General Vocabulary Flashcards
graft (v)
to transplant a portion of living tissue
inducement (n)
something that influences someone to do something
dispositive (adj)
being a deciding factor; bringing about a final determination
commendation (n)
an act of praising something as worthy of confidence or notice
fiat (n)
a decree or proclamation (with or without authority)
putative (adj)
commonly regarded as such; supposed
adduce (v)
to bring forward in argument or as evidence
pecuniary (adj)
of or relating to money
supra- (prefix)
above; beyond; transcending
exigency (n)
something urgent; something requiring immediate action or aid
canker (n)
a rot; a malign or corrupting influence that is difficult to eradicate
detriment (n)
loss, damage, or injury
tautology (n)
a needless repetition of an idea in different, unrelated terms
trifling (adj)
of little importance or value
pro forma (adj/adv)
as a matter of form; for the sake of form
salutary (adj)
promoting some beneficial purpose; wholesome