What’s the timeline for brief psychotic?
1 day → 1 month
What’s the timeline for Schizophreniform?
1 mo → 6 mo
At what point do you diagnose someone with Schizophrenia?
Symptoms greater than 6mo +
What meds end in -done’s or -pine’s? What S/E go with each?
2nd generation anti-psychotics
Done’s = are watered down typicals thus → neuro side effects
Pine’s = metabolic s/e (weight gain, T2DM, BP)
If it ends in -pam or -lam, what med is it?
benzo; alprazolam (short term);
clonazepam (long term)
What happens if an MAOI is stopped abruptly?
Will NOT cause a seizure, but a HIGH dose will cause a seizure
Imipramine, amitriptyline, and nortriptyline are what type of medications?
Tricyclic antidepressant
In what ways can EPS symptoms present?
Acute dystonia
Psuedo parkinsonism
Akathisia = internal restlessness (treated with propranolol)
What are Hypnagogic hallucinations
nightmares = when you’re GOing to sleep
What are Hyponopompic hallucinations?
when you’re waking up
In general how do you treat bipolar disorder? How long does that medication take to kick in?
Lithium – 7 days
What if a person is having a manic episode with their bipolar, how do you treat that?
You can add a second generation anti-psychotic (then taper them off, or do a combo)
What are SSRI’s used for?
Which SSRI is best if the person can’t get out of bed? What about if the person has too much energy?
Can’t get out of bed → give an activating SSRI = Fluoxetine
Too much energy → give a sedating SSRI = Paroxetine
Which SSRI can only be treated for depression because of its histamine activity?