General Q&A Flashcards
What Health & Safety legislation are you aware of?
- Health and Safety Act 1974 - sets out duties to employers, including property managers, have to ensure safety of all employees, tenants, visitors and contractors at the workplace
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 - requirement to undertake risk assessments
- Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - requirement to manage and control asbestos
- Occupiers’ Liability Acts 1957 and 1984- duty of care for PMs to ensure visitors (lawful 57/unlawful 84) are safe on their premises
What guidance does the RICS produce about H&S?
RICS Surveying Safely: Health and Safety Principles for Property Professionals 2nd Edition Nov 2018
How do you ensure you comply with the H&S at Work 1974 legislation?
- Report injuries and incidents and carry out remedial work so they dont happen again
- Undertake and record regular risk assessments
- Keep detailed H&S information on site
What are the penalties under the current H&S legislation?
Policed by HSE (H&S Executive)
- Unlimited fines
- Compensation Order
- Imprisonment
- Disqualification
What are your H&S duties as an individual surveyor?
- Duty of care to yourself and others
- Carrying out risk assessments
- Ensuring H&S compliance on behalf of the LL
- Follow safe systems at work
- H&S Training
- Identification of Risks and Hazards
Tell me something you understand from reading Surveying Safely?
- Risk assessments are a core principle before conducting any surveying work
- Identify hazards and have strategies in place to manage them effectively
- Also emphasis on dynamic risk assessments - adapting to changing hazards and conditions encountered on inspection
What are the key changes in Surveying Safely?
- Introduction of ‘safe person’ concept - importance of individual H&S in the workplace
- Greater emphasis on ensuring competency of individuals, including responsibility to ensure safe working equipment and safe working systems
What must regulated firms provide?
- Safe working environment
- Safe working systems
- Safe working equipment
- Competent staff
Why is the case of Suzy Lamplugh important for surveyors?
- Disappeared on an inspection in 1986
- Highlights importance of abiding by lone working policies and necessary precautions when attending site
What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
- Equipment designed to protect the wearers against injury or infection
What is a risk assessment?
- Systematic approach of evaluating potential risks that may be involved in a projected activity or or undertaking
How would you undertake a risk assessment? (6 steps)
- Identify Hazards
- Assess risks
- Determine control measures
- Implement measures
- Monitor and Review
- Record findings
What is a risk?
The likelihood of an event or failure occurring and its consequences
What is a hazard?
Any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone
What is asbestos?
- Naturally occurring mineral that contains thin fibrous crystals
- Hazardous material popular in 60s due its insulation and fire resistant properties
- Commonly found in roof lining
What legislation are you aware of in relation to asbestos?
- Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012
(included in RICS Asbestos Guidance note 2021)
What do you understand by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012?
Minimum standards for protecting employees from the risks associated with exposure to asbestos
Applies to non-domestic premises and places with obligation on both employer and duty holder
How does Asbestos cause lung damage?
- Inhalation of microscopic fibres get lodged in the lungs and cause chronic inflammation
What are the two types of Asbestos surveys?
Management - survey and locate asbestos and advise on management
Refurbishment or Development - required where premises needs upgrading, refurbishment or demolition –> samples are taken and analysed then recommendations made on their management
What are the 5 steps to take regarding Asbestos?
- Assess whether premises contains asbestos, location and condition
- Assess risk and produce management plan
- Produce an asbestos register
- make register available to all parties who may disturb it
- Review register regularly (HSE recommend 6 months)
What types of asbestos are there?
White - 1999
Blue - 1985
Brown - 1985
What are the penalties with regards to asbestos?
- Do not plan for dealing with asbestos 20k fine or 6 months imprisonment
- Serious breach unlimited fine or two years imprisonment
What is occupational health?
- Maintain wellbeing of employees, preventing and removing ill health
- Both physical and mental health
Why is occupational health important?
- Promotes positive relationship between employees work and their health
- Increase in productivity and happiness of employees
What are the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015?
- Aim to improve H&S management in all areas of construction process by defining key roles and responsibilities of key parties such as clients, designers & contractors.
- They place legal duties on various parties involved in construction projects to ensure safety throughout the project’s lifecycle, from design to completion.
- Client must appoint principle deisgner and contractor
- Principal Designer: Responsible for planning, managing, and monitoring the pre-construction phase to ensure that health and safety risks are considered in the design process.
- Principal Contractor: Manages the construction phase, ensuring health and safety procedures are implemented on site, coordinating between contractors, and ensuring workers follow safe practices.
What changes were made in the latest CDM updates?
- Simplification of regulations
- Replacement of Approved code of practice (ACOP) with targeted guidance
- Introduced principle designer
Tell me about your understanding of Fire Safety?
- FRAs carried annually
- Compliance with regulations
- Building materials and inspection knowledge - wood & vinyl flooring
- Training and Awareness
- Regular inspections and maintenance
What is the key fire safety legislation?
Fire safety (England) Regulations 2022
- New fire safety duties to building owners and managers
- Provide relevant fire safety information to occupants
Regulatory Reform (fire safety) 2005
- Responsible person
- Fire safety measures
- Emphasis of risk assessments in fire safety
Explain what RIDDOR is?
