MOST common associations with PATAU syndrome (Trisomy 13)
Holoprosencephaly (40-50%)
Polydactyly (70%)
Of the three most common trisomies which one has the highest incidence of major structural anomalies?
18 - Edwards syndrome
What are the most common findings of trisomy 18
CHD (90-95%)
CNS or spinal abnormalities (70%)
- choroid plexus cyst, agenesis of CC
- Dandy walker continuum
- Neural tube defects (20%) spina bifida (myelomeningocele)
IUGR (60-90%) seen early
Cystic hygroma (20%)
clenched hand over overlapping 2nd/3rd digits (80%)
Single umbilical artery (80%)
Omphalocele (20-25%)
DOWNS syndrome - most common cause?
meiotic non disjunction - 95% of cases
Downs have increased incidence of what cancer
Leukaemia - AML
What are the 3 ways triploidy 69 chromosomes occurs?
Failure of division of meiosis I or II in the sperm
Failure of division of meiosis I or II in oocyte
Dispermy - fertilisation of one egg by 2 sperms.
What is the clinical triad of Aicardi syndrome ?
x-linked genetic defect - FATAL in males
salaam seizures
CC dysgenesis
Chorioretinal Lacunae - pathognomonic
MOST common cause of hereditary cholestasis ?
Alagille syndrome
JAG1 mutation 90%
MOST common genetic cause of emphysema and metabolic liver disease.
A1-AT deficiency
basal predominant panlobular emphysema
Ataxia Telangiectasia has increased risk of which cancers?
bowel and breast
MOST common overgrowth and cancer predisposition syndrome? What cancers are it associated with?
Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome
MOST common associations of Crouzon syndrome
Chairi I (70%)
Stylohyoid ligament calcification >4yrs (50%)
Classical TRIAD of HHT and most common locations
Multiple telangiectasias
Positiev Family History
Most common associations with Joubert syndrome
MCDK (30%)
Polydactyly (15%)
Coloboma, retinal dysplasia
Maffuci syndrome is more common in males but associated with what 2 conditions?
Juvenile Granulosa tumour of the ovary
Colorectal haemangioma