General Piano Terms Flashcards
What is a Triad?
A Triad is a three note chord. A Triad is a chord composed of three notes.
What are the three notes of a triad and their names?
The 1, 3, and 5 keys. #1 key -the root note, #3 - the third note, #5 - the fifth note.
How would you play a triad for the C major chord in the right hand?
In the C major chord we play the 1st step(C), 3rd step(E), and the 5th step(G) of the C major scale.
How would you play a triad for the C major chord in the left hand?
For left hand chords use the same 1, 3, and 5 fingering, but backwards. C-#5, E-#3, G-#1.
What is an ‘Augmented Chord’?
Where you take the 5th note of a major chord and raise it a 1/2 step.
What is a ‘Diminished Chord’?
Where you take the 5th note of a minor chord and lower it a 1/2 step.
How is an Augmented Chord written on sheet music? Use the notes C and D as an example.
The C augmented chord is written as C-aug. The D augmented chord is written as D-aug.
How is a Diminished chord written on sheet music? Use the notes C and D as an example.
C diminished chord: C- dim.
D diminished chord: D-dim.
What is an Octave?
Any eight notes.
What does Transposing, aka Transposition mean?
Changing a piece of music to a higher or lower key in order to suit the voice. In transposing the song will be the same, but is played at a higher or lower pitch.
What does Moderato mean?
To play the music at a moderate speed(not too fast, walking speed).
What does Dim Poco A Poco mean?
To play the music gradually softer.
What do Crescendo and Diminuendo mean, and what are their symbols and abbreviations?
Crescendo/cres-play the music gradually louder()
What does D.S al Coda mean?
It means to go back to the sign(an S with a line through it), and then play until I see the ‘Coda’ sign, then jump to the Coda sign near the end of the song.
What does Legato mean? What does Andante mean?
Legato - play music in a smooth and connected manner.
Andante - play music slowly.
What does Forte mean, and what is it’s symbol?
What does piano mean, and what is it’s symbol?
Forte - play music loudly(F).
Piano - play music softly(P).
What does a dot placed above or below a note mean?
It means that note is played in a short, sharp manner. This style of playing is called Staccato. Playing music in Staccato is like touching a hot iron.
What is a bar line?
What is a double bar line?
A bar line is a vertical line on sheet music.
A double bar line means the end of a song on sheet music.
How many sharps and flats are there in the key of C major.
None. The key of C major has no sharps or flats.
What is an interval?
What is the interval of the notes C to E?
An Interval is the distance between two or more notes on the keyboard.
The interval of the notes C to E is the interval of 3.
What is a repeat sign, and what does it look like?
A repeat sign are two dots in front of the double bar line. These two dots mean to go back to the beginning of the song and play once again.
What does ‘Ritardando’ mean, and what are it’s two abbreviations?
What does ‘Dim E Ritard’ mean.
Ritardando - play music gradually slower. Rit. and Ritard are it’s two abbreviations.
Dim E Retard - play music gradually slower and softer.
What does Mezzo Forte mean, what is it’s symbol?
Mezzo Forte(MF) - play the music moderately loud.
What does the Fermata sign look like, and what does it mean?
How is it pronounced?
The fermata sign is a curved line with a dot underneath it.
It means to hold the note underneath it longer than it’s actual value. The fermata sign is also called the ‘fisheye’.
What does ‘Allegro’ mean? What does ‘Allegretto’ mean?
It means to play the music fast and lively.
Allegretto means to play the music lively, or fairly rapid.
What does ‘Mezzo Piano’ mean, and what is its symbol?
What does ‘Pianissimo’ mean, and what is it’s symbol?
Mezzo Piano(MP) - Play music moderately softly. Pianissimo(PP) - Play music very softly.
What does ‘Legato’ mean?
Play music in a smooth and connected manner, with no break in the sound. It means to play the notes as smoothly as I can.
What is a slur, and how should it be played?
A slur is a curved line under or over a group of notes. When I see a slur play the notes legato style.
What does the damper pedal sign, also known as the ‘Pedal Mark’ look like, and how do you play it?
It means to use the damper pedal during certain sections of the song. I___________________________I
Pedal Hold Pedal
Down pedal down Up
What is the ‘Triad Vocabulary’ using the notes C to B?
What is meant by the root note of a chord?
What is the root note of the C, F, and G major chords?
The root note of the chord is the note that the chord is named after.
C, F, and G.
What are chord symbols?
What is the chord symbol for the C major chord and the G7th chord?
Chord symbols are used in popular music to identify chord names.
Symbol for the C major chord - C.
Symbol for the G7th chord - G7.
What are ‘Tied Notes’?
When notes that are on the same line or space are joined with a curved line, we call them tied notes
What does ‘Fortissimo’ mean, and what is it’s symbol?
What does ‘Andante’ mean?
Fortissimo(FF): Play music very loud.
Andante: Play music slowly, slower than in Moderato.
What does ‘Piano’ mean, and what is it’s symbol?
Piano(P): Play music softly.
What is a ‘Tempo Mark’, and where is it located on the sheet music?
A tempo mark lets you know the tempo, or speed that the song is to be played.
The tempo mark is found directly above the time signature on the sheet music.
When two notes the of same pitch are joined by a tie, what should I keep in mind?
Play the first note only and hold for a combined value of both.
Cm, Gm, Fm; what does the lower case letter m mean?
The lower case m means that the chord or scale is to be minored. The lower case m indicates a minor key.
What does the term ‘Accelerando’ mean?
What does the term ‘A Tempo’ mean?
Accelerando: Play the music gradually faster and faster.
A Tempo:Go back to playing the music at the original tempo(speed).
What does a quarter rest mean, and what does it look like?
A quarter rest means pause for a value of 1 beat.
{ - A quarter rest looks like a squiggly line.
Where is the damper pedal, and how should I use my foot on the pedal?
The damper pedal is on the far right side. When using the pedal always keep my heel on the floor and use my ankle like a hinge.
Two or more eighth notes are connected by a ___?
What is the proper rhythm, or way to play eighth notes?
A beam.
Play the eighth notes in a gently flowing, steady even rhythm.