General Vocab and Phrases 1 Flashcards
Hello my boy
Hola mi Nino
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Hello my son
Hola mi hijo
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Hello my lad
Hola mi muchacho
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
This girl (little) (feminine)
This boy (little) (masculine)
Esta niña (F)
Este niño (M)
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
That girl (little) (feminine)
That boy (little) (masculine)
That ( neutral )
Esa niña (feminine)
Ese niño (masculine)
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
For you
Para ti
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Pleased to meet you
Encantada (f)
Encantado (m)
Mucho Gusto
Encantada de conocerte (f)
Encantado de conocerte (m)
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( enchanted by the concert )
Welcome Patrick
Welcome Gienela
Bienvenido Patrick
Bienvenida Gienela
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
See you later
Hasta pronto
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
To be able to
I can / I am able to
You can / you are able to
He/she/it can / is able to
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Max is a monkey (permanent = ser)
He is a monkey (permanent = ser)
You are a monkey (permanent = ser)
Max es un mono
El es un mono
Tu eres un mono
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
My name is Jimmy (most formal)
My name is Jimmy ( slightly formal, very common)
I am Jimmy (least formal, very common)
Mi nombre es Jimmy
Me llamo Jimmy
Yo soy Jimmy
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
She is my wife
He is my husband
Ella es mi esposa
El es mi marido
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Thank you very much but I’m fine, it’s not necessary. It’s my daily exercise, I enjoy it. I’m a little crazy.
Muchas gracias pero estoy bien, no es necesario. Es mi ejercicio diario, lo disfruto. Estoy un poco loco.
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Who is
Quién es
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Who is she ?
Quién es ella ?
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Who is he ?
Quién es él ?
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Who is that ? (M)
Who is that ? (F)
What is that ?
Quién es ese ? (M)
Quién es esa ? (F)
Que es eso ?
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
To go (present tense)
I am going
You are going
He is going
She is going
It is going
Yo voy (or just va yo is a clarifier)
Tu vas (or just va tu is a clarifier)
Él va (or just va el is a clarifier)
Ella va (or just va ella is a clarifier)
Su va (or just va su is a clarifier)
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
With pronouns
To go to
I am going to
You are going to
He / she / YOU (formal) is /are going to
We are going to
You (pl) are going to
They ( masculine and feminine ) / YOU (formal pl) are going to
Ir a
Yo voy a
Tu vas a
Él / ella / usted va a
Nosotros vamos a
Vosotros vais a
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes van a
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
This is my wife
Esta es mi esposa
To have
To have to
I have to
You have to
He has to
She has to
It has to
Tener que
Tengo que
Tienes que
Él tiene que
Ella tiene que
Tiene que
I enjoy it
(I enjoy fruit, oh how I enjoy it)
Lo disfruto
I am a little crazy
Estoy un poco loco
It is my daily exercise
Es mi ejercicio diario
Can you SAY THAT again ( 1 ) slowly ( 1 ) please
Can you SAY THAT again ( 2 ) slowly ( 2 ) please
Can you REPEAT THAT again ( 1 ) slowly ( 1 ) please
Can you REPEAT THAT again ( 2 ) slowly ( 2 ) please
Can you SAY IT again ( 1 ) slowly ( 1 ) please
Can you SAY IT again ( 2 ) slowly ( 2 ) please
Can you REPEAT IT again ( 1 ) slowly ( 1 ) please
Can you REPEAT IT again ( 2 ) slowly ( 2 ) please
1s : Puedes decir eso de nuevo lentamente por favor
2s : Puedes decir eso otra vez despacio por favor
1s : Puedes repetir eso de nuevo lentamente por favor
2s : Puedes repetir eso otra vez despacio por favor
1s : Puedes decirlo de nuevo lentamente por favor2s : Puedes decirlo otra vez despacio por favor
1s : Puedes repetirlo de nuevo lentamente por favor
2s : Puedes repetirlo otra vez despacio por favor
Again 1 = de nuevo
Again 2 = otra vez
Slowly 1 = lentamente
Slowly 2 = despacio
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( again 1 = of new )
