Genesis Chapter 3 Flashcards
- According to Genesis 3:1, what was more cunning than any beast of the field?
D. The serpent
- In Genesis 3:1, who asked the first question recorded in the Bible?
B. The serpent
- In Genesis 3:1, the question is asked, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of _________ ‘?”.
A. Every tree of the garden
- In Genesis 3:2, who was talking to the serpent?
B. The woman
- According to Genesis 3:2, the woman said that they could eat the _________ of the trees of the garden.
A. Fruit
- According to Genesis 3:3, where in the garden was the tree from which Adam and Eve were not to eat?
C. The midst of the garden
- According to Genesis 3:3, what two things were they not to do to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
B. Eat and touch
- According to Genesis 3:3, the punishment for breaking God’s law concerning the tree in the midst of the garden was _________ .
A. Death
- According to Genesis 3:4, who said, “You will not surely die”?
D. The serpent
- Genesis 2:17 and 3:3 state that the punishment for eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is that you will surely die. What word was added by the serpent when he repeated this in Genesis 3:4?
A. Not
- In Genesis 3:5, the serpent said that what would make Eve like God?
B. Eating of the tree
- According to Genesis 3:5, being like God means _________ .
C. Knowing good and evil
- In Genesis 3:6, which of these qualities was NOT one of the things that the woman saw about the tree?
B. Full of fruit
- According to Genesis 3:6, after the woman ate, she _________ .
A. Gave to her husband
- According to Genesis 3:7, when man’s and woman’s eyes became opened, they _________ .
D. Knew they were naked
- According to Genesis 3:7, Adam and Eve sewed together what for a covering?
A. Fig leaves
- In Genesis 3:7, why did they make coverings?
D. They were naked
- According to Genesis 3:8, how did Adam and Eve know God was in the garden?
A. They heard him
- According to Genesis 3:8, what time of day did God walk in the garden?
C. In the cool of the day
- According to Genesis 3:8, after the man and woman heard God, they hid themselves where?
B. In the trees
- According to Genesis 3:9, while walking through the garden, the Lord God asked Adam, _________ .
D. Where are you?
- According to Genesis 3:10, Adam heard what in the garden?
A. The voice of God
- According to Genesis 3:10, Adam was afraid because _________ .
C. He was naked
- Genesis 3:11 says, “Have you eaten from the tree _________ ?”
C. Of which I commanded you that you should not eat
- According to Genesis 3:12, man speaks of woman as _________ .
D. The one He gave to be with him
- According to Genesis 3:12, who gave man of the tree, and he ate?
B. The woman
- In Genesis 3:13, After the Lord God asked woman “What is this you have done?”, she replied, _________ .
C. “The serpent deceived me, and I ate”
- According to Genesis 3:14, what is cursed more than all cattle and beasts?
A. The serpent
- According to Genesis 3:14, the serpent shall eat _________ .
C. Dust
- According to Genesis 3:14, how long shall the serpent go on his belly and eat dust?
A. All the days of his life
- Genesis 3:15 says, “He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his _________ .”
B. Heel
- Genesis 3:17 states, “Cursed is the _________ for your sake.”
A. Ground
- In Genesis 3:17, the ground was cursed and Adam was told that he would eat of it _________ .
B. All the days of his life
- According to Genesis 3:18, the ground would bring forth _________ .
C. Thorns and thistles
- According to Genesis 3:19, what would be on man’s face?
A. Sweat
- According to Genesis 3:19, what was man to eat until he returned to the ground?
D. Bread
- According to Genesis 3:19, what is man made of?
C. Dust
- According to Genesis 3:20, Adam called his wife “Eve” because _________ .
B. She was the mother of all living
- According to Genesis 3:21, the Lord God made tunics for Adam and his wife from _________ .
B. Skins
- According to Genesis 3:22, man had begun to know _________ .
A. Good and evil
- In Genesis 3:22, what would happen if man put out his hand and ate of the tree of life?
D. He would live forever
- According to Genesis 3:23, God sent Adam out of the garden of Eden to _________ .
A. Till the ground
- According to Genesis 3:24, what was placed at the east of the garden?
B. Cherubim