General subs and dev app Flashcards
When might you undertake a development appraisal?
To assess the financial viability of a development scheme, to establish a residual site value, to assess sensitivity to changing inputs or viability of different uses, rents etc.
What are the key variables to be inputted into a development appraisal?
- Gross development value
- Site preparation costs
- Planning costs - CIL & s106 costs, specialist reports may be required
- Building costs
- Professional fees - inc architects, M&E, PM, structural
- Marketing - should be based on evidence/ quotes
- Other fees - EPC costs, NHBC warranty
- Sale fee
- Letting fee
- Finance
Which professional fee are usually the largest proportion of total fees?
How to calculate finance?
Assume 100% debt finance over 3 elements:
1. Site purchase - calculated on a straight line basis - compound interest
2. Construction period and associated costs - based on an s curve taking half the costs over the length of the build programme
3. Holding costs - cover void until the disposal of the scheme (e.g. empty rates, service charges, interest charges) - compound interest on a straight line basis
What are the two main methods of development funding?
Debt finance - lending money from a bank or other institution
Equity finance - selling shares in a company or own money
What is a typical loan to value ratio?
50-70% - 60% typical
What is senior debt?
The first level of borrowing - this takes precedence over secondary and mezzanine funding
What is mezzanine funding?
Additional funding for money required over the LTV lending
What is a swap?
A form of derivative hedging rate for interest rates, a swap rate is the market interest rate for a fixed term, fixed rate loan, it reflects the market expectations of the future direction of interest rates at central banks - can be 2 year, 5 year, 10 year
What is the current SONIA swap rate?
Around 4.5%
When and why is an S curve used in the calculation of finance costs?
Reflects when money is actually being drawn down, used to calculate finance costs over the construction period.
What is a typical developers profit?
15-20% of build costs
GDV can also be used, particularly for residential schemes but higher risk
Why might developers profit vary?
Risk-based, on costs or on GDV
What external factors impact development appraisals?
Build costs + labour market
finance costs
property market
land values
Why use a sensitivity analysis?
To assess the impact of changing external factors on the viability of a development
What are typical finance costs?
Currently using 7-8%
What’s a typical developer’s contingency?
5 - 10%
What are typical sales and letting fees?
Sales - 1-2% GDV, Letting - 10% initial annual rent
How do you undertake a sensitivity analysis?
Make incremental changes to the factors being tested to test the outcomes, usually done on valuation software such as ARGUS developer
What is the relevance of the 1990 Town & Country Planning Act to valuations?
Introduced s106 contributions
What is s106 of the 1990 Town & Country Planning Act?
A legal agreement for planning obligations to gain consent - these provide a way to address matters needed to make a development acceptable in planning terms - can relate to infrastructure, health, affordable housing
What is a CIL?
Community Infrastructure Levy - charged by most LPA (local planning authorities)
Where is the % of affordable housing usually set out?
Local planning policy
What other obligations could planning policy require?
Financial contributions to local services, provision of open spaces
What is a section 278?
Dictated by the Highways Act 1980 - allows developers to enter an agreement with the council to make alterations and improvements to highways as part of a planning application
What are limitations of a residual valuation and how can these be limited?
- Need accurate information and inputs, doesn’t consider timing of cash flows
- Very sensitive to minor adjustments
- Assumptions are implicit
The limitations can be limited by cross checking the site value against comparable evidence
What is the RICS guidance on Development valuation?
RICS GN ‘Valuation of a development property’ 2019
What’s the difference between a residual valuation and a development appraisal?
Residual valuation calculates the value of the site as it currently is, a development appraisal assesses the viability or profitability of a scheme.
In a development appraisal, profit is an output, in a residual valuation it is an input.