General questions Flashcards
Translate the question into English, then answer it in Arabic!
ما هو اسم اليوم بعد غد؟
What is the name of the day after tomorrow?
Translate the question into English, then answer it in Arabic!
ماذا تفضِّل، الموز أو التفاح؟
Which do you prefer, bananas or apples?
Translate the question into English, then answer it in Arabic!
كيف كان الطقس اليوم؟
How was the weather today?
Translate the question into English, then answer it in Arabic!
ماذا عملتَ اليوم؟
What did you do today?
Translate the question into English, then answer it in Arabic!
الآن، الساعة كم؟
Now, what time is it?
Translate the question into English, then answer it in Arabic!
هل ذهبت الى الشرق الاوسط؟
Have you been to the Middle East?
Translate the question into English, then answer it in Arabic!
بكم جريدة “تَيمز”؟
How much is the Times (newspaper)?
Translate the question into English, then answer it in Arabic!
ما هو اسم الشهر قبل هذا الشهر؟
What is the name of the month before this month?