General Questions Flashcards
What programming languages are you comfortable working with?
HTML, CSS and Javascript (and Python kind of).
Your favorite language and why?
- It has several frameworks and libraries that allow you to be very versatile
- JavaScript is the most popular language
- There’s a low threshold to get started
- Strong support for learning and every browser comes with source code viewing features that lets you learn from other people’s live code.
- Plus, JavaScript has the largest and most active repository of library code in the world.
- Great debugging tools for learning because an interactive JavaScript interpreter is built right into the browser
- It’s a great foundational language for learning more powerful programming styles
What does Full Stack mean?
A tech stack comprises an operating system, a server, a database, and other vital tools like libraries, frameworks, environments, and so on. When multiple such tech stacks are layered and run together, they create a Full Stack.

Which do you think is most important for a full stack developer?
- JavaScript
- Git and GitHub
Git. It is an open-source “distributed version control system” that can handle all your development needs
- Backend languages
PHP, Python, Ruby, Java etc. or frameworks like Express, Flask, etc.
- Web architecture
HTTP is the protocol used for facilitating communication with the client, whereas REST is an interface between systems using the HTTP protocol to gather data or perform different operations (in various formats) on the data. So, REST acts like a translator between the frontend and the backend.
- Database storage
Characteristics of relational/non-relational data.
Knowledge of NoSQL databases.
Knowledge of web storage.
- Basic design skills
Thus, Full Stack Developers must know the basic design principles, including UI & UX design, prototypes, scalability, etc.
NPM is the package manager explicitly designed for Node.js. It aids in the installation of different packages. It also offers relevant solutions for various dependencies
- Soft skills
An analytical bent of mind
Good time management skills
Curiosity for learning
Attention to detail
Creative vision
What are you working now?
State project(s) you are working on.
How do you keep abreast of new developments and trends?
Read tech blogs, publications, etc regularly
Do you work with any new technology?
The interviewer will try to trip you up. You select the one already mentioned in the previous answer and expound on it. Don’t do in-depth lecture on the subject.
What language and tools will you use to develop a project from scratch?
The interviewer wants to assess your depth and insight on the complete process. Explain the workflow and design and your strategy to develop and complete the project.
Tell me about some project you have worked on. How did you select the tools and technologies involved?
- Explain succinctly what process you followed, why you selected that language and those tools and technologies.
- Explain the problems you faced during the development and how you managed to overcome the issues.
How do you deal with inefficient coding turned in by your team colleague?
- Remember to put a positive spin on it.
- Reinforce that you handled in a positive way and there is no resentment from the other members.
- Finish by stating what you learnt from the episode.
- What would you say was your best implementation experience till date?
- Here, talk about the project or the issue you took charge of.
- Give details on what technologies you used and how solved the issues.