.release of lytic enzymes,
2.degradation of the zona pellucida,
3.the sperm reaches the egg plasma membrane for fusion and it release the nucleus into the egg cytoplasm.
When the sperm crosses the zona pellucida phospholipase c pathway, is activated and inositol triphosphate induces a calcium increase.
The egg is blocked at metaphase two and in order to end the second meiosis we need an increase of calcium.
This means that APC (anaphase-promoting complex) is blocked.
Calcium is released by smooth endoplasmatic reticulum and it is responsible for the activation of proteases.

After the activation of these proteases, the protease CaMKII is able to degrade the cytostatic factor that blocked the cell at metaphase two.
After this degradation we can also observe the maturation promoting factor (MPF, formed by cyclin B and CDK1 responsible for start of meiosis).

So the protease is responsible for APC activation which activates the enzyme separase that is able to induce the separation of sister chromatids.

Only after the end of meiosis, the egg nucleus can fuse with the sperm nucleus and the increase of calcium is responsible for the activation of the oocyte and responsible for the start of development.

Concerning humans, very recently the importance of a system constituted by two proteins has been demonstrated: the proteins are Izumo1 and JUNO.

Izumo1 is present on the membrane of the sperm and JUNO is a receptor that is exposed by the egg plasma membrane.

It has been demonstrated that if these proteins are not correctly expressed, the system does not work, and fertilization cannot take place.

Depending on the species that we consider we have different stages of egg maturation when the sperm enters and we can focus on the second metaphase.

The species that are blocked at the second metaphase after ovulation are mammals, fish amphibians, and branchiostoma.
Other species are fertilized after the end of meiosis, others show eggs blocked at the first metaphase (this is just for our knowledge, not in the exam).


Which are the mechanisms that block polyspermy?


We have several mechanisms depending on species that we consider.
The first mechanism is the fast block that consists in the modification of the different potential at membrane level.
This means that when one sperm reaches the egg membrane the contact takes place,

There is the modification of the concentration of charges at plasma membrane level, from -70mV (potential at rest) it becomes +20mV, this happens in a few milliseconds. A kind of electrical shock that eliminates the other sperm that were trying to fertilize the egg.
This value of the potential +20mV lasts a few seconds, 3/4 seconds, and later it comes back to -70mV. This is topical for sea urchin eggs.

In the slow block there’s the involvement of cortical granules, vesicles stored at the periphery of the egg cell, they originate from the Golgi apparatus, in which we can find lytic enzymes, mucopolysaccharides, adhesion glycol proteins,the protein hyalin.

The slow block needs the secretion of the cortical granules contents outer the cell and the formation of a fertilization envelope and this is a coverage that protects the egg from the entrance of the other sperms.
In these granules are present enzymes and mucopolysaccharides and when we have the exocytosis, they release proteases that cleave the proteins linking the vitelline envelope to the cell membrane.
In this space are released the mucopolysaccharides that form an osmotic gradient that causes water to enter the space between the vitelline envelope and the plasma membrane, and the formation of this fertilisation envelope.

The vitelline membrane is around the plasma membrane. These granules start to secrete their contents up to the cell in the space between plasma membrane and vitelline membrane and near the formation of the fertilisation envelope on the hyaline level.
This second type of block to polyspermy is typical of species that use the external fertilisation.
sperm which surround the cell, try to bind the receptor exposed, yet only one succeeds.

Formation of the fertilization envelope, and removal of excess sperm. To create these photographs, sperm were added to sea urchin eggs, and the suspension was fixed in formaldehyde to prevent further reactions.

This happened in few seconds, we have different times:

  • 10sec: around the egg there are an enormous number of sperm cells after sperm addition.
  • 25sec: immediately after the contact with the first sperm cell, after the insemination in a few seconds, a fertilization envelope is forming around the egg, starting at the point of sperm entry.
  • 35sec: The fertilization envelope is complete, and excess sperm has been removed.

In mammals we have another mechanism that see the modification of the ZP2 and ZP3 and involve the zone of pellucida.
When these two proteins are modified, they are not able to recognise sperm cells and it is not possible for other sperms to keep contact and start the acrosome reaction and reach the egg. In rabbits as well as in frogs there is only the fast block, the depolarisation of the plasma membrane and in some reptiles and birds several SPZ enter the egg but only one succeeds, all others die, but nobody knows why this happened.

Remembering that the egg (mammalian egg) is blocked at metaphase II.
The block at metaphase II means that we need to separate only sister chromatids. Acrosome reaction immediately after the binding of the sperm cell to ZP2 and ZP3, enzymes are released and the sperm can reach the plasma membrane up the egg.
After the binding with Juno receptor, the egg cell responds to the arrival of the sperm cell and deactivated the pkc cascades of the events. In this case we have the activation of G proteins and G proteins activate the phospholipid c and we have two hypotheses: the first is that phospholipid c are already present in a plasmatic egg; the second hypothesis is that phospholipid c is carried by the sperm.
In any case we have the activation by G proteins of phospholipid c and the production of two molecules PtdIns4,5P2 and InsP3. InsP3 is able to induce the release of Calcium from the smuts and the plasmic reticulum and the increase of calcium is responsible for the activation of proteases that is able to activate APC anaphase promoting complex.
Activated anaphase promoting complex is able to activate the enzyme Separase that was booked by the Securina. So APC activates Separase and this one induces the reception of meiosis II with the separation of sister chromatids.

