General Policing Duties Flashcards
What is section 12 of the Children and young persons (Scotland) Act 1937
Makes it an offence for anyone who is aged 16 years or over and had charge or parental responsibility for a child under 16 years of age who W- Wilfully ILL T - Ill Treat Neg- Neglect AB- Abuse EX- Expose HIS- Him or her MAN- In a manner LI- Likely COU- Cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health (Including Mental)
Who has parental responsability
- Mother automatically has parental responsibilities
A father has parental responsibilities if
1- Was married to mother at conception or thereafter
2- Has been given them by court order
3- Has agreed rights and responsibilities which are registered through legal processes
4- Named on the birth certificate after the 4th of May 2006
In relation to a Child Offender what is a child
Anyone under 16 y/o or 16 & 17 who is subject to a supervision order.
What is the age or criminal responsibility in Scotland
8 Y/O but no one under 12 will be prosecuted under the CPSA 1995
When may a child be prosecuted
In the following Circumstances
- Solemn Procedure
- Driving offences where there is a risk of losing there licence or gaining points
- On termination of a supervision order
How many people are on the children’s pannel
3 Lay members
What is the procedure for reporting a child
- Submission of child details
- Informal warning
- Restorative Warning
- Reporting of child offender
- Arresting Child offender
What is the procedure for reporting a child offender
Caution and charge in front of carers in front of parent ot gaurdians
When is it appropriate to arrest a child offender
- Serious Crime
- Remove the child from bad associations
- Liberation would defeat the ends of justice
When must a child not be released
- Impractical to detain elsewhere
- Child is so unruly it is impractical to detain elsewhere
- Reasons of physical or mental health
What are the statutory grounds for referral under S52 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995
A- Beyond parental control
B- Falling into bad associations or moral danger
C- Likely to suffer Impaired health or development due to lack of care
D- Is a child in respect who has been a victim or exposed to a schedule 1 offence
E- Likely to become a member of a house hold where a child has been exposed to a schedule 1 Offence
F- Likely to become a member of a house hold where a Schedule 1 or 2 offender resides
G- Is likely to become a member of a house where a victim of Schedule 1 or 2 offence has been committed and the perpetrator resides as well.
H- Failed to attend school regularly
I - Committed an offence
J - Misused alcohol or Drugs
K- Misused a volatile substance
L- Accommodated by LA under special measures or supervision
What is S82 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995
Allows a police constable to arrest without warrant anywhere in the UK any absconder and return them to appropriate Authority or establishment.
What is S83 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995
Creates an offence to A- Harbour an absconder B- Attempt to induce a child to abscond C- Assist a child to abscond D- Prevent a child from returning to a place of safety
(Arrest without Warrant)
What is a licensing Board
elected members of the council consisting of no less than 5 and more than 10 members.
What are the 5 licensing objectives
A- Preventing Crime and disorder B- Securing public Safety C- Preventing public Nuisance D- Protecting and improving Public health E- Protecting Children
What must a premise licence contain
- Description of the premises
- Operating plan for premises
- Layout of premises
- Necessary building and food certificates
Whats in an operating Plan
- Description of activities
- Times for sale of alcohol
- Where alcohol has to be consumed
- Times for other activities
- Proposed capacity of premises
- Who is premise manager
- Relevant information to premises
- Ages of young persons and children’s allowed on premises
- Time which they are allowed entry
- Parts of premises which they are allowed into
Under the Licensing Act what is a S63 offence
Sale of Alcohol ,Consume Alcohol, Alcohol taken from premises on premises outwith licensed hours
What are the exceptions to s63 offence
- 15 minutes prior to licence end
- Alcohol sold during licensed hours and taken from premises
- Person consuming alcohol resides or is a guest of a person who resides on premises
- With a meal at any time within the last 30 hours of the licensing hour
- Purposes of trade
- Armed forces
What is the defence for a s63 offence
- Took all reasonable precautions
- No lawful or reasonable means to prevent the person doing so.
