Genetic code + translation Flashcards
What are pri-miRNAs?
What is their function?
primary transcripts miRNAs transcribed by RNA pol II
- promoting mRNA degradation
- stimulating poly-A-tail degradation
- inhibition of translation
What is a codon?
How many are there?
three letter base code w/ 64 possibilities
→ coding for 20 different amino acids
List the 5 features of the genetic code.
- degenerate
- unambiguous
- non-overlapping
- non punctuated
- universal
The genetic code is non-punctuated.
What does it mean?
translated continuously until stop codon reached, no bases skipped
The genetic code is non-overlapping.
What does it mean?
each nucleotide is part of only 1 codon and only read once
The genetic code is degenerate.
What does it mean?
18 of 20 AAs coded by more than 1 codon
only exceptions: Met and Trp
(most are 4-fold degenerate at 3rd position)
The genetic code is almost universal.
What does it mean?
most codons code for the same AA in different organism
BUT: not true for mitochondria
The genetic code is unambiguous.
What does it mean?
each triplet nucleotide codon in mRNA codes only for 1 specific AA
Which codons code start and stop signals for translation?
- AUG → start signal, codes for Met
- UAA, UAG, UGA → stop signal to terminate polypeptide translation
There are 2 amino acids which are not directly coded for in the genetic code?
Which amino acids and how are they translated?
2 stop codons:
- UGA → selenocystein
- UAG → pyrrolysine (not present in humans)
efficiency of translation of those 2 AAs depends on protein that is synthsized in translation initiation factors
just know, wiki says UAG codes for pyrrolyisine, lecture says UGA does
What is the function of tRNA?
each tRNA has specific anticodon and carries an AA that is specific for its anticodon
→ use ribosome to bind to complementary codons on mRNA, then transfer their AA to form polypeptide
⇒ at least 20 types of tRNA in each cell
Describe the structure of tRNA.
What are the functions of its structural components?
4 arms form cloverleaf-like secondary structure
- acceptor arm with posttranslationally added CCA 3’-terminal → specific AA binds here
- TψC contains ψ = pseudouridine →binds to site of protein synth. on ribosome
- anticodon loop → binds to rRNA
- D arm often contains dihydrouridine → important for recognition of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
- 5’ terminal phosphate group

What is the function of the CCA tail?
How is it special in eukaryotes?
AA specific for tRNA binds here
in eukaryotes added during processing of tRNA, hence not coded by tRNA gene
Some tRNA bases are often modified.
How are they modified and what is their function?
often by methylation (or deamidation)
→ affect the tRNA’s interaction with ribosomes
What is the function of aminoacyl-tRNAs?
They are synthesized by which enzyme?
tRNA carrying its specific “activated” AA attached to its terminal 3’-OH of CCA
formed by individiual aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases

What is the function of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase?
- AA binds to synthetase, activated through the linkage of its -C group directly to AMP → 5’ aminoacyl AMP
NOTE: driven by hydrolysis of ATP molecule that donates the AMP - tRNA binds to synthetase, AMP-linked -C group on AA then transferred to a -OH group at the 3ʹ of the tRNA acceptor arm → forms aminoacyl-tRNA w/ activated ester linkage
NOTE: irreversible

List some features of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase.
- one synthetase for each AA (one AA for each tRNA)
- high fidelity (1 incorrect AA/104 - 105 reactions) due to proofreading mechanism
- use identity elements on tRNA to distinguish similar tRNAs
Explain the proofreading mechanism of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.
select correct AA by a two-step mechanism
- correct AA has highest affinity for the active-site pocket of its synthetase
- adenylated AA tried to force into a second editing pocket in the enzyme → excludes correct AA, while allowing access by closely related AAs
if matching: AA is removed from AMP (or from the tRNA itself if the aminoacyl-tRNA bond has already formed) by hydrolysis
= hydrolytic editing (analogous to the exonucleolytic proofreading by DNA polymerases)

What is wobbling?
- first 2 base pairs of codon-anticodon are Watson-Crick base pairs
- last base pair can wobble, hence form Hoogsteen base pair
→ main reason for degeneracy of genetic code
Which nucleotides on anticodon can wobble?
List pairs.
- G also w/ U
- U also w/ G
- I w/ A, U, C

Where does translation and transcription happen in pro- and eukaryotes?
in prokaryotes: coupled,
translation on free ribosomes and polyribosomes - in eukaryotes: compartmentalized, transcription in nucleus, translation on free cytoplasmic ribosomes and rER
Describe the general structure of a ribosome.
differences in number/size of their rRNA and protein components
- small subunit: provides framework on which tRNAs are accurately matched to codons of mRNA
- large subunit: catalyzes the formation of peptide bonds that link AAs together into a polypeptide chain
+ additionally proteins associated w/ subunits on surface
Describe the structure and weight of both ribosomal subunits in pro- and eukaryotes.
S refers to Svedberg units, describes weight
70S ribosomes = prokaryotic ribosomes
- large subunit has 23S and 5S rRNA
→ w/ proteins: 50S rRNA - small subunit has 16S
→ w/ proteins: 30S rRNA
- large subunit has 23S and 5S rRNA
80S ribosomes = eukaryotic ribosomes
- large subunit has 28S and 5S rRNA
→ w/ proteins: 60S rRNA - small subunit has 18S
→ w/ proteins: 40S rRNA
- large subunit has 28S and 5S rRNA
→ eukaryotic ribosomes are heavier due to larger ribosomes + more associated proteins
Where are eukaryotic ribosomes synthesized?
in the nucleolus