genetic twin studies Flashcards
Who is the main person behind the twin studies?
Overview of the twin studies:
3,586 twins in Denmark
Study on monozygotic twins, who are 100% identical and therefore if one of them is a criminal the other one should be as well according to Christiansen
Sample of the twin studies:
3,586 twins in Denmark
Findings of the twin studies:
52% concordance rate between MZ twins both being criminals (100% DNA)
22% concordance rate between DZ twins being criminals (50% DNA)
Strength: how is it useful? Does it support the genetic theory?
It supports that criminality does have a genetic component, and this can be useful and benefit any further findings or studies
Strength: is it accurate? Why does this study make sense?
MZ twins are genetically identical, therefore it’s logical to examine their behaviour as identical too, making it perhaps more accurate
Weakness: why is this theory deterministic?
It only focuses on genes being the cause of criminality
Weakness: why is the sample not representative?
Whilst the sample was a reasonable amount, it was done in only Denmark. This means that it’s not generalisable to twins across the world, as there could be environmental factors involved in the criminal behaviour as well.