Genetic Screening Flashcards
What is involved in a prenatal genetic history (both genetic parents):
Health hx
OB hx
Genetic hx
Occupational/Environmental hx
Ethnic origin
First degree relatives
Teratogen exposure
Gestational parent age >35
Partner/donor age >50
What genetic diseases are routinely tested for in prenatal screening?
Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome)
Trisomy 18 (Edward’s Syndrome)
Trisomy 21 (Down’s Syndrome)
Types of Open Neural Tube Defects (ONTD):
Spina Bifida
How do ONTD occur?
associated w/ folic acid deficiency
results in neural tube does not form & close properly
Degrees of Spina bifida:
-spina bifida occulta (gap created in spine d/t incomplete fusion; sac of fluid absent)
-meningocele (gap created in spine; sac of CSF present)
-myelomeninocele (gap created in spine; sac of CSF and buldging spinal cord –> causing partial or complete paralysis & hydrocephalus
Define anencephaly and encephalocele:
-anencephaly: abnormal or absent brain matter
-encephalocele: sac containing brain/meninges/CSF forms outside of skull d/t bone defect
Prenatal screening vs diagnostics:
-screening: assess level of risk
ex: U/S, blood draws (no parental/fetal risk
-diagnostic: definitive answer if disorder present
ex: anmiocentesis, chorionic villi sampling
What is aneuploidy
abnormal number of chromosomes
Types of screening for aneuploidy & ONTD:
-First Trimester Screen (FTS)
-Second trimester maternal serum screening
-Sequential and Integrated Screening
-Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)
-Second trimester U/S (20 wk anatomy scan)
What does First Trimester Screen involve?
-performed at 10-14 wks
-involved fetal U/S and maternal blood samples
-screens for trisomy 13, 15, 18 & 21
-maternal sample: HCG and PAPP-A (pregnancy associated plasma protein A)
-high level of HCG associated w/ down’s snydrome
-low level of PAPP-A associated w/ down’s syndrome
-fetal U/S: nuchal translucency u/s and dating/viability
Nuchal translucency (NT) measurement of ___ indicates risk of aneuploidy
> 3mm
Second trimester maternal serum screening
-performed at 15-22 wks
-involved maternal blood samples
-screens for trisomy 13, 18, 21 & ONTD
-Quadruple Marker Screen (AFP, uE3, hCG and inhibin-A)
What are the 4 biomarkers in Quadruple Marker Screen:
-AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein): assess risk of ONTD
-hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin): assess risk for down’s
-uE3 (estriol): lower levels in baby w/ down’s
-Inhibin A: assess risk for down’s
Second trimester fetal U/S
-performed at 18-22 wks
detailed anatomy scan
-assess for soft markers for aneuploidy and ONTD
-Very accurate for ONTD
-Least accurate for Down’s (21)
-Abnormal scan –> counseling –> diagnostics (amniocentesis)
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT):
-parental blood test
-recommended at 9-10 weeks
-uses cell free DNA (cfDNA) of both parent & fetus
-screen for: sex chromosome aneuploidy & trisomy 13, 18 & 21
can detect fetal sex
-abnormal scan –> counseling –> amnio or CVS