Genetic & Pediatric Diseases Flashcards
- A pathologist is performing an autopsy on an
individual who died as the result of a motor vehicle
accident. During the external examination, the
pathologist notes that there are about 20 brown
macules on the skin with multiple soft dermal nodules
of the same color as the skin. A biopsy of the
nodules would reveal?
A. Malignant melanocytes
B. Schwann cells and fibroblasts
C. Entrapped sebaceous fluid
D. Pus
E. Adipose cells and macrophages
- Correct: Schwann cells and fibroblasts (B)
This patient has the characteristic features of neurofibromatosis
type I: neurofibromas and café-au-lait
spots. The neurofibromas are benign tumors composed
of Schwann cells, fibroblasts, and collagen (B).
For (A, C-E), see explanation.