What are the mandatory Licence conditions
- Alcohol sold in accordance with operating plan
- All activities are in accordance with operating plan
- All staff involved in the sale of alcohol have under gone in house training
- No variation in alcohol prices sold before expiry period of 22 hours from start of variation
- No irresponsable drinks promotions
What are late opening points
Applies if a premises has a capacity of at least 250 people and regularly provides between 1am to 5am
- live or recorded music over 85db
- Facilities for dancing or adult entertainment
- Has more customers standing than seated when fully occupied
What are the late opening conditions
- Personal licence holder must be on premises from 1am
- First aid trained person myst be present
- Written polices for evacuation
- CCTV approved by chief constable
- Supervised toilets
- SIA stewards at entrance from 1am
What is a personal licence
- Issued to persons authorising sale of alcohol
- Has effect for 10 years
- Exclusive to individual
- Issued to persons over 18 Years of age
- Not required to be on premises at all times (General authorisation for sale)
- Must be produced when requested by licensing standards officer or constable
Who is eligible to apply for a occasional licence
- Holder of premise licence
- Holder of personal licence
- Representative of a volunteer organisation
How Long is an occasional licence valid for?
- Maximum of 14 days
What are the powers of entry to a Licensed premises
- May enter and inspect at any time (Licensed)
- If reasonable grounds to suspect that a premises is selling or trafficking alcohol in breach of S11 of the act (Non-Licensed)
What are the controls for a private entry club.
- Club must be non-profit making
- Constitution must be maintained
- No persons supplied alcohol unless they are a Member,Invited guest (in guest book),Member of any other club.
What are the powers of entry for a private entry club.
- Unrestricted entry to any club (S138)
For the Purpose of the Licensing Scotland Act 2005 what is a Child
Anyone under 16 years of age.
For the Purpose of the Licensing Scotland act 2005 what is a Young Person
Anyone aged 16 to 17 years of age
For the Purpose of the Licensing Scotland act 2005 what is a Relevant Premises
- Any licensed premises,any exempt premises on which alcohol is sold or used for trade alcohol
For the Purpose of the Licensing Scotland act 2005 what is a Responsible Person
A- If premise licence is in effect Premise manager or personal licence holder
B- occasional licence the licence holder
C- Relevant premises is the person who has control
D- Anyone over 18 who works on the premises which authorises the sale of alcohol or allows something to be done on the premises.
What is the offence of selling alcohol to a young person
S102 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
What is the offence of allowing the sale of alcohol to a young person
S103 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
What is the offence of selling alcoholic confectionary to a Child (Has less than 0.2 L of Alcohol of 57% per kilo of confectionary and consists of individual pieces not weighing more than 50g)
S104 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
What is the offence of purchasing alcohol for a young person
S105 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
exemption for meal beer/wine/cider/perry
What is the offence of allowing a young person to consume alcohol on relevant premises
S106(1) Licensing Scotland Act 2005
What is the offence of unsupervised sale or supply of alcohol by a child or young person
S107 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
- Consumed off premises
- For consumption with a meal
- Authorised by a person over 18 years of age
What are the offences relating to the delivery of alcohol by child or young person
S108(2) Allow alcohol to be delivered
S108(3)(A) deliver alcohol to a child or young person
S108(3)(B) Allows alcohol to be delivered
What is the offence of sending a young person to obtain alcohol
S109(1) Licensing Scotland Act 2005
- exemption for person who works on the premises
What is the offence of attempting to enter or being on a premises while drunk or incapable of taking care of themselves
S111 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
arrest without warrant
What is the offence of obtaining alcohol for a drunk person or helping them to consume alcohol
S112 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
What is the offence of sale of alcohol to a drunk person or relevant premises
S113 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
What section states that it is an offence for premise managers or relevant persons to be drunk
S114 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
What sections relate to allowing a person to be drunk and disorderly on the relevant premises
S115(2) Licensing Scotland Act 2005
What is the offence of being drunk and disorderly in a licensed premises.
S115 (1) Licensing Scotland Act 2005
Refusal to leave premises when asked to do so by constable or responsible person
Refusal to leave premises at the end of licensed hours when requested to by responsible person or constable.
- S116(1) Licensing Scotland Act 2005
- S116(2) Licensing Scotland Act 2005
What is S50 Civic Government (Scotland) act 1982
- Offence to be drunk and incapable in a public place
- Offence to be drunk in a public place and in charge of someone under 10 years of age
- Offence to be drunk while in possession of a firearm
(Arrest without Warrant S59)
What are exempt premises under S1 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
- Examination stations at airports
- Approved wharf at a hoverport
- Aircraft,Hovercraft,Railway vehicle engaged in a journey
- Vessel engaged on an internal journey or as part of a ferry service
- Armed forces premises
What is the offence of selling alcohol from a moving vehicle when it os not parked unless expressly stated on the licence
- S118 Licensing Scotland Act 2005
What does S119 Licensing Scotland Act 2005 require a vehicle delivering alcohol to keep
Record book containing
- name and address
- Description and price of alcohol sold
- Invoice book containing same
What does S121 Licensing Scotland Act 2005 create the offence of ?
