General Vocab 15 Flashcards
Rekta (rekte)
Straight, direct
Straight, direct
Rekta (rekte)
To clothe, dress (garment)
Vesti (vesto)
Vesti (vesto)
To clothe, dress (garment)
The clothing
La vestaĵo
La vestaĵo
The clothing
The camel
La kamelo (kamela)
La kamelo (kamela)
The camel
The (individual) hair
La haro (harkovrita)
La haro (harkovrita)
The (individual) hair
The leather
La ledo (leda)
La ledo (leda)
The leather
The belt, waist, zone
La zono
La zono
The belt, waist, zone
The loin
La lumbo
La lumbo
The loin
The nutriment, food, nourishment
La nutraĵo
La nutraĵo
The nutriment, food, nourishment
The locust, grasshopper
La akrido
La akrido
The locust, grasshopper
The savagery, wildness
La sovaĝeco (sovaĝa, sovaĝe)
La sovaĝeco (sovaĝa, sovaĝe)
The savagery, wildness
The honey
La mielo (miela)
La mielo (miela)
The honey
To go out, exit
Eliri (eliro)
Eliri (eliro)
To go out, exit
To baptize
Bapti (bapto)
Bapti (bapto)
To baptize
To confess
Konfesi (konfeso)
Konfesi (konfeso)
To confess
To run
Kuri (kuro)
Kuri (kuro)
To run
The fruit
La frukto (frukta)
La frukto (frukta)
The fruit
The stone
La ŝtono (ŝtona)
La ŝtono (ŝtona)
The stone
To stand something up
To stand something up
The child, offspring
La ido
La ido
The child, offspring
The ax
La hakilo
La hakilo
The ax
To lie, recline, be located
To lie, recline, be located
The root
La radiko
La radiko
The root
To fell, cut down
To fell, chop down
To throw
To throw
To be on fire
Fajri (fajro, fajra)
Fajri (fajro, fajra)
To be on fire
To water
Akvi (akvo, akva)
Akvi (akvo, akva)
To water
The power
La potenco (potenca, potence)
La potenco (potenca, potence)
The power
The shoe
La ŝuo
La ŝuo
The shoe
Worthy, deserving, worthwhile
Inda (inde)
Inda (inde)
Worthy, deserving, worthwhile
To fan
To fan
The hand-held fan
La ventumilo
La ventumilo
The hand-held fan
The threshing floor
La draŝejo
La draŝejo
The threshing floor
To gather, collect
To gather, collect
The wheat
La tritiko (tritika)
La tritiko (tritika)
The wheat
The grain
La greno (grena)
La greno (grena)
The grain
The granary, barn
La grenejo
La grenejo
The granary, barn
To burn
To burn
To extinguish
To extinguish
To be fitting, proper
To be fitting, proper
Several, more than one
Several, more than one
The system
La sistemo
La sistemo
The system
To indicate
Indiki (indiko)
Indiki (indiko)
To indicate
The world war
La mondmilito
La mondmilito
The world war
To be accustomed to
Kutimi (kutimo, kutima, kutime)
Kutimi (kutimo, kutima, kutime)
To be accustomed to
Denotes individual (person) (s)
Denotes individual (person)
No definite meaning: sense is defined by usage or context (s)
No definite meaning: sense is defined by usage or context
Masculine affectionate ending (s)
Masculine affectionate ending
Feminine affectionate ending (s)
Feminine affectionate ending
To form the name of a science, etc., from it’s practitioner (s)
To form the name of a science, etc., from it’s practitioner