General Principle A: Respect for the rights and dignity of people and peoples Flashcards
To learn the fundamentals of General Principle A
What is General Principle A concerned with?
General Principle A is concerned with Respect for the Rights and Dignity of People and Peoples
As well as valuing people intrinsically, what else does General Principle A (Respect) require?
- That psychologists respect peoples rights including the right to autonomy and justice.
- That psychologists engage in conduct which promotes equity and the protection of people’s human rights, legal rights, and moral rights.
- They respect the dignity of all people and peoples.
What does the explanatory statement for General Principle A: Respect say about individual’s legal and moral rights?
*Psychologists demonstrate their respect for people by acknowledging their legal & moral rights, their dignity & right to participate in decisions affecting their lives.
What does the explanatory statement for General Principle A: Respect say about individual’s privacy & integrity?
*They recognise the importance of people’s
privacy & confidentiality, & physical & personal integrity, & recognise the power they hold over people when practising as psychologists.
What does the explanatory statement for General Principle A: Respect say about Diversity?
*They have a high regard for the diversity & uniqueness of people & their right to linguistically and culturally appropriate services.
What does the explanatory statement for General Principle A: Respect say about Discrimination?
*Psychologists acknowledge people’s right to be treated fairly without discrimination or favouritism, & they endeavour to ensure that all people have reasonable
and fair access to psychological services & share in the benefits that the practice of psychology can offer.
What are the Ethical Standards within General Principle A Respect?
The Ethical Standards within General Principle A comprise: A.1 Justice A.2 Respect A.3 Informed Consent A.4 Privacy A.5 Confidentiality A.6 Release of information to clients A.7 Collection of client information from associated parties
What does the Ethical Standard A.1 Justice within General Principle A Respect state?
A.1 Justice
A.1.1. Psychologists avoid discriminating unfairly against people on the basis of age, religion, sexuality, ethnicity, gender, disability, or any other basis proscribed by law.
A.1.2. Psychologists demonstrate an understanding of the consequences for people of unfair discrimination and stereotyping related to their age, religion, sexuality, ethnicity, gender, or disability.
A.1.3. Psychologists assist their clients to address unfair discrimination or prejudice that is directed against the clients.
What does the Ethical Standard A.2 Respect, A.2.1 within General Principle A Respect state?
A.2 Respect
A.2.1. In the course of their conduct, psychologists:
(a) communicate respect for other people through their actions & language;
(b) do not behave in a manner that, having regard to the context, may reasonably be perceived as coercive or demeaning;
(c) respect the legal rights & moral rights of others; and (d) do not denigrate the character of people by engaging in conduct that demeans them as persons, or defames, or harasses them.
What does the Ethical Standard A.2 Respect, A.2.2 within General Principle A Respect state?
A.2.2. Psychologists act with due regard for the needs, special competencies & obligations of their colleagues in psychology and other professions.
What does the Ethical Standard A.2 Respect, A.2.3 within General Principle A Respect state?
A.2.3. When psychologists have cause to disagree with a colleague in psychology or another profession on professional issues they refrain from making intemperate criticism.
What does the Ethical Standard A.2 Respect, A.2.4 within General Principle A Respect state?
A.2.4. When psychologists in the course of their professional activities are required to review or comment on the qualifications, competencies
or work of a colleague in psychology or another profession, they do this in an objective and respectful manner.
What does the Ethical Standard A.2 Respect, A.2.5 within General Principle A Respect state?
A.2.5. Psychologists who review grant or research proposals or material submitted for publication, respect the confidentiality & proprietary rights of those who made the submission.
What does the Ethical Standard A.3 Informed Consent, A.3.1 within General Principle A Respect state?
A.3.1. Psychologists fully inform clients regarding the psychological services they intend to provide, unless an explicit exception has been agreed upon in advance, or it is not reasonably possible to obtain informed consent.
What does the Ethical Standard A.3 Informed Consent, A.3.2 within General Principle A Respect state?
A.3.2. Psychologists provide information using plain language.