Genetic Exchange Flashcards
DNA binding
DNA binding - ds DNA is nicked and cleaved by
Membrane bound endonuclease
During uptake one strand is hydrolyzed by
Envelope associated exonuclease
Penetration through
Membrane spanning DNA translocase channel
Transformed DNA is integrated if
Nucleotide sequence homology b/w donating and recipient chromosome
Gram positive
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Protein -a
Pilin complex -b
DNA binding protein - c
Nuclease -d
Membrane channel protein -e
A- pilinQ.
B- pilE. ComGC
C- comE comEA
d- N. N
e- comA. comEC
Hfr conjugation
The f plasmid is integrated in bacterial chromosome
The tra operon is still functional and can form sex pilus , carry out rolling circle replication , and transfer the f plasmid
However the f plasmid instead of transferring itself it directs the transfer of whole chromosome ( f+ bacterial chromosome)
Ecoli 100 min
Recipient cell remains f- but since the bacterial chromosome is also transferred there is high frequency of recombination
Tra operon
Sex pilus formation
Type IV secretion apparatus
Rolling circle replication
Transfer of plasmid
F plasmid is an episome this it can restore it’s autonomous form from its integrated state .
Error in excision = f plasmid plus a part of bacterial chromosome = f ‘
The f’ strain bacterial cell retains all its bacterial genes except few of them are now in in f’ plasmid
Bacterial genes from its chromosome are not transferred but the ones in f ‘ plasmid a re transferred this the recipient cell becomes partially diploid merozygote