Concerning meiosis, we have the first meiosis where we observe the separation of homologues only and sister chromatids are non separated during first meiosis because the Separase is active and it is able to cleave Rec8, but at central near level, these proteins are protected by another protein Sgo1.
The presence of this Sgo1 lets sister chromatids stay together and not separated, so during meiosis I the presence of Sgo1 at central near level protects the separation of sister chromatids and we observe only the separation of homologous only.
To the end of meiosis I Sgo1 is degraded and at meiosis II Separase can cleave Rec8 and allow the separation of sister chromatids.

During mitosis we have only one metaphase and cohesin that are always the same proteins, contain Rad21 and these proteins are degraded at beta phase, the same enzyme Separase is able to degrade this coesin and we have the separation of sister chromatids.
The difference between the mitosis and meiosis is that in meiosis I the coesin at central near level are protected by another protein Sgo1 and for this reason we have the separation of only homologues.
During the second meiosis and during mitosis we don’t have any block and Sgo1 is degraded and sister chromatids can be separated.


Where fertilization takes place?


Fertilisation takes place in a particular area of the Fallopian tube, the upper part of this. We have the ovary and the ovulation about 14 days of the cycle, we have that one follicle releases an oocyte blocked at metaphase II and this oocyte is surrounded by corona radiate cells and cumulus cells.
The oocyte starts its travel in the Fallopian tube enriching the fertilization site and here the fertilization can take place.

In the vagina we can see a high concentration of sperm cells, only part of them can pass; they have to pass through the cervix in the uterus to then reach the tubes.
There is some mucus that try to block the passage, but their tail helps in taking off this mucus and sperms can pass in the uterus. Then in the Fallopian tube that contain the egg waiting for the sperm, we see two region: the first we have a phenomenal attraction due to increase of temperature so we are in presence of a thermotaxis attraction and temperature pass from 34.7C to 36.3C.
Sperms pass in the Fallopian tube and progress to the fertilization site and then they are in any case attracted by progesterone produced by the cumulus oophorus cell.
So we have both thermotaxis and chemotaxis. Even in internal fertilization we have a phenomenal attraction to sperm cells.
One sperm reaches the zona pellucida of the egg and binds ZP2 and ZP3, the acrosome reaction starts and the sperm can reach the egg plasma membrane and fertilize the egg.
Prostaglandins are important for muscle contraction, which helps sperm cells to pass through the uterus and then move into the fallopian tubes.

The sperm leave in the cytoplasm of the egg only nucleus and the centrioles. And some miRNA are also inherited from sperm cell, but at the moment the function played by this miRNA is still understudied and also other molecules are inherited by the sperm.

In embryology the development of human embryo should start after the fertilization that should occur at the fertilization site because the development should reach the blastocyst stage when the blastocyst is travelling in the uterus because only the blastocyst has the possibility of implantation.
So if the fertilization occurs before the fertilization site or after the fertilization site in the uterus will arrive something that has not enriched the correct stage of development.

The concept of segmentation is a cycle of mitosis. The first two cells are called blastomeres, then we have another segmentation always in the same sense and we have 4 blastomeres. So the volume is always the same but the number of cells increases.
The segmentation process will stop when the ratio Nucleus/Cytoplasm reaches a particular number that is typical for each species.

Human blastocyst is formed by 2 cell groups:
1-IMC - inner mass cell that will form the embryo.
2.Trophoblast cell - trophoblast cells produce extra-embryonic tissues.
Only this structure has the possibility to be implanted in the uterine mucosa that is waiting for because this implantation is not a random event, it is regulated in any case.

From the fertilized egg that contains DNA in the nucleus, all the cells deriving from this fertilized egg contain the same DNA but due to the process of differentiation we have the formation of very different cell types.
Neurons that have particular characteristics they don’t divide, they are blocked in a particular stage of the cell cycle, so the differentiation induces the appearances of all cell types that we have in our body.
But even in all cells we have all the same DNA contents only part of this DNA is expressed and the part that is not expressed is silent.
The fertilized egg is the first cell, whose genetic content will be present in all the cells of the body.
From this cell there’s: the differentiation of germ cells that will produce the gametes, and the somatic cells that can give rise to the different embryonic tissues.




Mutations are the source of genetic variability required for evolution, and are not linked to diseases only.
The term mutation refers to both: the change in genetic material and the process by which the change occurs.
An organism showing a phenotype resulting from a mutation is called mutant.
Mutations are rare and accidental events producing ‘’hereditary’’ mistakes and hereditary mistakes due to the DNA modifications can not be eliminated easily because it is a mark that will remain in the DNA.