Keep goods on licensed premises where there has been no duty paid or otherwise unlawfully imported
What is an exclusion order (S94 Licensing Scotland Act 2005)
Given to anyone who perpetrates a violent act in or in the vicinity of a licensed premises and prevents them from entering a licensed premises.
If not made by court an application may be made by the premise owner up to 6 weeks after conviction
How long does an exclusion order last
not less than 3 months or more than 2 years
If a person enters a licensed premises while under a exclusion order
S95 Licensing Scotland Act 2005 which makes it an offence imprisonable with up to 1 month or a fine not exceeding level 4 (or both)
Under S96 Licensing Scotland Act 2005 what must the court clerk do when an exclusion order is revoked
Send a copy to premise licence holder
What is a closure order
Under s97 a Inspector or above can close a premises in the interests of public safety Or in the case of an emergency for a period not exceeding 24 hours if there is likely to be disorder and the closure is necessary in the interests of public safety.
How much longer can an emergency closure order be extended
Up to another 24 hours if there continues to be or likely to continue to be disorder in or in the vicinity of the premises and there is a risk to public safety.
What is a designated sports ground
Any major football matches and grounds
What is a relevant area
Any area where spectators are granted access on payment or from which the event can be viewed directly
What is the designated period of a sporting event
2 hours prior and 1 hour after the event
What is a controlled container
is or was capable of holding any liquid and is made from a material which if propelled would cause injury to a person
What is a controlled article
Any article which is a flare or emits smoke for signalling purposes or illumination
Any article which is a firework
S20(1) and S20(2) Criminal Law Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1995 makes it an offence to
enter any relevant or designated ground during the designated period with a
- Controlled container
- Alcohol
- Firework etc
- While Drunk
S19(1) Criminal Law Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1995 makes it an offence to
- Be Drunk or to be in possession of alcohol
- whilst on a public service vehicle or train
- which is being used to carry passengers
- to or from a designated sporting event
What is the defence for a S19(1)Criminal Law Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1995
Can prove that alcohol was consumed without his consent and that he took reasonable action to prevent it
What is a S1 offence under the football and threatening communications (Scotland) act 2012
Engage in behaviour which might consist of a single act or course of conduct which is likely to incite public disorder or would be likely to incite public disorder
CLAW power of arrest (act is silent)
What is a football banning order
Where a person is convicted of an offence where there was violence or disorder or the offence related to a football match and is over 16 years of age, Including a court imposed sentence a football banning order can be imposed on the person for a specific period of time.
Can be applied for on conviction or a summary application where there is a risk of that person causing disorder or violence in the UK or elsewhere at a football match.
What is a removal order
A removal order is an order authorising a named MHO and any other persons specified and a police constable to enter any premises specified within 72 hours from the time granted,Authorises a constable to open lockfast places to gain access.
Once on the property they may remove any person subject to the order to a place of safety for a period not exceeding 7 days or otherwise specified on the order.
Removal order under urgent circumstances (s294 mental Health Act 2003
Allows a JP in urgent circumstances to grant a removal order
What powers do police have for a person with mental health issues in a public place
If there is a risk to that persons or others police may detain that person and remove them to a place of safety and they must organise for an assessment within 24 hours of there detention (S297)
What is a compulsory treatment order
Allows a person with a mental health disorder to be removed into a Hospital,Charge of a specified person,Specified place(Secure care).
To change this place a MHO must approve ,
If a person fails to comply with such terms they may be taken into custody and reasonable force may be used to achieve this.
What powers odes a warrant have under S292 MHA2003
- Can be applied for by a MHO/Constable and authorises such persons named on it to enter premises and take the patient to a place of safety or take/retake into custody
What are the 3 orders relating to mental health
- removal
- banning
- compulsory treatment order
why is a Removal order issued
- Person over 16 y/o
- Subjected to ill treatment
- Unable to care for themselves
- Property may suffer loss or damage
What are three offence under the MHA2003
- S315 - Provides care ill treats or wilfully neglects a mentally disorder person
- S316- Induce or assist a person to abscond from care
- S317 - Obstruct any person exercising a function in the act