General RICS Flashcards
Who is the current RICS President?
Justin Sullivan
Who is the current RICS President Elect?
Nicholas Maclean
What does RICS Stand for?
The Royal INSTITUTION of Chartered Surveyors
(Not institute)
What is the Royal Charter and when was it granted?
1881 - By Queen Victoria
Required to maintain standards and protect clients.
What is the RICS’ motto?
Est Modus in Rebus - “There is measure in all things”
Why do you want to become a member of RICS?
Clients with a high quality of work from an astute and reputable body and being able to collaborate with like minded individuals
What is the role of the RICS?
setting and upholding highest standards of excellence and integrity to provide impartial, authoritative advice on key issues affecting business and society
What are the key functions of RICS?
- high ethical and technical standards
- enforcing standards and codes of practice
- expert impartial advice
What is a Royal Charter?
formal document issued by a monarch granting a right or power to a body corporate.
What do you understand by the term self-regulation?
RICS self-regulates, it operates within it’s own published regulatory framework, rather than being legislated by Government.
What are the different types of RICS membership?
- AssocRICS (Associate member)
- MRICS (Chartered member)
- FRICS (Fellow member)
- Student Member
What are the stages for closing down a RICS firm?
- How much CPD is required each year for members?
- How often must you refresh knowledge of Ethics?
- Where do you record your CPD?
- What is the deadline for CPD completion and submission?
- 20 Hours (10 must be formal)
- every 3 years
- RICS CPD management system
- Completed by 31st Dec. Submitted by 31st Jan.
what are part of RICS’ structure?
governing council
regulatory board
management board
executive team
presidential team