How can a mutation affect the phenotype?

A normal gene is normally transcribed and the final product is a protein that has the right tertiary structure.
When a mutation occurs, it causes a modification in the DNA sequence that causes the transcription and translation of a mutated gene, so the final product is very different from the one that we should have, and we have an altered expression.

Another case is when the mutation causes the formation of a protein that is not so different from the one that we are supposed to have, but actually even if there’s a mild altered gene, the final expression is altered.

Another case is the complete lack of product.

Mutations can be distinguished in:

  1. SPONTANEOUS → can occur during DNA duplication
  2. INDUCED → mutations are due to physical or chemical agents.
  3. SOMATIC → occur in somatic cells, so are non heritable and the body is a mosaic. After the formation of the zygote, there’s the appearance of the mutation and only the cells that appear after the mutated one contain the mutation. Depending on the moment of the development when the mutation appears we have a mosaic. Maybe several tissues can be affected by the mutation or maybe not, only one tissue mutated.
  4. GERM → the mutation is in the germ cell, is more complicated because if the mutation occurs in the egg or the sperm cell, then the zygote will be affected and all other cells will be affected.

By hypothesis, the sperm carries a mutation, the zygote carries the mutation, all the cells derived from the zygote, all the cells of the body are mutated. The consequences will depend on the mutation. We must consider the amount of cells affected by the mutation and not the effect of the mutation.

Mutations can be:

  • 1.Point mutation when the change is in a specific site of the coding region.
  • 2.Changes in the chromosome structure (chromosome mutation).
  • 3.Changes in the chromosome number (genomic mutation).

Point mutation:
We can have mutations due to replacement of a nucleotide pair. The replacement of a pair of nucleotides can be called TRANSITION, if we have a purine replaced by another purine or a pyrimidine replaced by another pyrimidine.
Transition: A—T replaced by G—C

We have a TRANSVERSION when the pyrimidine is replaced by a purine, and a purine by a pyrimidine.
TRANSVERSION: C—G replaced by G—C
The new codon codifies a different amino acid because the DNA transcribed and then the messengers translated, we have the appearance of a new codon that codifies for a different amino acid.
As a consequence the protein will be different. (Example: if we think of the word table, if we change the letter t with c, we have another word cable, that is completely different and has a different meaning).

This is a type of MISSENSE Mutation.

After the substitution of one nucleotide with another nitrogen base, there is the appearance of a new codon which will codify for a different amino acid showing different chemical characteristics inducing important modifications in the folding of the protein.

Here we have a double strand of DNA, a short sequence. The blue strand is the template for the transcription, that strand is transcribed, in green is the messenger.
The first codon is GGA, the second is CTC, and the third is CTC. In red is written the base T, if this nucleotide is substituted from the pair T-A to the pair A-T, so we have a transversion in this case, the codon CTC transcribed as GAG codify for glutamic acid.
After the transversion the codon is now CAC transcribed as GUG, but this one codifies another type of amino acid, the valine.

This kind of mutation is called MISSENSE mutation and the example of sickle cell anemia, that see the substitution of glutamic acid by a valine in position 6 of the beta chain of the haemoglobin




Sickle cell disease (SCD), also known as sickle-cell anemia (SCA) or drepanocytosis, is a hereditary blood disorder, characterized by an abnormality in the oxygen-carrying haemoglobin molecule in red blood cells.

This disease can be expressed in the progeny that come from two parents both heterozygous for the gene.

In this case we have a 25% probability for the appearance of sickle cell anemia.
The normal haemoglobin is formed by 2 alfa and 2 beta chains and are linked by the structure in the middle and the presence of the normal haemoglobin leads to the appearance of the normal red blood cells.
Sickle cell haemoglobin forms long chains that precipitate in the cell and the red blood cell acquired an elongated shape.
The consequences of the presence of this type of red blood cells are several.
For example normal red blood cells are compact and flexible, enabling them to squeeze through small capillaries.

Sickle red blood cells are stiff and angular, causing them to become stuck in small capillaries.

The effects of the variation are evident in the ease with which the red blood cells pass through the capillaries: the normal ones have a plasticity which sickle red blood cells lack, more fragile and inflexible- with a tendency to stack in capillaries.
What is more interesting is that the reaction between the mutated haemoglobin and oxygen in lungs leads to a temporary assumption of a normal morphology from the cell, immediately lost one oxygen is released in the tissue.

Sickle cell anemia is an example of Pleiotropy. The last difference stands in the life duration of a cell, while normal blood cells survive in the organism for 120days at best, sickle can resist only for one third of the amount of time. A person with a single abnormal copy does not experience symptoms and is said to have sickle cell trait.

The condition was first described in the medical literature in 1910, and in the 1940s and 1950s contributions by Nobel prize-winner Linus Pauling made it the first disease where the exact genetic and molecular defect was elucidated.

