Genetic Variation in Eucaryotes Flashcards
What is the same over both procaryotes and eucaryotes
- Genetic Code
- Transcription
- Translation mechanism
- Basic strategies for DNA replication and repair.
What is the same across species
The Genome
Why do individual members of a species look different if their genome is the same
(Phenotypic Variation)
Difference in gene sequence.
Differences in regulation of gene expression.
Clonal population
Genomes of all members of the species could be the same
Usually procaryotes.
Some examples in eucaryotes e.g. dolly the sheep
In general what are the genomes within a species like
They are slightly different
Genetic changes are the drivers of phenotype variations
What are the types of genetic variation
- Mutations - point mutations, these are usually copying errors during DNA replication
- Homologous recombination ( gene duplication. exon shuffling)
- Mobile genetic elements ( transposons)
- Horizontal gene transfer ( homologous recombination prevalent in procaryotes)
- Sexual reproduction is a major source of genetic reassortment
What happens to genes in sexual reproduction
- ## Reshuffling genes appears to help species survive an ever changing and unpredictable environment
Somatic cell
These are the cells that make up most of our body
They are only diploid –> They have two sets of chromosomes
Germ Cell
Haploid cells
Have a single copy of each gene
These are reproductive cells
Generated by meiosis
Haploid gametes fuse to a diploid cells ( fertilised egg or a zygote
Somatic cells / Progenita germ cells where you have a diploid chromasome.
There is cell division but no DNA replication so daughter cells are produced with a single chromasomal copy.
Then two gametes come together to form a deployed organism
Variant of a gene
Homologous recombination
- Diploid germ cell precursor (germ cell progenita)
- One round of DNA replication occurs within this germ cell precursor –> Creating twice the usual number of chromosomes in the cell forming a tetraploid cell.
- Next there is pairing of the duplicated homologous chromosomes –> the chromosomes align in parallel with the corresponding genes next to each other (this is called pairing)
- Then homologous recombination occurs –> the chromosomes exchange genes
- This then splits from a tetraploid cell to a diploid cell and then cell division occurs again before DNA replication
- These means in one organism there are 4 different haploid cells within the germ cells –> only one of these will be fertilised
Occasionally mistakes occur during this process e.g. trisomy 21 ( three copies of chromosome 21 handed down from the parents –> causes downs syndrome)
Gene duplication ( a type of homologous recombination)
This arrises from a rare combination of events
- Occurs within organisms no just in the sex cells
The mammalian genome contains enormous amounts of non essential DNA –> Introns
e. g Globin protein
- -> Protein in carries oxygen to the different tissues within a mammalian organism
- -> In humans we have 4 differerent genes that code for globin
- Within the globin gene you have introns and exons –> zoom out for here
- outside the globin gene you have spacers which contain repetitive sequences of which the exact function we don’t understand
- During chromasomal pairing, these globin genes are then alligned before homologous recombination can be carried out. This is the pairing stage of miosis
- Sometimes this pairing is not 100% efficieint –> can have missalighnement during pair formation
- This causes unequal crossing over and means in one of the chromosomes you have two copies of globin genes in one of the chromosomes and the other has done
- This unequal cross over leads to gene duplication –> If the gamete that contains twice the gene is fertilised the individual goes on to have two copies of the globin gene which gives rise to phenotypic variation
This has created 4 different types of globin
Exon Shuffling
caused by homolougous duplication
Getting close into the gene
Between two exons is the interveining sequence – multiple repeats within them
- Missalignment can occur between introns –> caused by chromosomal crossover
- Two of the same exons can then end up in one of the gametes (meaning it have three exons overall) –> This causes changes in normal protein function if the gamete becomes a human
Why does misalignments happen
Because these repeated sequences exists and sometimes the two chromosomal copies can be shifted slightly