General Questions Flashcards
Ivana Baquero
Sergi Lopez
Maribel Verdu
Pale Man
Doug Jones
Ariadna Gil
Doug Jones
Dr Ferreiro
Alex Angulo
What is magical realism?
the blending of reality and fantasy.
- can allow the viewer to have an alternative look at a societal or philosophical issue to find a hidden truth
How is Pan’s Labyrinth a magical realist set?
it combines beautifully constructed but very dark fantasy sequences; some verging on horror, with a graphically violent rendering of factional lighting in Northern Spain in the early years of France’s dictatorship
What are some misconceptions about the fantasy genre?
- it is a form of escapism
- there is always a happy ending
- it is made for children
What does Del Toro say about fairytales?
they come out when in need and criticise the power of authority
Gothic Elements in films
- desolate or remote locations eg dark forests and castles
- use of isolation
- fear of the unknown
- suspense and terror
- emotional distress
- supernatural events
- key villain
- anti hero
- damsel in distress
What elements of the gothic are shown in Pans Labyrinth?
- emotional distress
- key villain
- Gothic architecture: pointed arch in pale man scene
What motivates Ofelia and what qualities does she represent?
- represents disobedient children: Pale man scene (binary opposition of obedience vs disobedience)
- represents childhood innocence
- positive female representation: resists Vidal/fascism
- represents the curious and adventurous personality that many children possess
How is Vidal represented as a typical authoritarian, fascist officer?
- his actions reflect his desire for control: eg shaving, polishing boots
- he shoots people with no remorse
- has no respect for any of the women
- he refuses to accept the fact that he might not have a son
- selfish: having a feast while everyone else in Spain in starving
- his beliefs are stronger than his relationships
- traditional; only cares about his sons future, not Ofelia’s
How are other major female characters in the film contrastingly represented? (Carmen and Mercedes)
Carmen: passive, subject to Vidal, allows herself to be controlled: (confined to wheelchair), silenced at banquet, visibly weak and sick
Mercedes: strong willed, caring, compassionate, resists Vidal, starts the film timid and ends empowered
How is Mercedes represented as leading a double life at the mill?
- she supports the Rebels because she felt ‘invisible’ to Vidal
- always looking out for people
- takes advantage of Vidals arrogance
What are our first impressions of the representation of the Faun and what does the labyrinth itself symbolise?
- ambiguous character: not inherently good or evil
- reverses in age over the course of the film
- unreliable
- gets frustrated when Ofelia becomes more disobedient
How are fantasy and historical reality mixed together in the film?
- set in the same place and same time
- Vidal does not see the Faun when Ofelia is talking to him
What do you think the toad and the tree symbolise in the film?
- tree symbolises uterus and toad symbolises foetus: represents Carmens pregnancy
- the toad takes the nutrients out of the tree, killing it
- tree also symbolises Ofelia’s journey into womanhood
- motif of blood in the film represents menstruation
What does Vidal’s death symbolise?
- serves as a juxtaposition from the start of the film where he has everything, but by the end he has nothing
- symbolises how the patriarchy has been destroyed
- symbolises the death of fascism/his power
What is the symbolism and message of the end of the film; Ofelia’s self sacrifice and the rescue of the baby?
- Ofelia’s sacrifice shows her love for someone who has only just come into the world
How do you respond to the film’s ending? Do you find it ambiguous?
I think the ending is ambiguous. Did she really die or was it all her imagination?
What do you think is the symbolism of Mercedes taking the baby from Vidal?
- Shows her parental instincts and caring nature which Vidal lacks: links to his desperation for legacy. Mercedes prevented the fascism passing to another generation
‘Mercedes is the real heroine of the film’ How far do you agree with this statement?
I agree with this because of her protection towards Ofelia and how she led a double life, deceiving the Fascists when she was helping the Rebels
Duality: Ofelia is the hero of the Underworld, Mercedes is the hero of the real world
What parallels can you see between the ‘real’ world of the mill and the fantasy world in the film? How are colour contrasts between the real and fantasy worlds used in the film?
- typically bleak and dull colour palette in real world with tones of blue and grey
- typically more bright and golden and orange tones in fantasy world: could symbolise how the fantasy world acts as an escape from the harsh reality of Ofelia’s life
What do you think the flower on the tree in the final frame ultimately symbolise?
- it could symbolise freedom from power/patriarchy
- white flower = curiosity/purity/innocence
- journey to womanhood: end of Ofelia’s arc
- growing flower suggests the story is real: could only blossom after the toad died, it couldn’t grow otherwise