Why anemia?
Anemia comes from the fragility of this kind of cell. Erythrocytes reach lungs where they bind O2 assuming normal morphology. Once O2 is released, the erythrocytes become sickled again. This process makes red blood cells more fragile and survive only 10-20 days instead of 120 days of normal red blood cells.

Why capillary occlusion?
This cell doesn’t show the same plasticity and so increase rigidity of the capillaries. They block small capillaries circulation.

The point of the mutation is the substitution from the glutamic acid to valine.
We have a change in the sequence of amino acids and the problem is that these two amino acids have different chemical properties because the glutamic acid is polar and valine is not polar.
This substitution is responsible for the production of the mutated form of haemoglobin.
This difference in polarity is enough to allow it to fold differently for the haemoglobin, just the substitution of one nitrogen base with another.
This kind of disease is inherited and expressed only if the subject carries two copies of the mutated allele.
A heterozygous couple for this gene has a 25% of probability of giving birth to an offspring which manifests this problem, 50% will be heterozygotes and 25% will not carry the sickle allele at all.




Show the transmission of the factors in the progeny. Both parents are heterozygote and they are from the block to the same family and the progeny can be normal, can be heterozygote or can express the disease. Heterozygote will show both forms of haemoglobin, the normal one and the mutated one. They don’t have symptoms of the disease.

The second possible consequence is that the new codon does not codify an amino acid.
We know that the code is read in triplets and we have to consider the four nitrogen bases, 64 possible combinations are possible, only 3 of these combinations do not codify any amino acid.
We have 3 stop codons UGA, UAG, UAA, this means that when one of these three codons will appear in a site during translation, the releasing factor will reach the ribosome and the translation is stopped.
The protein synthesis stops early because any amino acid can be inserted in the growing polypeptide chain.

In sum, after a point mutation takes place, two possible events can take place:

  • 1.the new sequence of nucleotides codifies for a stop codon, in this case the consequences will be dramatic: the protein will be short and not functioning.
  • 2the protein will not be dramatically modified and the folding can be assumed to come about more or less correctly with a slight alteration of the phenotype.

Other mutations


NONSENSE mutations see the unexpected appearance of a stop codon- UGA UAG UAA.

The blue chain template for the messenger, we have the codon TTT and this codon is mutated in TTA, on mRNA the codon AAA becomes UAA one of the three stop codons. Instead to get a protein formed in this example by only five amino acids we have protein formed just by two amino acids.
The appearance of a premature stop codon gives us a nonsense mutation.

If the new codon codifies the same amino acid, the protein has been mutated but it presents a primary structure that is identical to the wild type protein.
A mutation has occurred but it is silent. This is because amino acids can be codified by more than one codon, so we have more silent codons. So it is possible that the mutation occurs but the effect on the product is absent.

Example: a transition modifies the codon TTT transcribed in AAA and translated in lysine. The codon CTT transcribed in AAG also translated in lysine.
The mutation was present but we can not see the mutation because we don’t see differences in the sequence of amino acids.

Another type of mutation is the neutral mutation. When we say neutral mutation we consider that the new codon codifies an amino acid that shows the same chemical characteristics.

Example: always TTT transcribed in AAA and a transition modify this codon into AGA (arg), both showing basic nature.
Neutral mutations are held when the new codon codifies for an amino acid with the same biochemical characteristics as the original one. Both lysine and arginine show the same biochemical characteristics: basicity.

The effect of an amino acid substitution on the functionality of a protein depends on the region of the polypeptide where it occurs, on the amino acid which replaces the original one.

We can have different mutations that can affect the coding region. These are frame-shift mutations. We can get a frame-shift after an insertion or a deletion of a base pair. So we have in any case the sliding of the reading frame.

Example: the native DNA sequence gives us the corresponding sequence of amino acids, if we have an insertion in this molecule, we have an alteration in the reading frame because triplets are changed and consequently give different amino acids and all the sequence changes.

Same effect will be obtained by deletion of one pair base.

There are some substances that are able to induce insertion or deletion. One of these is an acridine molecule. If we use this substance and get an insertion, we have an additional base pair and the result is a frame-shift mutation.

Mutations can occur in coding and in non coding regions, until now we see mutations that affect coding regions so the consequences about the product. We can find mutation in the promoter region, in the consensus sequence GU-AG and translated regions 5’UTR and 3’UTR regions.

Possible mutations that can occur and affect the consensus sequences involve the normal splicing process. This is a process that allows the elimination of intron sequences from the recourse of the messengers in eukaryotes.

And this elimination should be surgical and to be recognised the introns show these two sequences GU-AG.
These sequences are consensus sequences because they are present in several species, are very common.

A normal splicing sees the presence of this sequence at the beginning and at the end of an intron segment.

Consensus sequence are meant to be recognised by spliceosomes to allow the elimination of non-coding sequences, these sequences are cleaved in the GU - AG points and eliminated, after which the sequences E1 and E2 can be connected, as it happens for E2 and E3 after the elimination of this second non-coding sequence.

