General Vocabulary Flashcards
To review vocabulary seemed in the IELTS tests
Courtship (n.)
The act of one person to win favorable attention of another one
Mating (v.)
To have sexual relations in order to breed
Lean (1. v.) (2. adj)
- To bend or tilt smth from a vertical position 2. Without much flesh or fat
Bulky (adj.)
Of large bulk or big
Charter (v.)
To hire for use for a specified time
Bumpy (adj.)
Full of bumps or jolts
Sink ( v.)
To fall or descend to a lower level or position
Humpback (N.)
A back that is humped
Showcase (N.)
A glass case for the display of articles
Daunting (adj.)
Causing fear or discouragement; intimidating (Could be smt hard)
Insight (n.)
Intuitive understanding, knowledge or perception about smt
Fitting (adj.)
Suitable or appropriate
Off peak
Other period of time than the regular or busiest time
Keen (adj.)
Eager, interested, enthusiastic/ sharpened
Cater (v.)
Provide food for party
Lounge (n.)
A place for sitting, waiting, smoking, etc.
Wool (n.)
Soft curly hair that forms the fleece of some animals
Head up (V.)
To lead or control a group
Roaming (N.)
To travel or wandering without purpose
Feral (adj.)
Wild - Not domesticated
Harbour (n.)
A sheltered port where ships arrive
Cramped (adj.)
Limited space, very narrow
Dazzling (adj.)
So bright as to blind
Pretty attractive
Gather (v.)
Collect, accumulate
A small inflamed spot on skin with pus (n.)
telephone line connected by wires (n.)
Small push (v.)
Derek’s nudge got his friend’s attention.