General Systems Theory Flashcards
Ludwig von bertalanffy
believed that a common framework could allow scientists from different disciplines to communicate better and build upon each others work
General systems theory
explains how discrete variables affect the whole, and how the whole affects each part
based on the idea there are universal principles of organization governing systems
goal directed unit made up of interdependent parts that interact and endure over time
structure of a system
arrangement and organization among the parts of the system
function of a system
to convert or process energy, information, or other materials into a product or outcome for use within the system or outside the system or both
hierarchy of systems
describes the universe in which a system resides and needs to be examined over time in order to understand the system; cannot function in a vacuum and each higher level unit contains lower-level systems
target or focal system
system being studied at that particular time
larger environmental systems of which the focal system is a part
smaller subunits or subcomponents of the focal system
lines of demarcation between a system and environment
Represent the interface or point of contact between the system and its subsystems and suprasystems
Boundaries must be permeable; allows for interchange of energy between the system and its environment
Examples: healthy, limited non-existent, loose or porous, and rigid
types of systems
open system
interacts with the environment
capable of growth, development and adaptation
interaction is necessary for survival
closed system
isolated from the environment
fixed, automatic, relationships among system components
little opportunity for growth
principles of open systems
All systems respond as a whole
Parts of the system are interconnected
Ripple effect
cause and effects are interchangeable
ripple effect
change in one part of the system affects the remainder of the system
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
No part acts without consequences for other parts
Holism: Impacts not only the system, but subsystem and environment
boundaries allow the exchange of information, energy and resources into the system
energy and raw material that is transformed by the system
resources used in the environment to maintain system and produce outputs
ex: information, money, raw materials
boundary control
the degree of exchange regulates the amount and type of input from the environment at any time enabling the system to maintain equilibrium
process used by the system to convert raw materials or energy (inputs) from the environment into products or services that are usable by either the system itself or the environment
Examples: critical thinking, physical examination of patients, planning, and decision making
product or service which results from the system’s throughput or processing of technical, social, financial, or human input
Products which an open system releases into the environment
Can re-enter the system in a new form as input
the output that is available to the system in ways that allow it to maintain a steady state of functioning
System adjusts internally by modification of the subsystems and externally by controlling its boundaries
feedback loop
path along which information can be traced from one point in a system, through one or more other parts of the system or its environment, and back to ts point of origin
positive feedback loop: promotes change
negative feedback loop: linked to homeostatic system; it provides information that returns the system to some preset level and reduce deviation causes to the system
e fuel that allows the system to meet its demands
Amount is governed by the rate of utilization of the energy within the system itself
entropy and negentropy
process of energy depletion and disorganization that moves the system toward chaos
process of energy utilization that assists system progression toward stability and promotes order in the system
a balance between negentropy and entropy
Dynamic and always changing state
Achieved through feedback
Results from self-regulation or adaptation
a state of balance between the parts of the system which living systems sought after
Parts may be disrupted by action from within or without
What are the factors that the homeostatic system adapts to?
Growth and development increases a systems ability to adapt
Too much flexibility can lead to instability and disruption of functioning
tendency of a system to actively grow and advance to a higher order of complexity and organization; balance is needed between stability and change in order for a system to grow and differentiate
the same endpoint can be reached from a number of starting points; an open system can maintain a steady state by several different means
goal of systems
overall purpose for existence of the system or the desired outcomes of system interaction
Reason for being
Usually found in the mission statement