If a mutation is present at the AG sequence level only GU will be recognized, the result is going to be an intron retention.
This sequence is retained in the mature messenger. Another possible outcome, in the case of multiple, consecutive mutations.
When two regions in between three exons must be eliminated, if the AG and GU sequences are both mutated the result is going to be an exon skipping, resulting in the permanent loss of the second exon. the three will be connected wrongly, the resulting protein will lack any biological functionality.

The consequences of mutation in splicing sites can give intron retention, or exon skipping.

Another type of mutation concerns triplet expansion.
These are responsible for several diseases among this the following are found include:
1.CAG- the Huntington disease, muscular atrophy;
2.CGG- fragile X;
3.CTG duchenne myotonic.
The main cause of this triplet expansion is the mechanism of slippage mispairing,
Over the course of normal replication, all nucleotides present on the DNA strand are duplicated just once.

If however the new strand slides back, a codon is duplicated twice:
if the sliding occurs on the new synthesis strands the product is going to see the repetition of a codon multiple (2) times,

On the contrary if the sliding occurs to the template strand, the newly synthetized strand will show the lack of a codon- deletion.

This is one possible mechanism that can induce an increase of triplets in a sequence of a gene. Usually the insertion is more likely than the deletion.

Triple expansion in the FMR1 gene is responsible for fragile-X syndrome.
Normally the wild type phenotype needs the presence, containing 6 to 52 repetitions on the promoter region of the codon CGG.
in this case the RNA polymerase is still able to recognize, bind to the promoter and transcribe the gene.

If the number of these repetitions is increased, going from 60 to 200 reps, the condition is addressed as pre-mutated; from 200 repetitions onwards, the gene is mutated:

the RNA polymerase does not bind to the promoter, the transcription of the gene FMR cannot occur, the FMRP protein is lacking.
This is because the mutation has caused the methylation of the promoter and of the five prime untranslated regions.

This protein plays a key role in the ‘switching on’ of the transcription of other genes, and other proteins involved with it. This protein is an RNA bind protein and responsible for neuron plasticity. For this reason, people affected by fragile x syndrome have mental retard.

Another way of getting an increase of sequence is by MISMATCH PAIRING .
In the case of sequences very similar to one another, it is possible that the two will exchange by crossover, obtaining on one chromosome a double copy of the B sequence and on the homolog the total lack of B sequence.

Such a situation however is not expressed, it will become evident only once the subject will reproduce, half of its gametes indeed will show double information concerning B and the other will not show any information concerning the B gene.

A human disease caused by mismatch pairing is thalassemia, a blood disorder caused when the body doesn’t make enough of a protein called haemoglob




When we say chromosome mutations we consider the alteration of chromosome’s structure.
There are four types of chromosome mutations:
-3. translocation;
- 4.transversion.

  1. Deletion is the loss of information, depending on the information lost different problems can arise.
    An example of deletion is the syndrome Cri-du-chat, this syndrome is caused by a deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome five, characteristics of this disease are:
  2. mental retard,
    2.several physical abnormalities
  3. crying like a cat.
    The frequency is 1: 100,000 births.

2.A deletion of a particular region of chromosome 13 (13q14.3) has been associated with more than half percent of chronic lymphoid leukemia cases and found in many tumors, such as melanoma and prostate cancer.
It has been evaluated that the regions lost actually contain information for tumor suppressor genes; also severe obesity is associated to the deletion of part of the chromosome 16 (16p11.2), more than directly being the cause for such condition but rather a predisposition- however it is important to specify that these are only hypothesis as such has not been demonstrated yet.

The deletion of part of chromosome 16(16p11.2) seems to be associated with severe obesity. Obviously deletion can not only be the cause of obesity.

Another example of deletion is Prader-Willi/Angelman.

Prader-Willi/Angelman Are two diseases that are connected because on chromosome 15 we have a region that contains the information concerning Prader Willi and concerning Angelman. When this region is lost we have the appearance of one of these two diseases depending which chromosome, the parental origin of chromosome 15 that showed the deletion.

This is due to the deletion of part of the long arm of chromosome 15 in 60-70% of subjects affected show this deletion.

The union between a female gamete carrying the normal chromosome 15 and sperm carrying the normal chromosome 15 produce a sane child.

The opposite happens when a deleted chromosome 15 carried by the mother meets the deleted chromosome 15 carried by the father, the union is going to be lethal.

Now depending on whether the mother or the father provides the mutated chromosome the sindromes of ‘Angelman’(mother) and ‘Prader-Will’ (father) will be observed in the fetus: appearance of these diseases due to uniparental disomy.
Only in a small percentage of cases of this syndrome the deletion is not present.

The chromosome 15 contain on the long arm an imprinting area, here are present several genes
(: ZNF127, SNRPN, PAR5, IPW, PAR1)
not expressed in the appearance of Prader-Willi syndrome.

