General Virology Flashcards
Are ALL viruses obligate intracellular parasites?
T/F: Like bacteria, viruses have DNA and RNA?
False, they have DNA OR RNA
A complete virus particle consisting of DNA or RNA core, a protein coat, and maybe a lipid envelope, which is the extracellular infective form of a virus:
Broad term to describe any aspect of the infectious agent, including the infectious virion, inactivated virus particle, or viral nucleic acid and protein in the infected cell:
An infectious particle smaller than any known virus, which consists of only a small circular RNA molecule, has no protein coat, and infects plants:
What did Edward Jenner do with cowpox?
Inoculated cowpox into the arms of a boy to induce immunity to smallpox. First vaccine.
Who injected dried potassium hydroxide treated, infected rabbit brain material into 2 boys infected with rabies and cured them?
Louis Pasteur
How did the Chamberland filter pioneer the discovery of viruses?
It had pores smaller than bacteria and was used in the tobacco mosaic virus experiment by Dmitri Ivanovski.
Loeffler and Frosch passed the first animal virus through the Chamberland filter and discovered the cause of what disease?
Foot and Mouth disease
What did Walter Reed discover about Yellow Fever?
That it is transmitted by mosquitoes
Who discovered oncogenic viruses in 1911?
Peyton Rous isolated the first oncogenic animal virus, the Rous Sarcoma virus.
What did Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll invent in 1931?
The electron microscope
What was the first virus to be propagated in an embryonated hen’s egg?
What did Sanford do in 1948 that changed the way viruses are cultivated in the lab?
Cultured isolated mammalian cells
In 1949, what was Enders first able to grow in a tissue culture?
In 1952, what did Dulbecco and Vogt do with poliovirus?
Plaque assay for the first animal virus
What is the only animal disease (virus) declared globally erradicated?