General Science Flashcards
Naturally occurring, inorganic solids with a definite chemical composition and an orderly internal crystal structure. They are classified by their chemical structure.
Two minerals with the same chemical composition, but a different crystal structure.
Aggregates of one or more minerals, and may also contain mineraloids and organic remains. They are classified based on their formation and the minerals they contain.
Minerals lacking a crystalline structure.
3 types of rocks
Sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.
The study of the planet Earth as it pertains to the composition, structure, and origin of its rocks.
The study of rocks, including their composition, texture, structure, occurrence, mode of formation, and history.
The study of minerals.
Sedimentary Rocks
Formed by the process of lithification, which involves compaction, the expulsion of liquids from pores, and the cementation of the pre-existing rock. It is pressure and temperature are responsible for this process. They are often formed in layers in the presence of water, and may contain organic remains, such as fossils.
3 groups of sedimentary rocks
Detrital, biogenic, and chemical.
Refers tot he size, shape, and grains of sedimentary rock. Can be used to determine how a particular rock was created.
The types of minerals present in the rock.
Origin of Sedimentary Rocks
The type of water that was involved in its creation.
Ingeuous Rock
Formed from magma, which is molten material originating from beneath the Earth’s surface
Cooled Magma Classifications
Intrusive, plutonic, hypabyssal, extrusive, or volcanic.
Intrusive Magma
Magma that solidifies at depth, cools slowly, and has a coarse grain.
Such as granite.
Extrusive Magma
Magma that solidifies at or near the the surface, cools quickly, and usually has fine grain. Some rocks cools so quickly that crystals do not have time to form and have a glassy appearance.
Such as basalt and obsidian respectively.
Magma that flows out of the Earth’s surface.
Hypabyssal Rock
Ingeous rock that is formed at medium depths.
Metamorphic Rock
Rock that has been changed by great heat and pressure resulting in a variety of outcomes such as deformation, compaction, destruction its original characteristics, bending, folding, formation of new minerals because of chemical reactions, and changes in the size and shape of the mineral grain.
Texture of metamorphic rocks classification
Foliated or unfoliated
Layering; occurs when rock is compressed along one axis during re-crystallization.
Rock that does not have banding. Rocks that are compressed equally from all sides or lack specific minerals.
Preservations of plants, animals, their remains, or their traces that date back to about 10,000 years ago.