General Terms (first 1/2 of study guide) Flashcards
Jared Diamond’s GGS
Civilizations around the world have developed at different rates due to geography.
Wesch - what is culture
a shared way of life of a group of people from the same area
Wesch - why is culture important
- everyone can emphasize with different cultures, learning beyond the experiences they would know within their own culture
- learn all the different ways to live life
- combat hate with understanding
- be a better human
Wesch - how we can learn about cultures around the world
- ask questions & be open minded
- travel to experience the culture locally
- don’t be afraid to commit
List the five elements of culture:
Religion, Government, Expression, Economy, Social Structure
Nuclear Family
immediate fam living together, parents + kids
Extended Family
aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc. living together
Ability Inequality
disability accessibility, not getting employment, etc.
Gender - Inequality
woman & men pay gap, women not holding nearly as many CEO positions
Race/ethnicity - Inequality
Age - Inequality
older people forced to retire to make room for younger workers
Access to Green Spaces - Inequality
nearby green spaces boost health significantly, but many poorer communities don’t have them
characteristics and knowlegde of a particular group of people
evaluation of other cultures based on your preconceptions from the standards/customs of your own culture, bias