And we have another small region (: UBE3A) responsible when not expressed for the Angelman Syndrome appearance, along with other genes not involved in this 2 syndrome appearance.
this particular region of chromosome 15 that contains these two-parts, it is necessary that all of these genes are expressed to be in a condition of normality

The encounter of an oocyte carrying a deleted version of chromosome 15 and the sperm carrying the normal chromosome 15, the ‘normal’ chromosome 15 contains a silenced, not transcribed version of the AS region⇒ the gene UBE3A is not expressed, the lack of expression of this gene induce the appearance of Angelman syndrome.

Now instead the oocyte carries a normal chromosome 15 with a silenced PW region, and an active AS.
UBE3A is expressed, but all the other genes are no.
Through fertilization the sperm carrying a deleted chromosome 15 fuses with the oocyte⇒ the zygote will give rise to a baby with the Prader-Willi syndrome.

Deletion of these two regions can occur during either gametogenesis or oogenesis- different methylation patterns depending on the sex.

The paternal chromosome 15 shows the region PW active and region AS inactive (imprinted).
The maternal chromosome 15 shows the region AS active and regional PWS inactive (imprinted mutilated).

If two paternal chromosomes 15 are present- showing the AS inactive region.
In case of the uniparental disomy, where only paternal chromosome 15 are present, there will be the expression of Angelman syndrome.

If instead the two paternal chromosomes 15 present, both of them come from the mother, the expression of the Prader-Willi syndrome is observed.

The PW syndrome is characterized by:

  • 1.obesity
  • 2.cryptorchidism
  • 3.mood swings
  • 4.insensitivity to pain and skin lesions
  • 5.abnormal reactions to sedatives

Prader-Willi & Angelman diseases


Prader-Willi & Angelman are two diseases that are mainly (60-70%) due to a deletion of part of the long arm of chromosome 15.

On chromosome 15, there is a region called ‘imprinting area’. In this region there are different genes codifying for different proteins.
The lack of expression of some genes ( you can see on the image above) induce Prader-Willi syndrome while the lack of expression of UBE3A induces Angelman syndrome. Deletion of the imprinting area causes these syndromes.

The paternal chromosome 15 show the region PWS active and the region AS inactive (imprinted)
The maternal chromosome 15 show the region AS active and the region PWS inactive (imprinted)
If 2 paternal chromosome 15 are present, since both the AS regions are imprinted, Angelman syndrome will be developed.
If 2 maternal chromosomes 15 are present, since both the PWS regions are imprinted, Prader Willi syndrome will be developed.

To get the normal development we need two nuclei coming from both parents. Nuclei coming from the same parent causes failure of development.

In a small percentage of PWS/AS syndromes the deletion of chromosome 15 is not present. In these cases uniparental disomy is responsible for the disease. Uniparental disomy means that chromosome 15 is coming from the same parent.
—-> uniparental disomy

Another possibility to have uniparental disomy is transient trisomy (non meiotic disjunction in one parent).
The oocyte shows an unbalanced content. A pair of chromosome 15 is present. The sperm carries the normal chromosome 15. Fertilization happens and there is a condition of transient trisomy. A loss of chromosomes is possible.
If the chromosome coming from the father is lost, we have a pair of chromosome 15 which have the same parental origin.

‘happy puppet syndrome’
1.Characterized by mental retardation, 
2.absence of language, 
3.unjustified happiness.
1- obesity,
2. excessive fluid intake, 
3.abnormal reactions to sedatives, 
5.insensitivity to pain and skin lesions, 
6.mood swings.



It is a mechanism of gene expression regulation due to the regular silencing of one of the two alleles.
Physiologically silencing differs in males and females.
In females only the AS region is active on chromosome 15, while in males only the PWS region is active on chromosome 15.

The male is homozygous, so 2 normal alleles, and the female is recessive homozygote with mutated genes. The F1 heterozygote has normal phenotype. The mutated allele is not expressed.

At the moment the number of genes that are silenced is increasing.
They are mainly located on chromosomes 7-11-15.
Mammalian cells are diploid, containing chromosomes inherited from mom and dad.
The expression of a small minority of genes depends on whether they have been inherited from the father or the mother.

On primordial germ cells the DNA is active but during the development there is an increase of methylation and in mature gametes the DNA is globally methylated.

In the zygote it can be seen that both nuclei DNA are globally methylated.
At fertilization the genetic sex is established, so the zygote starts development and global methylation of non-imprinted sequences take place.

In the embryo there are the somatic cells that have partially methylated DNA.
The imprinted pattern on the somatic embryo cell is respected in the adult somatic cells.

The primordial germ cells on the embryo are initially globally methylated but in time they become partially methylated. Depending on the sex of the embryo a new imprinting pattern will be established.

Concerning the somatic cells the physiological pattern of imprinting should be respected. Depending on the sex on the gametes different information is present. There are several diseases that are due to alteration of the methylation pattern or silencing.
On somatic cells the maternal and paternal silenced genes are able to contract each other.

