Genesis Chapters Inverted Flashcards
Gen 1
Adam and eve
Gen 2
Adam, eve, serpent
Gen 3
Cain kills Abel
Gen 4
Geneology of Adam
Gen 5
Noah builds ark
Gen 6
Gen 7
Flood waters recede
Gen 8
Gen 9
Geneology of Noah
Gen 10
Tower of Babel
Gen 11
Abram begins journey
Gen 12
Abram and lot separate
Gen 13
Abram delivers Lot
Gen 14
Gods covenent to Abraham
Gen 15
Hagar and Ishmael
Gen 16
Gen 17
God visits Abraham
Gen 18
Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
Gen 19
Abraham lies to Abimelek
Isaac born, Ishmael leaves
Gen 21
Abraham tested
Gen 22
Sarah dies
Gen 23
Isaac and Rebecca
Gen 24
Abraham dies, intro to Jacob and Esau
Gen 25
Isaac lies to Abimelek
Gen 26
Jacob pretending to be esau
Gen 27
Jacob flees to Bethel
Gen 28
Jacob marries Rebecca and Leah
Gen 29
Jacobs children, he prospers
Gen 30
Jacob, Rachel and Leah flee Laban
Gen 31
Jacob wrestles with God
Gen 32
Jacob and Esau meet again
Gen 33
Dina raped
Gen 34
Rachel dies, Benjamin born
Gen 35
Esau’s geneology
Gen 36
Joseph’s coat
Gen 37
Judahs moral fall
Gen 38
Potiphars wife
Gen 39
The butler and the baker
Gen 40
Josephs ascension
Gen 41
the brothers first trip to Egypt, without Benjamin
Gen 42
the brother’s second visit to Egypt with Benjamin
Gen 43
The cup in Benjamins sack
Gen 44
joseph reveals himself to his brothers
Gen 45
Jacob comes to Egypt, reunited with Joseph
Gen 46
Israel settles in Goshen
Gen 47
Jacob bless Manasses and Ephraim
Gen 48
Jacob prophesies his sons and Jacob dies
Gen 49
Joseph dies
Gen 50