( again 2 = another time, be careful with time, there are many ways to express it )
( LENT is a slow time of year )
( DESPAtching an animal slowly is cruel )
Verb : to learn
I AM learnING Spanish
Can you say that again slowly please
Verbo : aprender
Estoy aprendiendo español
Puedes decir eso de nuevo lentamente / despacio por favor
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Verb : to learn (apprenticE)
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
You (plural)
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
To be (permanent)
(We) are Jimmy, Amelia and Max
(Nosotros) somos Jimmy, Amelia y Max
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
—— prompts ——
if I go backwards and prompts are needed
I think THAT (I believe that / I have the opinion that) max is ill
X 2 ways
Creo / pienso (less suitable) que Max está enfermo
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
(hint : max has been drawing with his crayon)
I think of you often
Pienso en ti a menudo
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
The same for me please
Lo mismo para mi por favor (masculine)
La misma para mi por favor (feminine)
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Me too (also)
And for me
And for me too (also)
And the same for me too please
Yo también
Y para mí
Y para mi tambien
Y lo mismo para mi tambien (also) por favor
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
It is good to see you
es bueno verte
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
It is good to see you
I think of you often
Es bueno verte
Pienso en ti a menudo
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( use 2 ways to express slowly in order of appropriateness)
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
A menudo
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( a group of MEN can OFTEN DO a lot )
Verb : to learn
I am learning Spanish
Verbo: aprender
Estoy aprendiendo español
(hint apprenticE)
I think of you
Pienso en ti
Pienso (pensar) is more of a thought process and not an instant belief or opinion process like creo (creer)
1 . Careful / Care
2 . Safety / Security
3 . Safe / Sure
4 . Slowly
5 . Slowly
6 . Slowly but safely / surely
7 . Slow but safe / sure
8 . Slowly but carefully
9 . Slowly but carefully
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( if you’re CAREFUL I’ll give you a quid or CUID )
( LENT is A time when things are MENT to be done DESPArately SLOWLY )
Slowly but surely ( slowly but with security )
1 . Cuidado
2 . Seguridad
3 . Seguro
4 . Lentamente
5 . Despacio
6 . Lentamente pero con seguridad
Lento pero seguro
7 . Lento pero seguro
8 . Lentamente pero con cuidado
9 . Despacio pero con cuidado
Good video explaining difference between lentamente, lento, despacio and despacito
Can you say that again (of new)
Can you say it again (of new)
Puedes decir eso de nuevo
Puedes decirlo de nuevo
De nuevo
Can you repeat that again
Puedes repetir eso de nuevo
It’s time to eat
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( it is hour OF to eat )
Es hora de comer
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( LENT is A time when things are MENT to be done SLOWLY )
To lift / to raise
To get up / wake up
( make sure to use reflexive pronouns … myself, yourself, himself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves etc. )
Indicative ( Simple ) Present Tense
I get up / wake up
You get up / wake up
What time do you get up tomorrow ?
What time do we get up tomorrow ?
What time does he get up tomorrow ?
What time do they get up tomorrow ?
Me levanto
Te levantas
A que hora te levantas mañana
A que hora nos levantamos mañana
A que hora se levanta mañana
A que hora se levantan mañana
Indicative ( Simple ) Present Tense
What time do we have to get up tomorrow
A que hora tenemos que levantarnos mañana
I think of you often
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( i think IN you often )
( OFTEN A group of MEN DO things )
Pienso en ti a menudo
To be (permanent)
I am
You are
He / she / it / you (sing, formal) is / are
We are
You (pl) are
They / you (pl, formal) are
(Use ella verbs app to practice and learn these)
Yo soy
Tu eres
El / ella / usted es
Nosotros somos
Vosotros sois
Ellos / ellas / ustedes son
English pronouns
I …………………… me
You …………………… you
He …………………… him
She …………………… her
You (formal, sing) …………………… ?