Multiple stimuli including genetic background, steroid hormones and the environment might affect the primordial germ cells (PGCs) at phases of epigenetic vulnerability during reprogramming.
(Environment is the most important one which affects the most.) This results in different populations of SPG and ultimately in adulthood in sperm with different epigenetic statuses.
Epimutation is caused by the alteration of the methylation pattern.

Inheriting two copies of a chromosome from the same parent can be lethal, although the genome is complete, and produce severe alterations of development.

Inheriting 2 copies of chromosome 15 from the mother causes Prader-Willi disease because on chromosome 15 of maternal origin the region corresponding to PWS is silenced.

Inheriting 2 copies of a chromosome 15 from the father causes Angelman disease because on the chromosome 15 of paternal origin the region corresponding to AS is silenced.




When talking about duplication, we have an excess of information
Wild type Drosophila have a normal eye.

Duplication of the bar gene induces the formation of a different eye shape.
By double bar there is a further differentiation.
It is possible for duplication to occur after unequal crossing-over.

Normally homologous chromosomes pair according to homology sequences.
A mistake can happen where they do not pair accordingly. If crossing over does not occur there is no problem.
In case of a crossing over, there can be mistakes on chromosomes.
Diseases because of an unequal crossover: Thalassemia, Charcot-Marie disease.

Autism: A certain reason for autism has not been found yet. The duplication of the chromosome 12 (in the region 12q11/q13) seems to be associated with autism. There are also other events associated with autism. Research groups are still studying this topic.




By translocation there is no alteration of the genetic content.
A part of a chromosome changes its position.
A translocation occurs when a segment from one chromosome is detached and reattached in a different (non homologous) chromosome.
The genetic meaning is that genes from one chromosome move to another. Genetic content is still the same.
Translocation may occur in the same chromosome or two different chromosomes.
We define translocation between two different chromosomes because if it is between homologs, it is crossing over, not translocation.
—> reciprocal translocation, reciprocal exchange of 2 segments


  • genetic content does not change
  • relationships among genes change
  • unbalanced gametes are produced

One of the problems of translocation is connected to the production of unbalanced gametes.
Example for translocation: philadelphia chromosome, reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 to 22.

Region on chromosome 9, containing a gene called abl translocates on chromosome 22 immediately after the gene bcr. A part of the chromosome 22 translocates on chromosome 9.

A hybrid protein is produced and this protein has a higher tyrosine kinase activity.
This higher tyrosine kinase activity induces an uncontrolled cell proliferation which induces the expression of a chronic myeloid leukemia.
Kinase activity occurs by some proteins.
These proteins are able to phosphorylate substrates.
The phosphorylation can activate or inactivate the substrate. In this case an uncontrolled cell proliferation is activated. (a transformation that causes cancer)
The opposite activity is a phosphate activity which is the removal of phosphate groups. It can also activate or deactivate a substrate.

While c-myc is translocating, its regulation is changed because the promoter on chromosome 8 was the correct one.
Lots of copies of c-myc on chromosome 14 are made so it becomes a transcription factor.
After its translocation to chromosome 14, it comes under the promoter of the immunoglobulin genes.
Here it is over-expressed and this induces neoplastic transformation.
Another example of translocation is the Robertsonian translocation. It is the basis of hereditary down syndrome.

At meiosis, gametes may form that carry a ‘long’ chromosome and an additional copy of 21.
On the opposite pole there is only a copy of 14. So there are 2 classes of gametes which are unbalanced.
3 copies of 21 mean down syndrome. If there is only 1 copy of 21, it is not vital. The development can not go on.

Normal gametes are balanced and will have a normal phenotype.
At the end 50% of the gametes are not vital after fertilization because of monosomy 21,14 and trisomy of 14. 1/3 of them will have down-syndrome. The problem here is the production of unbalanced gametes.




An inversion occurs when a chromosome segment is detached, rotated around 180° and reattached to the rest of the chromosome; as a result, the order of the segment’s genes are reversed.
The problem here is the production of unbalanced gametes.

Chromosome number 1 has a normal sequence, number 2 is a copy of it.
Chromosomes 3 and 4 have the inversion.
When homologous chromosomes 3 and 4 pair they make a loop.
With this loop we can see that the genes are paired correctly (A-A, B-B, C-C etc.) Chromatids involved in pairing are chromosomes number 2 and 4.
If crossing over does not occur, nothing will change because homologs will separate correctly during meiosis 1 and sister chromatids will separate during meiosis 2.
We will find gametes containing all the information. A part of the gametes will be normal and a part will have the inversion.
A problem will occur if crossing over takes place. Because the chromosomes 3 and 4 are under tension.
The effect of a crossover between the chromosomes 2 and 4 in the region between B and C gives rise to vital gametes.




Polyploidy is the presence of extra chromosome sets. It is fairly common in plants but very rare in animals.

Aneuploidy can be defined as alteration of chromosome number. There can be an additional copy of one chromosome. Alteration of the total number of chromosomes is always due to non meiotic disjunction phenomena.

