It refers to the inherent power of the state to demand enforced contribution for public purposes to support the government
Taxation as a power
This is the legislative act of laying a tax to raise income for the government to defray its necessary expenses
Taxation as a process
This means that taxation is a means of allocating government burden to the people
Taxation as a mode of cost allocation
What are the inherent powers of the state?
- Power of Taxation
- Police Power
- Power of Eminent Domain
This is the power to take property for the support of the government and for its public purpose
Power of Taxation
This is the power to enact laws to promote the general welfare of the people. It is wider in application because it is the general power to make laws.
Police Power
This is the power to take private property for public use upon payment of just compensation
Power of Eminent Domain
What are the similarities of the Three Powers
- All three are necessary attributes of sovereignty, resting upon the necessity
- All are inherent powers of the State
- All are legislative in nature
- They are ways in which the State interferes with private rights and property
- They exist independently with the Constitution although the condition for their exercise may be prescribed or limited by the Constitution
- They all presuppose an equivalent compensation received by the persons affected by the exercise of the power, whether directly, indirectly, or remote
- The exercise of these powers by the local government units may be limited by national legislature.
What are the Stages of Taxation
- Levy or Imposition
- Assessment of tax
- these all comprise the taxation system
How does the Stage of Taxation exercise?
-Legislation of laws by Congress
-Tax ordinances by the Local Sanggunian
-Tax collection by the administrative branch of the government
Discretion of Taxing Power intends to:
- Amount or rate of the tax situs of taxation
- Kinds of tax to be collected method of collection
- Apportionment of the tax purpose for its levy, provided for public purpose
- The person, property and exercise to be taxed, provided within its jurisdiction
Taxes are indispensable to the existence of the state. Without taxation, the state cannot raise revenue to support its operations.
The Life Blood Doctrine
Nature or Characteristics of the Power of Taxation
- For public use exaction payable in money
- Inherently legislative in nature territorial
- Subject to international comity or treaty
- Not absolute being subject to constitutional and inherent limitations
Purpose of Taxation –> To raise revenue
Primary Purpose
Secondary Purpose
a. Regulatory
b. Compensatory
Regulatory or Compensatory?
-To regulate the conduct of business or professions
-To achieve economical and social stability
-To protect local industries
Regulatory or Compensatory?
-Key instrument of social control
-Check inflations
-Reduces inequities in wealth distributions
-Tools on international bargains
-Strengthens anemic enterprises
-Promotes science and inventions
-Provide incentives
-Uses an implement in the exercise of police power to promote general welfare
Modes of Cost Allocation
- Benefit Received Theory
- Ability to Pay Theory
This mode of cost allocation said that tax payment should be based on benefits received and everyone is conclusively presumed receiving benefits from the government
Benefit Received Theory
This mode of cost allocation said that tax payments should be relative to the ability of taxpayers to pay and has two categories in assessments of ability which is vertical equity and horizontal equity
Ability to Pay Theory
Theory or Basis of Taxation?
The existence of the government is a necessity and it cannot continue without means to support itself.
Theory of Taxation
Theory or Basis of Taxation?
The government and the people have the reciprocal and mutual duties of support and protection
Basis of Taxation
This means that taxation is supreme, comprehensive, unlimited, and plenary. It also includes the power to destroy.
The Scope of Taxation
What are the Current Objects of Taxation?
- Business
- Interacts
- Transactions
- Rights
- Acts
- Persons
- Properties
- Privileges
What are the Constitutional Limitation
- Observance of due process of law
- Equal Protection of the law
- Uniformity in taxation
- Progressive scheme of taxation
- Non-imprisonment for non-payment debt or poll tax
- Non-impairment of obligation and contract
- Free worship rule
- Non-appropriation of public funds or property for the benefit of any churches, sect or system of religion
- Exemption of religious, charitable or educational entities, non-profit cemeteries, churches and mosque from property taxes
- Exemption from taxes of the revenues and assets of non-profit, non-stock educational institutions including grants, endowments, donations or contributions for educational purposes
- Concurrence of a majority of all members of Congress for the passage of a law granting tax exemption
- Non-diversification of tax collections
- Non-delegation of the power of taxation Exception:
a. Power to tax was delegated to the President under Flexibility Clause of the Tariff and Customs Code
b. Power to tax was delegated to the local government units under the Local Government Code
c. Matters involving the expedient and effective administration and implementations of assessment and collection of taxes or certain aspects of taxing process that are not legislative in character - Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to review tax cases
- Appropriations, revenue or tariff bills shall originate exclusively in the House of Representatives but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments
- Each local government unit shall exercise the power to create its own sources of revenue and shall have a just share in the national taxes
What are the Inherent Limitations? (TIEPD)
- Territoriality of taxation
- Subject t international comity or treaty
- Tax exemption of the government
- Tax is for public use
- Non-delegation of the power of taxation