genetic screening Flashcards
Name the parental test that could be used to detect Tay-Sacha disease at 11 weeks of pregnancy.
Chorionic Vinus Screening, CVS
What are the different types of genetic testing ?
- Carrier identification
- PGD - Pre Implantation Genetic Diagnosis
- Prenatal testing
What is a carrier?
an individual who carries and is capable of passing on a genetic mutation associated with a disease that is inherited.
Genetic screening is when the _ _ _ is analysed to see if it contains …………………. that code for genetic disorders.
- carrier
* genes
Who would be offered a carrier test?
To someone with a family history of the disease.
Or if there is a risk the disease could be passed down onto the person’s children.
Carrier Testing allows people to make informed decisions about whether to have …… and whether to have p……………….. testing
- children
* prenatal testing
PGD is carried out on _____ produced by _________.
- embryo
* in vitro fertilisation (IVF)
What are the advantages of PGD?
• reduces the chance of having a baby with a genetic disorder
What are the social and ethical issues of PGD?
- Can be used to find characteristics like eye colour and gender - leading to concerns that embryos might be selected for other characteristics e.g. designer babies
- false results could provide incorrect information.
Prenatal Testing allows people to make informed decisions about whether to keep the baby or a…………….., or to prepare for future medical t…………………… it may need when it is born
- abort it
* treatment
There are 2 types of prenatal testing, what are they?
- amniocentesis
* chronic virus sampling
Amniocentesis is carried out at _ - _ weeks of pregnancy, is this earlier or later than CVS?
- 15 - 17 weeks
* later than CVS
how is amniocentesis carried out?
A needle is inserted into the amniotic fluid to collect cells from the embryo.
This method takes tissue samples from the amniotic sac.
The DNA is extracted and tested for any diseases.
Amniocentesis has a miscarriage rate of __% is this higher or lower than CVS?
- 1%
* lower
CVS has a miscarriage rate of what?
CVS is carried out at _ - _ weeks of pregnancy, is this earlier or later than amniocentesis?
- 8 - 12 weeks
* earlier
How is CVS done?
A sample of placental tissue (and embryo cells) is removed with either a needle or through the vagina. The sample will inevitably take cell samples from the foetus too….these are the cells we want to test.