Alteration of autosomes is very rare. Alteration of the sex chromosome number shows mild sypmtoms.
Even the severity of the symptoms increase with an increased chromosome X number.

Patau Syndrome or Trisomy 13:
It causes severe mental retard and physical malformations.

Edward syndrome or Trisomy 18:
Physical and mental retardation

Down syndrome or trisomy 21:
95% of down syndrome is due to the age of the mother. (due to the aging process which can affect oocytes.) Only a small part of chromosome 21 is involved in the expression of down syndrome.


The classification of chromosomes:

  • Acrocentric: a chromosome with the centromere near one end so that one chromosomal arm is short and one is long.
  • Acentric: a chromosome lacking a centromere
  • Metacentric: a chromosome have 2 equal arms because the centromere is in median position.
  • Submetacentric: having the centromere near the center but not in the middle, so that one arm is shorter than the other.
The classification of diseases: 
- autosomic : recessive – dominant 
- x-linked: recessive-dominant 
- y-linked 
recessive autosomic diseases : 
2.Bloom syndrome
3.Cystic fibrosis 
4.Sickle cell anemia
6.Xeroderma pigmetosum
8.Tay-sachs disease

In the recessive trait, both women and men can be affected and we do not see the trait in all the generations

Autosome dominant diseases:

  1. achondroplasia
  2. brachydactyly
  3. Familial hypercholesterolemia
  4. Polycystic kidney
  5. Marfan syndrome
  6. Huntigtons disease

In dominant trait, both men and female can be affected and we see the trait in all generations

x-linked recessive traits:

  1. Color blindness(daltonism)
  2. Muscle dystrophy
  3. hemophilia
This picture is a pedigree of type A hemophilia in royal family #hemophilia: lack of the coagulation factor 8. 
#men affected are son of mother carriers.

x-linked dominant trait:

  1. Defective teeth enamel
  2. Hypo-phosphatemia-rachitism and knee problems
  • Affected fathers pass the trait to all of their daughters
  • Males and females are equally likely to be affected y-linked traits:

Metabolic disorders
Also called PKU is a rare inherited disorder that causes an amino acid, phenylalanine, to build up in your body.
Actually it is kind of substrate accumulation ( professor said for me is like this) why?
Phenylalanine should be converted into tyrosine due to activity of an enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase in case lack of this enzyme it will converted to phenyl pyruvic acid and is accumulated in cell inducing cell death.

It is necessary people with phenylketonuria need to follow a diet that limits phenylalanine intake.

Babies should be screened for phenylketonuria because it is possible to prevent damages if babies undergo particular diet and this diet should be followed until around twenty years old that is the moment when the brain is completely developed and starts to lose neurons.


  • Autosome recessive gene
  • Homozygous causes mental retard

Genetic control of protein:
Mutation can induces the synthesis of a protein that has an altered structure one of the other its example is cystic fibrosis.

Cystic fibrosis:

  • Autosome recessive trait
  • Sticky mucus hyper-production

What happens?
In normal air ways the air ways lined with thin mucus but in affected people we have sticky mucus that block air ways not only lung can affected but also other organ like lung, pancreas, intestine and reproductive organs.

Subjected that affected suffers from bacterial infection.

When a gene that code for a transport protein transcript and its mRNA translated we have a chain of 1840 amino acids and this protein is an integral protein.
Its an chloride ion channel in plasma membrane that allow passage of chloride and also water from cytoplasm to out of cell.
In normal situation this protein allows to pass chloride and mucus represents thin layer in muted gene don’t allow this passage and mucus is accumulated.

cystic fibrosis can successfully treat by a drug( vx-770).
This drug ai able to bind to non-working protein outside of cells and after binding the channel can work. The possibility that drug works depends on protein that is present. Because some mutation on this gene that codify for this protein cause the absence of protein because we have very premature appearance of stop codon.

The gene responsible for cystic fibrosis is located on chromosome 7 long arm region 31 sub-region 2.

The increasing of concentration of circulating cholesterol causes blockage of arteries cause risk of cardiovascular disease.

LDL: low density lipoprotein are responsible for cleaning this lipoprotein have the task to bind cholesterol and carry cholesterol to the liver to limit concentration in the circulation.
LDL bind to its receptor membrane of liver cell and coated pit in cytoplasm some vesicles.
Lysosome attack this vesicles and cholesterol is skipped from vesicles and used for membrane, steroid hormone, Bile acid, lipoprotein and regulatory actions and receptors recycled.

Familial hypercholesterolemia is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.
If you have FH, your children have 50% chance of inheriting FH.
Amniocentesis is a technique to check the karyotype of baby and it is possible after first semester of pregnancy.
Using ultra sound equipment is possible to keep some amniotic fluid by using a syringe and inside it is fetus and mother cell and these cell can be put in culture and let grow and after certain time is possible to use this cells to control and check there is correct number or any genetic disorders.