Genesis, Pt. 2 Flashcards
Who was Seth?
Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve. He is ancestor to Abraham.
How does God make a covenant with Abraham?
- God appears to Abram in a vision at age 75
- Shows him the stars in the sky and says his descendants will be so numerous
- Abraham asks how he will know
- God asks for animal sacrifices, puts Abram into a deep sleep, and then passes between the animals himself
- 13 years later, God reaffirms covenant through circumcision and name changes
Who was Noah?
- 10th generation of the patriarchs
Describe the covenant with Noah.
- Covenant with Noah and all creation
- God will not flood the whole earth again or curse the ground, gives rainbow
- God blesses the humans and animals and gives the command to be fruitful and multiply again
- God makes people, place (dried up earth), and presence
Who was Canaan?
- Noah’s grandson, Ham’s son
- Cursed by Noah to be the servant to his uncles because of what Ham did with Noah’s nakedness
Who was Ham?
- Youngest son of Noah
- Saw his father’s drunken nakedness and told his brothers
- Father of Canaan
What is the consequence of the fall for the woman?
- Additional pain in childbirth (to get to the snake-crusher)
- Broken marriage with two self-centered people who want their way
Who was Shem?
- Noah’s son
- Ancestor of Abraham and the Semites
Name Abraham’s “alternate heirs” and why they were not chosen.
- Eliezer of Damascus - God promises it will be Abram’s son
- Lot, his nephew - Lot opts out of the covenant of land and leaves for the city
- Ishmael - God promises the heir will be through Sarah
Why did God create the flood?
- Incurable sinfulness and disregard for God
- Like drastic surgery to save the life of a patient - a restart to creation
- Flood reverses creation - act of “uncreation”
Who was Methuselah?
- Son of Enoch
- Man who lived the longest in the bible (969 years)
What is the consequence of the fall for the serpent?
- Humiliation - eating dust
- Enmity with the woman
- One descendant of the woman will crush his head
What is the consequence of the fall for the man?
- Struggling with the ground from which he came
- Must feed his children to get to the snake-crusher descendant
- Death approaching
Who was Lot?
- Abram’s nephew who travels with him to Canaan
- Tries to give his daughters to the Sodomites
What does God promise Abraham?
- Land
- Seed (descendants)
- Blessing - with goal to bless the whole world through Abraham
What is the message of Genesis 4-11?
People multiplied but their sin multiplied with them and they continued to turn away from God.
List the significance of conflict in the life of Jacob.
- Esau plans to kill him for stealing his birthright (seed)
- Jacob leaves the land for 20 years (land)
List the conflicts in the life of Jacob.
- Conflict w/ Jacob and Esau
- Conflict w/ Jacob and Laban
- Conflict w/ Leah and Rachel
- Conflict w/ Jacob and Laban
- Conflict w/ Jacob and Esau
Who was Japheth?
- Noah’s son
Who was Hagar?
- Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant that she gives to Abram to produce an heir
- Mother of Ishmael
- Runs away and God tells her to return
- Sarah eventually casts her out because Ishmael makes fun of Isaac and God rescues her again
How is the flood story different from other ANE flood stories?
- Gods decide to kill humans because of the noise/overpopulation/no reason, realize they need them when they become hungry
- People saved are not granted immortality
- Longer period of rain in the OT
Who was Lamech?
- Descendant of Cain who married two wives and kills a man, then vows to be avenged 77 times
- Noah’s father was also named Lamech
How does the story of Joseph continue the Promise saga?
- Joseph leaves the land and then his family later follows
- God shows his blessing by making everything Joseph does successful
- Joseph blesses the Israelites and the Gentiles by preparing for the famine
- See God’s willingness to work even with these people of poor moral character
Follow the relationship between Joseph and his brothers.
- Joseph is hated for being a tattletale and favorite
- Joseph dreams of grain, and the sun/moon/stars bowing down to him
- Joseph’s brothers kidnap him and sell him into slavery
- First visit, Joseph tests them and sends them home with grain and money and says to bring Benjamin
- Second visit, Joseph dines them and then puts cup in Benjamin’s sack
- Judah offers to take Benjamin’s place, Joseph reveals himself
- Family comes and he takes care of them
- After Jacob dies, brothers tell Joseph that Jacob wanted them to be forgiven
Where were the Patriarchs buried?
Who was Noah’s father and what was noteworthy?
- Lamech was Noah’s father
- Named him Noah because hoped he would bring relief from the hard labor of farming the cursed ground
How is the flood story like other ANE flood stories?
- Flooding from rain, survivors in an ark
- Landing on a mountain and sending birds
- Humans offer sacrifices after disembarking
- Humanity is warned and given the chance to build a boat to bring humans and animals
What are the immediate consequences of the fall?
- Broken relationships with God, each other, and creation
- Driven to fight with our origins (man and the soil)
How does the story of Jacob continue the Promise saga?
- God promises Jacob will be part of the line of promise
- Jacob leaves the land for 20 years but comes back
Who was Ishmael?
- Son of Abraham and Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant
- God promises to make a great nation from him as well
- Father of twelve princes
Name Noah’s three sons.
- Shem
- Ham
- Japheth
Where was Abraham originally from?
First Ur, then they settled in Haran
What is God’s relationship to Noah with regard to the flood?
- Noah the only one not totally corrupt
- God makes a covenant with Noah (and all creation) and again have people, place, presence
Who was Enoch?
- Father of Methuselah
- Lived in close fellowship with God and then God took him
Where did Jacob wrestle with God?