Genetic Disorders Flashcards
Crouzon Syndrome
AD, incomplete penetrance, 60% sporadic
FGFR2 gene
*bicoronal synostosis»_space; brachycephaly
*normal extremities
*midface hypoplasia»_space; proptosis, apparent micrognathia
*intracranial anomalous venous drainage, hydrocephalus
*early lamboid fusion»_space; Chiari I malformation
*variant associated w/acanthosis nigricans
Apert Syndrome
AD, incomplete penetrance, usually sporadic
FGFR2 gene
*symmetric complex syndactylies (usu digits 2-4)
*bicoronal synostosis»_space; brachycephaly
metopic/sagittal sutures fuse late (~2-4yo)»_space; hypertelorism
*ptosis, downward-sloping palpebral fissures
*proptosis, strabismus (v-shaped pattern)
*mid face hypoplasia»_space; hypoplastic/stenotic choanae
often require trach
*cognitive defects
*excess sweating; worse acne in adolescence
Pfeiffer Syndrome
*broad thumbs/toes
thumbs deviate radially, toes deviate medially
*bicoronal synostosis (brachycephaly, acrocephaly, oxycephaly)
*midface hypoplasia, “beaked” nose
22q11 deletion > abnl 3rd/4th pharyngeal pouches
Thymic hypoplasia > T-cell immunodeficiency
Parathyroid hypoplasia > hypocalcemia
CHD: tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia, VSD
Cleft lip/palate
Abnl facies: hypertelorism, low-set ears, hypoplastic mandible, “upward bowing” of upper lip (perpetual smile)
Noonan Syndrome
Down-slanting hypertelorism w/epicanthal folds Deeply-grooved philtrum Short webbed neck, low posterior hairline Pectus carinatum/excavatum Developmental delay Cryptorchidism Coarse/curly hair Short stature, joint laxity Triangular face, low post. rotated ears Coagulation defects Pulm Stenosis, HOCM M:F 1:1
Holt Oram Syndrome
ASD UE Defects (3-jointed thumbs)
Lesch Nyhan Syndrome
Self mutilation
Intellectual disability
Choreiform movements
High uric acid
McCune Albright Syndrome
Cafe au lait spots
Precocious puberty
Abnl bones (fibrous dysplasia)
Laurence-Moon-Biedl Syndrome
now split into Laurence-Moon and Bardet-Biedl syndromes
progressive CNS, ophtho, endocrine dz
can look like Prader-Willi (obese, hypogonadism) but LMB more anomalies like syndactyly, retinal dystrophy
Aicardi Syndrome
Seizures, absence of corpus callosum
Macrocephaly, ocular abnl
X-linked dominant
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
X-linked recessive WASP mutation
Immunodeficiency, TCP, eczema
Tx: abx, IVIg, s/t splenectomy, BMT
Waardenburg Syndrome
Hypopigmentation (iris, hair, skin)
Sensorineural hearing loss
Wide nasal bridge
Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome
Broad thumb
Russell Silver Syndrome
Triangular face
Growth retardation
Prune Belly Syndrome
Lack of abdominal muscle»_space;
bladder outlet obstruction»_space; oligohydramnios»_space;
pulmonary hypoplasia
also undescended testes
Treacher Collins
Conductive hearing loss Small jaw Ear, lower eyelid abnl NORMAL intelligence AD