We …………………… us
You (pl) …………………… you (pl)
They …………………… them
You (formal, plural) …………………… ?
Spanish pronouns
Yo …………………… me
Tu …………………… te
El …………………… le / lo
Ella …………………… le / lo
Usted …………………… le / la / lo
Nosotros …………………… nos
Vosotros …………………… os
Ellos …………………… les / los
Ellas …………………… les / los
Ustedes …………………… les / las / los
To dine
To eat
Be careful , the food is very hot ( it’s hot now but it won’t always be … )
La Cena
La Comida
Cuidado, la comida está muy caliente.
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( organising food is a female job )
( men like to eat it though … ) ( after eating it’s good to have a break like a , in a sentence )
( female comedians like food )
This ( masculine )
This ( feminine )
This ( neutral )
Careful , this is very hot
Cuidado, esto está muy caliente.
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
Careful , this is very hot
( it’s only hot for now though … )
Careful and care (the same word)
Be careful !! ( informal )
Be careful !! ( formal )
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( if you’re CAREFUL I’ll give you a quid or CUID )
( if you CARE for Max I’ll give you a quid or CUID )
Carefully ( with care )
Be careful !! ( have care !! ) ( using command tense )
( have in informal command tense : i might have to tell Max to be careful TEN times ! )
( have in formal command tense : use formal command tense for go-go verbs )
Con cuidado
Ten cuidado
Tenga cuidado
Be careful ( have care, using informal command tense !! , might ‘have’ to tell max ‘ten’ times ! )
Be careful ( have care, using formal command tense !! )
Ten cuidado
Tenga cuidado
Take care
( reflexive verb, literally meaning ‘take care of yourself’ , but used in Spanish when saying goodbye )
A little
A few
A few days
For a few days
In a few days
Just a FEW for me
Just a LITTLE for me
Un poco
Unos pocos
Unos ( pocos ) días
Para unos ( pocos ) días
En unos ( pocos ) días
Solo unos pocos para mi
Solo un poco para mi
Still and yet ( same word )
( still have todo … , but toda, it )
Not yet ( yet not , for an action hasn’t been completed )
Yes still
I still have to do it
I still ( still I ) don’t know how long we are going to stay
Todavía no
Si todavia
Todavía tengo que hacerlo
Todavía no sé cuánto tiempo vamos a quedarnos
Indicative ( Simple ) Present Tense
What are you making / doing
What / which (can be overlap)
What / which is (your problem)
Which (clearly which)
Which one do you want
( the WHICH magazine CUALifys products , to see WHAT is good and WHICH are best )
Qué haces
Cuál es tu problema
Cuál quieres
Indicative ( Simple ) Present Tense
We need to buy some food
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
( we need to buy some of food )
( ‘some’ is the same word as ‘something’ )
( female comedians really like food … Vicar of Dibley 😉 )
Nosotros necesitamos comprar algo de comida
( to form the verb ‘to need‘ take ‘I need = yo necesito‘ and remove the o then add ‘ar’ ending )
2 ways of expressing again :
1 : De nuevo
2 : Otra vez
1 : Again ( literally ‘of new’ )
2 : Again ( literally ‘other time’ , other is the same word as another , and watch out , there are many ways to express the word ‘time’ ) ( ware your female fEZ hat again )
1 .
I’m going to have breakfast
I’m going to eat breakfast
2 .
I’m going to take breakfast
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if I go backwards and prompts are needed
1 .
( careful … trick question … )
( i am going to ‘to breakfast‘ )
( no need for to have‘, no ‘to eat’ ect … )
2 .
Translate as written
1 . Yo voy a desayunar
2 . Voy a tomar el desayuno
( non gender )
( you can use for just pointing at an object or something when you are not using a name )
I would like
Me gustaría
( literally “it WOULD please me” )
( female river or rio = going through the woods etc … )
Another time or
Of new
Otra vez
De nuevo
I’m coming
Ya voy