Reporting of disease and dangerous occurrences regulation
- duties on people who control work premises to report serious work place incidents
- death/major injury, gas incidents
What is COSHH?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002
- Not use prohibited substances unless required
- Ensuring health of workers where exposure to chemical or hazardous substances is common
Tell me about when you have used PPE on an inspection?
Greenwich shopping wore a hi-vis in the service yard
What should you do if you discover asbestos?
Check asbestos register to confirm it is on record, if not instruct survey
If undisturbed, do not remove and potentially seal if required
Tell me about any specific precautions you would take when inspecting a dilapidated property?
- Ensure PPE is sufficient
- Extent of condition is it safe
- Look at inspection reports to identify which areas are safe or not
- Understand who to call in event of an incident
Explain your use of Riskwise or QUOODA to manage H&S compliance?
- Email notifications when compliance doc is approaching expiry
- Allows me to monitor compliance of all H&S docs and resulting actions, which I can tick off once completed
What issues have you identified that you need to overcome?
- Contract RAMS not site specific and did not accurately reflect risks
- Asked contactor to resubmit to allow access for works to proceed
Tell me about the precautions and procedures which you undertake to have regard to current H&S legislation?
- Prior to carrying out an inspection I would carry out relevant risk assessments in line with section to of HSaW 1974
- When assessing properties with potentially hazardous materials I follow COSHH guidelines to identify, assess and control exposure
What is the employers duty?
Duty to every employer to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees
Why is H&S so important?
Ensures teh wellbeing of yourself and others around you
Disability discrimination and the Equality Act 2010. What precautions must be in place to prevent disability discriminations?
- Landlord must make fair and reasonable efforts to comply with act -> if cost effective and not unreasonably disruptive
- Ensure disabled individuals can access the building and its services without any disadvantage
- Accessible entrances & exits: ramps, automatic doors
- Disabled and accessible restrooms
- Disabled parking close to store entrance
Provide examples of H&S procedures undertaken in your office?
- Fire drills
- Health and safety training days
What are the responsibilities of a Landlord or Property manager in terms of H&S?
Ultimately maintain a safe environment
- Compliance with H&S legislation
- Risk assessments
- Regular maintenance and repair to avoid injury
- Fire safety
- H&S training
What is IOSH?
International Occupational Safety and Health
Global organisations for health and safety professionals
You said you’re familiar with RAMS, what is included in a RAMS document? Is there any other kind of documentation you would issue?
- Risk Assessment - identify hazards, people at risk and likelihood of risk being caused, how to manage
- Method Statement - lay out to safely carry out works
- Permit to work at height
- COSHH assessment
- Site induction checklist
Statutory obligations of commercial property owner
Asbestos management
Fire safety
H&S legislation compliance
DDA and Equality Act compliance
Water RA
Occupiers liability
PAT testing
Waste management
What do you do if someone is injured at work?
RIDDOR (reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrence regulations 1995)
- If incapacitated for more than 7 days need to be reported to HSE within 15 days
- If incapacitated for 3 days kept in injuries book for 3 years
What report was published after Grenfell?
Hackitt Report
Focused on high residential buildings above 10 stories
- Fire safety act 2021 which expanded on regulatory reform (fire safety) 2005 - Scope of fire risk assessments and duty holder on responsibility of external cladding
- The Building Safety (Leaseholder Protections) (England) Regulations 2022 - offer protection to leaseholders from costs of fixing historical building safety defects
What was RICS response to Grenfell?
- Worked with gov to provide various initiatives
- Issued advice on fire safety on high rise buildings
When do you need to inform the HSE of a project?
Use F10 forms when project;
- lasts more than more than 30 days
- has 20 or more workers
- 500 person work days
What would you require from a contractor prior to works?
Public liability insurance
What are the six pack of regulations
Lay out more detail from H&S work act 1974
- Management H&S systems
- Display screen equipment
- Workplace H&S
- Manual Handling
- Provision
- Use of work equipment
When do you need a written H&S policy?
5 or more people
Carry out workplace Risk Assessment
What document ties in to H&S
Surveying safely 2018, sets out;
Guidance on assessment of risk, inspection, fire safety
Safe systems, safe environments, competent staff
What types of Cladding are banned?
Aluminium composite cladding with polystyrene core
Focus on non-combustible (Class A1) or limited combustibility (Class A2)
What are the five steps for the duty holder in relation to asbestos?
- Assess if asbestos contained
- Assess risk
- Register
- Make register available
- Review regularly
What other statutory responsibilities are there for a PM in regards to H&S?
- Asbestos
- Contamination
- Disability
- PAT testing
- Waste management
What if you discover asbestos
Under Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, carry out a risk assessment to see if it needs containment or removal and if so, get a licensed contractor to remove. (fined 20k or 12 month prison for not dealing appropriately)
What are the two types of asbestos survey?
Management - identification of location + how to manage
Refurbishment and Demolition Asbestos Survey - carried out before any works
What duties are there for landlords?
- Equality Act 2010
- Occupier liability 1957 & 84
- Defective Premises Act 1972