Generalship Flashcards
Who are the Key generals in the FRW?
Carnot and Napoleon
Who are the key generals of the Napoleonic wars?
Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington
Who are the key Generals in the Crimean War?
Cardigan and Brudenell
Who are the Key Generals in the American Civil War?
Sherman, Grant, Stone wall Jackson and Lee
Who were the Key generals in the German wars of Unification?
Who were the Key generals in the FWW?
Who were the key generals in the SWW?
Guderian and Rohmel
What aspects of the Nature of Warfare did Carnot affect?
Tactic and Death toll - Shock tactics
Organisation - Divisions system of 12,000 men
At what Battle does Carnot display shock tactics?
Battle of Wattinges
How did Napoleon alter warfare to alter the outcome?
- Speed / Flanking tactics
- Training of his soldiers
- The organisation of Corps of 40,000
Give an example where Napoleon forced a decisive victory by moving quickly?
After Ulm his men regrouped in a 108 mile radius for the battle of Austerlitz which forced a Austrian defeat
How did Moltke alter the Nature of warfare?
- Mobilisation with trains - 250,000 via 5 lines
- Higher quality of troops due to training
- Skirmish tactics
Give a battle where Moltke’s flanking mission tactics forced a major defeat?
The battle of Sedan - 104,000 surrender
What factor did Grant alter which lead to the outcome of the ACW?
- Strategy = Anaconda plan marked a shift to an attritional more total war where the north could levy greater resource and win the war
What was the North and souths population in the American civil war which allowed for the attritional style?
N = 8 mill
S = 3 mill
How did Guderian alter the Nature of Warfare?
The switch to Blitzkrieg tactics marked the shift to Mechanised warfare
How long did the invasion of France in SWW take?
6 weeks
In the first General how did Foch alter the outcome of war?
He led to greater coordination of allies after being named generalissimo
Which campaign was only possible due to Foch?
The 100 days campaign which in many ways ended German moral
In what period did the role of the general alter to more of an a planner and coordinator?
The middle period with Moltke
Which period did the Generals have the biggest impact on the outcome?
The first period